i t• •. • • • • I; I a •. a I I I I I •'. •' i' 'I i• ,Welcome, Patronize Our i ) I I! •I aGht Gto.mm,ntator Class of '60 Adv.;rtlsers 'I '•I Official Undergra~uate Newspaper of Yeshiva College Ii I. ! • J. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . VOLU E XLIV NEW YORK CITY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1956 No.·1 Appointment of Six to Faculty Mayor Gets Award Assistant Deanship Created; For Public Service ~ Announced &y Dean Guterman At Charter Dinner Rabbi Tendler Assumes Post Dr. Simeon L. Guterman, dean of Yeshiva College, has an­ Rabbi Moses D. Tendler, chairman of the Religious Gi'.iidance Mayor Robert F. Wagner was nounced the following appointments to the faculty of Yeshiva College: Committee, and instructor in Biology, has been appointed Assistant presented with the Yeshiva Uni­ Dr. Robert Lek:achman, assistant professor of Economics, Dr. Adolf Dean of Yeshiva College in charge of student affairs, announced Dr. versity Annual Charter Day Anderson, visiting professor of Chemistry, Dr. Moshe Reguer, instruc­ Samuel Belkin, president of Yes­ Award at a dinner held Sunday tor in Bible, Mr. Jonah Mann, instructor in· Mathematics, Mr. hiva University. evening, October 14, at the Judah Schwartz, instructor in Physics, and Rabbi Harry W ohlberg, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The The duties of the Assistant instructor in Bible. Charter Day Dinner, sponsored Dean, as enumerated by Dean Dr. Anderson, the newly ap­ by the Bronx Community, marks Guterman, are: to interview all pointed v1s1tmg professor of the eleventh anniversary of Yes­ students including applicants for Chemistry, received both his B.S. Dorm Group Votes hiva's attainment of university admission ; to share ,the responsi­ and Ph.D. degrees from the Uni­ Link with Council; status. bility of student counseling; to versity of Pittsburgh. handle cases of student discipline; Among the others honored The new Assistant Professor of Retains Autonomy to supervise student activities and were: Justice Morris E. Spector, Economics, Dr. Robert Lek:ach­ The Student Resident Orga­ publications and to have complete who received the Yeshiva U niver­ man, received his B.S.S. in 1942 nization has empowered its Presi­ charge of dormitories and all ac­ sity Synagogue Award, and Mr. and his Ph.D. in 1954 from dent to negotiate with Student tivities pertaining to them. The Samuel Adler, president of the Columbia University. Council to have the council new Assistant Dean is a member Adler Creamery Company, who Jonah Mann '54, the new in­ charter S.R.O. as an autonomous of the University Scholarship was the recipient of the Yeshiva structor in l\,f athematics, received body affiliated with Student Committee and a member of the University Charter Day Laymen's both his B.A. and M.S. from Council. According to S.R.O.'s University Review Board. Award. · Yeshiva. For the past two years, resolution, passed at its first meet­ Dr. Belkin Commends Wargner Degrees from N. Y. U. ' Jl1r. Mann has been assistant to ing, held Thursday, October 11, In citing Mayor Wagner for Rabbi Tendler received his Dr. J ek:uthiel Ginsburg, director the relationship of S.R.O. to the award, Dr. Samuel Belkin, B.A. from New York University of the Institute of l\.1athematics. Council will approximate that of Rabbi Moses D. Tendler president of Yeshiva niversity, in 1947, his M.A. from the same Returns to Faculty Co-op and THE COMMENTATOR. ti commended him for his "dis­ school in 1950 and smicha from A returnee to the College Review Board Appointed Canadian Professor tinguished public service and R.I.E.T.S. in 1949. He is cur­ faculty, Dr. l\.1oshe Reguer re­ A Review Board has been ap­ devotion to the liberal tradition." Chosen as Director rently studying for his doctorate ceived his smicha from R.I.E.T.S., pointed to summon residents ac­ at Columbfa University. hi; B.A. from Yeshiva College in cused of violating the Residence Judge Spector, recipient of the Of New Grad Dept. As a bacteriologist, he recently 1942 and his D.H.L. from Yes­ Synagogue Award, is a member Hall regulations. Professor Morton Teicher of concluded a research fellowship at hiva University in 1946. of the State Supreme Court, The Board, consisting of Jerry the University of Toronto has Columbia University. ft was ~1 r. Judah Schwartz, the new Quint '58, secretary of S. R. 0 .. having been elected to it in 1955 after serving as City Court Justice been named Director of the newly awarded by the United States addition to the Phvsics Depart­ Joseph Chervin '58. and Abraham established Department of Social Public Health. Service to continue ment. received his B.A. from smce 1949. A former United Shapiro '58, will confer with the Work of the Graduate Division. original research in vitamin B-12 Yeshiva in 1954. For the past States Attorney and Assistant accused. It will not enter findings After receiving his B.S.S. from and hemoglobin, with direct ap­ h\.·o years, he has been simul­ of guilt or innocence in any case. District Attorney of Bronx County, he is Chairman of the C.C.N.Y. in 1940 and his Master plication to the problems of taneously studying for his doctor­ Two alternatives will be open of Social Work: in 1942 from the anemia and leukemia. ate and teaching at Columbia to the board-either dismissal of Yeshiva University Synagogue University of Pennsylvania, Pro­ Previous to his appointment as U niversitv. the case, or referral to the Council and is widely active in fessor Teicher served as a psy­ Assistant Dean, Rabbi Tendler Rabbi Harry Wohlberg, as­ Resident Court. This court of numerous civic and philanthropic chologist and social worker for taught a class in Talmud at sistant professor of Homiletic two justices will rule on the undertakings. the United States Army during R.I.E.T.S. He is a member of Literature in R.I.E.T.S., is Na­ evidence and impose sentence. Mr. Adler, who was presented the Second World War and as the Rabbinical Council of Amer­ tional Vice President of the Miz­ Joseph Silve·rstein '57, has been with the Laymen's award, is a the chief psychiatric .worker of ica, the Union of Orthodox Rab­ rachi and Vice President of the named a justice. founder of the University's Albert the ·Toronto Pyschiatric Hospital. bis of the United States and Rabbinic Alumni of Yeshiva Uni­ Louis Wohl '57, president of Einstein College of Medicine, and An anthropologist as well as a Canada and the American Society versity. He received his smicha S. R. 0., Benjy Samson '57, vice· has been actively identified with social worker, he did graduate of Bacteriologists. from R.I.E.T.S. in 1932, and his president, and Jerry Quint '57, work in anthropology at the Uni­ many charitable and communal B.S. from Columbia University are ex officio members of the versity of Toronto and field in 1939_ ( Continued on page 4) endeavors. work: among the Eskimos and Seniors Aid Frosh Iriquois Indians. In New Program; Professor Teicher is a member Minyan Problem Solved in Tvvo Novel Ways; of the Canadian Association of Advise on Maiors Social W ork:ers, the American Resurrection Anthropological Association and This year's Senior-Freshman Students Experience Morning the Society for Applied Anthro­ Advisory Committee has already By George Siegel daylight than they ever imagined plete reversal of the neglect pology. He has made original interviewed., 115 of the 140 fresh­ The Yeshiva student would be existed. of previous years. The effects of studies in both fields and has men, disclosed Josef E. Fischer less the man if he did not admit The campaign is really a simple the "prodder's" campaign are published articles in leading social '57, president of Student Council. work:, anthropological and pys­ to himself certain truths. First of one waged on two levels, the readily seen. The minyan in the Under the direction of David physical and the psychological. At Bet Hamedrash is packed to chiatric journals. these is that any Yeshiva student J. Hammer '57, the program be­ ought to go to minyan. The 7 :30 a.m., an assistant will enter capacity; Riets Hall lack:s enough gan functioning during Freshman second of these is that if we are the room and, as roosters are chairs for S habhat services. Lebowitz to Attend lazy, we ought to be prodded. wont to do, loudly proclaim the Whereas last year the dorm at Orientation Week. At that time, Furthermore, if these thoughts morning. Any occupant will be 8 :30 a.m. could easily have been Press Conference the freshmen had their first op­ seem treason to the "student sufficiently disturbed at this to at mistaken for a morgue, this term Jacob M. Lebowitz '57, edi­ portunity to meet with their sen- . ' ca use," it is only because most least turn over. we have a virtual resurrection of tor-in-chief of THE COMMEN­ ior advisers. To help the students Yeshiva students have cultivated Psychological Effect the dead. TATOR, will be one of a group of get acquainted with the school, a the notion that what they do is As he does this, the psycholo­ college newspaper editors ques­ Whether our eyes are bleary in number of faculty members were right simply by virtue of their gical sets in. For no apparent the morning or not, we must ad­ tioning Vice President Richard present. doing it. reason, the occupant recalls that, mit that being all dressed, da­ M. Nixon at a press conference In any event, it is already ap­ one, the last time he was at ve,ned and fed regularly in the at Cornell University tonight.
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