1874. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 965 day Rock, near the entr:mce to the harbor of San Francisco, to the By 1\Ir. VANCE : The petition of citizens of Shelby County, N L'rth Committee on Commerce. Carolina, for the payment of the claim of the Southern Methodist By Mr. CROOKE: The petition of John Britton and other citizens publishing house at Nashville, Tennessee, to the Committee on War of Brooklyn, New York, for the appointment of a commission of in­ Claims. quiry concerning the alcoholic liquor traffic, to the Committee on the By lli. WARD : The petition of 1\Irs. Mary Jane Sears, for a pension, Judiciary. to the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions and War of 1812. By Mr. DANFORD: The petition of James W. Barnes, for there­ By lli. WILLARD, of Vermont: The petition of Cornelius H. F<,>rbes, ~ moval of the charge of desertion, to the Committee on Military Af- for compensation for loss of a horse in the military service of the fairs. United States, to the Committee on War Claims. By 11-fr. DUELL: The petition of James Byers, George W. Griggs, By 1\Ir. WILSON, of Iowa: The petition of J. V. Dennis, for arrears and John Nolen, for relief, to the Committee on Claims. of pay, to tho Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. DUNNELL: Several petitions from citizens of Minnesota, Also, the petition of Ezra Owen, for a pension, to the Committee on for an amendment of the law to encourage the growth of forest trees Invalid Pensions. on western prairies, to the Committee on the Public Lands. By Mr. FRYE : Several petitions of citizens of Brooklyn, New York, for the appointment of a commission of inquiry concerning the alco­ holic liquor traffic, to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HANCOCK: The petition of A. C. Keaton, for relief, to the IN SENATE. Committee on Claims. By Mr. HARMER: The petition of Adam Warthman, for relief, to WEDNESDAY, January 28, 1874. the Committee on War Claims. By 1\!r. HAZELTON, of New Jersey: The petition of citizens of Cam­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D:'D. den County, New Jersey, for the repeal of section 2 of the act of June The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was rea-d and approved. 6, 1872, to the Committee on Ways and Means. ' HOUSE BILL REFERRED. By 1\Ir. KELLEY: Several petitions of citizens of Philadelphia, for the repeal of section 2 of the act of J nne 6, 1872, to the Committee on The bill (H. R. No. 1560) to amend an act entitled" An act to amend W ays and Means. · an act entitled 'An act to reduce duties on imports, and to reduce By Mr. LOWE: The petition of James W.Hu:ff,forapension, to the internal taxes, and for other purposes,' approved March 3, 1873," Committee on Invalid Pensions. waa read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Finance. .Also, the petition of settlers on the Osage lands, in Kan8as, for relief, to the Committee on the Public Lands. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. By Mr. LOWNDES: The petition of George R. Murphy, grandson Mr. STOCKTON presented concurrent resolutions of the Legisla­ and heir of Isaac Murphy, in regard to the French spoliation claims, ture of New Jersey, in favor of the passage of the bill making pro­ to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. vision "for arming and equipping the whole body of the militia of By Mr. McCRARY: The petition of Orson Young, of Burlington, the United States, and for other purposes;" which were referred to Iowa, for a penson, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Also, t\etJ:~;!tion of Peter J. Knapp, forrelief, to the Committee on Mr. SHERMAN presented four petitions of citizens of Ohio, who Military . were soldiers in the late war, or arc the heirs of such, praying to be By Mr. McDILL, of 'Visconsin: The petition of citizens of Wiscon­ granted one hundred and sixty acres of land, fm· the equalization of s~ for additional duty on hops, to the- Committee on Ways and Means. bounties, and for the amendment of the pension laws; which were re­ .tly 1\Ir. McJUNKIN : The petition of Ba,rbara Ellen Walters, for a ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs. pension, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. He also presented the petition of E. M. Dennison, praying for in­ By Jl,fr. MYERS : The petition of Wilmer W. Bradley, for a pen­ crea-se of compensation, as court crier, from April, 1!:!63, to December, sion, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 1865; which was referred to the Committee on Claims. By J.fr. NEGLEY : The petition of citizens of Alleo-heny County, Mr. SCOTT presented a petition of citizens of Philadelphia, Penn­ P ennsylvania, for the repeal of the second section of the act of June sylvania, praying for the redemption ·or conversion of the legal-tender 6,1872, which reduces the duties on certain staple commodities 10 per notes, by issuing therefor, at the option of the holder, bonds pavable cent., to the Committee on Ways and Means. _ on demand in le~al-tender notes and bearing interest at some 'fixed Also, the petition of M. 'Valsh and other employes of the Pennsyl­ rate, and suggesting 3.65 per cent. per annum; which was referred to vania Salt Manufacturing Company, of similar import, to the Com­ the Committee on Finance. • mittee on Ways and Means. 1\-fr. MORRILL, of Vermont, presented the petition of Linn E. Bv Mr. O'BRIEN: The petition of Emily L. Slaughter, widow of Sherman, president, B. J . Kendall, and other officers and members of the 'late Commander A. G. Slaughter, for a pension, to the Committee the Vermont Pharmaceutical Association, praying the repeal of the on Invalid Pensions. stamp tax imposed by the internal-revenue laws on medicines, as By 1\fr. ORR: The petition of John Cleghorn, late receiver of the detailed in schedUle C of the code, stating that it is no longer neces­ land office at Sioux City, Iowa, for relief, to the Committee on the Pub­ sary a~ a source of pecuniary revenue; which was referred to the lic Lands. Committee on Finance. .Byl\Ir. POTTER: The petitionofcitizensof Chappaqua,NewYork, Mr. CAMERON presented twelve petitions of, and signed by, 947 for the appointment of a commission of inquiry concerning the alco­ citizens of Pennsylvania, praying Congress to devise some means to holic liquor traffic, to the Committee on the Judiciary. settle international disputes without a· resort to war; which were By 1\Ir. SMART : The petition of William L. Robinson, of New York, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. for relief, to the Committee on Claims. Mr. CONKLING. I present three petitions, signed by a large num­ Byl\.fr.SMITH, of North Carolina: The petition of citizensof Chapel ber of soldiers, stating that they were soldiers for the Union in the Hill, North Carolina, for the payment of the claim of the Southern late war of the rebellion; that they believe they are entitled to one Methodis~ publishing house at Nashville, Tennessee, to the Commit­ hundred and sixty a.cres of land; and they ask the appointment of a tee on War Claims. special committee to investigate the workings of existing laws touch­ By Mr. SMITH, of Ohio: The petition of citizens of the third con­ ing these questions, in order that justice may be done. I move the grc si.onal district of Ohio, for the settlement of international difficul­ reference of these petitions to the Committee on Military Affairs. ties by arbitration, to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. The motion was agreed to. By 1\fr. SMITH, of Virginia : The petition of citizens of Hanover 1\Ir. CONKLING presented a memorial of the National Board of and Louisa Counties, Virginia, for the establishment of a post-route Trade, for the removal of obstructions t-o navigation now existing at from Villa Green to Factory Mills, to the Committee on the Post-Office and near the mouth of the Detroit River ; which was referred to lhe and Post-Roads. • Committee on Commerce. By Mr. SWANN: The remonstrance of hat manufacturers of Balti­ He also presented the petition of MarkBrumagim, a citizen of New more against the extension of the Wells patent, to the Committee on York, praying for the enactment of 1;1 law establishing a free gold­ Patents. banking system; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. TOWNSEND: The petition of the Kennett Monthly Meet­ Mr. ANTHONY. I present the petition of Charles L. Anthony, ing of the religious society of Friends, of Chester County, Pennsyl­ George Opdyke, and others, of New York, asking for a modification vania, askin~ Congress to provide for the appointment of a commis­ of tho laws which govern the relations of masters and owners of ves­ sion of inqurry to inquire a to the results of t.he traffic in alcoholic sels and seamen, representing that in cases where seamen bring suits liquors in connection with crime, pauperism, the public health, and for cruelty the witnesses scatter very soon, and that such cases ought the moral, social, and intellectual well-being of the people, to the to have precedence in time in the courts; also, that in cases where Committee on the J udiciarv. damages are a warded to seamen for cruelty they should be a lien upon Also, the petition of Edward Crowther and 46 other citizens of the ship.
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