• 1934 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENAT:m 1039 Societies, representing upward of 100,000 men, against House Hale Lonergan Pittman Thomas, Utah Harrison McAdoo Pope Thompson bill 5978 relating to birth control; to the Committee on the Hastings McCarran Reynolds Townsend Judiciary. Hatch McGlll Robinson, Ark. Trammell Hatfield McKellar Robinson, Ind: Tydings 1707. Also, petition of Philip and Felicia Kornreich and Hayden McNary Russell Vandenberg 46 other residents of Paterson, N.J., against the passage <>f Johnson Murphy Schall VanNuys the Tugwell bill; to the Committee on Interstate and For­ Kean Neely Sheppard Wagner Keyes Norris Shipstead Walcott eign Commerce. King Nye Smith Walsh 1708. By Mr. SNELL: Petition of citizens of Canton, N.Y., La Follette O'Mahoney Steiwer Wheeler protesting against war preparations of the United States; to Lewis Overton Stephens White the Committee on Appropriations. Logan Patterson Thomas, Okla. 1709. By Mr. SUTPHIN: Petition of West End Parent­ Mr. FESS. I desire to announce that the senior Senator Teachers Association, endorsing the principles enunciated in from Rhode Island [Mr. METCALF], the junior Senator from the proposed revision of the present Federal Food and Drug Rhode Island [Mr. HEBERT], the Senator from South Da­ Act; to the Committee on Agriculture. kota [Mr. NORBECK], and the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. REED] are necessarily absent from the Senate. Mr. LEWIS. I desire to announce that the Senator from SENATE Louisiana [Mr. LoNG l is necessarily detained from the Senate. MONDAY, JANUARY 22,, 1934 The VICE PRESIDENT. Ninety-one Senators having (Legislative day of Thursday, Jan. 11, 1934) answered to their names, a quorum is present. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration IMPORTATION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES (S.DOC. NO. 117) of the recess. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE from the Director of the Federal Alcohol Control Adminis­ A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. tration transmitting, in compliance with Senate Resolution Haltigan, one of its clerks, announced that the House had No. 127 of the present Congress, information regarding per­ passed a bill (H.R. 6976) to protect the currency system of mits to import alcoholic beverages under the marketing the United States, to provide for the better use of the agreement and license for the alcoholic beverages importing monetary gold stock of the United States, and for other industu, which, with the accompanying report, was ordered purposes, in which it requested the concurrence of the to lie on the table and to be printed. Senate. REGULATION OF RAILROADS CH.DOC. 0. 223) REFERENCE AND SIGNING OF BILLS The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair desires to state that, from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission under authority of the order of the Senate on January 11 transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the Federal Coor­ (calendar day, January 19), 1934, he signed, on January 20, dinator of Transportation on the question, "Is there need 1934, the enrolled bill CH.R. 6181) to control the manu­ for a radical or major change in the organization, conduct, facture, transportation, possession, and sale of alcoholic and regulation of the railroad industry which can be accom­ beverages in the District of Columbia, which had previously plished by Federal legislation?", together with four appen­ been signed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives dixes referred to therein. and reported by the Committee on Enrolled Bills as being Mr. DILL. I move that the report be printed, without the truly enrolled. illustrations, and referred to the Committee on Interstate The Chair also desires to state that, under further au­ Commerce. thority of said order, the bill (H.R. 6951) making appro­ The motion was agreed to. priations for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, was received by the Secretary PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS on January 20, 1934, from the House of Representatives, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a joint res­ and referred on said day by the Chair to the Committee on olution of the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin memo­ Appropriations. rializing Congress to adopt certain proposed measures for agricultural relief, which was referred to the Committee on GOVERNMENT SALARIES AND VETERANS' LEGISLATION Agriculture and Forestry. Mr. COPELAND. Mr. President, I desire to say for the <See resolution printed in full when presented by Mr. RECORD that I have received in my office so many letters LA FOLLETTE on Jan. 19, 1934, p. 916, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.) and petitions relating to employees' salaries and veterans' The VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate a joint legislation that I find it utterly impossible to make proper resolution of the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin me­ reply to them. I wish to make this statement so my con­ morializing Congress to establish uniform rules and regu­ stituents may know I am not disregarding their desires. lations for the movement of all commodities in interstate If it were physically possible every letter would have a commerce to prevent embargoes, which was referred to the personal reply, but we are so flooded with mail that we are Committee on Interstate Commerce. simply unable at present to reply by letter. To do so is (See resolution printed ill full when presented today by my sincere desire. Mr. DUFFY.) Needless to say I favor the most generous treatment for The VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate .a joint Government employees and the veterans. I am sure my resolution of the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin me­ votes have shown this, and I shall do my best for them. morializing Congress to enact legislation to provide funds CALL OF THE ROLL for distribution through the banks of the country to enable industry, particularly the small business man, to make char­ Mr. LEWIS. I suggest the absence of a quorum and ask for a roll call. acter loans at local banks for a period of 2 years at a rate of interest not to exceed 4 percent, which was referred to The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. the Committee on Banking and Currency. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following (See resolution printed in full when presented today by Senators answered to their names: Mr. DUFFY.) Adams Borah Connally Duffy Ashurst Brown Coolidge Erickson He also laid before the Senate a concurrent resolution of Austin Bulkley Copeland Fess the Legislature of the State of Kentucky, favoring the imme­ Bachman Bulow Costigan Fletcher diate ratification of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Deep Balley Byrd Couzens Frazier Bankhead Byrnes Cutting George Waterway Treaty with Canada, which was ordered to lie Barbour Capper Davis Gibson on the table. Barkley Caraway Dickinson Glass Black Carey Dieterich Goldsborough (See resolution printed iR full when presented today by Mr. Bone Clark Dill Gore .LoGANJ • 1040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 22 He also laid before the Senate a resolution of the House Knoxville, Tenn., favoring the taxation of tax-exempt securi­ of Representatives of the State of Kentucky memorializing ties, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Congress to recognize the Federal Government's obligation He also laid before the Senate a resolution adopted by to share equitably the proceeds of liquor taxes with the States the Common Council of the city of Wauwatosa, Wis., favor­ and to prevent intergovernmental competition in such taxa­ ing the continuation of operations under the Civil Works tion, which was ordered to lie on the table. Administration, which was referred to the Committee on (See resolution printed in full when presented today by Mr Finance. LOGAN.) He also laid before the Senate a resolution adopted by the The VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate the executive board of the Welfare Clients' Association, of Royal following joint memorial of the Legislature of the State of Oak Township, Mich., favoring additional relief to families Montana, which was referred to the Committee on Public on the welfare rolls of southern Oakland County, Mich., Lands and Surveys: which was ref erred to the Committee on Finance. Senate Joint Memorial 7 (lntroduced by Duncan and Church) He also laid before the Senate a memorial of the Governor A memorial memorializing the Congress of the Unit ed States for a and State Land Department of Arizona remonstrating grant of lands for public buildings at the capitol of the State, against the withdrawal order issued by the Secretary of the in addition to grants heretofore made for that purpose Interior of certain Papago Indian lands from mineral entry, To the honorable Senate and House of Representatives in the Congress of the United States: which was referred to the Committee on Indian Afiairs. Whereas by Senate Joint Memorial No. 6, passed by the Twenty­ He also laid before the Senate a petition of the Pacific second session of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mon­ Movement of the Eastern World, Inc., of St. Louis, Mo., tana.. the Congress of the United States was memorialized as follows: praying for the passage of antilynching legislation, which " Whereas the grants of public ·lands for public buildings at the was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. capitol of the State heretofore made have been found to be insutfi­ He also laid before the Senate a letter from S. L. Wharton, ctent to meet the present needs and requirements; and "Whereas the Twenty-first Legislative Assembly authorized the of Mansfield, La., endorsing Hon. JOHN H. OVERTON, a Sena­ Issuance of a. bond issue of $250,000 for the purpose of erecting tor from Louisiana, which was referred to the Committee on and furnishing a suitable Montana State Historical Library as an Privileges and Elections.
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