Students Elect Officers Students to Vote On 82 Positions Election day comes to the Tech campus tomorrow when students will go to the polls to select their class offi- cers from among 87 candidates. Vol. 34 Lubbock, Texas, Tuesday, October 7, 1958 No. 8 Voting will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in various booths around the campus. Polls will be erected in the Administration Building, Tech Union, East Engineering Building Home Economics Building and the Agriculture Building. School Trip Assured; Students living in the dorms may vote in their res- pective dorms during the noon and dinner hours. Men in dorm No. 7 and No. 8 wil vote at any Man Killed of the campus booths. Among the 87 candidates, the Ticket Sales Halted freshman class has nominated 33 In Accident students for class offices. The by JENNICE MARKS HOWE% ER, if extra cars can Butterfly" and Walt Disney's be added, ticket sales will resume, "Fantasia." Ronald Gene Smith, freshman sophomores are running 23, and All aboard for Dallas and Fort chemistry major from Snyder, was the juniors have selected 19. Only Dan Howard, Student Council The train will leave Dallas at Worth! involved in an accident Sunday 12 candidates in the senior class business manager. 6 p.m. and arrive in Fort Worth Tickets for the out-of-town all- Howard said. Capacity of the pres- which resulted in the death of 50- will vie for the offices. about 7 p.m. TCU representatives year-old Lubbockite Clarence E. Jay Dunlap is a candidate for school trip have been sold, and ent 12-car special train is 440. will meet the train and transport ticket sales have been halted, at Petty, according to the Texas the Senior class president. Vice Invitations were received Mon- students to the stadium in bows. Highway patrol. president nominees are Peggy Mil- least temporarily, according to day from TCU asking Tech stu- TECH STUDENTS and alumni SMITH WAS returning to Lub- ler and Weldon Shaffer. dents to attend a free dance after area also invited to a reception Secretarial candidates are Kay the Tech-TCU football game. Mu- bock from a visit at home, and from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Longhorn Petty, 3509 36th, was returning Adkins, Jean Brown, Hazel Casey sic will be furnished by the Am- room of the Texas Hotel in Fort and Anease Pritchett. Senior Personnel bassadors and the dance which from a hunting trip with a friend, Worth Saturday. Hosts will be the W. N. Philips, 2516 37th, when the AWS representatives include Bebe will be in the Student Center ball- Fort Worth area Tech Ex-Stu- Davis, Barbara Hawk, Helen room will last until 12:30 a.m. accident occured. dents chapter. A rattlesnake slithered onto the Locke, Mary Ann Pippin and Susie Forms Due THE TRAIN will leave Lub- Train departure time will be hightway, according to Phillips, Smith. bock at 10 p.m. Friday and will Candidates for degrees in Jan- about 1 a.m. Sunday and students and Petty got out of the pickup Vying for the junior class presi- arrive in Fort Worth at 6:30 a.m. will arrive in Lubbock at 9:30 they were riding in and chased the dent are Dewey Bryant, Robert uary, June or August, 1959 are re- Saturday. quested to turn in personnel in- a.m. that day. snake, while Philips followed it Echols and Dub Heffington. Bob formation forms at the Placement There will be a baggage car Should ticket sales be resumed, with the truck's spotlight. Kinney, Don McMurray and May- Office today or tomorrow if this and a concession stand sponsored they are $14.25 and may be pur- SMITH SAID that he saw light nard Snell are the veep candi- has not been done previously. This by Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta chased from any Student Council playing on the pavement, and dates. request was made by Mrs. Jean Sigma, music fraternities. member, vice president of wo- pulled to the inside lane of the Seeking the secretary position Jenkins. director of the Place- After a pep rally at the Fort men's dorms, at the Student Coun- four-lane highway to miss any- will be Becky Pierce, Leta Merle ment Service. Worth station, the tram will con- cil office and in the lobby of the one standing on the shoulder of Roberts, Ruth Sewell, Joyce Streidl, Kathy Whit and Carolyn THE FILING of the forms, to- tinue to Dallas where students Tech Union. the road. may attend the State Fair. Smith's car then reportedly Wilmeth. gether with two glossy print pho- STUDENT COUNCIL commit- Nominated for junior AWS rep- ACTIVITIES at the Stale Fair struck Petty. A physician who tographs size 2" by 3", is a re- tee members for the trip are resentative are Carolyn Dorsey, include "The Music Man", Mere- rushed to the scene of the acci- quirement for graduation. If a David Steinman and Don Howard, Mary Frank Garrett, Martha Kai- personnel form has been filed pre- dith Willson's musical comedy and dent, about 10 miles south of Post, current Broadway hit, and the co-chairmen; Hollis Swat ford, found Petty dead. There were no ser, Martha Kenley, Mayme Mc- viously, students may come to the Daniels, Cora Jo Lily and Mildred Ice Capades, featuring "Madame coordinator. other injuries. office to make revisions. Thompson. Mrs. Jenkins stated that stu- ♦ Sophomores seeking presidential •ents who wish to order Printed election are Mike Mongomery, Data Sheets should file their re- FOR MAID OF COTTON Don Nix, Mike Robinson, JerJerry quests and pay the fee of $6.50 at Storselth and Dan Webster. Vice once. Students who wish to order president hopefuls are Pete Baker, the data sheets later may inquire Bob Honts, Jimmy John Stokes. at the Placeemnt Office. Carolyn Jenkins, Kay Kring, Gin- OPTIONAL leaflets on prospec- Entry Deadline Set ger Myers, Linda Roberts, Shirley tive employers are available to Stephens and Joyce Tallman vie students requesting this informa- for secretary. tion on file. Deadline for entries in the an- National Cotton Council, will eon, rehearsal and the finals at AWS post is being sought by Personnel Information Forms nual South Plains Maid of Cotton crown the ninth Maid in a cere- DEADLINE, Page 6 .. ELECTION, Page 6 ... may be secured from the offices Contest is noon tomorrow. mony at Lubbock Municipal Au- of the deans of the schools or from The Lubbock Chamber of Com- ditorium October 21. the Placement Service. merce, in cooperation with the THE WINNER will receive a $1,000 wardrobe and an opportuni- ty to represent this area in the c„. National Maid of Cotton finals in Drama Play Open Memphis, Tenn. She must be willing to travel, meet people and win friends at home and abroad for the American In Unique Theater cotton industry. "Local qualifications are set up in accordance with national basis Members of the Texas Tech speech department presented a for judging in the finals," Don drama department will present similar problem with the audience Schriever, asistant manager of the two performances of "Antigone," seated on three sides of the stage. Lubbock Chamber of Commerce as adapted by Lewis Calentiere Ronald Schulz, director of the pointed out. from the play by Jean Aniuilh, play, said that plans are being at the State Fair today. made to give several performances Qualifications required of appli- The performances are scheduled of the play on the campus some- cants include: 5 feet 5 inches in for 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the inter- time in November. height, single, no glasses, excellent nationally famous Margo Jones Included in the cast, other than health and born in a cotton pro- Theater. Approximately 20 per- Miss Barasch and Thompson, are ducing state. sons connected with the produc- Bernard Landes, Chorus; Halcyon She must reside in one of the tion left Monday morning for Dal- Hildreth, nurse; Barbara Garnett, following South Plains counties: las. Ismene; Bob Nelms, Haemon; Bill Bailey, Borden, Briscoe, Castro, The play is a Greek tragedy Luck, first guard; Carl Darwin, Cochran, Crosby, Dawson, Deaf which has been revised for mo- second guard; Louis Loung; third Smith, Dickens, Floyd, Gaines, dem sets, costumes and language. guard; Don Taylor, messenger; Garza, Hale, Hockley, Howard, "Antigone" concerns two brothers Jay Thompson, page; and Eliza- Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, who kill one another over the beth Hoyer, Eurydice. Parmer, Swisher, Terry and Yoa- throne of Thebas. Their uncle, The sets were designed by Vir- kum. Creon (portrayed by Bud Thomp- ginia Mahaley and Chairman TWO FULL DAYS of activities son), becoming king, orders one Richard Hopson, Dwayne Cox, and are planned for the contest. Pre- of them, Polynices, left unburied Larry Van Cleave were in charge liminary judging will begin at 9 as a traitor. Antigone (portrayed of secene construction. Others on am. October 20. At noon the con- by Anne Barasch) decides, at the the production crew were Arthur testants will be guests at a dinner cost of her life, to bury him to Evans, stage manager; Darlene in the Lubbock Country Club, fol- grant his soul eternal life. Dorrell, assistant director; Vera lowed by the Third Annual Maid The production will be given Simpson, property manager; of Cotton Ball at 9 p.m., with the from the arena-type stage with Chairman Jo Morris, Cox, and Ro- Charlie Spivack Orchestra provid- ELECTION TIME — A pretty candidate looks over her posters as she the audience seated on four sides land Myers , lighting; Cheri Lauri, ing music.
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