32 SCHOOL OF ACUPUNCTURE AND ORIENTAL MEDICINE School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine ADMINISTRATORS OF THE SCHOOL OF peers, dedicated to service in their community, and ACUPUNCTURE AND ORIENTAL MEDICINE prepared for lifelong learning in the field. Dean to be announced EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES Associate Dean, Clinical Education; DAOM Pro- gram Director to be announced The school of Acupuncture and Oriental Medi- Molly Parkhurst, Program Supervisor cine’s master’s program trains graduates to be the Cheryl Cuevas, Administrative Assistant following: 1. Safe and effective in the care of patients by OVERVIEW demonstrating in-depth ability in the following The field of acupuncture and Oriental medicine areas: in America is rooted in the traditional medicine of a. Knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine China that has evolved over the past several thou- diagnostic strategies and their application to sand years. The contemporary model of natural individual cases health care education and practice in China is the b. Skill in the traditional methods of assessment combined system of traditional Chinese medicine of patients including interviewing, palpation (TCM) and Western medicine. This system has and observation strongly inspired the current programs in acu- c. Competence in selecting the appropriate puncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) at Bastyr treatment modalities and plans for a patient University. utilizing acupuncture, tui na, Chinese herbs Established in 1988, the School of Acupuncture (relevant to the MSAOM) and lifestyle and Oriental Medicine currently offers the following counseling degree/certificate options: d. Skill in the application of acupuncture tech- • Bachelor of Science in Natural Health Sciences/ niques in an appropriate and safe fashion for Master of Science in Acupuncture (BS/MSA) each patient (see page 34) 2. Able to integrate Eastern and Western • Bachelor of Science in Natural Health Sciences/ paradigms of medicine for the purposes of Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental informing the practice of traditional Chinese Medicine (BS/MSAOM) (see page 34) medicine, communicating with other health • Master of Science in Acupuncture (MSA) (see care professionals and patients, and making page 35) appropriate medical referrals when necessary • Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental 3. Professional in their approach to setting up and Medicine (MSAOM) (see page 35) maintaining a private practice, collaborating • Certificate in Chinese Herbal Medicine with other health care professionals, working in (CCHM) – postgraduate offering (see page 40) an integrated health care setting and providing • Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine leadership within the acupuncture and Oriental (DAOM) – postgraduate offering (see page 41) medicine field These programs are closely interrelated and re- 4. Capable of accessing research information and quire the same foundational studies in traditional critically assessing the value of published clini- Chinese medicine. cal research in the field 5. Able to provide health prevention measures MASTER’S PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT based on traditional Chinese medicine theory (such as tai chi, qigong, and therapeutic nutri- The mission of the acupuncture and Oriental medi- tion) to support the well-being of their patients cine program at Bastyr University is to prepare excellent and themselves practitioners. This is accomplished through rigorous 6. Qualified to pass national and state acupunc- training in traditional Chinese medicine with an ture and/or herbal exams emphasis on collaborating with other health care disciplines. The program is committed to producing graduates who are respected among their health care 33 SCHOOL OF ACUPUNCTURE AND ORIENTAL MEDICINE RECOGNITION AND LICENSURE OF ACUPUNCTURE treatment prior to applying to the program. Addi- AND ORIENTAL MEDICINE tionally, applicants will benefit from reading about The Master of Science in Acupuncture (MSA), and researching the field of Oriental medicine via the Master of Science in Acupuncture and Ori- the mainstream press and Internet. ental Medicine (MSAOM) and the Doctor of REQUIRED ABILITIES/SKILLS FOR ACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) AND ORIENTAL MEDICINE PROGRAM ADMISSION degree programs at Bastyr University are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture A candidate for the acupuncture and Oriental and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM), 7501 Greenway medicine degree must be able to demonstrate ap- Center Dr., Suite 760, Greenbelt, MD 20770, propriate observational and communication skills, 301.313.0855. Bastyr University is accredited by the motor function, intellectual-conceptual, integrative Northwest Commission for Colleges and Universi- and quantitative abilities, and behavioral and social ties, 425.558.4224, and thus all degree offerings are maturity. A candidate should be able to perform in accredited and eligible for Title IV funds. a reasonably independent manner. The Master of Science programs are approved by the Washington State Department of Health. Observation: A candidate must be able to observe Graduates of Bastyr University’s MSA and MS- a patient accurately at a distance and close at hand. AOM programs are eligible to apply for licensure Observation necessitates the functional use of the in acupuncture in Washington state, as well as in sense of vision and somatic sensation. These are en- most other states offering similar licensure. Applica- hanced by the functional use of the sense of smell. tions for licensing in Washington can be obtained by contacting the Washington State Department Motor: Candidates should have sufficient mo- of Health, Professional Licensing - Acupuncture, tor function to elicit information from patients P.O. Box 47868, Olympia, WA 98504-7868, by palpation, auscultation, percussion and other 360.236.4700. Applications for licensing in Califor- diagnostic maneuvers. A candidate should be able nia can be obtained by contacting the Department to execute motor movements reasonably required of Consumer Affairs, Acupuncture Board, 444 N. to provide general care and emergency treatment to Third Street, Suite 260, Sacramento, CA 95814, patients such as CPR and application of pressure to 916.445.3021. stop bleeding and the opening of obstructed airways. Currently, acupuncture is recognized in 44 states Such actions require coordination of both gross and and the District of Columbia. The actual require- fine muscular movements, equilibrium and func- ments for licensure can vary from state to state, tional use of the sense of touch and vision. with the majority of states requiring the successful Observation and motor skills must be in coor- completion of the National Certification Com- dination with each other in order to safely practice mission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine many of the diagnostic and clinical techniques (NCCAOM) exam. If a student is interested in specific to Oriental medicine. A combination of ob- licensure in a state other than Washington or Cali- servation and motor skills are required for acquiring fornia, it is imperative for the student to know the diagnostic information from patients as well as for licensing requirements of that particular state in or- the clinical portion of the training which includes der to ensure that there are no outstanding academic the safe insertion and manipulation of acupuncture requirements at the time of graduation. Academic needles, cupping, moxibustion, etc. advising is available to help students who may have additional requirements to meet. Communication: A candidate should be able to speak, to hear and to observe patients in order ACUPUNCTURE AND ORIENTAL MEDICINE to elicit information, describe changes in mood, ADMISSIONS activity and posture, and perceive nonverbal For general information on the admissions pro- communications. A candidate must be able to cess, please refer to the Admissions section in this communicate effectively and sensitively with pa- catalog. The information below refers only to the tients. Communication includes not only speech acupuncture and Oriental medicine programs. It but reading and writing. The candidate must be is strongly recommended that applicants receive able to communicate effectively and efficiently acupuncture and/or a traditional Chinese medicine in oral and written form with all members of the health care team. 34 SCHOOL OF ACUPUNCTURE AND ORIENTAL MEDICINE Intellectual-Conceptual, Integrative and courses at Bastyr University. For more information Quantitative Abilities: These abilities include on the transfer admission policies and procedures, measurement, calculation, reasoning, analysis and contact the admissions office. synthesis. Problem solving, which is a critical skill for health care practitioners, requires all of these COMBINED BACHELOR’S/ intellectual abilities. In addition, the candidate should be able to comprehend three-dimensional MASTER’S PROGRAM relationships and to understand the spatial relation- Students who have completed at least two years ships of structures. at the undergraduate level (60 semester credits or 90 quarter credits) have the opportunity to earn Behavioral and Social Attributes: A candidate their bachelor’s degree in combination with either must possess the emotional health required for full the Master of Science in Acupuncture or the Master utilization of her/his intellectual abilities, the exer- of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. cise of good judgment, the prompt completion of all Master’s
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