UST 12, 1989 the school has Ellobroolu JI7 i,.. 'hich give pruc­ Fair, Warmer phases of the n Iowa Girl WIlIII FIrat Major IOWA-Fair today and tomorrow: 'S over the air. 11Ue lJI cooperates in (See ston', P.. e 4) warmer &oclay, an Important - - ~ m since the ad- I 0 If' a City'. Morning Ne •• paper magazines, Is the curriculum. :rooms are made roWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1939 VOLUME XXXvnl NUMBER 174 l!ism studen y connection with • Jf every 45 owns ': in the United In Possession of Missing U. S. Passports Jt of every five. -------- Volunteers In Spain's Army Owned Them ----. Officials Believe Many 13, 1939 Track Complexities Missing Credentials Transients Hurt as Iowa Freight Train JUlllpS May Be in Moscow J make Iowa • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • • • • Of Problems compliment • By ANDRUE BERDING ECCENTRIC universities. 5 Cars Are Two Persons Dead, 52 Injured In Latest Transatlantic Hop Prolong Meet WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 (AP) - About 1,500 "lost" American ,ses you un­ ~== Sf'.cond Story Method expenditure. ..n.-noiled Near As Passenger Trains Collide Fuehrer Goes Over passports are somewhere in Eu­ Ig" by plan- Exclusively rope, many perhaps in the hands Details With Ciano, of spies, and American authori­ 1. Pleasant DENVER, Aug. J2 (AP) - Two acetylene torches had to be EVANSTON, Ill., Aug. 12 Von Ribhentrop ties here and abroad are mak­ persons were killed and 52 per­ brought into action. (AP)-The spotlight of a police Ing every effort to get hold of sons injured today by the terrific The injured, all aboard the Den· BERCHTESGADEN, Germany, Riders, ver·bound Santa Fe train, were car, summoned by a frightened and destroy them. be obtained impact of a crack, two· locomotive neighhor, picked up the form of Aug. 12 (AP) - German-Italian taken to hospitals, but all 15 discussions designed to outline a The passports were once those purchase at one Critically Hurt, Denver and Rio Grande Western were discharged after emergency a man high upon the wail of a COUl'se ot action in tense Europe 01 American . volunteers in the passenger train aga inst a San ta treatment. house. He was about to climb Hospital Treatment will go into a third day because armies of loyalist Spain. When Fe passenger at a south Denver Roy S. Scott, 56, Denver, was through a second story window. hurt so seriously hospital attaches "Come down, you," called the of their "complexity," responsi­ the Americans reached the Span· $5 crossover. ble German sources said tonight. said he might die. cops. ish border en route to the front u arrive in Five transients were injured, A. S. Mock, 62-year-old con­ "It's my husband," a woman's This disclosure followed a Two Iowans and a South Da­ they were relieved of their pass­ critically, this afternoon ductor of the Santa Fe's "Nava­ kota resident were among those voice replied. "He's all right." closely guarded conference at abou t 25 cars of a fast east­ jo" died instantly in the crash, confined in hospitals. The Iowans The officers made him come which Adolf Hitler weighed the ports and identification tags were Burlington freight were so devastating the front end of and their reported injuries: Mrs. down anyway. international situation during the given them. "It's just my eccentric way of day with his foreign minister, "railed on the road's main line the head R.G.W . locomotive was Minnie Larson of Ft. Madison, The number 1,500 is the esti­ Ia., seven miles west of bent at right angles. The passen­ back injury; and Mrs. Lefevre, 68, entering the house," the man Joachim von Ribbcntrop and eonette explained. Premier Mussolin!'s foreign min­ mate 01 officials here. Where ger cAr crumbled inward so far of Boone, head and knee Injuries. these passports are now is an Of:Elcials said none of the train ister, Count Galeazzo Ciano. Looking unusually stern and open question, but officials be­ Injured and that the lieve a large percentage are in were riding in a flat serious, Ciano returned to his Sam Rayburn Indorses Garner Demos Urge Salzburg hotel tOnight after Moscow. containing drums of chlorine With war so much in the Eu­ rices , None of the drums burst al­ spending almost four bours with Hitler and von Rlbbentrop in the ]-opean atmosphere, American ~ _V"~,,, the car was derailed. For Presidential Nomination Continuation passports are regarded as a boon fuehrer's mountain chalet, t h ~ of the transients were re­ to the foreign spy for several after emergency treatment, Berghol, near Berchtesgaden. the fifth, Hubert McCoy, 30, Texas Delegation Of 'New Deal" Talks Continue reasons. 4 , W. Va., remained In the New Year Brings It was presumed the talks American Travel Easler county hospital here over- To Back Vice-President would continue tomorrow wit h Owing to the great number of New Bombings Name Dlinois Liberal American tourists, travel of Am~ In Forthcoming Rac.e Hitler at his retreat, German Ri be .Fract.... ed To Head Organization sources said, although it was ericans across European borders Hospital attendants said Mc­ At Shanghai quite possible that just the two is generally freer than for otheL' injuries included several WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 (AP) Two young American aviators­ from Point Michaud on the Cape For Next Two Years nationa tities. Also, it is more Alexander Locb, 27, and Alexan­ Breton coast near Sydney, Nova foreign ministers would meet "'acture'd ribs and a Jacerated tace. -Representative Sam Rayburn, SHANGHAI, Aug. 1.3 (Sunday) difficult to Identify an American der Decker, 23 - winged their Scotia. Phonephoto above shows alone at castle Fuschl, von Rib­ tonight had not estab· who as majority floor le'ader has (AP) - Shanghai's much-feared PITTSBURGH, Aug. 12 (AP)­ bentrop's summer place Nearns­ as such because of the "melting way across the Atlantic ocean to­ Loeb at the controls of the pot" the United States has been the cause of the derail­ pilqted new deal legisla tion second war anniversary today was The Young Democratic Clubs of alzburg, as they dJd Friday at ward Ireland in the latest non­ trans-atlantic ship, a small mono­ for many generations. A traveler but one said "It looks as ushered in by a bombing in which America went down the line for their first meeting. l tllOU@:h it mlgh t have been caused through tlJe house for three years/ stop ocean fligh 1. They look off plane. may appear to be an Italian, a a Japanese-controlled shipping of­ • • • • & • • • • • the new deal program in the 1940 German spokesmen explained a broken tr\lck on one of the indorsed vice I. 'Fresident Garner fice was destroyed and ) 1 Chi­ • • • • • • • • • • that in a Europe "so laden with Frenchman or a German by ori~ ears." today for the 11!.40 democratic nese, Including two women, were campaign today in concluding danger" it was necessary to take gin may speak little or no Eng­ Engil')eer R. A. Tropp of Gales­ presidential nomination. seriously injured. their three-day biennial meeting. up each detaIl at the various lish, and still logically poiSeS! aa burg, Ill., said the engine did not A uthorl ties of the in terna tional The convention adopted resolu­ problems affectillJ the Rome­ American passport. upset, but alter rocking back and Rayburn announced his sup­ Hope Vanishes For settlement and French concession, tions urging President Roo evelt Berlin axis-Danzig, for example The passport division at the forth it jumped the south track port of his fellow Texan in a state department, of which Mrs. statement Issued in response to who already had taken rigorous to "press forward" with his "lib­ - very slowly and carefully be­ and came to rest on the nQ1'th set precautions In anticipation of ter­ Ruth Shipley is the chief, has its an inquiry from the Ft. Worth cause they were "50 involved and of rails. rorism, redoubled them after the eral" objectives and recommend­ eyes open for the recovery oJ: (Tex.) Star-Telegram as to his Trans-Ocean Flyers complex." The cars, which piled up were bombing. ing nomination of candidates next these lost documents. The sev'" stand. Before returning for dinner to­ Immediately behind the engine. year favoring his program. A new erlll thousand Arn'erican foreign About 25 cars at the rear of the "I am for tlJat outstanding night with von Rlbbentrop at the dealer, 28-year-old Homer Mat hotel Oesterreichischer Hof in service officers and clerks abroad train djd not leave the track. Texan and liberal democrat, John Plans St,.ato Trip are also keeping a keen lookout. Wreckers at Work N. Garner, for the presidential Odds to Adams, Springfield, lll., was un­ Salzburg, Ciano lunched with Hit­ History Made '100 l' ler at his Gaestehaus, where The services of spies equipped Two wreckers, one a t each end nomination in 1940, believing that animously elected president ot the with lalse, preferably American, of the piled cars, worked tonight if elected he will make the coun­ Young Democrats for the next guests of the fuehrer frequently stay. passports are deemed by nations in an effort to open the line and try a great president," the state­ As Sub Rises Against Team two years. clear away the wreckage. Traf­ , Dalllr;\1' Paramount today more vital than ever be­ ment said. Demanela F. D. R. fore because of the iast tempo of .. fic on the line was rerouted Garner's friends here were ob­ Political 0 pin ion meanwhile Although their constitution for­ the development of new war through Burlington, Ft. Madison viously elated at Rayburn's pub­ 'Har<wst Task' In No Word Received held that the problem of the free bids endorsement of candidates for equipment.
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