l.-, ~ ------ B UY A N D H O L D CLO THES AND F OOD U. S. SAV INGS BON D S a'~s a1 F O R G.O . P ROJECT Official Publication of Hunter College H igh School ,... ..... '\ Vol. 52, No. 3 NEW Y ORK, N. Y., TUESDAY, M AY 7, 1946 By Subscription Seniors Model New Styles British Delegate Gra~e ' Beach Poetry Recital Addresses School At ~Annals' Fashion Show Sir Alexander Cadogen, British Scheduled ~-'or Friday, May 17 representative to the Security Coun­ cil , addressed the school on the sub­ ~_r-. ;.. Afternoon Highlighted By Talk jec t of the United Nations. at th e Students". Poetr.y., Drama Scenes assembly April 9. Are New Additions To The 'Progr~lln From Powers' School Executive Sir Alexander fir st explained ,th e function of this organization and tnen With Seniors as models and Eileen O'Donnell, Senior President, went on to say that it is an improve­ The annual Grace B. Beach poetry n~<: ita l will be held Friday 'as, commentator, the Annals Fashion Show, presented by the Senior ment over the League of Nations in evening, May 17, in the Hunter College Playhouse. Admission will that its charter provides for definite class of June '46, was put on in the Hunter College Auditorium, be by invitations which -are to be distributed among the various classes. action agains·t an aggressor nation. Original poetry by Hunterites and scenes from poetic dramas Monday, April 15. He added, however, that in his opinion, are two new parts that have been added to this year's program. Miss Elouise Leonard, student consultant at the Powers' Model the success of the org,anization rests Several ·selections from last term's Sohool, spoke to the audiem;e, 'stress­ on the constructive interest and co ­ Argus will -be among ~he original work. ing that today it is no longer a man's operation of the citizens of the iil­ Council Repudiates Dr. Simpson Speaks dividual nations. The veto power and These are "Foreword," by Lyla Blake, world, that women have a :big role -to Five Amendments At Latin Club Party the details of the trusteeship system "There Is Peace," by Mary Carol Cal­ play in the world, and they would be were explained in the question period At the semi-ai1l1ual Latin Club ' The G.O. council did not · pass ·the vert, and "Tick . Tock Serenade," by prepared ,to meet it by .being at their which followed Sir Alexander's ad­ five amendments which came before party in the High School Library, Lorna Kraut. Students will act out best. An essential part of a woman is dress. it at the last two meetings. Two of charm. "A charming person is a per­ ,Wednesday, April 10, President lla Musical selections given during the these amendments concerned Service scenes from S'hake!;peare's Romeo And son ' who has assurance and poise." Draper, in,troduced the speaker, Dr. assembly included the Glee Club's ren­ Shields and the remaining three dealt Jltliet and The Ta.m.ing of The Shrew, She' emphas'ized the f'act that in the Adelaide Simpson, Assistant Professor dition of. Brahm's "How Lrly Is with G.O. committee heads. and from High Tor, by Maxwell An­ Thy Dwelling 'P lace," "Summer Is A­ modern world it is the natural, rather of Classics at Hunter College, who In accordance with the requirements derson. than the wrtificial girl, who will be Coming In," an old English round, of the Board of Higher Education. a spc.ke on the topic of 'Living Myths". The' verse speaking choir will recite the successful woman of tomorrow. sung by the members of a fifth term statement permitting a club to form Dr. Simpson explained that myths, chorus class, and as a finale "United a group of light selections and ex­ Of the many ·styles modeled, a pai'r . in the school without having its char­ ce rpts from the classic anti-war play, far from ' being fables, were actually Nations' Hymn" which the whole of aqua ga:bardine s:horts with an aqua ter approved by the Board of Gov­ Trojan. W mnen.. This selection is also and white striped polo 'shirt for tennis, believed by the early peoples, and school joined in singing. ernors and the Council was added to The G.O. Assembly Committee has to be presented at the Latin Congress a waterproof poplin jacket, navy dun­ elucidated further that there were th ~ Constitution. The club, however, in the Cc.llege, May 14. The follow­ selected a group of seven girls to must meet certain requisites. garees with a i>laid shirt, a red and three types of myths: historical, re­ ing girls were chosen to be participants give a debate on the resolution "It is The council elected Ann Smythe ~-- white~eerS'UCker striped dress with in the reci tal, eithe·r as soloists, or as ligious, ana scientific. She also stated ~esirable that the United States rec­ gold buttons set off by a very wide Irom first term, to serve on the G.O. members of the ohoir : that there were some grams of truth ommend to the United Nations the ac, red .bel,t, and a 'black marquisette even­ Central Project Committee. Junior High 8A, Suzanne Ma'rko­ ;,- i:,g dress "18.ith a wide white eyelet in every myth, using the stories of ceptance . of the Acheson Plan for atomici contro\." Participants ,in' this witz; ,fourth term, Dareeda Darer, ruffle, and a ' large white flower, were Theseus and the Minotaur and of Florence Goodstein, Arlene Hands­ .... deb~\ ~hich will be given at the May among the most appealing. maeir~ Elaine Jackson, Alida "Rag:' Troy as examples. 7 -f\ ss~oly- are Sue Bachner, Judy A ~ A. Defeats G.O . .. -~ The 'Seniors Ellin ,Abbet, Judy Ba­ noni, Jeanne Silver, Grace Thorpe; Miss Doris Gallert awarded Honor Baron, T Nicolle Einhorn, Joan Green­ ron, Deanie Clancy, Betty Driscoll , In V olleyhall Game Ii fth term, Joanne Arnheim, Barbara . Certificates to students for excellence 'blatt, Marion Holley, June Sachar, Nicoll e Einhorn, Marion Holley, Olive David'son, Norma Exler, Ruth Fried­ in Latin last term :. The Misses Baum­ and Judy Usdan. Answering the G.O.'s challenge to Roach, Joan Robins, Jane Thomson, man, Jeannette Gehl, Hellen Guggen­ garten, Jackson, Jolly, Konikawich, and Sylvia Vincent, di splayed the play a basketball game, Thursday, heimer, Erua Guttman, Ruth Herz­ Steinhardt, Trendadue, Williams, first '" fashions. ~1arch 28, the A.A. won with a score berg, Lorraine Johns, Shirley J onas, term Latin; the Misses Cooper, Hums, Junior Dramatic Club Marjorie Mahoney, RosaTO Mo,rales, Pepsi-Cola from Macy'·s Pepsi-Cola Ismach, Kahn, Klasher, Ribner, Spre­ Initiates Twenty Girls of 28-6. J ean Sherry, Gloria Solozano, Janet Ba,r, was served after ·the fashion nak, second term Latin; .the Misses Before the game officially began, by Janice Freeda Stone, Jacqueline Toulouzali, Helaine show. Gwon, Hasenau, Jacobson, Ratzers­ Lucky, the A.A.'s mascot, a .brown Since they can now straighten up Weinberger; sixth term, Jackie Brooks, dorfer, thi rd term Latin ; the Misses without hearing squeaks and creaks and white dog, part husky ancf part Annaliese Centauer, Joan Du Brow, Fischer, Fischman, Geensburg, Gott­ from their aching b~cks, and their collie, marched onto the field, guided Ethel ,Haseuau, Joan Keslin, Joyce lieb, Herzberg, Levenson, Mahoney., Delegates Attend sprained ankles have almost healed, Litt ; seventh term, Audrey Adrian, Raginsky, fourth term Latin; the by his owner Dorothy Sirinek, and twenty new members of the Junior Esther Birnbaum, Joan Fay, Edna Press Convention Misses Braitman, Draper, Du Brow, Laura Kallman, A.A. cheering sq uad Dramatic club fee i that they are ready Fontek, Doris Miller, June Sacha.r, Dym, Hernandez, Kapper, Spencer, leader. Since the noi se of the crowd Student participation in inter-schooi to relate the events of March 21, the Sally Seader, Natalie Stein, Paula fifth term Latin; the Misse·s Beck, activities has included meetings of. day c.f initiation into the club. obviously disturbed him, Lucky re­ Weltz; eig'hth term, Deanie Clancy, Fontek, Hines, Koury, Leipziger, the Columbia Schola·stic Press Asso­ The prospecti ve members rose early treated from the gym shortly after hi s Nicolle Einhorn, Phyllis Falchook, Margolis, Schn.eiderman, sixth term ciation, the Model Congress, and the so that only half the morning was oc­ initial appearance. Winsome Francis, Helen Hawkins, Latin; the Misses Astuti, Nathan, Inter-High School United ~ations cupied wi,th making five braids on one Sidelle Hershey, Eileen O'Donnell, seventh term Latin; the Misses Mark­ In a record twenty seconds of play, Conference. side of their heads and letting, the Joan Robins, !Johanna Stein, Jane owitz, Sonnenfeld, eighth term Latin. other side "run wild". Then, after the A.A., with a show of skill and The apnmil Press convention classi­ Thomson, Roselyn Van Houton. puUing on two different colored socks amazing speed, scored the first basket. fied high school publications in order The music for the program will be and placing a single badly-worn mit­ of journalistic merit. Hunter's two The A.A. team consisted c.f girls arranged !by Miss Hochman and the 1 4 12 Students Apply; ten upon one hahd, the victims raced language magazines, Maria"nne and whose basketball skills have been deL ,Glee Club will give several selections. for their t,rains. Klub' und Klacsse were placed in the 345 Gain Admittance initely recognized. The forwards were Members of ;Sigma will act as ushers. ~~ Al'riving 'at school, they passed Medalist group,' while Argus and A total of 345 students, selected through seven uneventful periods and Gloria Bullock, Alice.
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