Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection 1984 Review and evaluation of plans to incorporate NAVSTAR Global Positioning System user equipment on Military Sealift Command ships. Foureman, Ariane R. Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School http://hdl.handle.net/10945/19536 KN0XUBRA&1 »£S'Ssss : NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF PLANS TO INCORPORATE NAVSTAR GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM USER EQUIPMENT ON MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND SHIPS by Ariane R. Foureman December 1984 Th esis Advisor W.H. Cullin Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited T220191 Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) 5. TYPE OF REPORT 4 PERIOD COVERED Review and Evaluation of Plans to Master ' s Thesis Incorporate NAVSTAR Global Positioning December 1984 System User Equipment on Military 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER Sealift Command Ships 7. AUTHORS 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERf*; Ariane R. Foureman 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA 4 WORK UNIT NUMBERS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE Naval Postgraduate School December 1984 Monterey, California 93943 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 159 U. MONITORING AGENCY NAME ft AODR ESS(lt dlllerent from Controlling Olllca) 15. SECURITY CLASS, (ol thta raport) Unclassified 15*. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION ST AT EM EN T (ol this Raport) Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol the abstract entered In Block 20, // dlllerent Irom Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19- KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse aide II necessary and Identity by block number) NAVSTAR, Global Positioning System (GPS) , User Equipment (UE) Military Sealift Command (MSC), Strategic Sealift, Strategic Mobility, Sealift, MSC Mission, Commercially Chartered Ships, Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force (NFAF) , MSC Fleet, MSC Controlled Fleet, Radio Navigation Equipment/Installation, 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side II necessary and Identity by block number) The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) is a spaced- based navigation system scheduled to be fully operational by 1990. GPS User Equipment (UE) is scheduled for installation on Navy ships commencing 1987. This thesis examines plans to incorporate GPS UE on Military Sealift Command (MSC) ships. The Naval Auxiliary Force and Special Mission Support ships have been funded and scheduled for military GPS UE . Plans for RM DD EDITION OF 1 NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE ,^ N 73 1473 Unclassified S/N 0102- LF- 014- 6601 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) . , Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (TTh«n D*» Enfrtd) Block 19 (KEY WORDS) (continued) Augment Installation Team (AIT) Block 20 (ABSTRACT) (continued) Strategic Sealift and Miscellaneous Service Support ships have not yet been made. Alternatives for equipping these ships with either commercial or military GPS UE are examined. Primary recommendations for MSC ships when GPS is operational with two- dimensional coverage (by the end of 1987) are: (1) equip Strategic Sealift ships with military GPS UE (2) include GPS navigation equipment in ship enhancement programs , and (3) require GPS UE in MSC time and voyage charters. S N 0102- LF- 014- 6601 Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAOEfWitn Dmtm Entarmd) 2 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited Review and Evaluation of Plans to Incorporate NAVSTAR Global Positioning System User Equipment on Military Sealift Command Ships by Ariane R. Foureman Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy B.S. The Ohio State University, 1971 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 1984 UBRARY DUDLEY KNOX 7J ATE SCHOOL NAVALj...,,;, p » JF0RmNIA, 9939433943 ABSTRACT The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space- based navigation system scheduled to be fully operational by 1990. GPS User Equipment (UE) is scheduled for installation on Navy ships commencing 1987. This thesis examines plans to incorporate GPS UE on Military Sealift Command (MSC) ships. The Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force and Special Mission Support ships have been funded and scheduled for military GPS UE. Plans for Strategic Sealift and Miscellaneous Service Support ships have not yet been made. Alternatives for equipping these ships with either commercial or military GPS UE are examined. Primary recommendations for MSC ships when GPS is operational v/ith two-dimensional coverage (by the end of 1987) are: (1) equip Strategic Sealift ships with military GPS UE, (2) include GPS navigation equipment in ship enhancement programs, and (3) require GPS UE in MSC time and voyage charters. DUDLEY Al ~ POSTt VTEREY, c vn TABLE OF CONTENTS " WA 93943' I. INTRODUCTION ------------------ 10 A. OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE ------------ 10 B. METHODOLOGY ---------------- H C. BACKGROUND ----------------- 12 FOOTNOTES FOR CHAPTER I --------------- 18 II. GPS PROGRAM AND MSC ORGANIZATION -------- 19 A. GPS PROGRAM ---------------- 19 1. GPS Program Organization -------- 19 2. GPS Program Management --------- 22 3. Navy GPS Program Relationships ----- 25 4. GPS Program Schedule and Status - - - - 30 B. MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND (MSC) ------- 32 1. Organization -------------- 33 2. Sealift and Mission ---------- 34 3. Ships ----------------- 37 FOOTNOTES FOR CHAPTER H--------------- 47 III. GPS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND USER EQUIPMENT (UE) - 50 A. GPS SEGMENTS ---------------- 50 B. MILITARY GPS UE -------------- 52 C. COMMERCIAL GPS UE --------_----_ 55 D. MARKET STATUS --------------- 57 FOOTNOTES FOR CHAPTER III -------------- 6 6 IV. CURRENT STATUS OF MSC AS A USER -------- 68 A. CURRENT RADIONAVIGATION SYSTEMS USED - - - - 68 B. COMPARISON OF MSC AND THE MILITARY GPS UE INSTALLATION SCHEDULE ----------- 70 1. Ships Scheduled for Military GPS UE (Included in POM-86) ---------- 72 2. Ships Not Scheduled for Military GPS UE (Not Included in POM-86) -------- 78 FOOTNOTES FOR CHAPTER IV --------------- 83 V. EVALUATION OF GPS UE FOR MSC USE -------- 85 A. REQUIREMENT ---------------- 85 B. EXAMINATION OF CONSIDERATIONS IN MSC USE OF GPS UE --------------- 87 1. Equipment Capability ---------- 87 2. Security ---------------- 93 3. Other Factors ------------- 96 C. EVALUATION OF MILITARY GPS UE FOR CURRENTLY SCHEDULED SHIPS -------------- 109 1. Advantages --------------- 109 2. Disadvantages ------------- no 3. Options ---------------- no 4. Recommendation ------------- m D. EVALUATION OF MILITARY GPS UE ALTERNATIVE FOR NON-SCHEDULED SHIPS ---------- m 1. Advantages for STRAT Ships ------- 112 2. Disadvantages for STRAT Ships ----- 113 3. Advantages for MSS Ships -------- 113 4. Disadvantages for MSS Ships ------ 114 5- Options ---------------- 114 6. Recommendations ------------ 115 E. EVALUATION OF COMMERCIAL GPS UE ALTERNATIVE FOR NON-SCHEDULED SHIPS ---------- H5 1. Advantages --------------- 115 2. Disadvantages ------------- H6 3. Options ---------------- 117 4. Recommendations ------------ 120 F. IMPLICATIONS OF GPS UE SELECTION ------ 120 FOOTNOTES FOR CHAPTER V ---------------123 VI. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS --------- 124 A. CONCLUSION ----------------- 125 B. RECOMMENDATIONS --------------12 8 FOOTNOTES FOR CHAPTER VI ---------------130 APPENDIX A (MSC FLEET (MSC CONTROLLED FLEET) ) - - - - 131 APPENDIX B (MSC CHARTER TYPES) ------------13 5 APPENDIX C (MILITARY GPS UE SET COMPONENTS) ----- 137 APPENDIX D (GLOSSARY) ---------------- 143 LIST OF REFERENCES ------------------15 BIBLIOGRAPHY --------------------- 157 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST -------------- 158 LIST OF FIGURES 2-1. GPS Program Organization ------------- 21 2-2. Major Air Force Commands and Organization - - - - 23 2-3. GPS Program Management (DOD Common) ------- 24 2-4. Navy GPS Program Management ----------- 27 2-5. Navy GPS Organization Relationships ------- 28 2-6. MSC Organizational Relationships --------- 35 2-7. MSC Fleet Organization -------------- 38 2-8. MSC Fleet Inventory (Functional Ship Groups) - - - 40 2-9. MSC Strategic Sealift Ship Group --------- 41 4-1. Comparison Between NFAF Constructed Summary and POM-86 for Miltiary GPS UE ------------ 74 4-2. Comparison Between SMS Constructed Summary and POM-86 for Military GPS UE ------------ 76 5-1. Estimated Total GPS UE Procurement and Installation Cost for One T-AO 187 Class Ship (FY 79 Dollars) - 100 5-2. Estimated GPS UE Purchase and Installation Costs and ±20% Ranges of Cost for One T-AO 187 Class Ship (FY 79 Dollars) --------------- 102 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express her sincere appreciation to Mr. C. Weber (MSC) and Mr. T. Yamato (MSCPAC) who both provided valuable information for this thesis; to Professor W.H. Cullin for his guidance and assistance in the elaboration of the manuscript; to Ms. J. Birnbach for her timely counseling; and to Professor D.C. Boger for his useful comments. Acknowledgement is also due YNCS D.J. Schmitt, USN for the esthetics of this work. I . I NTRODUCTION A. OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE This thesis reviews and evaluates plans to incorporate NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) User Equipment (UE) on Military Sealift Command (MSC) ships in the MSC Fleet Inventory and in the New Ship Construction/Conversion
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