22502573827 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/b20442087 ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDIES on the Strange Sexual Practises of ALL RACES AND ALL AGES Anthropological Studies in the < : L ANCIENT V MODERN ORIENTAlMKC! DENTAL PRIMITIVE "^CIVILIZED % Dr. I WAN BLOCH PHYSICIAN OF DISEASES OF THE SEXUAL SYSTEM Charlottenburq. fiehin •W5 AUTHOR OF SEXUAL LIFE OFOUR TIME ORIGIN OF SYPHILIS MARQUIS DE SADE Translated from the German J>y KEENE WALLIS PRIVATELY PRINTED ANTHROPOLOGICAL PRESS >>^^ NEW YORK Copyright, 1933, Falstaff Press Printed in the United States j Wellcome Library — TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BY DR. EULENBURG ON THE COMPELLING IMPORTANCE OF THIS EPOCH-MAKING WORK ON SEXUAL ANTHROPOLOGY pAGE x Chapter 1. STRANGE SEX LIFE AMONG PRIMITIVE AND CIVILIZED PEOPLES pAGE 7 In Bible—In Vedas—Ancient Egyptian papyri—Among "nature" people —Culture and sexual spheres—Roman Empire—Colossal error of Krafft- Ebing psychopatbia sexualis—Sophisticated sexual misconduct of savages Erotic refinements 2. ROOTS OF PERVERSIONS IN ALL RACES AND ALL AGES — GREEK LOVES AND PRIMITIVE REFINEMENTS Page 11 Sanctioned forms of boy-love in Athens—Moll's writings—Havelock Ellis and Krafft-Ebing—Bestial forms of primitive sensuality—Titillation ap- paratus—Technique of Indian Ars Amandi—Monstrous customs on Is- land of Ponape—Universal bestial fraternity—Jaded dishes of normal persons — Woman's sex in man's body — Homosexuality in Africa — Eunuchs and feminine center—Ulrich's queer doctrines—Strange etiology 3. RACIAL EROTIC PECULIARITIES AND LOVE-ARTS—LOVE IN INDIA: ITS IMMEMORIAL THEORY AND PRACTISE—SOUTH- ERN ITALY—THE ORIENT: INDO-CHINA—JAPAN—ARABIA- INTERNATIONAL SEX RELATIONS Page 24 Indecent customs of barbarians—Mechanical aids—Nationality and love —Description of fiery love in Southern Italy—Animal and human Sotadic Zone of Extravagant Vice—Sotadic love in various races—Vast scale of invert love in Hellas—Slavs—Excesses in Phoenicia, Babylon, Persia—Shocking practises in the Orient—Hindu Art of Love—Furnace heat of love in India—Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana—Harem perversions —The Smaradipika of Kadra-Ruda—Indian text-books on love—Erotic teachings of Hindu Art of Love—Unnatural love in China—Chinese ero- tica—Sexual vice in Japan—Devices of Japanese women—Sensual races: the Semites: Mongols; Malays—Scatalogic literature of French—Arabian peculiarities of love V \ — — — —— TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 4. STRANGE SEXUAL RELATIONS OF NEGROID PRIMITIVES — TRIBAL AMATORY CUSTOMS AND PLEASURE CONTRIVANCES —SAVAGE LESBIAN LOVE—INDIANS Page 41 Greek love in modern Germany—Trained vices of African tribes—Tri- badic activities of Zanzibar negresses—Devices—Abused women in Ara- bian harems—Love games of the Manghabei of Madagascar—Flacourt's reports—of tsecats and sekrata—Reciprocal gratification of African wo- men—Bestiality of Malayans—Lesbian love of Bali women—Hawaii and incredible hermaphrodites—Sexual misconduct among Tahitians Mah- hus—Sexual types of Indian tribes—Perrin du Lac's discoveries of de- pravities of Indian tribes—Indian men-women—Hammond's important unfoldments: mujerados—Artificial production of perverts—Twelfth cen- tury soldier orgies—Boy-concubines of Arctic peoples Maricones— Dawydow's anthropological revelations—Fantastic arrangements of Itelms —Their surprising sex organs—Itelm women and Cossacks—Men-women of Madagascar—Male and female vices of Kamchatka—Artificial produc- tion of Sekrata—Uranian cultivation of primitives: for limitation of off- spring—Hazardous beliefs 5. SOPHISTICATED FORMS OF VICE — URBAN AND RURAL — RELATIVE FREQUENCY OF PERVERSITIES IN MEN AND WO- MEN OF PRIMITIVE AND MODERN RACES Page 55 Great treatise of Pastor C. Wagner—Unnatural acts of peasants—Age and stimulants to potency—Frequency of male and female perversions Sexual orgies of Marquis de Sade—De Sade's women—Number of male and female ecstasies—Male mutilations for women's pleasures—Indelicate devices of Javanese and Dajaks—Sensual demands of women of Pintadas Islands—Mechanisms and operations for pleasure—Miklucho-Maclay's reports of Malay and South Sea Archipelago Mica operation—Erotic insects—Amerigo Vespucci's report—Warning against lusts of Carib wo- men — Sixty-four arts to satisfy women of India — Customs of sex in South Sea Islands—Perverse practises of frigid women—Curious de- sires of primitive and modern women 6. IDEAL MARRIAGE AND STRANGE SEXUAL PRACTISES — OB- SCENE CULTS Page 64 Amatory practises of Jews and Gentiles—Satan Cult—Obscene cults: Baal Peor, Astarte—Bible immorality—Marriage, worldly celibacy and perversions—Depravities of rich and poor—Uneducated man and savage man—Unusual sexuality of some professions: artists, actors 7. SOPHISTICATED SEX PRACTISES AND MODERN CULTURED CIVILIZATION—SCIENTIFIC INCREASE OF PLEASURES—MOD- ERN APPARATUS AND PLEASURE EXPEDIENTS—FUTURE RE- FINEMENTS OF LOVE—SENSUALITY OF ARTISTS OL aovd Science and new sexual enjoyments—Mantegazza and modern love: its greed for delicacies—Savage and modern pursuit—Scientific pleasures Many modern forms of love—Modern arts of seduction—Types of attrac- tion—National differences of erotic excitement—English, Americans, Ger- mans, French—Diversities of stimulation—Dangers of the artist tempera- ment—His always latent sensuality—Sensual love and beauty love—Ex- treme sensuality of great artists and poets VI — TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 8. INTER-RELATIONS OF ALL RELIGIONS AND VITA SEXUALIS —TEMPLE PROSTITUTION IN INDIA—EROTIC ELEMENTS IN ORIENTAL AND OCCIDENTAL RELIGIONS AND CULTS Page 80 Anthropological importance—Sexual elements in primitive and modern religions—Sex impulse and the supernatural—Urge of love, divine— Religious madness and sex perversions—Religious self-mutilation and sadism—Mahomet over-sexed—Consecrated mistresses—Sacred and hos- pitality prostitution—Erotic sacrifices in antiquity: Roman divinities; service of Baal Peor—Abbe Guyan's remarks: abominable worship of Indians — Yogis and violent deflorations — Secret rites of the Mylitta Cult—Sacrifice to strangers—Religious prostitution in Jerusalem—Cults in Egypt—Virgins at the Aphrodisia—Remarkable customs among East Asiatics and savage tribes—A tribute to the Goddess of Pleasure—Variety of deflorations—Sects of Maharajahs of India—The "threefold sacrifice" —Rites of Krishna's dances—Religious deflorations—Divine harems —Rites of the Priests of Buddha: virgin ceremonies—Tao religion —"Duties" of the Temple girls—Erotic acts in consecrated places—Holy hetaetae—Sacrifices in Temple of Aphrodite—Double procreative service of Nautch women—In Madras alone twelve thousand temple prostitutes Religious-erotic festivals—Isis celebrations in Egypt—Orgies of Cai- tanya Sect—Debauchery of Saktas—Erotic license of Peruvians and other seas 9. UNIVERSAL ANTHROPOLOGIC PHENOMENA OF THE EROTIC URGE — SEXUAL MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT AND ASCETICISM — SENSUAL RITES IN BUDDHISM: YOGISM: MOHAMMEDAN- ISM: SUFISM—DEVIL'S CULT Page 97 Sex and witchcraft—The fight against the flesh—Sexual intensification of asceticism—Ascetic Sects and unnatural vices—Amorous nature of sect founders—Ancient and modern—Malpractises of Eastern sects—Sins of the saints—Prehistoric man and the sex drive—Magic sex cures "Secrets" of sorcery among Brazilian savages—Satanic witch cults and sex matters—Love potions of witches—The Sabbat: inhuman degradation of woman's body—The hysterical sexual-religious urge of the Middle Ages —Anthropological importance 10. PASTORAL STUDIES OF SEX—GIGANTIC SEXUAL LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY—ILLUMINATING ANTHROPOLOGICAL CON- TRIBUTIONS OF THE CONFESSIONAL Page 110 Church medicine and sexual science—Rich source of sexual study in writ- ings of theological casuists—Religious miracles and sexual science—Dr. Edmund Skiers' curious explanation of conceptio immaculata—Erotic elements in sermons—The Talmud and sex—Writings of Islam—Phallic worship and primitive man—Worship of parts genital—Procreative act as life-producing magic—O. Caspari's peculiar theory—Egyptian phallic temple architecture—Mohammedan women and holy madmen—Phallic fetishes—Exposures of women in Isis festivals—Religious flagellantism Sacred nanny-goats—Most remarkable of all religious-erotic phenomena —Effeminate Floridas—Greek and African religious homosexuality Oneida Sect and Satan Cult VII — — — TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 11. GENITAL DEFORMATIONS AND MUTILATIONS AND STRANGE DESIRES—PERVERSIONS FROM NARCOTICS IN CHINA Page 127 Castrates—Eunuchs and sex modes—Eterilization of women: India, Paris —Girls of Queensland—Sexuality of Hermaphrodites—Pelikan's reports of Skopzoi in Russia—Feminine and masculine hermaphrodites—Prehis- toric Onanism—Tissot's exaggerations—Freemasonry of Onanists —Rou- baud's experiences — Bestial results of extreme Ananism — Sapphism — Sexual transformations—Narcotics and erotic extravagances—Opium and homosexual prostitution Walevi of Zanzibar—Opium in China and its demoralizing effects 12. SEXUAL HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY OF CLOTHING, NAKEDNESS AND FASHION—FASHION DICTATED BY UNDER- WORLD OF PROSTITUTION: ROME, VENICE, PARIS Page 140 Fashion and sex—Nakedness and shamelessness—Insufficient exposure and shame—Loin cloth and genitals—Fury of man-capture—Naked and veiled sensuality—Nakedness and Christian "immorality"—Partial ex- posure—Exciting clothing—Female dress as "protecting wall"—Clothing as a fetter to excess—Wanton clothing—Modern clothing as aphrodisiac —Sophisticated purposes of modern fashion—Transparent clothes of masculine profligates— —Roman prostitutes and male clothes—Invention of corset: Christian
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