SATURDAY, MAY T, 1820. ; THE MEWS SCIMITAR. PAGE SEVEN A Significant Saving Message Butterick School of 100 Monday Specials Which Are Not Advertised Dressmaking . Course of Slv lessons I'tider the rersonal INCORPORATED An Dressmaker An innovation which will be doubly wel- Direction of Kxprrt comed by everyone. l ! The Annual May Salt' of "White! What a splendid opportunity to replenish your wardrobe with such dainty and beautifully ABSOLUTELY FREE of voiles or the Your I'ureliusc of Materials Amount Look For Red . 'from the selection of or to select from the must wonderful silks or woolens, l'rllliK the Signs styled garments exquisite lingerie, to $10.00 or Over white for your summer frock! Or, mayhap, the laying in of supplies of towels or linens, fresh sparkling linens, clean and prrtt. On the Counters Monday find at which are No course of lessons can he given if the pur- as the driven snow will interest 'But regardless of what you need in white, you will it here savings of amounts to less than $5.00. Around you. chase materials each of these signs will be item9 actual and obvious. Items for everyone plenty of them and all at prices very, very low. Make your plans now to be here Should the purchase of materials amount to priced startlingly low-r-an- d which do not more than $5.00 and less than $10.00, . x or appear in this or other advertisement. Monday early. nominal charge of $100 for the course any six lessons will be made. Those who really are in earnest about sav- ing money will come to Lowenstein's Mon- When the course is completed you not only have received valuable instruction, but you day and look for the Red Counter Sign of which the have completed a beautiful garment not advertised specials. would cost many times you outlay to pur- chase. or Inquire at Ilutterick Pattern Section direct School, second floor, to Butterick liressmaking i 1 north room. The White Silks Knroll at once. The new classes will be filled $3.50 White Wash Satin rapidly. $2.49 Yard A superior quality. You will need this later for skirts, waists and Notions of Fine Little items on which the saving is big: Values From the Realms Lingerie Collar Bands, all sizes; sale price, each, l.V. i J $7.50 White Crepe Kaska AMERICAN-MAD- E UNDERWEAR 100-yar- beau- ( articelle Spool Silk. d spools; $5.25 Yard slip-ov- er white batiste, Nightgowns made of lingerie cloth, English nainsook nd batiste; Nightgowns, style, nainsook, flesh, daintily Sale price, a spool, 15c trimmed In soft embroidery, effective laces; many are tailored tifully designed, trimmed in various laces; many have touches of hand Extra small corded ef- work Sale heavy quality, $2.50 values for $1.73 $3.75 values for $2.73 Pins, 300 ping in a paper; i fects; wears well and launders per- $4.50 values for $3.33 $6.50 values for $5.33 price, a paper, ic and values fectly. , Nightgowns of fine voils, color pale blue, orchid flesh, witchery $5.00 values for $3.93 $7.95 for $6.33 made of real hu in and flesh seco silk in many attractive r.tyles; Hair Net. crepe peach flesh; solid , hand embroidered in colors and black Envelope Chemise made of nainsook, batiste and witchery crepe, man Kalr, each JOi pastel white in batiste and crepe in flesh; built-u- p shoulder and nainsook, seam f ! $4.50 values for $3.33 $6.50 values for $5.33 ribbon straps; lace and embroidery trimmed; others are tailored- - Sanitarv Nankins, $2.75 White Canton Crepe $5.00 values for $3.93 $7.95 values for $6.33 values for $1.53 w less, 1 dozen in a box; a $1.50 values for $1.23 $2.25 my 9.V. box, $1.89 Yard Envelope Chemise, more elaborate styles, made of voiles, seco silk, fine $2.00 values for $1.43 $2.50 values for $1.73 Tailor Meas- in lingerie cloth, beautifully designed, trimmed front and back, embroid- Bloomers made of flesh colored voiles of pale w Tape of batiste, witchery crepe, Very heavy grade Japanese crepe, ures, each, 8c. I ! white unmatchable for summer ery medallions, Valenciennes laces and ribbon blue, orchid and flesh rfA only, values for $2.23 $3.95 values for $3.23 waists and 40 inches $2.95 $1.25 values for 93c $1.75 values for $1.33 Shears, each, 30c. dresses, skirts; $3.50 values for $2.73 $5.00 values for $3.93 values wide. A rare value. $1.50 values for $1.23 $2.95 for $2.23 Pearl Buttons, 6 Vests to be worn with bloomers made of flesh, batiste, voile or seco White Petticoats, tailored, made of cambric or sateens, doublo panel and 12 buttons on a silk, tailored top or ribbon shoulder straps front, embroidered scallop bottom, elastic or drawstring at waist line, card, assorted sizes; $1.75 values for $1.33 $2.95 values for $2.23 length to 40 inches Sale price, a card, $7.50 White Satin Block Crepe $2.25 values for $1.53 $2.50 values for $1.73 10c. White Petticoats, an excellent assemblage of attractive styles; tops $2.65 values for $2.23 $5.50 Yard made of cambric or nainsook; various style flounces, English eyelet or tambour embroidery, effective laces of Normandy or Valenciennes, Drawers, open or closed models, made of cambric, trimmed in pretty Beautiful plaid crepe, very heavy qual- - skirts. beading and ribbon .' patterns of dainty embroidery and lace ity; for dresses and separate $2.50 values for $1.73 $5.00 values for $3.93 99c values for 83c values $3.75 values for $2.73 $6.50 for $5.33 Camisoles, an excellent collection of good styles, ribbon Bhoulder straps, also lace built-u- p shoulder, elastic at waist line in $3.50 White de Chine Corset Covers made of nainsook, built up shoulders, attractively trim- Values Crepe med in soft laces, fine embroidery, beading and ribbon $1.75 values for $1.33 $2.95 values for $2.23 $2.49 Yard $1.25 values for 93c $1.50 values for $1.23. $2.50 values for $1.73 $3.50 values for $2.73 Domestics Extra heavy quality ; priced for this sale FRENCH AND PHILIPPINE LINGERIE at the low of $2.49 exceptionally price a and of Philippine Envelope Chemise, many attractive models exquisitely Jwiiffi HOPE DOMESTIC, Oflg a To be had in white only. Philippine Nightgowns, charming interesting assemblage mzm for, a yard .., yard. slip-ov- er embroidered round or in one styles, models, hand scallop, square hand embroidered; a charm every j The rfnulna Hop, now worth 5e, neck, embroidered in various designs full 36 Inches wid. (Limit 10 $3.95 values for $2.93 $5.95 values for $4.33 to customer.) $4.50 values for $5.23 $5.95 values for $4.33 yards $5.00 values for $3.93 $6.50 values for $4.93 Ofl $3.00 White Pongee $5.00 values for $3.93 $6.50 values for $4.93 MARTHA WASHINGTON DOMESTIC, a yrd $2.19 Yard an smartness in the marvelous French Nightgowns, many new favorites, adorable styles, trimmed in A cood durable bleached Bomeirtlc. French Nightgowns, intense prevails full wide. (Only 10 yards to slip-ov- dainty laces and exquisite hand work yard in demand in this climate for hand work, fine batiste and lingerie cloth; styles customer.) Always values suits, dresses, skirts and men's shirts. $ 7.95 values for $6.33 $10.00 values for $8.33 $13.50 values for $10.73 $17.50 for $14.33 Fine vott finish Ijontccloth, 86 for values Inches wide, for fine underwear. This is a wonderful quality for service $ 8.50 values for $7.23 $12.50 values for $9.73 $15.00 values $12.33 $21.50 for $18.33 13.50 quality, d bolt, and durability. Comes in white only. French Envelope Chemise, many very attractive styles, made of. fine nainsook, hand embroidered in different designs, built up shoulders special, at values for $4.93 $7.50 values for $6.23 $8.50 values for $7.23 $10.00 values for $8.33 15.00 quality, bolt, $6.50 special, at W.W Some of the Excellent Values in Duretta cloth, ths twpular twill, Many Displayed fnhrlo for middy blouses, skirt, uniforms, etc.; our too irade, for, a yard. 63c. White Hose Hand-Mad- e Domestic Make INFANTS' LINGERIE Peiiperell Bleached Bheetln. Women's "Gotham" 100 pure silk white width, worth 11.20; special, Stockings, which have the patented gold Infants' hand made gowns, an excellent assemblage of good Infants' Dresses, hand embroidered flowers In yokes, lace edge for, a yard. 87c. our stripe that prevents garter runs, made with styles, various modes trimmed in fine Valenciennes, dainty in neck and sleeves, cluster tucks on bottom of skirt, also very Sterling Sheets. 81x90 lie: , double mercerized lisle and ex- and hand embroidered; infants' size 6 months, J2.50 (trade, fine soft finish, (limit garter tops feather stitching pretty styles, yoke of lace insertion and edge 6 to customer), for, each, (1.M. tra double soles; will outwear three pairs 1 year, 2 years to- of ordinary silk stockings. Buy a pair $2.95 values for $2.33 $4.50 values for $3.33 values for $1.63 $2.00 values for $1.43 Pequot Sheets, the stronuest. and morrow, you will never go back to the old $2.50 bent wearing sheet obtainable, a $3.95 values for $3.23 $5.00 values for $3.93 In kind, at ..$3.00 limited supply Our 13.00 orads.
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