VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES PUBLICATION I BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VIRGINIA GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES-I 960. 1969 F. B. HOFFER COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Jomes L. Colver, Commissioner of Minerol Resources ond Stote Geologist CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 1977 VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES PUBLICATION BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VIRGINIA GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES-I 960- 1969 F. B. HOFFER COtvtI ONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Jomes L. Colver, Commissioner of Minerol Resources ond Stote Geologisf CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 1977 Couuowwner,tn or Vrncwre DEpARTMENT or Puncrusps er.tp Suppt Y RICHMOND r977 Portions of this publication may be quoted if credit is given to the Virginia Division of Mineral Resources. It is recommended that reference to this report be made in the following form: Hoffer, F. 8., 1977, Bibliography of Virginia geology and mineral resources-1960-1969: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Publication 1. 68 p. DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Richmond, Virginia MenvrN M. SurnnnLAND, Director Jpner,o F. Moonr, Deputy Director BOARD Fnpn W. Walxnn, Ashland, Chairynan J. H. JosNsoN; West Point,Vice Chai,rman D. HrNnv AlMolrn, Richmond A. R. DuuNrNc, Millwood Anrnun P. Fr,mo, Doswell ADoLPH U. Hoxxela, Richmond Mu,nnuo LAyNE, Williamsburg FnronRrc S. Rnno, Manakin-Sabot Cor,r,rNs SNyDER, Accomac Wu,r,uu H. SraNuecrN, Falls Church Snnnu.q,N WelLAcE, Cleveland E. Floyo Y.R.rns, Pownerl,N CONTENTS Pacp Introduetion Bibliography .... Index 45 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VIRGINIA GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCSS-T960.1969 By F. B. Horrrn INTRODUCTION Three bibliographies dealing with Virginia geology Bibliography of North American Geology, which was and mineral resources have been previously published: published annually by the United States Geological Survey. It lists the literature on the geology and (1) Annotated geological bibliography of Virginia: mineral resources released from 1960 through 1969, Charlottesville, Alderman Library; Richmond, plus some omissions from earlier bibliographies. Read- Dietz Press, 726 p., 1942, by J. K. Roberts; ers are encouraged to notify the Virginia Division of (2) Bibliography of Virginia geology and mineral Mineral Resources of any omissions and errors in this resources-1941-1949; Virginia Division of Min- bibliography so that eorrections mpy be included in eral Resources Information Circular 14, 58 p., later supplements. Theses from colleges and univer- 1968, by F. B. Hoffer. sities in the United States and open-file reports which (3) Bibliography of Virginia geology and mineral include data pertaining to the Commonwealth of Vir- resources-1950-1959: Virginia Division of Min- ginia are listed. eral Resources Information Circuiar 1.9, 103 p., Where a report deals with more than three counties, 7972,by F. B. Hoffer. it is entered in the index under Virginia or a subdivision of the Commonwealth, or under one of the physiog- The present bibliography is patterned after the raphic provinees. VrncrNre DrvrsroN or MrNnnel Rusouncrs BIBLIOGRAPHY ABEL-KHALEB, M. LOFTI AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION (Khoury, S. G.). The struetural history of the Forest-Goode (U. S. Geological Survey). Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the quadrangles (abs.): in the Piedmont of Virginia Geol. Soc. United States (exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii): U. S. Geol. America Abstracts with Programs 1969, pt. 4, Southeastern Survey, scale l:2,500,000,2 sheets, 1964. Section, p. 1, 1969. AMOS, D. F., see Mathews, H. L., 4. ABERNETHY, ROY FRANKLIN ANDEREGG, R. C., see Heald, Milton Tidd. 1. (Cochrane, Elsie M.). Fusibility of ash in United States coals: U.S. Bur. Mines Inf. Cir.7923,363 p., 1960. ANDERS, EDWARD 2. (Cochrane, Elsie M.). Free-swelling and grindability indexes of Meteorite ages, in The moon, meteorites and comets: Chicago, United States coals: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Cir.8025,88 p., 1961. I11., Univ. Chicago Press, p. 402-495, revised, 1963; originally 3. (Gibson, F. H.;Frederic, W. H.). Phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, published 1962. and potassium in United States coals: U. S. Bur. Mines Rent. ANDERSON, Inv. 65?9, 34 p., 1965. ERIC ROBERT 4. (Peterson. M. J.; Gibson, F. H.). Major ash constituents in Stratigraphy and petrology of Rome-Shady (Lower Cambrian) United States coals: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 7240,9p.,1g69. transition zone in southwest Virginia: Masterrs, Virginia Polytech. Inst., 1968. ADAMS, JOHN W., see Olson, Jerry Chipman. ANDERSON, R. L., see Young, William Harvey, 1. AHNERT, FRANK O. APPLEYARD, FRANK C. Estuarine meanders ofthe Chesapeake Bay area: Geog. Rev., The Locust Cove mine: Mining Eng., vol. 17, no. 3, p. 59-62, vol. 50, no. 3, p. 390-401, 1960. 1965. AIKEN. L. J. ARATA, ANDREW A. (Hutehison, (Procyon) Geology of the Adwolf-Thomas Bridge area, Virginia: Masterrs, J. Howard). The raccoon in the Pleis- tocene of Tulane Virginia Polytech. Inst., 1967. North America: Studies Geology, vol. 2, no. 2, p.2l-27, 1964. ALGERMISSEN, S. T. ARESCO, S. J. Seismic risk studies in the United States: Fourth World Confer- (and Analyses ence on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, January 14, others). of tipple and delivered samples of coal 1969. (collected during the fiscal years 1960-1969): U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Invs. 6086, 6300, M6I, 6792, 6904, 7 104, 7219, 1960-1969. ALLEN, GARY C. Riebeckite occurrence in southern Virginia: Virginia Minerals, ARMSTRONG, RICHARD LEE vol. 13, no. l. p. f0, 1967. (Besancon, James). Upper Triassic time scale (abs.): EOS, vol. 50, no.4. p.329, 1969. ALLEN, RHESA McCOY, JR. 1. Metamorphic-rock associations ofGreene and Madison counties, ARNDT, HAROLD H. Virginia (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 71, no. lZ, pt.2, (and others). Coal, in Mineral resources of the Appalachian p.2011, 1960. region: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 580, p. 102-133, 1968. 2. Geology and mineral resources of Greene and Madison counties: Virginia Div. Mineral Resources Bull. 78, 102 p., 1968. ARONSON, DAVID ALLEN 3. Nbtes on the genesis of the Virginia Blue Ridge complex, Greene Stratigraphy, petrography, and origin of the Copper Ridge and Madison counties, Virginia (abs.): Virginia Jour. Sci., vol. Formation in the Blacksburg area, Montgomery County, Vir- 15, no. 4, p. 329, 1964. ginia: MasterJs, Virginia Polytech Inst., 1966. 4. Field trip log-Page County: Open-file report, Virginia Div. Mineral Resources, 1965. ATKINSON, LARRY P. 5. Geology and mineral resources of Page County: Virginia Div. (Stefansson, Unnstein). Particulate aluminum and iron in sea Mineral Resources Bull. 81, 78 p., 196?. water off the southeastern eoast of United States: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, vol.33, no. ll, p. 1449-1453, 1969. ALTSCHAEFFL, A. G., sae Harrison, Wyman,5. AUGER, PAUL EMILE AMATO, ROGER VICTOR Les gites de manganese de Virginia et leurs possibilities 1. Structural geology of the Salem area, Roanoke County, Vir- economiques (abs.): Assoc. Canadienne-Francaise Av. Sci. An- ginia: Master's, Virginia Polytech. Inst., 1968. nales, voi.26, p. 108, 1960. 2. Origin of the Salem fault and its tectonic implications (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper I21, p. 420, L969. AULT, W. U. (Kulp, J. L.). Isotopic geochemistry of sulphur: Geochim, et AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 16, no. 4, p.201-235,1959. (U. S. Geological Survey). Basement map of North America between latitudes 24'-60'N.; Washington, D. C., U. S. Geol. AUSTIN, CHARLES R. Survey, scale 1:5,000,000, 196?. 1. (Hart, Rodney). Virginia, iz Ground-ra'ater levels in the United Puer,rcA.ttoN 1 States 1956-58-southeastern states: U. S. Geol. Survey BARNHISEL , R. 1., see olso Porter, Hobart C. Water-Supply Paper 1538, p. 183-191' 1962. (Rich, C. I. ). Clay mineral formation in different rock types of a 2. (Hafi, Rodney). Virginia, iri Ground-water levels in the United weathering boulder conglomerate: Soil Sci. Soe. America, Proc', States 1959-63-Southeastern states: U. S. Geol. Survey vol.31, no.5, p.627-631, 1967. Water-Supply Paper 1803, p. 240-249, 1965. BAROODY, ROGER AVERITT, PAUL Gilley Cave, Lee County, Virginia (abs.): Natl. Speleol. Soc' 1. Coal reserves ofthe United States, January 1, 1960: U. S. Geol. Bull., vol. 30, no. 2, P. 42, 1968. Survey Prof. Paper 400-8, p. 881-882, 1960. BARTLETT, CHARLES S., JR. 2. Coal reserves of the United States-A progress report, I January 1960: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1136, 116 p., 1961. Familiarization road logs for the Wallace and Bristol, Virginia 3. Stripping-coal resources of the United States: U. S. Geol. quadrangles: Open-file report, Virginia Div. Mineral Resources, Survey Bull. I252-C, p. C1-C20, 1968. 1969. ofthe United States, January 1, 1967: U. S' Geol. 4. Coal resources BARTON, WILLIAM R. Survey Bull. 1275, lL6 p., 1969. Dimension stone: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Cir. 8391, 147 p., 1968' AVERY, GENE BASSINGER, B. G., see Orlin, HYman. (Richter, Dennis). An airphoto index to physical and cultural features in eastern United States: Photogram' Eng., voi. 31, no. BASTION, HARRY, see Cannon, Helen Leighton. 5, p.896-914, 1965. BAUERLEIN, HENRY JACK BACK, WILLIAM Geoiogy of the Millers Cove area, Roanoke, Craig and 1. Origin of hydrochemical facies of ground water in the Atlantic Montgomery counties, Virginia: Masterrs, Virginia Polytech Coastal Plain: Internat. Geol. Cong., 21st, Copenhagen, 1960' Inst., 1966; Geology of the Millers Cove area, Virginia (abs.): Rept., pt. 1, p.87-95, 1960. Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs 1969' pt. 4' 2. Teehnique for mapping of hydrochemical facies: U. S. Geol. Southeastern Section, p. 3-4, 1969. Survey Prof. Paper 424-D, p. D380-D382, 1961. BEAUCHAMP, ROBERT G., see also Kaufman, Erle G. 3. Hydrochemical facies and ground-water flow patterns in the northern part ofAtlantic Coastal Plain: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Stratigraphy and depositional environments of Paleocene sedi- Mastey's, George Paper 498-4, p.
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