Anft111 astir G. 1945-3 Scandal Shocks California Catholics trend:need Prom Page 11 dont investigation of the claims alleged grounds of his alleged alcohol addiction. to court, where Brooks, having been dis- by Mark Brooks. Based upon my knowl• Finally they suggested that he enter a •or r missed from the seminary for alleged edge of Mark Brooks and my investiga- rehabilitation home for addicted or ir".4.:3' alcoholism, sued the seminary officials tion of his claims and personal back- alcoholic clergy. and the Diocese of San Diego for libel ground, it is my opinion Mr. Brooks has He instead checked into the San Diego and denial of his civil rights. a meritorious claim against the Diocese Veteran's Hospitat, where doctors deter- The diocese settled with Brooks out of of San Diego and St. Francis mined he was neither alcoholic nor court. One news report placed the settle' Seminary." psychotic. meat at 525,000, but The SPOTLIGHT SCAPEGOATS His clean bill of health moved has learned that the actual amount was During the lawsuit negotiations seminary officials to expel! him. A much lower. Brooks said he would have dropped the broken roan, he filed his lawsuit on Oc- Brooks is under a court order by charges, but In both instances the tober 12, 1584. Judge Paul E. Overton not to discuss the diocese wanted only to know the names NO ISOLATED INCIDENT particulars of the ease, m are San Diego of students participating in homosexual The Brooks case is not the only case church authorities. activity, but rejected naming any priests. the diocese settled out of court. He did say, however, that "I lost "They thawed to ruin a few students The rector of the San Diego Cathe- sleep. I couldn't eat or study for long and sweep the real culprits under the dral, Msgr. Rudolph Galindo, who now periods of time anguishing over this, but rug," Brooks said. is pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe I rationalized that if I continue and One member of the faculty, who was Parish in Calixico, California, became become a priest, I promise that I will be very popular with the students, "had sexually involved with an altar boy. The a better priest." one of the largest collections of por- lad, of Vietnamese origin, is now 19. But Before the settlement and the judicial nographic and homosexual parapher- for three years he was the object of the gag ardor, Brooks had told his story to nalia on the West Coast. He was finally priest's attention. The story is the usual some members of the media. The SPOT- asked to stay away from the seminary one of expensive vacation trips, clothes LIGHT has talked to members of the and was eventually banished to the East and money. media who knew the story but were Coast to panne graduate studies," said The boy's-family sued the priest. Only unable to get it into print or on the air Brooks. when their complaint was amended to PIO IAGHI due to pressure from the diocese. The issue. according to Brooks, came include Bishop Maher aid the diocese ...Hu "not:am:moat." He encountered rampant homosaxuai• to a head when his family sustained a decide to settle out of court with them ity in the seminary, Involved were not series of tragedies and.he requested a for 575,000. Archbishop Pio Laghi's reaction to the only the rector and vice rector but other leave of absence to attend to the prob- COVERNP San Diego scandal, he was told. "No important faculty members, some of lems in his home town of Baltimore. What disturbs the Catholic laity, comment." whom propositioned him. FALSELY ACCUSED Brooks and others Involved is the effec- One prominent laymen told The 'SCHOOL OF War The seminary rector denied his request tive way that homosexual conduct SPOTLIGHT that the problem of ho- When he complained to the rector, and In turn charged Brooks with being among the clergy Is covered up. mosexuality extends into the Vatican who also served as his spiritual adviser, psychotic and alcoholic. Brooks has The SPOTLIGHT has learned that itself and that San Diego is lust a Brooks was told to "lighten up," and stated that the seminary is known for its there is an active homosexual support microcosm of the situation. that St. Francis was a "school of love." "perpetual drinking" parties and that group among the San Diego clergy. The concerned laity in San Dingo is When he confronted the rector with on occasion he did attend some func- Bishop Maher, though publicly pro- no: going to slop fighting for their the writings of St. Paul condemning tions and had some alcoholic drinks. But testing the wrongdoing, seemingly is church. A few of them are going to the homosexuality, Brooks said the priest in no wise was he ever an alcoholic. unaware of its existence right in his Vatican itsetf to meet with Pope John rationalized it to mean "not what Paul The seminary officials prevented chancery (the diocese's headquarters). Paul II. There they will implore his in- meant, not person to person, but not to Brooks from enrolling in a seminary in When a SPOTLIGHT reporter called tercession in a sad situation that only he have homosexuality in vogue in the Archdiocese of Baltimore on the the Vatican Embassy in Washington for can begin to rectify. • society." Attorney Robert D. Woods. who as- sisted Brooks in preparing his com- plaint, signed an affidavit which stated Populists Launch Membership Drive in part: "I have met with Mark Brooks on By Michael Collins Piper Sacramento, Calif. 95821; (916) 99204; (509) 466-7093. three occasions., and have spoken with On May I the Populist Party 971.1506 or Winifred Layman, 1084 WEST VIRGINIA: Bob Gravely. Rte. Weal. Marshall Boulevard, San Bernar- him In person for mote than five hours. launched its organizational and No. I, Box 73, Ballard, W.Va. 24918; dino. Calif. 92405; (7141 882-5824. (304) 832-6517. Further, I have had many telephone fund-raising plan known as the "six- IDAHO: Bob Colson, Box 49, BOise, WISCONSIN: Joseph Birkenstock, calls, aggregating more than 19 hours. 1 tier, six-month" program. The pro- have, in addition, undertaken indepers- Idaho 83705: (208) 376-5798. 1011 River Ct., Manitowoc, Wis. 54220; gram is being coordinated on the na- ILLINOIS: Gary Nunes, Box 1254, (414) 793-1171 or 682-2755, 47,1 tional level by John Couture, a Arlington Heights, Ill. 60008; (312) For further mformation an the "six- JIR Wisconsin attorney, who serves on 938-6642- tier, sit-month" program contact John the executive committee of the IOWA: Betty McConkey, 8980 Couture, 13131 West Janesville Rd„ Populist Party National Committee. Hickman Rd., Ste. 208, Drs Moines, Hales Corners, Wis. 53130; or (414) According to Couture. the response to Iowa 50322; 1515) 278-9898. 425-8181. • the plan has been tremendous. "Four- KENTUCKY: Jerry Pope, I002 teen states have already signed on, and Forest Ave., Covington, Ky. 41016; we expect to add more states as line 16461 491-0579. SOUTH CAROLINA goes by." MASSACHUSEITS: Fred Boudreau, KICKOFF Couture urges Populist Party mem- 55 Bow St., Everett, Mass. 02149; (617) bers In those states where the program Is 389-2558. The Populist Party of South Carolina under way to become active in the ef- MICHIGAN: Frank Janacek, Box will hold a state organizational and fort. "We need all the support we can 357. Reading, Mich. 49274; (517) 283- kickoff meeting on May 26. Several muster to make this plan a success," he 3169. special guests will be in attendance. says. MONTANA: Louise Harkness, Box The meeting will be held in Columbia Whit follows is a list of stales where 648. Livingston. Mont. 59047; (406) as the Sheraton Northwest 11-20 and the program is going into effect and the 222-1071. Bush River Rd.). Registration will begin names of the state leaders who are coor- NEVADA: Bill Hansett, 2325 at 9:30 am with the meeting beginning at dinating the plan. (The fact that a mane Canosa, Las Vegas, Nev. 89104; (702) 10 am, is listed does not necessarily mean the 457-0220. There in no registration fee for this person is a state party officer, although OKLAHOMA: E.A. (Pali Patton, event. All donations will be gratefully in many cases the person is Indeed such 1218 1-inwood, Oklahoma City, Okla. accepted. All state populists and friends an officer.) 73106: (405) 235-39°0- arc invited. ARIZONA: Bill Zirnmerle. 616 East TENNESSEE: Emmette 1... Baker, For further information or details Gurley, Prescott, Ariz. 86301; (602) 4000 Grantham Dr., Memphis, Tenn, write: Populist Party of South Carolina, 778-0042. 38109; (901) 398-7150, Box 633. Taylors. S.C. 29687 or call MARK BROOKS CALIFORNIA: Donald McCabe, WASHINGTON: Berens Vangsness, state Party Chairman David Baldwin at ...Life disrupted. 3530 Auburn Blvd., Ste. No. 3. Rte. No. 4, Box 369. Spokane, Wash. (803)292-2916. • 4-MSOn.4., lo. IOU Key Figure in JFK Mystery a Since the inception of this 41.11.111pRINM (raining were Frank Sturgis Inc Fiorini. series on February 15, a number another Watergate burglar) and E. Howard Hunt. of previously unknown facts Hunt's testimony in a deposition, relating to the assassination of therefore, becomes more interesting, President John F. Kennedy have Hunt. who apparently likes to sue peo- surfaced. As these facts emerge, ple (given the history of legal actions he they form the glue that connects has instituted since his together previous revelations into "rehabilitation"), filed an action against the "Third Press" and Joseph a complete picture—a picture of Okpaku Publishing Company.
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