A Abandonment, of Local Church Property, ¶ 2548 Abortion Ministry To

A Abandonment, of Local Church Property, ¶ 2548 Abortion Ministry To

CONS001936QK013.qxp:QK013.qxd 11/10/08 8:21 AM Page 783 INDEX The numbers, unless otherwise indicated, refer to paragraphs (¶) and to sub- paragraphs. Subparagraphs are indicated by the numerals following the deci- mal points. A Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), ¶¶ 162U, 162V abandonment, of local church property, ¶ 2548 “Act of Covenanting Between Christian Churches and The United abortion Methodist Church,” ¶ 573 ministry to those who have experienced, ¶ 161K Act of Covenanting with The United social principles, ¶¶ 161J, 162V Methodist Church, ¶¶ 570.1, 570.2a, 570.4a, 570.4b abstinence alcohol, ¶ 806.10 address, of member, ¶ 228.2b(2) abuse. See also child abuse; sexual administration budgets, ¶ 614.2 abuse social principles, ¶ 161G administrative committees, in local of women, ¶ 162F churches, ¶ 258 accessibility audit, of local church, administrative complaints, ¶ 362.1a ¶ 2532.6 against bishop, ¶ 413 accountability administrative council, jurisdictional, closed meeting restrictions, ¶ 721 ¶ 530 of discipleship, ¶ 1118.2 Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 702.2 of ordained persons, ¶¶ 303.3, 304.1j administrative general agencies, of superintendency, ¶ 403.1f ¶ 703.6 accounting procedures, ¶¶ 806.3, 806.7 administrative location, ¶ 363.3 administrative review committee “Acknowledgment of Transfer of and, ¶ 635 Membership,” ¶ 239 readmission after, ¶ 365 783 CONS001936QK013.qxp:QK013.qxd 11/10/08 8:21 AM Page 784 INDEX administrative review committee, affiliate membership roll, ¶ 230.4 ¶ 636 administrative location, ¶¶ 363.3, affiliated autonomous Methodist 635 churches, ¶ 570.2 immunity from prosecution, ¶ 362.3 becoming, ¶ 572 for involuntary leave, ¶¶ 355.10, 636 certificates of membership, ¶ 571.1 on provisional membership, clergy transfer, ¶ 572.2 ¶ 363.4b cooperation plan, ¶ 572.6 Discipline of, ¶ 572.3 adoption, of children visitation program, ¶ 571.3 leave of absence for, ¶ 356 social principles, ¶ 161L affiliated united churches, ¶ 570.3 becoming, ¶ 572 Adult Ministries, ¶ 1120.3 certificates of membership, ¶ 571.1 clergy transfer, ¶ 572.2 adult workers cooperation plan, ¶ 572.6 Ministries with Young People, Discipline of, ¶ 572.3 Division on, ¶ 1207.1c visitation program, ¶ 571.3 Advance Committee, ¶¶ 822.4, 822.6 affirmative action, ¶¶ 633, 1009, 2103 oversight of The Advance for Christ support of, ¶ 162 and His Church, ¶ 1312 promoting Advance Specials, ¶ 823.4 Africa Central Conference, ¶ 540.3 The Advance for Christ and His Africa University Fund, ¶ 634.4a5 Church, ¶ 821 Communications, General conference program, ¶ 655 Commission marketing, ¶ 1806.12 financial support of provisional funding for, ¶ 806.1c conference, ¶ 581 marketing/promotion by The African Methodist Episcopal Communications, General Church, p. 14 ¶¶ 1903, 1903.8, 2403 Commission, ¶ 1806.12 mission program, ¶ 1313.6k The African Methodist Episcopal oversight of, ¶ 1312 Zion Church, p. 14 ¶¶ 1903, 2403 Advance Special Gifts, ¶¶ 619.1, age level, life-span, and family 633.4, 655 ministries conference, ¶ 655.1 Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1120 directives, ¶¶ 821.2, 822 as general fund, ¶ 810.1 general projects, ¶ 1312.3 age-level councils, ¶ 257 advocacy, ¶ 2533.5 agencies, ¶¶ 701, 707, 1906.1b. See also in extension ministries, ¶ 622 annual conference agencies; for intellectual life in Church, general agencies; ¶ 1405.1 interdenominational agencies; in judicial proceedings, ¶ 2701.4d specific agency legislative, ¶ 1004 amenability, ¶ 702 for older-adult concerns, ¶ 1121.2 annual conference, ¶ 610 784 CONS001936QK013.qxp:QK013.qxd 11/10/08 8:21 AM Page 785 INDEX annual reports, ¶ 704 agriculture, ¶ 160 bishops and, ¶ 710.11 family farms, ¶ 163H in Book of Discipline, ¶ 701.2 sustainable, ¶ 162Q borrowing by, ¶ 811.3 central conferences, ¶ 547 AIDS. See Acquired Immune Civic Youth-Serving, ¶¶ 256.4, Deficiency Syndrome; HIV/AIDS 2302.5 compliance monitoring, ¶ 806.12 disabilities, accommodating persons air with, ¶ 715.2 social principles, ¶ 160A dismissal of members and employees, ¶ 711 Albright, Jacob, ¶¶ 102, 103, 121 divisions and subunits, ¶ 709 election of general secretaries of alcoholic beverages, ¶¶ 613.19, 716, program, ¶ 713 806.10 general, ¶ 707 social principles, ¶ 162L interdenominational, ¶ 2403 international and ecumenical amendments settings, ¶ 719 to bill of charges and specifications, jurisdictional conferences, ¶¶ 529–35 ¶ 2708.11 archives and history, ¶ 532 Committee on the Plan of program agencies, ¶ 531 program coordination, ¶ 530 Organization and Rules of order, United Methodist Men ¶ 511.3b constitution, ¶ 537 to the Constitution, ¶¶ 59–61 United Methodist Women men’s division, ¶¶ 648, 671 constitution, ¶ 536 women’s division, ¶¶ 536, 647, 669 Youth Ministry Organization Convocation, ¶ 533 American Bible Society, ¶ 2405 meetings, ¶ 707 meetings accommodating American Methodism disabilities, ¶ 715.2 doctrinal standards, ¶¶ 102 membership qualifications, ¶ 710 (pp. 52–55) nomination of additional board members, ¶ 706 Americans with Disabilities nondiscrimination policies, ¶ 715 accessibility standards, organization, ¶ 708 ¶ 139 program accountability, ¶ 702 staff provisions, ¶ 714 animal life travel of staff, ¶ 714.2 social principles, ¶ 160C United Methodist Publishing House, ¶¶ 1610, 1611 annual conference, ¶¶ 11, 601–56 vacancies, ¶ 712 agencies, ¶ 610 agenda of, ¶ 605.2 agenda, of annual conference, archives and history, conference ¶¶ 605.2, 605.5 commission, ¶ 641 board of higher education of, ¶ 634.2 aging board of trustees, ¶ 640 older-adult ministries, ¶ 1121 boundaries of, ¶ 543.8 rights, social principles, ¶ 162E business of, ¶ 605 785 CONS001936QK013.qxp:QK013.qxd 11/10/08 8:21 AM Page 786 INDEX Christian unity and interreligious Ethnic Local Church Concerns, concerns committee (or Conference Committee on, ¶ 632 conference committee), ¶ 642 global ministries, conference board, clergy membership, ¶ 602.1 ¶ 633 composition and character, ¶ 602 group health care plans, ¶ 639.7 connectional ministries, ¶ 608 higher education and campus constitutional amendment voting of, ministry, conference board of, ¶ 33 ¶ 634 diaconal ministers, ¶ 602.4b joint committee on incapacity, ¶ 652 director of communications, ¶ 609 laity, conference board, ¶ 631 district conference, ¶¶ 657–71 Native American Ministry, Finance and Administration, committee, ¶ 654 Conference Council, ¶¶ 611–19 older-adult ministries, conference General Conference delegate council, ¶ 651 election by, ¶¶ 34, 35 Ordained Ministry, conference historian, ¶ 641.3 board, ¶ 635 inquiries of local churches, ¶ 604.8 pensions conference board, ¶ 639 journal examination, ¶ 543.11 retiree health care access, ¶ 639.5 lay leader, ¶¶ 32, 247.14, 604.9, 605.2, small membership church, 607, 631.3 conference commission, ¶ 645 membership, ¶ 32 status and role of women, organization, ¶ 603 conference commission, ¶ 644 pastoral support, ¶¶ 620–28 United Methodist Men constitution, pensions, ¶ 1506 ¶ 648 powers, duties, and responsibilities, United Methodist Women ¶ 1506 constitution, ¶ 647 purpose, ¶ 601 young-adult ministry, conference records and archives, ¶ 606 council, ¶ 650 seating, ¶ 602.9 youth ministry, conference council, sexual and gender harassment, ¶ 649 ¶ 605.8 standards of, ¶ 543.9 annual conference, journal, ¶ 344.4 appointments published in, ¶ 1314.3 annual conference agencies, ¶¶ 610, archive placement, ¶ 1711.3j 629–56 contents and divisions, ¶¶ 527, administrative review committee, 606.3, 606.5 ¶ 636 investment listing, ¶ 1508.7 Advance program, ¶ 655 judicial council, ¶ 2609.6 CJAMM, ¶ 656 jurisdictional conference authority, communications commission, ¶ 646 ¶ 527 criminal justice and mercy ministries (CJAMM) committee, ¶ 656 annual reports, ¶ 704 disability concerns, committee, ¶ 653 discipleship, conference board, ¶ 630 annuities district superintendents working Discipleship, General Board, with, ¶ 419.1j ¶¶ 1104.4, 1310 episcopacy conference committee, Education, General Board holding, ¶ 637 ¶ 1402 Episcopal Residence Committee, Global Ministries, General Board ¶ 638 administration, ¶ 1310 786 CONS001936QK013.qxp:QK013.qxd 11/10/08 8:21 AM Page 787 INDEX Apostles’ Creed, ¶¶ 101, 102, 203, 214 candidacy for licensed and certified candidates, ¶ 314 apostolic ministry certified candidates, ¶ 314 ordination of, ¶ 302 to extension ministries, ¶¶ 343–44, 344 Appalachian Development ordained deacon in full Committee connection, ¶ 331 to various ministries, 337–42 Church and Society, General Board ¶¶ superintendency, ¶¶ 430–35 relationship with, ¶ 1004 apportioned funds appeals committee, ¶¶ 2712, 2714, conference payment of, ¶ 808 2718 Finance and Administration, of bishop, clergy member, local Conference Council, ¶¶ 613.3, 615 pastor, or diaconal member, local church notification of, ¶ 247.14 ¶ 2716 central conference, ¶ 31.7 apportionments. See also conference general procedures, ¶ 2715 benevolences; World Service Fund Judicial Council review of, ¶ 2609.8 conference payment of, ¶ 808 jurisdictional conference, 27.6 ¶ Episcopal Fund, ¶ 614.1b of lay member, ¶ 2717 Finance and Administration, Pension and Health Benefits, Conference Council, ¶¶ 613.3, 615 General Board, ¶ 1502.4c pastoral support, ¶¶ 621–22 responsibilities, ¶ 613.3 appointment-making local church notification of, ¶ 247.14 deacons in full connection, ¶ 435 pastoral support, ¶¶ 621–22 frequency of, ¶ 434 archives appointments central conference, ¶ 545 in annual conference, journal, of churches in merger, ¶ 2545.5 ¶ 1314.3 defined, ¶ 1711.1 of bishops, ¶ 433.2 of cabinets, ¶ 207.6 Archives

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