An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • Shaggy rocks the Kahuna, Baseball beats Wilmington, Bl 7-6, BS Non-Profit Org. 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 U.S. Postage Paid Thesday & Friday Newark, DE Permit No. 26 FREE Volun1e 127. Issue 48 www.reriew.udel.edu Friday. April 27. 20f)] Readmittance into stadium banned BY ROB ERDMAN stadium are both associated with alcohol. addresses safety issues. "I have had some situations where I Sports Editor "During one game, we found the "This just makes sense as we greater have had to leave the game and go to The university's athletic department equivalent to 28 cases of empty beer enforce the [pre-game] tailgating policy," work and have returned to see the second announced new guidelines Monday bottles in the west stands," he said. "This he said. " Once the game begins, half. Now, that obviously won't be able regarding re-entrance to the Delaware is evidence that people are sneaking in everyone should be in the stadium. to happen." Stadium during football games, said beer and causing problems." "They can tailgate again at the end of Acuff said the policy will negatively Director of Athletics Edgar Johnson. Tracy Bachman, a research associate the game." affect fans who like go to their cars Beginning with the team's opener in a coalition formed under the Robert However, many Blue Hen football during halftime to eat. Aug. 31 against Rhode Island, the Wood Johnson Foundation grant, said she supporters are not as enthusiastic about " The lines are so long at [the university will implement a "no pass-out supports the move. the change. concession stands], and it takes a lot of policy." "People should go to the stadium to John Acuff, supervisor of Lab Services time to get any service," he said. "[The Spectators who leave the stadium any see the game," she said, "not to get and season ticket holder, said he university] won't let you bring food into time before the contest ends will not be drunk." disagrees with the new policy. the stadium. allowed t9 return to the complex, Johnson said the "no pass-out policy" "Tailgating has been around for eons," " I hope this isn't another situation Johnson said, and they will be asked to is the university's latest attempt to he said. "[The university] is going to about the university trying to make mor~ leave university property. control tailgating during football games. shoot themselves in the foot with this money." : THE REVIEW/Leslie Lloyd He said the change was prompted by Next season, football fans in Delaware Stadium Scott Selheimer, university Sports policy and lose some season ticket Some students said the rea so nin~ an increase in vandalism to cars in the Information director, sai!i the policy holders in the process. .. will not be allowed to re-enter if they leave. see NEW page A~ parking lot and altercations inside the •.. State executes ActivistS David Dawson oppose ..4 BY DEANNA TORTORELLO and he appeared to try to loosen the NatioTUJIIS/ate News Editor bandages about his wrists to allow inmateS Dressed in prison whites with his him to make the gesture. tattooed arms outstretched on a After his final words, a lethal gurney, David F . Dawson was mixture of sodium thiopental, executed at the Delaware pancuronium bromide and potassium Correctional Center in Smyrna at chloride was administered through death 12:05 a.m. Thursday. an intravenous needle in his right Dawson, the 12th person to be arm. Dawson's eyes and mouth BY JAIME BENDER AND executed in Delaware since 1992, remained open, and his brow M.B.PELL News Editors was sentenced to death by lethal furrowed throughout the entire injection after he was convicted of procedure. He breathed heavily, Inside two square perimeters murder in 1986. blew his lips out six times and made made out of rickety wood planks Before Warden Robert Snyder of a snore-like noise before his face lashed together with wire and the DCC performed the execution, went pale and he was pronounced police caution tape, more than 80 he asked Dawson if he had any last dead. people stood outside the Delaware words. The punishment was carried out Correctional Center in Smyrna "I love you- do you hear me?" after the U.S . Supreme Court Wednesday in protest of David Dawson asked an unidentified rejected Dawson' s case in March and Dawson's pending execution. person in the witness room. after the Board of Pardons denied his Shortly after midnight, Jame ~ "For the rest of you, this is how I bid for clemency Aprill8. Hutchins, a Department oC feel right here," he said,. before Dawson was sentenced to death Corrections employee, told th~ lifting his head off the gurney and for the murder of Madeline Marie participants of the candlelight vigi}o extending his middle finger as far as Kisner, a Kenton, Del., resident. that Dawson was pronounced dea the restraints around his right arm In late 1986, Dawson broke out of at 12:05 a.m. Hutchins quickly slict: would allow. the DCC, where he was being held back into his car and left the seerC Dawson shifted his feet and hands THE REVIEW!Leslie Lloyd amidst prayers and tears. • on unrelated charges. Family members of convicted murderer David Dawson embraced early Thursday morning after the around before making this statement, A few days later, he was Junior Rachel McCarthy ,• state carried out his death sentence by lethal injection at the Delaware Correctional Facility in Smyrna. president of the local chapter o( rearrested and charged with stabbing -;"••'T"',,.,..J"'' Amnesty International, said sh( Kisner 12 times. Her son, Brian, 16 for the vengeance of my family." at the time, found her bound and has a variety of moral and societat Dawson was sentenced to death motivations for opposing the death gagged. Dawson also stole Kisner's twice, for the first time in 1988. The car and a small amount of money. penalty. decision was reversed by the u.s. "My parents instilled in me the Thomas Baker, Kisner's brother, Supreme Court when they said he felt justice was served belief that life is important," she determined it was unnecessary to said, "and' for the state to take life through the execution, and he hopes include information about Dawson's his family can move on with their is wrong." membership in the Aryan Nation in McCarthy said American lives. his first trial. Although Dawson admitted his citizens need to recognize that the A second jury sentenced him to death penalty is a violation of guilt in this case for the first time at death again in 1992. his Board of Pardons hearing last civil rights. Dawson spent his final day The rest of the industrialized week, Baker said he did not believe visiting with family, friends and his Dawson's apology. He also said that world views state executions as a spiritual adviser. His last meal barbaric offense against the he "does not make anything" of consisted of a ham-and-cheese sub, Dawson's final statement. American people, she said. french fries, a strawberry rnilkshake Prisoners can provide restitution Brian Kisner also said Dawson's and a vanilla milkshake. apology in front of the Board of to society if they are not executed, Dawson was one of 16 inmates on she said. • Pardons was untrue. death row in Delaware. "[Through his actions tonight] I Sister Ann Marie Slavin of the Dwayne Weeks was the last man Sisters of St. Francis in felt he was still trying to deny what executed in Delaware in late 2000. TilE REVIEW/Leslie Lloyd he did," Kisner said. "The judicial Springfield, Pa., stood next to the A woman holds a candle in silent The Department of Correction large brass bell used by protesters system said he is guilty, so he is. I expects the next execution to be THE REVIEW /Leslie Lloyd protest of David F. Dawson's have felt that way all along. Protesters outside the facility display their anger over the to toll the deaths of all 11 men execution early Thursday. carried out as early as next month. "He was executed for justice, not continued use of the death penalty as a punishment in Delaware. see PROTESTERS page A9 Unive:fsity outsourcing evokes mixed reaction BY JENNA R. PORTNOY set of benefits that do not include university-specific services via outsourcing. News Layout Ediwr perks, like the tuition remission that Hipkins wants That downside may even tarnish the university's Bryan Hipkins is part of a dying breed at the to utilize for his daughter. commitment to diversifying its campus community, University of Delaware. Both groups of Dining Services workers earn which is why math professor David Colton hopes to Others like him are almost extinct in Kent Dining identical pay and belong to the same union - the extend tuition-remission benefits to all employees. Hall, where the 20-year veteran has served up meals American Federation of State, County and Aramark and Follett workers can not be to thousands of students. Municipal Employees LOcal 439. distinguished from university employees, and the As a university employee, Hipkins is entitled to Similar circumstances hold true for the 58 two groups even earn the same wages. The free tuition for himself, his spouse and his children percent of bookstore employees whose paychecks difference lies in who signs their checks. - a benefit he hopes to take advantage of in the are issued by the Follett Higher Education Group. next lO years before retirement.
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