. • ., --:: ': • 1" • ';... t,: - • • .... ':,.:. <i. ....... J:,. '" .c, .,." ~. • J I- • . "" .... - ,i Orchids subject of study for Chico State professor California State University, Chico Chico, California Volume 22, Issue 6 ' Page 19 Wednesday, March 8, 1989 :,: -:':...> . ,. ~, New parking New offensive coach structure gets ..... , named for football team .r'·~ , Larry Korpitz, senior member of the Uni­ city approval versity of Wyoming football coaching staff, was named the new offensive coordinator for By SHERI WARNER the Chico State University Wildcat football ,.-.- Staff Wl'iLer team Tuesday, according to a press release from the Chico State public affairs depart­ The Chico City Council last week approved Chico State ment. University's plan to create a three-to-four-deck parking The vacancy in the position was created garage on the existing surface lot on West First and Ivy streets. by the promotion of fonner Wildcat defensive But the Council, by a 4 tg 3 vote, rejected the coordinator Gary Houser to the head coach­ university's proposal for another lot that would have re­ ing position when fonner Wildcat head coach quired the razing of the College Park neighborhood located Mike BelIotti accepted the post of offensive between Warner Street and the Esken and Mechoopda resi­ coordinator at the University of Oregon. Kor­ dence halls. pitz wilI start March 15. The lot on West First and Ivy, which currently holds "My primary re,L~on for coming here is 208 spaces, is expected to hold approximately 600 to 800 because Coach Houser needed someone to spaces after decks are added, said Gordon Fercho, vice come in and install an offense that worked," president of business and administration at Chico State. Korpitz told The Orion in a phone interview Fercho said that despite the council's rejection of the COllege Park proposal, "it's likely the proposal will be from Laramie, Wyo., Tuesday. reconsidered." In the proposal, a joint venture between the "We've had that kind of success here in university and the city, the city would buy the College Park Wyoming, and I'm anxious to come to Chico property and trade one half-block to the university for the State and make it work there. I'm really ex­ half-block of language houses on Third Street. cited about it," Korpitz said. "This is an option we're trying to make work," Fcrcho He also said that when he visited Chico said. for a day and a hal f to talk to Houser about the position, "There was something there that made me want to come back, probably be­ 'It's pretty likely that within the next cause it was California. I guess I kind of if - two years there will be a parking struc­ missed it," Korpitz said, referring to the years he spent in Southem California coaching .md ture on West First and Ivy streets.' attending school. i Korpitz, 37, has been offensive line Gordon Fercho I coach at Wyoming for five years and spent vice president~ the last season as special teams coordinator as well. business and administration I! The Cowboys were two-time Western f i . Athletic Conference champions and played in r " L- i"-' . The College P,lTk proposal would require either tearing 1 the Holiday Bowl the last two years. In addi­ down or moving 26 houses, Fercho added. J tion, three ofKorpitz'!inemen were named to ~ . '';'', ," ... ~~ .. ...!.. •.• ,- ... f,4~i~i1;~~\:'j.;k:L~~ If the city buys the homes by exercising eminent do- '.. • ul1-\VAC teruns in 198'8. - ", .' . .-'-." '.' " - j" ' SU'" pnoro by JIU. HEl:iI:H u.;'1.i. illilliurily. lllJLlle owillm. ~ill ~ ,alrt.iIt:.l. U{e·~p\)[ ..(~';i':.:,: ~:~.'tl Korpitz was a running back at the Uni­ property value of their homes, Pereho said. Their relocation ... versity of New Mexico and graduated in 1972 Preparing for 'lifetime' success expenses will also be paid for by the city, he added. with a bachelor's degree in business educa­ A College Park neighborhood representative presented Karen Wisniewski applies her makeup before a perfonnance of Once ill a Lifetime, a play put on by tion. He received his master's degree in ~eigh a petition at the meeting that was signed by more lhan 20 the ChICO State department of theater and dance. Wisniewski plays the part of buxom beauty Phyllis people who opposed the neighborhood takeover. physical educntion in 1978 from Azusa Pa­ Fontaine. See review on page 10. A third plan to increase parking spaces at the university cific College. - to lease land from Chico High School and build a park­ In 1973 Korpitz began his coaching ca­ ing lot on playing fields at the comer of West Sacramento reer at EI Dorado High School in Albuquer­ Avenue and Warner Street - is currently awaiting final que, N.M. and then moved on to Chaffey approval from the Chico Unified School District The set College in Alta Lorna, where he was offen­ Chisholm to speak here Thursday date of approval is March 15. sive coordinntor for four years. He later This lot would serve as a temporary parking area for By MIKE BENDEL coached at Claremont College, where in 1982 black woman elected to the United Convention, Chisholm received \0 residence hall students while the structure on West First Staff Writer States Congress, where she served percent of the delegates' voles to­ he was interim head coach and offensive co­ and Ivy streets is under construction, Fercho said. from 1969 to 1983. Before her elec­ ward the nomination. However, objections have been raised to the leasing of ordinator. Shirley Chisholm, author, for­ tion to the 12th District (Brooklyn) She is the author of Ullhouglzt the Chico High School land, College Park residents re­ He and his wife, Jo, have two daughters, mer university professor and former seat, Chisholm served in the New and Unbossed, her autobiography, cently filed a suit to stop the lease. "They're concerned Amanda, 12, and Kelly, 9, and a son, J.D., 5. Democratic member of the United York State Assc:;.mbly from 1964 to and Tile Good Fight, which is the about traffic and other problems that a parking lot across States House of Representatives, 1968. story of her 1972 bid for the presi­ from their hou~es would bring," Fercho said. "I don't know -Tracey Zalzirniak wiII present a lecture at 7 p.m. Chisholm holds another spot in dency. if they can do anything to stop us." Thursday in Laxson Auditorium in history a'> the first woman to mount Chisholm was the recipient in Construction on the West First and Ivy lot isn't sched­ recognition of National Women's a full-fledged campaign for the 1973 of the Ladies Home Journal uled to begin for a while, however, "it's pretty likely that History Month. Democratic Party nomination for within the next two years there will be a parking structure In 1968, Chisholm was the first president. At the 1972 Democratic See Chisholm, page 4 on West First and Ivy streets," Fercho said. I NEWS e::::=_ .... ~, ....u.-~_..... :::J Delmatier to retire after 23 years at Chico State Fraternity takes stand on date rape PageS Former California Governor Pat Brown among well-wishers at retirement dinner By LIANE THOMPSON an offer from then-Chico State President Staff Writer Glenn Kendall to come here as an associ­ ate professor of political science. Fornler Gov. Edmund (Pat) Brown Delmatier was also assigned to de­ headed a long list of friends, colleagues and velop a public administration program at Students make plans for spring break former students who paid tribute to Dr. Royce the univel'sity. One year latcr, public ad­ Page 7 Delmatier, professor of political science at ministration became a major in the politi­ Chico State University, at his retirement din­ cal science department "It was the first ner Thursday at the Butte Creek Country department to have two majors," Delma­ Club. Delmatier's retirement becomes effec­ tier said. I ARTS I tive May 31. Two years after Delmatier came to ~!~L!!6!L! U! J B_:eaa=:!2!i£11!lJI Brown and other speakers praised Del-' Chico State, he became department chair. mlltier for both his legislative and curriculum "That's where we really started going hog KCHO staff maintains high standards development skills at the university. wild," Delmatier said. International rela­ A former member of Brown's admini­ tions soon developed into a major, and a Page 10 sti'lltion and a key figure in the California paralegal certificate program materializcd Democratic Party, Delmaticr joined the Chico within public law. State faculty in 1966 and servcd as depart­ Other programs, such as the master's ment chair for 15 years. Irv Schiffman, chair degree in political science and in public of the political science deput1ment, said Del­ administration, also were formed. "Pretty matier accomplished much in working with soon we had four different programs and Baseball team wins in league opener depllrtment members, students lind the ad­ , two different mllster's degrees," Delmatier ministration. said. Page 17 "He (Delmutier) expanded our academic Delmlltier told the audience of ap­ horizons by layingthe foundation and build­ proximately 180 people thllt one of his .ing the structure of our present program," more memorable honors "is' having the , Schiffman said. greatest governor this state hns ever hOld, I EDITORIAL Schiffman ulso said he continues to cull here tonight." . upon Delmatier for his expertise. ".'lis under­ He was referring to Brown, who said . L. •.:,;,::.LL}a;h.?-'-L"!:;,:~:It,,,~: .. ,E.,;-.;.,;, :;tanding of the way ttic system works is. sec­ he came to Chico to express his appreciu~ Social orsanlzations promote party image Photo caurt/lsy of BoS PENTZER .
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