Plan of the London Dispensary, Primrose-Street, Bishopsgate Without

Plan of the London Dispensary, Primrose-Street, Bishopsgate Without

P LAN OFT H E LONDON DISPENSARY j Prirarofc-Street, Bifhopfgate Without: FOR ADMINISTERING ADVICE and MEDICINES TO THE POOR: AT THE DISPENSARY, O R THEIR OWN HABITATIONS. INSTITUTED, 1777- 3 PLAN OF THE LONDON DISPENSARY, Primrofe-Street, Bifhopfgate Without. INTRODUCTION. will, doubtlefs, afford peculiar Satis- ITfaction to every humane Difpofition to refleCl upon the generous, and benevolent Spirit, which appears under various Forms, in different Parts of this great Metropolis. The Compaflion and Liberality of the paft and prefent Age haveprovided feveral Hofpi- tals, and other falutary Means of relieving the diftrefled : Yet, ftill it muff be allowed, they are inadequate to the laudable End pro- pofed by fuch Inffitutions. The Importance and Utility of the induf- trious Poor to a civilized and commercial State are indifputable : They, confequently, claim our ferious Regard, and are intitled to our charitable Affiftance. Experience fhows, that, as they are fubjeft in common with the reft of Mankind to a great variety of Difeafes, fo, they labour under many peculiar to them- felves expofed to the Changes of the Wea- ther, or confined to unhealthy Habitations, and engaged in various Employments, they fall a prey to numerous Complaints, fufficient to excite the Attention, and implore the Aid of the Benevolent and Wealthy. Impreffed with thefe Confiderations, in the Year 1770, a fimilar Inftitution was eftabliftied in Alderfgate-ftreet, under the Name of the General Difpenfary: But that Charity being confined to the City, in refpeft of vifiting the Poor at their own Habitations, the LONDON DISPENSARY was eftabliftied to afford the like Relief to the induftrious Poor in the Raftcrn Parts of the Metropolis. The greatEncouragement this Charity has already received from a generous and bene- volent Public, the Number of Objects relieved by fo eafy and moderate a Sub- fcription, and the truly charitable End it has in View, leave no Reafon to doubt but that its Friends will daily become more and more numerous. Thus the indudrious Poor will eafily obtain Recommendations from fuch of their benevolent Neighbours as are kindly difpofed to alleviate the Mileries of their Fellow Creatures, to drop the Ravages of Difeafe, foften the Anguifh of Pain, and refcue from the Jaws of Death many ufeful Members of Society. The Limits for lifting Patients at their own Habitations extend from Shoreditch Church to Whitechapel Church, including the whole of thence to Spitalfelds 3 from Hermitage Stairs, JVappi?igy including Goodman s-felds 3 and fro?7i along to Crane Stairs thence the River-fide , through Queen-flreet, King-freet, and Coleman- into to freety Moorfields, Doghoufe Bar, Shoreditch Church. An Account of the Patients fmee the Opening of the Difpenfary on the 16th of June, 1777, to the 4th of June, 1778. Number admitted 2158 ------ - Of whom have been cured or relieved - 1735 Difcharged foe Non-attendance, &c, - - 65 - -- -- ------ Died - 72 Now remain under Cure -----_ 286 Total 2158 Of thefe have been attended at their 2 own Habitations 55 To fuch as are inclined to become Bene- faftors by Will, the following Form of a Legacy is recommended. Item, I give and bequeath unto A. B. and C. D. the Sum oj to be raifed and paid by and out of my Perfonal Eftate and EJfeßs, which by Law I may or can with the < charge Payment thereof upon Trufti that and to the Intent they, or either of them do pay the fame to the Preafurer (for the Lime be- ing) of a Charity, called or known by the Name of the LONDON DISPENSARY, at forRelief of the Poor , the Difpenfary or their own Habitations, i?iftituted in the Tear 1777, now and kept in Primrofeftreet ; which faid Sum I defire may be applied towards carrying on the benevolent Defigns of the faid Charity. N B. Giving Land or Money, or Stock by Will, with Diredlions to be laid out in the Purchafe of any Eftate for the Benefit of this Charity, will be void by the Statute of Mortmain, but Money or Stock may be given by Will without being directed to be laid out.. 7 RULES and ORDERS, RULE I. HIS Charity is to confift of a Prefi- dent, fix Vice-Prefidents, a Treafuren Governors, and Secretary; together with fuch Medical, and Chirurgical Affiftants as may be thought neceffary. 11. All Perfons giving a Benefadlion of Ten Guineas, or making up their Contribution, within the Year, to that Sum, are Governors for Life, with Right of having two Patients on the Books, at a Time. 111. All Perfons paying One Guinea, or up- wards, annually, are alfo Governors, with Right of having one Patient on the Books, at a Time, for each Guinea fubfcribed. IV. Upon the Payment of a Legacy of Fifty Pounds, or upwards, to this Charity, the Perfon appointed to pay the fame will be- come a Governor for Life. V. A Phyilcian and Surgeon attend at the Difpenfary daily, (Sundays excepted) to give Advice to the Out-Patients; and afterwards vifit the Home-Patients at their Abode. An Apothecary refides at the Difpenfary to adminifter the Medicines; and Houfe-Vifitors are appointed to fee that the Regulations are properly obferved. VL Letters of Recommendation, for the Ad-, million of Patients, are printed, wherein are contained proper Rules for their Govern* ment. VII. Governors, by fending Notice in writing to the Difpenfary, may appoint any Perfon, who is a Governor, to fign their Letters of Re- commendation. VIII. A General -Meeting will be held at fix o’clock in the Evening, precifely, on the third Thurfday in the Months of March, June, September, and December, at which feven Governors conftitute a Board. IX. The Prefident, Vice-Prefidents, and Trea- furer, or either of them, have Power to call a General-Meeting at any other Time, giving at lead: one Week’s Notice, by Letter, to each Governor, exprefling the Occafion of the Meeting, and inferring an Advertifement thereof in lome of the daily Papers : And if the Monthly-Committee defire a General Meeting, the Prefident, Vice-Prefidents, or Treafurer are to call one accordingly. X. A Committee of fifteen Governors, three of whom are a Quorum, fir all be chofen at the General-Meeting in December, to meet at the Difpenfary, on the firft Thurfday in every Month, at fix o’clock in the Evening, precifely, for conducting the Affairs of this all Chanty ; which Committee is open to Governors for Life. The Prefident, Vice> Prefidents, and Treafurer are Members of all Committees* XL The Monthly Committee, at their Meet- ing in November, are to confider of proper Perfons to fucceed them for the enfuing Year (in which not more than feven of the old Committee fhall remains) and, at their laffc Meeting in every Quarter, prepare the Bull* nefs to be laid before the General Quarterly Meeting. XII. At the Quarterly General-Meeting in De- cember, a Committee fhall be appointed to audit the Treafurer’s Accounts for the Year j And, alfo a Medical Committee, confifling of Governors acquainted with Phyfic, Surgery, or Pharmacy, to infpedt the Drugs and Medicines, audit the Bills for the fame, and report, as they fee Occalion, to the Monthly Committee. XIIL When any Vacancy is declared at a Ge- neral Meeting, fourteen Days, at leafl, fhall be allowed, previous to an Election s and all Elections to be by Ballot. 11 XIV. Nobility, Members of Parliament, and Ladies, Governors of this Charity, and any Governor rehdent ten Miles, or more from London, may vote by Proxy at all Elections, XV. No Servant of this Charity fhall prefume to take diredlly or indiredlly, of any Tradelman, Patient, or Others, any Fee, Reward, or Gratuity whatfoever, on Pain ofbeing imme- diately difeharged. SUBSCRIPTIONS are received by EDWARD JEFFRIES, E% TREASURER, N° 52, Lothbury. Melfrs. THOMAS COUTTS, and Co. Strand, Meffrs. FULLER, and SON, Lombard-Street. MeITrs.LANGSTON, POLHILL, TOWGOQD, and AMORY, Clement’s-Lane. Meflrs. WELCH, ROGERS, and Co. Cornhill. Mr. JOHN MACKINTOSH, SECRETARY, at the Stock-Exchange, and at the DISPENSARY, PRESIDENT THE RIGHT HONOURABLE The Earl of S H E L B U R NE. VICE PRESIDENTS. Sir WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNNE, Bart. Sir GERARD WILLIAM VAN NECK, Bart. JAMES TOWNSEND, Efq; Alderman. GEORGE H A Y L EY, Efq; Alderman. WILLIAM BAKER, Efq; EDWARD JEFFRIES, Efq; TREASURER. JOHN KOOSTRAY, M.D. PHYSICIAN. Mr. T H O M A S W H I T E, SURGEON. Mr. JOHN MACKINTOSH, SECRETARY* Mr. JOHN RICH, Apothecary, Mr.JOHN ANCELL, Colleftor. 13 A LIST OFT H E GOVERNOR S OF THE LONDON DISPENSARY, Primrofe-Street, Bifhopfgate Without. N.B. Thofe marked *** have contributed Twenty Guineas, or upwards* ** are Governors for Life. * are annual Subfcribers of Two Guineas, or upwards ; And thofe marked f have ferved the Office of Steward. A. Richard Adney, No. 16, Bull-and-Mouthfireet. MR.Mrs. Martha Adams, Pelham-ftreet, Brick-lane. Mr. John Adamfon, No. 6, Artillery-fir eet. Mr. John Allen, No. 42, Poultry. Mrs. Charlotte Allard, Brown's-lane. Spital-fields. Mrs. Judith Allard, Ditto. ** Mr. Peter Anftie, No. 73, Lombard-fireet. Mrs. Ann Anftie, Ditto. Alexander Anderfon, Efq; No. 56, Lothhury. James Anderfon, Hfq-, Lamb's-Conduit ftreet. Mrs. Mary Ancell, Red-Lion-court , Spital-fields. Mr. Kendrick Andrews, Charles's-fiquare, lloxton. Mrs. I. M, Andre, No. 32, New Broad-fireet. Mr. John Anther, Great St. Helens. Mrs. Ann Aumonier, No. 29, Lamb finest.Spitadfields B. William Baker, Efq*, M. P. V. P. Hill-Jlr. Berkeley-fq Anthony Bacon, Efq; M. P. Copthall-court, Throg morton-Jlreet. Mrs. Bacon, Ditto. Mr. William Baker, Gun-Jireet, Spital-fields, Mrs.

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