. ,_" ff:-0-o~q M. A. Jones memo to Mr. Nichols January 23, 1957 4. That Sinatrafs uncles, Champ and Lawrence Garaventi, were arrested and perhaps convicted 0 I bootlegging in Hoboken in the 1920&#39;s earlyand 1930&#39;s. There are no references in Bufiles er the records of the Ident irieetfevbivisien identicalwith ChampGaraventi. There b7C I- In. h V |.&#39;92¥li.li .", wl 92Iis uovr. nrxl *F&#39;"&#39;@&#39;__&#39; W- . .. ;92. - ..;jj 1&#39;:/[emomndum or -r .-3 TU a 92&#39; 1;? it ,- nix; I Dn.r§>.".:e . :1; 1. 1. Vi . L l !I;L gt;-¢ D.- IE1 .&#39;:Z.L}f§". 1* 5*-&#39; 71} &#39;"""I -iiiaf*S.i@:ts"- FROM : . I * - Teie.Hocn-.__ f_r, CQ Z &#39; r: 1 P_£Yr J K .. I:[p_I.:_I4I ni?l suspect: . &#39;5 ?&#39;. I-92; r&#39;92 l<_92,.&#39;i 7 92 reis 9292 _ _92__ a.<.a~1=>. ¥?£.=.iEi .ii&#39;"s:;*~* ~a@~ii§ $1.56 K:92&#39;Q§&#39;7" F12.-.3~.&#39;}-2&#39; .- SlI.&#39;_i&#39;l"11.-1 in ;-o§c;&#39;fu and st {gs&#39; The following memorandum is submitted pursuant to Mr. Tolson&#39; 29-60 for a summary of information contained in Bureau files &#39;concernina request3- Fran? iinatra. F Théiattached nenorandun, captioned as above, from Mr, H, A, n. oneshtoQ "n- 1&#39;1 . .»Wichols dated l-23-5i, reveals information contained in Bureau files concerniny Sinatra and is summarized as follows 92 , , 1 r p .1 i .&#39; v I q an _ . j#§jnatra was oorn 1-_l2-15 or 12-12-16 at Hobokcn, newJersey, divorted and - bevan L u his Sli career in 1930. he has been married and" 1 approximately twice, the second two narriaoe years,to actress Ava Gardner in 1901 ended i;///ii,/in "_ / - . 1/ In February, 1 ~, the FBI made<Qjnited inquiries concerning Sinatrais Selective Service status as a resnlt of an anonymous comtlain which alleged he had paid $40,000 to obtain a deferment. Inquiries revealed Sinatra&#39;s reiection was in conformance with Selective §3FV1C9 regulations. In 1955 Sinatra was investigated by the FBI relative t 92l&#39;Y eossible 1 false statements in a passport application with rebar&#39; d to nembersh evidencein in subversive orcanizations. lnvestiation develoged n iother than 1946of Communist membershinarty in ?! the or Independent front organization Citizens membershipCommittee of the Arts, Sciences and Jrofzssions, which organization was cited oy +1-92uue California Committee on Un=Aneriean Activities as a communist front Q, r . H .- . r .1.F . Information was receive} dnring the lv4U&#39;3 and l&eO&#39;s which linked S inatra&#39;s name as an associate of well-known hoodlums, including Yosenh aQ§_§o;cq"Fis3hetti members of the Zaone jeny; Hi11iQ_¥Q£§Tti former und:rwo?1dEoss or Harden County, §:w Jersey; and--$.11-;a-.lI@iE¬§ifIi§ &#39;" " i"1&#39; 1" v P"":l Identification Division l .5 in, Hon - K "rev - . va» "M3- ~.e~"_1_.;~ H, ,"_*Q__;.il?1.t..-- and 5&#39;1 .__-_ii11:&#39; I -*.5.."-1 to ;- 17 no. .7-fit > .- LLIT Tlosnr 31139592.! as-._@ff -t?;Lt§..&#39;:&#39;....~---$<~.1e.&#39;..."-&#39;.7 - - - records reveaféginatra was arrestaQ_§oyemh;r,}9§§, and ah sine ;l...i/i.t.11_. ]5"L. ; this Chi " P lat-r " j i &#39;e DTY _.-.-_...._._..---....._ dismissed ...----n I f 1 no to r, J 1 J... 0 ._ | Y.r &#39;l .,92 E92-4| l .~..&#39;92. - A.-I!.92&#39;-C. l .92;<92J&#39;:f.~1 , ..~_ i.92.¢.&#39;92.~.?&#39;I-",&#39; J1- -" was amonpj master of a notion p movi? maki maqazin: w h 1-2.1.Q . in Snat!__-...... ¢ Etzsin In 5?pt:nb¢r, 1900,wwuanwaywavmh blcf QTi;h_ raigttadFBI and the D1r%ctor notcd airecmcnt with Hr. atwe Bi"want nothing to do with hlm." 3*333l5- In addition to thz progotiomemorandum, Bureau files rev indexsub C1In §glv*#1259, it was reported Qiggtrg Q contcflcw_to.911 Hiam;¢_E1oriqg; rd from the west coast toast; tHEmG5§H§r_of-CicagpBS5 _ hoodlnn, Samuel Q, Qiancan 1959fninfornant advised Giancana"LitdRcn over 0f;l§i§§tbookinc an t &#39; " f " Ca -. <4 __ r92_ }92_, 1n eithernatr -I! considcra th mana: 92 svith12.; 2 cli J C i C TTI&#39;»t O 1&#39;!W S -"f 5 co -&#39;92r.- campan i"f:fT&#39;10i"1 TI!{I&#39;D D On . I intcnZ s.r921":s to tr: Haltf E-.S col tho following concerning ment that canpa 1n3-22 consi iwn Dcnoc hn invn +1 Elf foropoinf contained in the ab0v2mcntiot 1.1 C:3- tion Girl tkat a.;;;""1nSinatra: E5 Ktnn Eirrd S iyn. tner 1* a than.1:».i11:;;i~?_1?...-lJ¥[email protected]. .T:.1.==.1"&#39;§ dot On 322~n. on and3? ztczld 1:1: ..Q£ in? afcncy, and that S1n@tr ; - Kovcmbor, i-,,_.,,,..qqpIu92A¬Ii$ &#39;-o_ » 92.- o&#39;P. 92.. 7"o* i: 14 92¢ J1| . 92 . -<7 .|-<- 4- . ., . _- r E 1- . 1 - , ~ _ I ,92 |&#39;~.J! I _,92"|. Q &#39;92_I ii 1 92 n, AI -.!.{_- .1-,92-&#39;1 1 &#39; -. .-W F -~ On J 292!-<10 It HES 3.1.OI&#39;|..?&#39;.1 ..;;i. &#39;3. P ~ "J-1" -..92v. persons around I|" _&#39;;II}JI&#39; ;!lO&#39;L.1".I.IIa.!L.-.&#39;.llO 1 have enough b or pos 110sibly Lewis _ _ tho CR, may have 1Hf1H3nC?J Zinatra £0 . _r. _ that Jr,, t0W liii - ..1 stric; s stulacion by &#39;11-7&#39; 1 _ rains to know wkctkor A_b2rt HaL _92.l t Sinatra Aid not indifferent writcr, It was further sjecn 2 is a food, bad Hi1:stone, who was in the past1atc that someone, 1 at lxast very close 2 up with Ialtz; s§hat@inenn@ay in cosa;L:&#39;Jfnator iuai ti someone4; .92 15&#39;1.or may 1 r92&#39; ,..be4, .4. ;;l;53W;9 . .1. 1*-~~&#39;_"1f"""J_i, oronotcrinqiqa--~- V ...,.J Wommxmgqisd.. was iurthorI. Sg3~L1ut_LLn& Jing¥;a¢?2§t:n , d L the Negror-1171:Q &#39;v1.1-. u.r_&#39;i&#39;F&#39;92 star 1-&#39;9292r=-~,1|L.uand . their crownas &#39;§1r_ - .U..*% vgsr 1Q, |-_ 1 w . -t * I I.-&#39;1_ F -hairqJibQysHwkn0wu_ 111 y: as; L7T1OX: thug_ Jhit-2 E§o__11s_;_, ough Later 1awforQ_ 92-_ ¢-92 92- 11_-!V__i!i_ r r&#39;?¢sn%n§#a"+5v= .&#39;-01,7 l, SUI _.1", 111150,} .1: L LL.-nlAL1&#39;Ir.lJ.,._._92v92I_v92-~-,92,,,_, "V7, 3Rt3TfF1Si~ 60-1ao;a é {J // _ 1 ,w&- _y / infofntion. 1 y" &#39;92 2/ 4 W. Mn.-|!~¢-Li-§-_E I .921 American Youth for Democracy World Youth Conference Action Committee to Free Spain Now Veterans of Abraham Lincoln Brigade American Committee for Spanish Freedom A*&#39;me_ric&#39;anfor Committee Yugoslav Relief i-~.. American Society for Cultural Relations with Italy, Inc. Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy Free Italy Society, also known as Free Italy Movement Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions International Workers Order Joint Anti Fascist Refugee Committee Mobilization for Democracy . "New Masses" Southern Conference for Human Welfare Committee for the First Amendment J"..;H &#39;"&#39;!""""*7§¬T,¬..?:}.-A11?--f//1 ;&#39;i!,¥F_ -.;; *:."?.&#39;A.1llE9 A arzeww1;. ENCLOSUI-1E ég X52/7..- &#39; -10 0" V - v- - l -.. ll_QlA92I_jQAJ4;_j_ ..._._.i_..____.._a_l._- _ I _ L __... ....._&#39;.&#39;.&#39; .. 1 A;_n*».T=. -3, 1&#39;. _ ._&#39;__°,_ - ~---~--~- 5 ./&#39;:92i." .._.__., 1 92 5.1%: _&#39;.!<.i&#39;L 1": ___.,___,.__._ .I;:e;..ee<-»:1H= -1 T: Y§i§l-"§.."i&#39;""" ;/ e COM1ViUNiS"1S IN eonnvwcon 5/" = -Jr. .TommRoses. ___._._e__.___...... ____.§~ ;/ M. Troy/t,|J_,.t.F.;-_. I Jim O&#39;Neil, Publisher of The American Legion ML W- -~-Srliwon -_- » Magazine, hand ci me the attached dummy proof concerning the T@*@- R°°"* ----- A Hon;n.vooa&#39;,"C*5Ii36i~ii1a. hiringby Frmémgigg of This A1bert;Ma.1tz is-a. very we ,hittingthecommunist article in _ _ r. =5 I"§"; Y ""-""*-""-""- regarding the entree of communists once again on the scene in &#39; 5 Hollywood. The article will appear in theMay 1, 1960, issue / ;- =-__ &#39; ./I V tooi four The American million _me:hb_ers Legion _l.-iagazine tisroughont thewhich United will be States. disseminated K,~:"!{92 &#39; . 1 The Domestic Intelligence Division may desire to see them! Q 1,23 attached article. &#39;1&#39;" *&#39; rfifl-&#39;r»:! 92_ iv" RESPECTFULLY, , -. -- af . &#39;5, y : I &#39; if " C D DE LOACH Enclosure ~Jr926i> .1/5, if 1-Mr. Parsons d_ I s_ 1 - Mr. Belmont V 1 -Mr. Jones hem*P@i*ii1ii§&#39;.%;~=§" 1 1"i1.} ~i92!§_Q ~ G CDD:sak_g;&_%%¬ji1i*2JE2&#39;§:.:i3Y§%Qi@Q_, :w!_92 »_§:92_ t_;____;_ V v. - _ - .. , &#39; 3&#39; ,r/rLl . ..~¢-7--&#39; I / _/ _ , / I &#39;92 &#39; &#39; _&#39;_. ~- -_:-v""&#39;_""" - ," , F ... ---~&#39;.i&#39;."&#39; . ____ ..-r.&#39;.- . f r,1 I P »&#39; cu _ i - p--ap-nu -_J "pw-fj. &#39; --&#39;_--"" """"""". .1 .1 . Q; f . n el : P -lrn 92.
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