Profile of the President - Page 6 Confessions of a Former Neocon - page 3 Affiliate News and Updates - page 4 June/July 2008 The Official Monthly Newspaper of the Libertarian Party Volume 38 / Issue 6. LP Candidate Delegates Nominate Barr to Head ‘08 Ticket Shakes Up By Andrew Davis N.C. Politics he Libertarian Party saw many firsts at its 2008 na- By Andrew Davis Ttional convention, which was held over Memorial Day ichael Munger calls weekend in Denver, CO. Not only himself the “ac- did the Libertarian Party have for Mcountability ham- the first time two former members mer.” In taking his gubernato- of Congress running for the Presi- rial campaign across the state dential nominate, but the Party of North Carolina, he hopes to went through an unprecedented hold major party candidates ac- six rounds of voting to determine countable to the voters by rais- its nominee. In the end, former ing issues he says will “other- Georgia Congressman Bob Barr wise will be ignored.” walked away with the nomination Munger, who was well in-hand and set out to change the known for his golden locks of future of the United States. hair that he grew and donated “I’m sure we will emerge here to the charitable organization with the strongest ticket in the “Locks of Love,” is no politi- history of the Libertarian Party,” Photo courtesy of Terra Eclipse and the Barr 2008 Presidential Campaign (www.BobBarr2008.com) cal amateur. Munger has been Barr stated in his victory speech polling in double digits in some Success in the early polls is behind one of the most successful the chairman of the Duke Uni- shortly after being selected as the states. Nationally, a recent Zogby largely due to the success Barr has third-party candidates in Ameri- versity political science depart- Party’s nominee, and recent polls poll has him at 6 percent—more had in the media, with frequent can history, Ross Perot. ment since 2000, and previous- indicate exactly that. than 5 times as well Ed Clark appearances on major outlets Regardless of the factors, Barr’s ly worked in the first Reagan With his Vice Presidential candi- finished in 1980, which became on television, radio and print. It campaign is revving up for what administration on deregulation date Wayne Root, who sealed the the benchmark the Libertarian may also have a lot to do with his is sure to be the Libertarian Par- of industry and the high con- nomination in the second round Party has always strived to match savvy campaign manager, Russ ty’s best year since it was founded sumer costs of trade barriers. of voting, Barr has already been again. Verney, who was the mastermind in 1971. Like many Republicans, Munger quickly grew disil- lusioned with the party under Lawsuits Pending in Ballot Access Challenges the Bush administration, and By Sean Haugh had to challenge officially joined the Libertarian our petitions. The Candidate’s Corner Party in 2004. “The war, the e’re getting down to week came and went ...............Page 2 attacks on gay rights, the un- the wire for Ballot without a challenge, believable hypocrisy of the Re- WAccess season 2008, which means we are publican-controlled Congress and the Libertarian Party is still securely on the ballot The Mailbox in its voracious spending hab- on track to be on the ballot in at now in 31 states. The ................Page 3 its and the deficit all made me least 48 states. Now that we have Illinois Ballot Access look elsewhere,” says Munger. a strong nominee for President in team, which included While the campaign has been Bob Barr, we may even be able to more than a dozen Affiliate News going strong, the political es- aim higher. very active volun- ................Page 4 tablishment in North Carolina Since the convention, we have teers led by Crystal has dropped their own “ham- been able to complete the two Jurczynski, did a su- mer” in attempt to marginalize largest petitioning efforts before perlative job and set an example at the end of July to turn them in. Politics 2008 Munger’s message. Though us, Illinois and Pennsylvania. The for how any state party can gather Pennsylvania is also a challenge ..............Page 7 having campaigned for more Illinois party turned in 49,564 tens of thousands of signatures in state, which gives us incentive to than two years already, and be- signatures on June 23—almost 90 days. wait until the last minute to hand ing a well-respected leader in double the 25,000 required. We In Pennsylvania, we have col- over our signatures. We are confi- UpComing the community, he has recently were all biting our fingernails lected almost 50,000 signatures dent that the strategy we employed ..............Page 11 for the next week, as this was the as well. In this state, the Party is the CoverInside Continued on Page 7 period of time anyone in Illinois simply waiting for the deadline Continued on Page 5 PAGE 2 • June/July 2008 • Libertarian Party News CANDIDATE ’S CORNER Ready to Renew Your A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats Membership? By Bob Barr political establishment. Party. Do we need to pick a fight be the year that the Constitution This year is sure to be a banner with the social conservatives? once again becomes a corner- h o u g h year for the Libertarian Party not With this approach, we are not stone of American politics. Renew by phone: used by just at the very top of the ticket, limiting ourselves to a single de- A rising tide of liberty lifts all Call the National Office at TPresident but for all of the other down-tick- mographic. Just as the Libertar- Libertarians. (202) 333-0008 between the John F. Kennedy et candidates too. ian Party is composed of many hours in 1962 in regards When voters go to the polls in different varieties of libertarians, ----- of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. eastern, to a dam project November to cast a vote for Lib- our message will be one that ap- Bob Barr is the 2008 presiden- Monday through Friday. Congress had just ertarian Party candidate Bob Barr, peals to any American who wants tial candidate for the Libertarian approved, this famous aphorism they will be more inclined to vote less government, less taxes and Party. If calling after hours, feel free to soon became the rallying cry of for other Libertarian candidates less intervention in their lives. leave a message and we’ll get those who felt economic pros- for local and statewide races. This is the strength of our Party, back to you as soon as possible! perity impacted all Americans The explosion in membership and it will be the strength of our positively. Heading into the 2008 following the national convention campaign. A dynamic message elections, I can’t help but think is a great indication of what is to with mass appeal that is based on Renew online: this phrase will once again take come in the next few months. As reason and emphasizes individual Go to www.LP.org/membership. on new meaning for the Libertar- more Americans are exposed to freedom and personal responsi- Click, “Membership Renewal” at ian Party. the Libertarian Party through my bility. the top right. Just as a rising tide lifts all campaign, and realize that there is I look forward to your help and boats, so will a strong presiden- a viable choice aside from those your support. For more informa- You may also start a monthly tial campaign for the hundreds of candidates of the political estab- tion, or to find out ways you can pledge online by visiting https:// Libertarian candidates across the lishment, election totals from get involved, please visit my Web www.lp.org/contribute/monthly. nation. across the nation will rise. site at www.BobBarr2008.com. Become a monthly pledger to take advantage of the special Shortly after I was given the This is why it is so important Also, please remember to sup- newsletter just for those in our honor of representing the Liber- that all Libertarians come together port all our other fine candi- Pledge Club. tarian Party in 2008 as its presi- to support Libertarian candidates. dates running for state and lo- dential nominee, I stated that we With your help, we can make this cal races across the country. would be leaving the convention the most prosperous and excit- We hope you’re just as with one of the strongest tickets ing year the Libertarian Party has excited as us about the Renew by mail: in the history of our small, but ever seen. prospect of the Libertarian Send a gift of $25 or more to: growing party. The fervor of the In 1980, Ed Clark set the stan- Party in 2008. With our Libertarian Party convention, fueled by the excite- dard that we have struggled to success, you will see the 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, ment of the impact the Libertarian meet again. In the subsequent success of other Liber- Suite 200 Party could have in the upcoming years, we have only once broken tarians running for Washington, DC 20037 presidential race, has laid a strong even half the number of votes Ed office. This year Please note “Renewal” on the foundation upon which my cam- Clark received in his presidential will be the year memo line if paying by check. paign will build. bid. In 2008, the question is not of the Liber- Recent polling has already if we will come close to breaking tarian.
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