• ® IM\W hi. NlUl/Hk luu 10 Cents Per Copy W Watervliet, Michigan 49098, Berrien County, Thursday, February 6, 1969 i5lh Year, Number 49 at NOTED ORGANIST TO GIVE 2-HR. CONCERT HERE FERRUARY 13 Sponsored By Watervliet Lions Club The Watervliet Lions Club is sponsoring Jarkie Davis, a con- cert organist, in a special 2-hour concert. Thursday, February 13 at the new high school audi- torium. Mr. Davis will be making this appearance in Watervliet — his last in the United States before leaving on a concert tour of Europe. Mr. Davis is consultant to the Jackie Davis NEW TIME AND TEMPERATURE SIGN Sign Company's Kalamazoo crew installed Hammond Organ Company. AT PEOPLES SAVINGS — The new time the wrong sign. According to Robert Dur- Jackie has a world wide repu- ren of Peoples Savings these signs have tation and has appeared on the and temperature sign at Peoples Savings, Ed Sullivan. Jackie Gleason, PANTHERS WILLTRY Watervliet, already has a new face. When been ordered for all the branch offices as Johnny Carson Tonight" and this picture was taken, it read Roosevelt a service to the people in the area. The the Mike Douglas Shows in re- TO PLAY BETTER IN cent years. He has performed at Park Branch and since has been changed sign revolves and has the time on one side the Paramount Theatre and the Ito raed just Peoples Savings. Mulholland and the temperature on the other. Apollo in New York City and SECOND TIME ROUND also the Regal in Chicago. He The Watervliet Panthers take is also well known on the night on Benton Harbor St. John's club circuit playing such plush Friday night here in the new loTHERS COLLECT clubs as the Thunderbird and high school gym. Sands in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is also a Capitol recording The Panthers have only five HI SHOO-THMS games left, as the second round artist and has cut many records of Red Arrow play starts draw- for that label such as: "Big ing to a close. A 73 to 56 loss Beat Hammond." "Chasing Sha- ALL WORKERS to Hartford last Friday and a dows." "Jumpin' Jackie" and 75-58 loss to the Ponies on Sat- Irs. Laurencc Van Loon. many others. lirman for the mdthers march urday leaves the Panthers with •V-'.v Jackie Davis was born in a 2-9 record. dimes, wishes to thank the Jacksonville. Florida. An ex- The Ponies out-rebounded the imunity for their part in ychml teacher, he began study- Iping to make the Watervliet Panthers pulling down 35 while ing at age 7 and is a product Watervliet had only 23. The jrch of Dimes 1969 campaign of Florida A & M and Temple | 2h a success. yflC Ponies also got off 27 more Universities. Ever since his dis- shots. Percent age-wise the J Mrs. Van Loon said the mo- charge from the Army in 1946, »rs march which was held teams were close with the Pan- Jackie has led his own group thers hitting 33.9% from the «nday, February 2nd. wen I be- and has shared billings with tid her expectations. More floor and the Ponies 34.9%. The and accompanied such famous winners made 15 of 29 free in $300 was collected during % vocalists as Klla Fitzgerald, Di- | e afternoon house to house throws and the Panthers 18 out nah Washington. Sarah Vaughn of 33. Top scorers were Greg | nvas, with a few envelopes and the late Nat "King" Cole. | )m some of the solicitors still Rudell with 17, Dick Arnold Through the years, he has re- with 16 and Bob McVay with 5 be turned in. corded 23 albums on Capitol, Following is a list of mothers 10. Kapp, RCA Victor and Warner Watervliet gave Hartford a d teenagers who volunteered Bras, labels. ir services: Mothers — Mrs. scare in the first quarter and Jackie is a regular in Las jumped to a 10 to 1 lead. Hart- ard Smith, Mr. and Mrs. LIONS DONATE TO EYE BANK PROGRAM — With a $75 Vegas, where he spends approxi- in Jennings, Cleola Day, Mrs. ford put on a man-to-man press, check in his hand Wm. Paul Jones, chairman of the Wa- mately one fourth of each year and by the end of the first quar- lit Steffens, Mrs. Barbara and is internationally famous :e, Mrs. Walter Duday, Mrs. tervliet Lions Sight Fund, poses with Dick Zuhl, operator ter were leading 18 to 12—and for his swinging Hammond Or- at halftime 37 to 29. The Pan- Bulat, Mrs. Ivan Winkel, of the Knotty Pine, and fellow Lion member Ken Smith gan sounds. Among musicians Norman Neville, Mrs. Ed- thers threatened in the third Jr. At a recent Lions Club meeting Mr. Zuhl handed the and especially among jazz or- quarter and came within two McVay, Mrs. Nelson Bau- ganists, he Is renowned and res- iister, Mrs. Laurence Dienes, club a check for $75 which he said represented the points with the score 47 to 45 (Cont. on Page 16, CoL t) when the period ended. Hart- erly Selent, Mrs. Warren amount the Lions members had pitched into a jar on the ler, Mrs. Don Lindeman, Mrs. ford made 26 points in the final O'Riley, Mrs. Roy Siekman counter since last fall during their bi-monthly dinner meet- quarter while the Panthers con- d Mrs. Leonard Lidberg. ings at the Knotty Pine. Mr. Zuhl said he wished to donate No Parking To Be Enforced nected for only 11. Gary Covalt led Watervliet's volunteers, Pattie Long the money to the Lions Club, and the Lions Club turned On East Side of Main Street d Dennis Van Loon. scoring with 20 points. Dick Ar- rs. Van Loon would also the money over to the Michigan Eye Collection Center at Watervliet Chief of Police Vic nold added 10. Bianchi said this week that mo- to thank Bill and Elmer at the University Hospital at Ann Arbor. Lkente Plates To Be Sold Bel-Air Tavern on Red Ar- torists will not be permitted to Highway for the March of park on the east side of Main At Rogel Motor Sales mes dance held two weeks SOUTH HAVEN MEN OUT LAMPS PLUMBINC Street in the area from Nelson's T For the convenience of auto- j o. The bartenders and the Auto Parts to Martha's Beauty Mr. Richard Lowe and Mr. basically the same as Lamp's mobile owners living in and jJllowing bands donated their Shop. Adolph Wagner of South Haven, Plumbing & Heating Sales & near Watervliet and Coloma, Jrvices. Marie TV Band, Curley have purchased Lamp's Plumb- Service. They will handle Amer- The no parking restriction has lyder and Country Boys, The been set up to alleviate the the Department of State, as a ing & Heating. The name of the ican Standard products as well Community Service, will sell k;hos and Carl Peek Band. traffic jams caused by cars trav- firm will be changed to Water- as the other products Lamps auto licenses on Thursday, Feb- for the mothers vliet Plumbing & Heating and formerly carried. Mrs. 'Max eling north and waiting to turn of dimes was Mrs. Clar- left at the comer of Rexall and ruary 13 from 2 p. m. to 9 p.m. will open February 17. (Florinc) Brott, who has been at Rogel Motor Sales. Van Loon. Mr. Wagner is a master with Lamp's for the last several Hardings. Cars going straight north on Main will now be able This is an extra service of- >P 69 TO HOLD plumber and has his own plumb- years, will remain in the office. to pass on the right. Chief Bi- fered by the branch office In HOT DOG SALE ing business in South Haven for South Haven at no additional the past 15 years which he PAW PAW AVE. BRIDGE anchi said warnings will be is- suel until next Monday. After expense to the taxpayer. I Weather permitting Troop 69 will continue to operate. He is CLOSED TO FOOT TRAFFIC I «n the Midway Baptist church married and has three sons. that date traffic tickets will be Please bring your title or re- ifll hold a benefit hot dog sale Mr. Lowe is a heating and Mayor Robert Flaherty an- issued. No parking signs will be gistration and proof of insur- Uurday, February 8 from 9:30 engineering specialist. He and nounced Wednesday morning posted from the area in front of ance with you. It would be *n.-5:30 p.m. at Harding's his wife plan to locate in Wa- the Paw Paw Avenue bridge at Osgood's small building which is helpful if you; would get your irking Lot in Watervliet for tervliet when they find a home. the Watervliet Paper Co. has located just north of Nelson's application blanks early and e Betty Mack Fund. The Lowes have two married been clooed to all foot traffic, auto parts to the parking space type or print In all information Scout Leader for Troop 69 is daughters. due to the unsafe condition of in front of Martha's Beauty with black ink before coming C David Ladyman. The new partnership will be the bridge. Shop. to pick up your plates. Page TWO Thursday. February 6, 1969 Thursday, February 6. 1969 Page THREt Sunday of this week and is conval - nother local boy to have an APO tage, the Martin cottage a Mr. Sterling Osmun Speaks escing satisfactorily at this writ- in care of the Postmaster at New another cottage was broken .
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