NO AND GENERAL SPORTS ht, 1910 by the Sporting Life Publishing Company. eptember 3, 1910 Price 5 Cents INOR CLASSES SHIFT Under New Nation ^ Respectively From al Census Both the Classes A and B, Western and 1.1.1. and Only the Leagues Are De Texas League Ad moted, Dropping vances One Grade SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." tured to take and will not only be a wonder ASHINGTON, D. C., August 29. ful tour for the men personally, but it is Census Director Durand has sup hoped it will tend to strengthen our country©s plied Secretary J. H. Farrell, of international relations with the Orient. Direc W the National Association, with a tor Stagg, on behalf of the University of Chi statement giving the approximate cago, accepted the invitation of Mr. Iso Abe, aggregate population of the va director of athletics at Waseda University, of rious cities composing each of the Tokio, Japan, to visit that country and play a 43 leagues and associations as shown by the series of five games each with the two lead thirteenth census. The information is supplied ing universities of the Mikado namely, Wa- to enable the Association to re-classify its sedo and Keio Universities, of Tokio. The leagues with reference to the draft price to team will play a series of games on the way be paid each other for their players. The fig to the Coast. The first will be played at Kal- ures have been furnished in advance, because ispell, Mont., on Labor Day, a double attrac the drafting season begins September 1. Ac tion, and Tuesday, September 6, it will meet cording to these figures the reclassification the Spokane, Wash., team and on Wednesday will be as follows: and Thursday Everett, Wash., will be met. Class A Eastern League, American Association, The travelers will reach Seattle on Friday, Pacific Coast League, Southern Association. and will sail from there on Saturday, Sep Class B New England League, Western League, tember 10. Passage has been booked on the New York State League, Connecticut League, Texas Kamakura Maru, a Pacific liner of the Nip league, Tri-State League, Northwestern League. pon, Yusen Kaisha steamship line, and for Class C Ohio-Pennsylvania League, Southern Cali sixteen days the men will try to keep from fornia Trolley League, Illinois-Iowa-Indiana League, Virginia League, Southern Michigan League, Minne getting seasick. After arriving at Yokahoma sota-Wisconsin League, South Atlantic League, Wis the Chicagoans will journey to the Japanese consin-Illinois League. capital and make their headquarters in Tokio, Class D Central Association, Washington State during the month of October. league, Ohio State League, Carolina Base Ball As sociation, Virginia Valley League, Western Associa tion, Cotton States League. Southeastern League, THE WAIVER RULE. Kentucky-Indiam-Tennessee League, Eastern Caro lina League, Blue Grass League, Connecticut Asso A Section Thereof Suspended for a Year ciation, Central California League, Indiana-Michigan League, Michigan State League, Kansas State By the National Commission. Legue, Illinois-Missouri League, Nebraska State League, Southwest Texas League, Central Kansas Cincinnati, O., August 29. In view of the League, West Virginia League, Missouri-Iowa-Ne- fact that both major leagues have adopted braska League, Kansas League, Northwest Arkansas legislation limiting the clubs to a certain num League. ber of players that they can carry on their reservation list ihs National Commission to day sxispended for one year a section of liulo POST-SEASON SERIES. 35 relating to waivers. Under the rule no waivers could be asked by any maj(* league PATRICK J. LIVINGSTON, club for piirchased minor league players pre Winners in Wisconsin-Illinois and Min vious to December 1 of the yeir following, nesota-Wisconsin Leagues to Meet. Catcher of the Athletic Club, of the American League. except when the player was for immediate use. The suspension of the rule for one year, Special to "Sporting Life." Patrick 3. LivingsUm, one of the catchers of the Athletic Club, of the American League, if JK, native of Cleveland. O., where he was born January 14, 1881. He started his professional the National Commission says in its announce La Crosse, Wis., August 27. President career with the Wheeling Club, of the Central League in 1905. Cincinnati purchased him from ment, is done "in order to give the major Charles F. Moll, of the Wisconsin-Illinois Wheeling in 1906 and later turned him over to Indianapolis, with which team he played in league clubs an opportunity to immediately League, and President J. A. Elliott, of the 1907-08. The Athletic Club purchased him in 1909, and he has since been a valuable member ask for waivers on purchased players, as well Minnesota-Wisconsin League, have arranged of the team; in fact, his work has been so good that he now shares catching honors with the as all other players that they desire to re to apply to Secretary Farrell, of the National veteran, Ira Thomas. lease." Board, to appoint a commission to arrange for a series of post-season games to be played be tween the pennant winners in the two or CINCINNATI©S ADVANCE. ganizations, provided that the service will be agreeable to both clubs. President Elliott Unionists in the Federation of Labor here to OFF FOR JAPAN. Plans Drawn for New Stands at the Park said he felt reasonably sure the Eau Claire "wrest the reins of government from the Club, which has a wide margin, would win of the Reds. the pennant, and he feels hopeful that the plutocrats," but the Cubs and Giants were The Chicago University Base Ball Team to Cincinnati, O., August 29. Plans for !h» series will be played, three of the games be engaged in a life-and-death struggle at the new stands at the park have been drawn and ing scheduled for Eau Claire. West End Park, wherefor something went Leave Chicago September 2. bids have been asked for the work. Presi awry with the plan. As a result the poor old Special to "Sporting Life.©© dent Herrmaim is not sure whether the new SOCIALISTS© PREFERENCE. country will have to totter along until the Chicago, 111., August 29. The University structures will be erected this fall or next, next meeting of the Federation, unless, per of Chicago base ball team will leave Friday but within not much more than a year, at any chance, a crisis arrives and it may become rate, Cincinnati will hav<» a modern and up- Attacks on Plutocrats Postponed for Visit imperative to call a special meeting. Three night on the Oriental Limited, of the Burling to-date ball park. The playing field on the thousand patriots were expected at the meet ton and Great Northern Railroad, en route new lot will be larger than the present one, to Ball Game. ing that was to witness the formal © ©taking through the Northwestern section on the way and it will be possible to get a home run in. over of the reins of government," and 89 to the Orient for a trip of 15,000 miles on any direction inside the grounds. The grand Special to "Sporting Life.©© faithful ones appeared at the hall, but 2,000 water and 4,000 miles by rail, extending over stand will be a double-decker, and will seat Chicago, 111., August 28. This was the day others let the country take, care of itself and a period of nearly four months. The trip will 10,500 people. The entire seating capacity of Mcredly set apart by the Socialists and Labor swarmed upon the bleachers. be the longest a college team ever has yen- the park will be nearly 23,000. SPORTING LIFE ©SEPTEMBER 3, 1913 mim© FvlftPi^^ 106 victories for one season before the pres ent aggregation of Cubs appeared upon the horizon. I do not think many of the reader BALL AT NIGHT will disagree with me when 1 pronounce i the greatest team base ball has ever seen. THE CUBS DESERVE ONCE MORE PROVEN ABSOLUTE the pennant this year, as they have playet the best base ball in the National League throughout the season. They went into the LY FEASIBLE* lead on May 23 and have been in little dan ger of being overhauled at any time sinci they became the leaders. Their lead has as sumed such overwhelming proportions that an With the Proper Plant at the New other pennant is practically certain. Th©i sounds like repetition, but I always like t< White Sox Park, Inventor Cahili repeat things that please me. The Cubs won their tenth successive victory yesterday. Tha Convincingly Demonstrates His is nothing unusual for them, but THIS PARTICULAR RUN was made with three substitutes in the line Lighting Theory as Practical. up. The first eight games were won withqu the services of Manager Chance, Harry Stein feldt and Artie Hofman. Jimmy Archer, catch SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." er by profession, has been starring on firs Chicago, 111., August 28. Base ball by base, and Manager Chance apparently doei night is one of the certainties of the near fu not see where he can improve on the show ture. The scheme has at last been given i ing made by his brilliant backstop. Heinie full and fair trial under the Zimmerman is playing a whirlwind game on electric-light system evolvec third base and Ginger Beaumont and Johnni and patented by Mr. George Kane have been sharing the honors in centei Y. Cahill, of Holyoke, Mass. field. Hofman blew back into the game on at Comiskey©s grand new bal Friday and celebrated by batting in the firs park, and has been found to Cub run against the Giants with a norm be entirely practicable.
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