Report No. 1720a-SE l U E C P The Economic Trends and Prospects of' Senegal Public Disclosure Authorized (In f:our Volumes) Volume IV.Human Resources December 1979 Western Africa Regional Office FORt OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Docu rnent of the World Bank This dchcurnent has a restricted distribution and rnay be used by recipients only in the performance of t ieir official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosecl withoUit World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS US $1.00 = CFAF 220.37 CFAF 100 = US$0.454 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 kilogram (kg) 2.20 lbs 1 millimeter (mm) 0.04 inch 1 meter (m) = 3.28 feet 1 kilometer (km) 0.62 miles 1 hectare (ha) 2.47 acres GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS BCEAO Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest CEAO Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest CPSP Caisse de Perequation et de Stabilisation des Prix ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States EEC European Economic Community ICS Industries Chimiques du Senegal ONCAD Office National de Cooperation et d'Assistance pour le Developpement SIES Societe Industrielle des Engrais du Senegal SMIG Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel Garanti SOFISEDIT Societe Financiare S&negalaise pour le Developpement Industriel et Touristique SONACOS Societe Nationale de Commercialisation des Oleagineux du Senegal SONEPI Societe Nationale d'Etudes et de la Promotion Industrielle UDAO Union Douaniare de l'Afrique Occidentale UDEAO Union Douaniere des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest UMOA Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine VAT Value Added Tax GOVERNMENT OF SENEGAL FISCAL YEAR July 1 - June 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY THE ECON'OMIC TRENDS AND PROSPECTS OF SENEGAL Volume I Summary and Conclusions The Main Report Statistical Annex Volume II The Agricultural Sector Volume III The Industrial Sector Volume IV Human Resources This report is based on an economic mission which visited Senegal in November 1976 composged of Messrs. J. de Leede (Chief), J.C. Brown (para- public enterprises), B.. Horton (industry), Ms. K.M. Larrecq (balance of payments), H. Lubell (human resources), J.D. Shilling (economic modeling), D.R. Steeds (agriculture), and M.P. van Dijk (informal sector), and comple- iaented with findings of the Bank's regular sector work and more recent eco- nomic missions. This volume was written by Mr. Harold Lubell (ILO) on the basis of his participation in the basic economic mission in November 1976 and t:he following unpublished Bank reports: 1Migration and Employment in Senegal 1976 (de Leede, Elkan Bharier) Migration in West Africa 1976 (Zadiaziah, Nair) The Informal Sector in Senegal 1977 (van Dijk) ]Education Sector Memorandum 1977 (Verspoor). 'rhis volume was finali:zed in January 1977; it was updated in 1979 to include new developments. Working Papers on the balance of payments, public finance, and the informal sector are available in West Africa Programs Department II, Division C. The Para-Public Sector Report No. 1619a-SE can be obtained from the ]Reports Desk. This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contenst may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. W THE ECONOMIC TRENDS AND PROSPECTS OF SENEGAL Volume IV. Human Resources Table of Contents Page No. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................................... e..... .... .. i Population ....................... ........................I...... i Income Distribution ..... i Nfigration .. .%. .. i Informal Sector Development ...... ii Capital Constraints. ........... iii Manpower Productivity ........... ......... ... o, .... ... ... iii Chapter I. INCOME DISPARITIES AND LIVING STANDARDS . .1 A. Income Levels per Earner -o- . ... 2 Disparities between Sectors... 3 Disparities within Sectors 5 B. Poverty Levels and Living Standards .. 13 C. Incidence of the Government Budget. 16 D; Nutrition .l...*. ... .*.....- ... 19 E. Health ............ 24 Fo Education oo.-.-...... 30 The Demand for Education .............. 31 Basic Education ..................... 32 Technical and Science Education at the Middle and Secondary Level - ..... ......... 33 Vocational Training .o............... ..... 34 Training of Agricultural Technicians and Professionals ....... o ........ ........... .......... 34 Management Training Needs .. 35 Long-tern Planning ....... .... ...... .36 G. Housing ..... ... .................. 37 Chapter II. MIGRATION ..... .. .... o . o......... 41 A. Regional Population Distribution and Densities .41 Table of Contents (cont.) Page No. B. Ethnic Groups .............................................. 44 C. International Migration.................................... 46 D. Internal Migration Flows ....... 48 E. The Senegalese Migrant ...... .............................. 53 Chapter III. EMPLOYMENT. ... .......................... 56 A. Employment Trends since 1960 ........................... 56 Modern Sector Employment ............................. 56 Agricultural Employment ..... ......................... 59 B. Employment Projections ...... .................... ............. 61 Population and Labor Force ..... ...................... 61 Urban Employment ................................................... 66 C. Employment Implications of Senegal's Two Growth Axes .... ............ .................................... 73 Investment Costs per Job ............................. 73 Absorptive Capacity of Dakar ......................... 75 Chapter IV. THE URBAN INFORMAL SECTOR ............ .. .............. 79 A. Employment and Incomes in the Urban Informal Sector ......................................... 79 B. Inputs and Outputs of Informal Sector Producers .... ....... 81 C. Government Attitudes and the Institutional Framework for Policy toward the Informal Sector ............. ...... 83 D. Education and Training for the Informal Sector ............ 85 E. Assisting the Development of the Urban Informal Sector ............................................................... 86 Appendix A. SENEGAL'S MIGRATION FLOWS AGAINST THEIR HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL BACKGROUND ........................ 89 A. The Regions .......................... 89 Groundnut Basin .. .................................... 89 The Senegal River Valley ..... ........................ 92 Historical Perspective ............................... 93 Modern Migration Flows .. ............................. 94 Casamance and Senegal-Oriental ..... .................. 97 Table of Contents (cont.) Page No. B. The Cities ....................... 98 Urbanization ............................ 98 Dakar ......... *. .0............ 0.........I .. 99 Saint Louis ............................, . .. 103 Ziguinchor ............................ .104 Kaolack ............... , **.... *...... I.105 S,tatistical Annex .... ......... ...... ...... 106 List of Tables No. Page 1. Selected rural and urban incomes, 1974-1976 4 2. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and per worker, by province, 1975 6 3. Gross domestic pro,luct originating in agriculture and related activities per capita of rural popu- lation and per rural worker, by province, 1975 7 4. Workers and annual wages and salaries in modern sector by nationality, 1974 9 5. Average annual wages and salaries in the modern sector by skill level: Senegalese and other Africans compared with non-Africans, 1974 10 6. Average annual earnings in the modern sector by "macrosector" and by nationality, 1.974 11 ,. Distribution of employees and wage bill in government by salary bracket, COctober 1976 12 El. Distribution of households by monthly household income bracket, greater Dakar, February-March 1975 14 9. Distribution of households by monthly household expenditure bracket, greater Dakar, February-March 1975 15 10. Distribution of households by the level of monthly house- hold expenditure per consumption unit, greater Dakar, February-March 1975 17 11. Net transfers to producers and consumers out of the CPSP, fiscal years 1970/71-1976/77. 12. Nutritional value oE the diet per consumption unit per day of urban families in Dakar by level of total expenditure per consumption ullit, 1975 20 13. Price of selected food products per 1,000 calories and per 10 grams of prote:Ln 22 14. Average daily calor:Le consumption per capita by season in two selected villages in Thies and Sine-Saloum 23 List of Tables (cont.) Page 15. Medical personnel and inhabitants per unit: Senegal, Cap Vert and other provinces, 1966 and 1975 25 16. Health infrastructure: Senegal, Cap Vert and other provinces, 1974 26 17. Health infrastructure: hospitalization capacity, 1974 27 18. Projected distribution by level of education and type of public expenditure 36 19. Total population of Senegal by province and density, April 1976 43 20. Ethnic groups 44 21. Number of transients by place of residence and place of origin 50 22. Rates of migration by province for the 1960-1971 period 52 23. Estimated employment in the modern sector, 1960 and 1975 56 24. Establishments, workers and average earnings in modern sector enterprises (private and semi-private), 1975 59 25. Population and labor force (active population aged 6 years and over), selected years, 1976-1989 62 26. Population by sex and by zone (urban and rural), selected years, 1976-1989 64 27. Labor force aged 6 years and over by sex and by zone (urban and rural), selected years 1976-1989 65 28. Urban employment, Senegal and Cap Vert, 1976 67 29. Population, labor force and urban population, Senegal and Cap Vert, 1976
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