2018/19 SESSION of the BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 7 June 2019 Sitting number 22 of the 2018/19 Session (pages 1741–1840) Hon. Dennis P. Lister, Jr., JP, MP Speaker Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for informational purposes only. The printed version remains the official record. Official Hansard Report 7 June 2019 1741 BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 7 JUNE 2019 10:02 AM Sitting Number 22 of the 2018/19 Session [Hon. Dennis P. Lister, Jr., Speaker, in the Chair] PETITIONS PRAYERS The Speaker: There are none. [Prayers read by Mrs. Shernette Wolffe, Clerk] STATEMENTS BY MINISTERS AND JUNIOR MINISTERS The Speaker: Good morning, Members. The Speaker: There are seven Statements this morn- CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ing. And the first is in the name of the Premier. [Minutes of 31 May 2019] Premier, would you like to put your Statement st now? The Speaker: Members, the Minutes of May 31 have been circulated. Hon. E. David Burt: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and Are there any omissions or amendments? good morning to you. There are none. The Minutes are confirmed as printed. The Speaker: Good morning. [Minutes of 31 May 2019 confirmed] ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO HISTORIC LOSSES OF CITIZENS’ ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE SPEAKER PROPERTY IN BERMUDA OR MEMBER PRESIDING Hon. E. David Burt: Mr. Speaker, Honourable Mem- th APOLOGIES bers will recall that, on the 4 of July 2014, this Hon- ourable House approved a motion in these terms: The Speaker: Announcements this morning: There “THAT this Honourable House take note of historic are Members who have indicated that they will be ab- losses in Bermuda of citizens’ property through theft sent today. We have, on the Order Paper, MP Jeanne of property, dispossession of property and adverse Atherden. We also have MP Gordon-Pamplin, MP possession claims; Dunkley and MP Commissiong. “AND BE IT RESOLVED that this Honourable House calls on His Excellency the Governor to estab- MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE lish a Commission of Inquiry into all such known claims and to determine, where possible, the viability of any such claims and make recommendations for The Speaker: There are none from the Senate. any victims of wrongful action to receive compensa- MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR tion and justice.” Mr. Speaker, the then-Governor refused to establish the Commission of Inquiry and, moreover, The Clerk: Also, there are no messages from the indicated that Her Majesty’s Government in the United Governor. (I omitted that.) Kingdom was not disposed to funding such an exer- cise in any event. PAPERS AND OTHER Mr. Speaker, the community then marched on COMMUNICATIONS TO THE HOUSE Government House, and some 2,000 people assem- bled to protest the then-Governor’s decision, demon- The Speaker: You may note that there is a paper or strating a consistently expressed public depth of feel- communication on the Order Paper. But that is being ing on these historic issues. Earlier this year, the Civil carried over for another occasion. Justice Advocacy Group renewed its call for such a commission to be established. Mr. Speaker, in 2015, this Honourable House approved the Opposition Bill entitled the Commissions Bermuda House of Assembly 1742 7 June 2019 Official Hansard Report of Inquiry Amendment Act, which gave the Premier Hon. Walton Brown, who championed this cause the authority to issue commissions of inquiry. Honour- whilst in Opposition and has quietly kept attention to it able Members will also recall the first and, so far, only since we assumed the mantle of Government. use of that authority by the former Premier, the Hon- ourable Member for constituency number 10. It is not [Desk thumping] forgotten that this authority was not used to appoint a commission, which was passed by resolution of this Hon. E. David Burt: Mr. Speaker, the process of Honourable House. identifying those who will sit on the commission has Mr. Speaker, truth can be uncomfortable. Un- now commenced, and I will ensure that we assemble earthing historic wrongs may be inconvenient for the best group to address these issues. Additionally, some. It may well be that some of those who were the administrative planning will now start, and my victims and those who committed wrongdoing have hope is to revert to this Honourable House during this since passed on. But, Mr. Speaker, it is never too late session with further updates on our progress. for justice. That justice can take many forms. For Thank you, Mr. Speaker. some it may simply be the opportunity to be heard and have their claims acknowledged, while for others it The Speaker: Thank you. may confirm the legal standing they have long assert- Premier, I believe the second Statement this ed. morning is also in your name. Would you like to deliv- The process of providing justice starts with a er that now? step towards truth. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to advise this Honourable House and the Hon. E. David Burt: Sure, Mr. Speaker. public that I shall establish a five-member Commis- sion of Inquiry to fulfil the mandate of this Honourable The Speaker: Continue on. House as expressed by the motion passed in 2014. Hon. E. David Burt: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [Desk thumping] FINTECH BUSINESS UNIT EDUCATION Hon. E. David Burt: The Commission will likely com- INITIATIVE UPDATE prise a judge, counsel experienced in conveyancing, a land title officer (ex officio), two lay members, and a Hon. E. David Burt: Mr. Speaker, today I will provide secretary to the commission to provide administrative this Honourable House with an update on the Gov- support. ernment’s FinTech Education and Training Initiative. Mr. Speaker, whilst the terms of reference Mr. Speaker, technology companies are dom- continue to be the subject of further consideration, I iciling in jurisdictions that have a high incidence of can advise Honourable Members that, at a minimum, talent with technical skills. As we continue to execute they will include inviting the commission to do the fol- our strategy to ensure that Bermuda is a domicile for lowing: the future of financial services, it is imperative that we 1. inquire into the historic losses of citizens’ ensure that Bermudians have the skills to take ad- property in Bermuda through theft of property, vantage of new opportunities. dispossession of property, adverse posses- Mr. Speaker, phase 1 of the FinTech Busi- sion claims and/or other such unlawful or ir- ness Unit’s Education and Training Initiative was regular means by which land was lost in Ber- launched in January 2019 under the direction of Dr. muda; Gina Tucker. I am pleased to inform Honourable 2. collect and collate any and all evidence and Members that the response of the community was information available relating to the nature excellent, and the training proved to be a success. and extent of such historic losses of citizens’ Mr. Speaker, a few highlights from phase 1 property; are as follows: 3. prepare a list of all land to which such historic • over 300 persons registered their interest in losses relate; taking the training; 4. identify any persons, whether individuals or • the cost of providing the six-week training op- bodies corporate, responsible for such historic portunities for Bermudians was $80,000; losses of citizens’ property; and • 130 persons completed the local courses in- 5. refer, as appropriate, matters to the Director cluding Intro to FinTech, Intro to Blockchain, of Public Prosecutions for such further action Basics of Blockchain and Beyond the Basics as may be determined necessary by that of- of Blockchain; fice. • the instructors were Bermudians, and the enti- In closing, Mr. Speaker, it would be remiss of ties running the training were the Bermuda me not to recognise the significant efforts of the Hon- Blockchain and Crypto Association and a local ourable Member from constituency number 17, the company called Gibraltar; Bermuda House of Assembly Official Hansard Report 7 June 2019 1743 • 80 people participated in the Comparing Hon. Walter H. Roban: Yes. Good morning, Mr. Blockchain Platforms & Creating Fun Tokens Speaker. courses hosted by the Bermuda Blockchain and Crypto Association; The Speaker: Good morning. • 75 persons participated in the two-day Busi- ness Boot Camps, and 25 participated in the BILL ENTITLED: THE ELECTRICITY one-day Technical Boot Camp hosted by AMENDMENT ACT 2019 Connectech; • 15 teachers participated in the Google in the Hon. Walter H. Roban: Mr. Speaker, as the Order Classroom for P1 through P6 courses; and Paper indicates, I will today table a Bill in this Honour- • 45 persons participated in the four Compli- able House entitled the Electricity Amendment Act ance Lunch and Learn Sessions, and many 2019. Mr. Speaker, you will remember that, on the are now enrolling in the KixKo compliance th courses currently being offered by the PACE 15 of March 2019, I informed this Honourable House Department at the Bermuda College. that, on learning that the Ascendant Group Limited Mr. Speaker, phase 2 represents additional announced that it was considering the sale of the opportunities for Bermudians to enhance their skills company, I issued ministerial directions to the Regula- with the launch of the FinTech school’s online pro- tory Authority [RA], which are imbedded in the pur- gramme, which will allow any interested Bermudian to poses of the Electricity Act 2016, namely, to seek the access all of their courses for free until November 17, following: 2019. Currently, Mr. Speaker, we have 167 Bermudi- a) to ensure the adequacy, safety, sustainability ans who have already enrolled to acquire additional and reliability of electricity supply in Bermuda skills.
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