SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 1 SG ASC Year Particulars MUH MLH MNG FU Sutherland Philatelics PO Box 448 Ferny Hills D C, Qld 4055 Australia ABN: 69 768 764 240 website: sutherlandphilatelics.com.au e-mail: [email protected] phone: international: 61 7 3851 2398; Australia: 07 3851 2398 PITCAIRN ISLANDS List Structure: Commems and definitives are all together in approximately SG number order PREDECIMALS DECIMALS BOOKLETS PRE STAMPED ENVELOPES To find an item in this list, please use Adobe's powerful search function. We obtain our stock from collections we purchase. We do not have a Pitcairn Islands supplier. Consequently, where something is unpriced, we do not have it at present. Prices subject to change without notice. Please note that GST (currently 10%) is applicable from 1 July 2000. International sales are GST free. The prices in this list INCLUDE GST All prices are in Australian dollars. E&OE BANKCARD, VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 2 SG ASC Year Particulars MUH MLH MNG FU PREDECIMALS £,s,d Sterling KG VI Definitives 1 1 1940 ½d 0.95 0.70 0.45 2 2 1d 0.95 0.70 0.60 3 3 1½d 0.95 0.70 0.35 4 4 2d 2.10 1.00 5 5 3d 2.30 1.75 6 7 6d 7.40 7 9 1/- (M has toned gum) 4.60 3.45 8 10 2/6 Set 8v 5a 6 (1951) 4d 13.80 6a 8 (1951) 8d 18.40 Set 2v Set 10 9-10 11-12 1946 Victory 2.95 2.25 11-12 13-4 1949 Silver Wedding 87.40 13-16 15-8 UPU 64.40 48.30 27.60 17 19 1953 Coronation 5.10 3.80 3.05 QEII Definitives Wmk Multiple Scrip CA 18 20 1957 ½d green & reddish lilac 19 21 1d black & olive green 20 22 2d 21 23 2½d 22 24 3d 23 25 4d inscribed "Pitcairn School" 24 27 6d 25 28 8d 26 29 1/- 27 30 2/- 28 31 2/6 Set 11v 43.20 23a 26 4d inscribed "Schoolteacher's House" 5.20 Set 12v Varieties 18a 20 (1963) ½d green & reddish lilac 1.45 19a 21 (1959) 1d black & yellow-olive 12.80 19b 21 (1960) 1d black & light olive green 29-31 32-4 1961 Return from Norfolk Island 7.40 32 35 1963 Freedom From Hunger 30.40 18.40 33 unlisted ½d - wmk multiple St Edwards Crown Block CA 1.70 34-5 36-7 Red Cross Centenary 15.65 11.75 Birds 36 38 1964 ½d Longboat under sail 0.20 37 39 1d HMAV Bounty 38 40 2d Longboat under oars 39 41 3d 40 42 4d 41 43 6d 42 44 8d 43 45 10d 44 46 1/- 45 47 1/6 46 48 2/6 47 49 4/- Set 12v (M 1d has rust spot) 12.55 48 50 8/- QE2 Set 13v 20.70 49-50 51-2 1965 ITU 18.40 51-2 53-4 ICY 17.50 53-6 55-8 1966 Churchill (6d has thread natural gun inclusion) 22.10 57-8 59-60 World Cup 10.15 7.60 7.40 59-60 61-2 WHO 17.25 61-3 63-5 UNESCO 13.80 64-8 66-70 1967 Discovery BANKCARD, VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 3 SG ASC Year Particulars MUH MLH MNG FU DECIMALS New Zealand Currency - 100¢ = $1 Birds - surcharged 69 71 1967 ½¢ 0.20 70 72 1¢ 71 73 2¢ 72 74 2½¢ 73 75 3¢ 74 76 5¢ 75 77 10¢ 76 78 15¢ 77 79 20¢ 78 80 25¢ 79 81 30¢ 80 82 40¢ 81 83 45¢ Set 13v 31.30 23.50 82-4 84-6 Bligh 3.25 85-7 87-9 1968 Human Rights 2.80 2.10 88-91 90-3 Handicrafts 4.15 3.15 92-3 94-5 WHO 2.30 Scenes Chalky Paper 94 96 1969 1¢ (also see varieties & SG133 below) 95 97 2¢ 96 98 3¢ 97 99 4¢ 98 100 5¢ 99 101 6¢ 100 102 8¢ 101 103 10¢ (see varieties below) 102 104 15¢ 103 105 20¢ 104 106 25¢ 105 107 30¢ 106 108 40¢ Set 13v (simplified) 7.50 106a 109 (1973) 50¢ Arms 106b 145 (1975) $1 QE2 4.60 Set 15 (simplified) 36.80 27.60 Varieties 94a unlisted (1971) 1¢ - glazed ordinary paper, wmk sideways 2.00 101a unlisted (1971) 10¢ - glazed ordinary paper, wmk sideways 3.20 107-10 110-5 1970 Flowers 12.00 111-4 114-7 Fishes I 14.75 115 118 1971 Royal Visit 11.05 116-9 119-22 Polynesian Pitcairn 11.05 8.30 120-3 123-6 1972 SPC 12.00 124-5 127-8 Silver Wedding 2.30 MNG-> 1.40 126-30 129-33 1973 Flowers 12.90 131-2 134-5 Royal Wedding (sheetlet @ 2x price) 2.05 0.70 133 unlisted 1974 1¢ Scene - glazed ordinary paper, wmk upright 147-50 136-9 Shells 10.15 9.20 151MS 139ms Shells M/S 14.75 152-4 140-2 UPU 155-6 143-4 Churchill 2.30 157-60 146-9 1975 Mailboats 9.20 161MS 149ms Mailboats M/S 23.95 162-6 150-4 Insects 9.20 167-70 155-8 1976 US Revolution 5.55 171-3 159-61 1977 Silver Jubilee 2.40 BANKCARD, VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 4 SG ASC Year Particulars MUH MLH MNG FU Island Life 174 162 1¢ 0.20 175 163 2¢ 0.20 176 164 5¢ 0.20 177 165 6¢ 0.20 178 166 9¢ 0.20 179 167 10¢ 0.20 180 168 20¢ 0.35 181 169 35¢ 182 170 50¢ 183 171 $1 184 172 $2 Set 11v 6.90 179a 208 (1981) 15¢ 182a 209 (1981) 70¢ Set 2v 1.40 Set 13 8.25 185-7 173-5 1978 Bounty Day 4.15 188MS 175ms Bounty Day M/S 6.00 189MS 176 Coronation M/S 3.25 190-3 177-80 Harbour Development Project 2.25 194-5 181-2 1979 John Adams 2.60 196-9 183-6 19th Century Engravings 2.40 200-3 187-90 Xmas / IYC 1.85 204MS 190ms Xmas / IYC M/S 2.25 205MS 191ms 1980 London 80 M/S 2.20 206 192 Queen Mother 1.70 1.00 206a 192a Queen Mother - sheetlet 9 7.10 207-10 193-6 Handicrafts II 1.65 211-5 197-01 1981 Landscapes 2.20 216-8 202-4 Migration 1.80 do - with Norfolk Is Stamps 219-21 205-7 Royal Wedding 2.75 Royal Wedding - gutter pair 5.50 Royal Wedding - full gutter (5 pairs) 27.50 Philatokyo '81 PACK 6.90 222-5 210-3 1982 Fruit 2.80 226-9 214-7 Princess of Wales Birthday 3.35 230-3 218-21 Xmas 1982 2.95 234-7 222-5 1983 Commonwealth Day 3.25 238-41 226-9 Folger's Discovery of the Settlers 3.40 242-5 230-3 Trees I 3.30 singles=> 3.35 Fishes 246 234 1984 1¢ 247 235 4¢ 248 236 6¢ 249 237 9¢ 250 238 10¢ 251 239 15¢ 252 240 20¢ 253 241 35¢ 254 242 50¢ 255 243 70¢ 256 244 $1 257 245 $1.20 258 246 $2 Set 13v 259-62 247-50 Night Sky 3.25 263MS 251ms Ausipex M/S 3.95 264-7 252-5 1985 19th Century Paintings I 3.95 268-71 256-9 Queen Mother 3.70 2.25 3.70 272MS 260ms Queen Mother M/S 3.70 1.95 3.25 273-66 261-4 Ships I 5.10 277-80 265-8 Xmas 85 3.95 281-4 269-72 1986 Turtles 7.85 285-9 273-7 QE II 60th Birthday 6.00 unlisted 278 70¢ frama label (ex Stampex '86, Adelaide Stamp Show) 3.00 290-1 279-80 Royal Wedding 3.70 292-5 281-4 Seventh-Day Adventist Church 5.10 BANKCARD, VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 5 SG ASC Year Particulars MUH MLH MNG FU 296-9 285-8 1987 Ships II 4.60 300-3 289-92 Pitcairn Island Homes 4.40 304-7 293-6 Trees II 6.95 308-11 297-00 19th Century Paintings II 5.20 312-3 301-2 1988 Fishes II 314MS 303ms Australian Bicentenary M/S 5.10 Ships 315 304 5¢ 316 305 10¢ 317 306 15¢ 318 307 20¢ 319 308 30¢ 320 309 35¢ 321 310 40¢ 322 311 60¢ 323 312 90¢ 324 313 $1.20 325 314 $1.80 326 315 $5 Set 12v 17.40 327-30 316-9 Pitcairn Island Constitution 5.55 331-4 320-3 Xmas 88 6.45 335-40 324ms 1989 Pitcairn Island Settlement I sheetlet 5.55 341-6 325ms Pitcairn Island Settlement II sheetlet 11.05 347MS 326ms Pitcairn Island Settlement II M/S 7.40 348-51 327-30 Aircraft 7.40 352-5 331-4 Islands in the Pitcairn Group 6.00 356-61 335ms 1990 Pitcairn Island Settlement III sheetlet 7.85 362-5 336-9 Links with the UK 6.40 369,74 noted Ships (imprint "1990") (booklet stamps) 4.60 378-9 340-1 Queen Mother 90th Birthday 5.55 380-4 342-6 Pitcairn Island Stamps - 50th Anniversary 385-8 347-50 Henderson Island Birds (Birdpex '90 Stamp Exhibition) 7.40 389-94 351ms 1991 Pitcairn Island Settlement IV sheetlet 9.20 395-8 352-5 Cruise Ships 6.45 399-00 356a Royal Birthdays 3.70 unlisted 356ms Royal Birthdays sheetlet (5 x 2) 401-4 357-60 Island Transport 6.45 405-8 361-4 Christmas 91 409-13 365-9 1992 QE II Accession - 40th Anniversary 7.40 414-7 370-3 Sharks 7.85 418-21 374-7 Henderson Island Expedition 7.10 422-5 378-81 Bligh's Death - 175th Anniversity 426-9 382-5 1993 Royal Navy Vessels 8.10 430 386 QE II Coronation 40th Anniversary 7.90 431-5 387-91 Island Views 7.40 436-41 392-7 Lizards 8.05 442-5 394b,7b 1994 Hong Kong '94 International Stamp Exhibition (Lizards O/P) 10.15 446-9 398-01 Early Pitcairners 7.95 450-3 402-5 Shipwrecks 9.30 454-6 406-8 Corals 4.60 457MS 409ms Corals M/S 6.00 458-61 410-3 Xmas 94 - Flowers 8.05 Birds 462 414 1995 5¢ 463 415 10¢ 464 416 15¢ 465 417 20¢ 466 418 45¢ 467 419 50¢ 468 420 90¢ 469 421 $1 470 422 $1.80 471 423 $2 472 424 $3 473 425 $5 Set 12v 23.75 474-7 426-9 Oeno Island Holiday 9.30 478MS 430ms Queen Mother 95th Birthday M/S 7.90 BANKCARD, VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 6 SG ASC Year Particulars MUH MLH MNG FU 479-82 431-4 1995 First Radio Transmission 10.15 483-6 435-8 (ctd) UN 50th Anniversary 10.60 487-92 439-44 1996 Supply Ship Day 10.15 493-6 445-8 QE II 70th Birthday 10.15 497-8 449-50 CHINA '96 International Stamp Exhibition 7.40 499MS 451ms CHINA '96 International Stamp Exhibition M/S 3.70 500-3 452-5 Amateur Radio from Pitcairn 9.20 504-7 456-9 Endangered Species [WWF] 4.60 508-9 460-1 Sea Birds 6.30 510MS 462ms 1997 Hong Kong '97 International Stamp Exhibition M/S 9.70 511MS 463ms South Pacific Commission - 50th Anniversary M/S 7.90 512-5 464-7 Island Health Care 9.30 516-21 468-73 Golden Wedding 9.20 522-5 474-7 Xmas 97 10.15 526-9 478-81 1998 Views of Christian's Cave 8.80 530-3 482-5 Millennium I - Towards 2000 9.30 unlisted 486-9 Diana, Princess of Wales 6.00 534MS 490ms Diana, Princess of Wales M/S 6.30 535-8 491-4 Flowers 9.30 539-42 495-8 UNESCO International Year of the Ocean 9.30 543MS 498ms UNESCO International Year of the Ocean M/S 9.30 544-7 499-02 1999 Local Education - 50th Anniversary 9.30 548MS 506ms Archaelogy Project
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