Türk. Bit. Kor. Derg. (1980), 4 (21 , 103-117 Preliminaryliıt 8f Iıbenorrbyneba witb noteı on diıtribution and importance of ıpecieı in Turkey II. family Delphı[idıe Leı[b N. Lodos * A. Kalkandelen ** Summary This is the second paper of our studies on Turkish Auchenorrhyncha particularily family of Delphacidae. In the present paper 34 species belonging to 24 genera are recorded, from which 9 of them: Eurysa lineata (Perrfs). Eurybregma nigrolineata Scott, Delphax crassicornis (Panz.J, Chloriona unicolor (H.SJ, C. clavata Dlab., Megadelphax sordidulus (Stal), Acanthodelphax splnosus (Fieb) , Javasella dubia (Kbm.) and Euidopsis truncata Ribaut are new records for Turkey. Distribution, abundance, host plants and importance of each species are given. Introduction Turkish fauna of Delphacidae is not very extensively studied up to now. Fahringer (1922) and Bodenheimer (1958) had listed only a few species from Turkey. The most extensive previous work was done by Dlabola (1957, 1971b), which recorded more than 20 species, By the present study, the authors re­ corded 34 species of 24 genera, from which 7 of them are new records for Turkey. The authors are sure that the Delphacidae fauna of Turkey is larger thanthat Ilsted in this paper. In case of collections made aiming especially to Delphacidae wiII result with many species. * University of Ege. Facultv of Agriculture, Department of Entomology and Agricultural Zoologv. Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. ** Plant Protection Research Institute, Plant Protection Museum. Kalaba, An­ kara, Turkey. Alınış (Beceived) : 4. 3. 1980. Some species of Delphacidae are economically importarıt which they cause damage by direct sucking up the plant juice, especially when they build up large populations, In southeastern part of Turkey Kelisia ribauti Wagner and Toya suezensis (Mats.) caused reduction in yield of rice in 1978. AıSo Toya propinqua (Fieber) is destructive to cereals, especially to barley. The second way of damaging is done by transmitting the plant virus diseases, it is known that 22 virus diseases are transmitted by 8 Delphacidae species in world, from which 3 of them are in Palaearctic region. These are Javasella pellueida (F.) transmitting wheat streak, Laodeiphax striatellus (Fall.) transmitring rice stripe, rice black streaked dwarf, northern cereal mosale and oat pseudo-ro­ sette and Muellarianella fairmaire (Perr.) transrnitting northern cereal mo­ saic (Forbes and Mac Carthy, 1969; Ishihara, 1969). The first two species mentioned above are very extensively distributed in Turkey, therefore should be aware of virus diseases they transmit. The authors are particularly greatful to Dr. Dlabola of National Museum (Nat. Hist.) Prague, Czechoslovakia for his identifications of some species, Asiraca clavicornis (Fabricius, 1794) Synonymy : A. elavicornis divisa Rey, 1891 General Distribution: Afghanistan, Albarıia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ire­ land, Israel, ltaly ,Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerlarıd ,Tunisia, USSR., Yugoslavia. Distribution in Turkey: Fahringer (1922) reported this species from İs­ tanbul (Belgrad Forest 1909, 1911) on Quereus lanuçinosa. Bodenheimer (1958) also listed this species from Turkey on Quercus. Material examined: Ankara (Çamlıdere), çorum, Denizli (Kale-Tavas), İstanbul (Yalova), İzmir (Gümüldür), Konya (Ermenek), Kütahya (Tunçbi• lek), Samsun (Bafra, Havza), Sinop (Central province, Boyabat. Gene), Yoz gat (Çekerek) - Totally 22 specimens. Occurence : Common, but in small numbers. Biological note : Adults were collected from the beginning of April through the end of Auıgust, on Triticum sp., alfalfa, clover, various weeds and Quer­ cus. Dlabola (1961) stated that this species could be found in warm biotope, in forest steppe on gr-ass and short dry shrubs. Kelisia melanops Fieber, 1878 General Distrioution : Czechoslovakia, France, Hungarv, Italy, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Germany (Dlabola, ]957). 104 Distribution in Turkey: Dlabola (1957) collected this species from Ankara (Beynam) on steppe vegetation, The authors have no representative of this species, Kelisia ribauti Wagner, 1938 General Distribution: Afghanistan, Austria, Azores, Canary Is., Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark. England, Finland, France, Germany, Iraq, Madeira Archipelago, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Turkey, USSR. Distribution in Turkey : This species had been eolleeted in Ankara (Mogan gölü), Konya (Beyşehir gölü) at the altitude of 1160 m. by Dlabola (1957) in large numbers. Material examined: Ankara (Çubuk, Gölbaşı, Hasanoğlan), Diyarbakır (Central province, Silvan), Hakkari (Beytülşebab), Siirt (Şirvarı), Van (Alp­ aslan) - Totally 14 specimens, Oceurence: Largely distributed, especially in southeastern part of Tur­ key. Biological note : Adults were seen in field from the beginnig of June through the mid-September and collected on Oryza satioaand Phraqmiies in marshy area. This species has been found destructive to riee together with roya suezensis (Mats.) in southeastern part of Turkeyand caused loss of erop at the value of 4.500.000 TL in 1978. Stenocranus sp. (? minutus Fabricius, 1787) Material examined : Ankara (Çubuk Baraj II, Karagöl) - Totally 2 spe­ eimens. Eurysa lineata (Perris, 1857) Synonymy : E. mttata Fieb., 1866; Delphax quadrivittata Kbm., 1868; E. lineata livens Rey, 1894; E. lineata syriaca Dlabola, 1965. General Distribution: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czaehoslovakia, Eng­ land, France, Germany, Hungary, lreland, lta:ly, Jordan, Mongolia, Nether­ lands, Poland .Portugal, Romania, Spain .Sweden, Switzerland, Syria; USSR., Yugoslavia. Distribution in Turkey: This species constitutes a new record for TllJ'ikey. Material examined : Kars (Sarıkamış) - Only 1 specimen, Occurence ; Very occasional. Biological note: The specimen was collected in Pinus forest in July. 105 Eurybregma niQrolineata Scott, 1875 General Distribution: Austria, China, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mongolia, Poland, USSR. Distribution in Turkey: This species constitutes a new record for Turkey. Material examined: Konya (Ereğli) - Only 1 specimen. Occurenee : Very occasional. Biological note: The specimen was collected in Iate April on weeds. Dla­ bola (1961) stated that this species lives in conifer forest on steppe vegetatton, Tropidoceptıala tuberipennis (Mulsant et Rey, 1855) Synonymy : Fulgura (sic) elegans O. Costa, 1834 (Primary homonym). General Distribution : Albania, Algeria, Cyprus ,Egypt, s. France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Moroeco, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Distribution in Turkey: This speeies has been recorded in Adana (Misis) by Dlabola (1957). The authors have no representative of this species. Conomelus anceps (Germar, 1821) Synonymy : Delphax pictipennis Curt., 1837; D. signifera Boh., li45; D. palliata Boh., 1849. General Distribution: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslova­ kia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Po­ land, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey ,USSR., Yugoslavia, Distribution in Turkey: Fahringer (1922) reeorded this species in Bursa (Uludağ at the altitude of 1700 m, 1911). Dlabola (1957) collected one macrop­ ter specimen in Ankara (Mogan gölü). Linnavuori (1965) collected one ape­ cimen on the way of Bolu (Akçakoça). The authors have no representative of this species. Conomelus clavifer Remane und Asche, 1979 General Distribution: Greece, Turkey (Remane und Asche, 1979). Distribution in Turkey: Remane und Asche (1979) reported this species from Konya (Ereğli) . The authors have no representative of this species, Delphax crassicornis (Panzer, 1796) Synonymy : Cicada dubida Panzer, 1796 (Primary homonym); Asiraca grisea Latreille, 1804. 106 General Distribution: Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Fm­ land, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Netherlarıds, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, USSR., Yugoslavia. Distribution in Turkey: This species constitutes a new record for Turkey. Material examined: Diyarbakır (Çırıar), Erzurum (Hasankale) - Totally 2 specimens. .Occurence : Veryoccasional. Biological note: The specimens were collected in Iate June and early July, on Elaeagnus sp. and Gossypium sp. Euides caspiana (Dlabola, 1961) General Distribution: USSR., Turkey (Dlabola, 1971b). Distribution in Turkey: Dlabola (l971b) reported this species in Mersin (Silifke) on Phragmites. The authors have no representative of this species. Chloriona canartensis Lindberg, 1954 General Distribution: Canary Is., Turkey, USSR. Distribution in Turkey: This species was reported from Ankara (Mogan gölü) by Dlabola (1957). The authors have no represerıtative of this species. Chloriona clavata Dıabola, 1960 General Distribution: USSR. Distribution in Turkey: This is the first record of this species in Turkey. Material examined : Ankara (Eyrnir gölü) .Diyarbakır, Siirt (Eruh} - To- tally 14 specimens. Occurence : 'Occasional. Biological note : Adults were collected in field from the beginnirıg of July through August. Thespecies prefers marshy area particularly on Phragmites and Juncus. Some specimens were eolleeted on riee. Chloriona flaveolaLindberg, 1948 General Distribution: Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Turkey, USSR. Distribution in Turkey : This species was reported from Adana by DIabola (1957); The authors have no representative of this species. 107 Chloriona unicolor (Herricb-Schaffer, 1835) Synonmy : C. edwardsi LeQuesne, 1960 General Distribution: Austria, England, France, Germany,
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