VOLUME 21, NUMBER 48 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1953 Says Conviction Violated POLICE BEAT By HAYWOOD HARBERT State, Federal Constitutions and NEW YORK, N. Y.—A sudden justice in criminal cases, this is DONALD PERRY turn in the NAACP’s appeal to the first time a state’s Attorney the North Carolina State Supreme General has joined with the NA­ WANTED MAN CAUGHT HERE Court to have the conviction of ACP in asking to have a case scru­ lo Be Held J Albert Crawford, 37, was picked ■ sharecropper Mack Ingram strick­ tinized. en from the records was taken NEW DATE FOR APPEAL tip by Police 'here for Chicago au- ; It was announced Saturday that thorltles when he’ visited a friend. : Wednesday when the Attorney Argument for appeal of the con. Police Lt. R. I. Finch, said Craw- i■ General’s office joined the NAACP vlctlon of Walter Lee Irvin, twice- the clty’B service eligible register Of ford was wanted in Chicago in con- ; In asking t he state’s highest court convicted defendant In the famous applicants for Fire and Policed De* . nectlon with the fatal shooting of : to review the case. Groveland “rape" case, was post­ partment Jobs needs to be built up Mack Ingram was convicted in poned last week until Tuesday, his sister-in-law and the wounding = before job tests in March, Stanley ci his Wife. ’ , November 1952 and given bIx February 17, because of an injury months for “assault by Jeering1 at” suffered by one of the lawyers ol Dillars, personnel director reported. HEATER ARGUMENT a white farm girl from a distance he National Association” for the Mr. Dillard said only two apjMi* JAILS TWO of 75 feet. The slx months’ sen­ Advancement of Colored People cants are on the firefighters register Freeman Randle, 1408 Hemlock tence was suspended. arguing the case. and 11 on me patrolman list. Agility ■ and Sell Richardson, 1388 Hemlock, Following his conviction, attor­ -The appeal was scheduled for tests have been set for 9 A. M. March neighbors, are both in jail as the neys for thè NAACP filed an ap­ a hearing before the Florida Su­ 7, and written tests for March’,9. culmination of an. argument about peal on the grounds that the con­ preme Court Tuesday, January 27, Applications should be made at th* an ¿ectfic heater. viction was in violation of both the but was postponed when Attor­ According to Police Richardson Personnel Division office, 161 Adams state and the Federal Constitutions. ney Alex Akerman oi Orlando, before February 26. was visiting Randle. They started In their brief, NAACP lawyers Florida, suffered a hip injury arguing about an electric heater. attacked the systematic exclusion when he was getting off the The Memphis World urges- thOBO Richardson got mad. went home of Negroes from the Jury and the plane here on his way to the court that are Interested to file their'»* and returned with his 12-gauge shot vagueness of the statute under house. Slated to argue the case plications now. gun. which Ingram was convicted. with him were Thurgood Mar­ Back Inside Randle’s house Rich­ The Attorney General’s office, ••■i shall, NAACP Special Counsel, Jack ? ---I',-.?'’ h ardson fired point blank. When the i Joining In this brief, did not ques­ Greenberg of New York and smoke cleared, Randle still stood. tion the evidence or the verdict, Paul Perkins of Orlando. Not a scratch on him. On the floor I but did admit Ingram was denied lay the peppered collar of his leather his constitutional right in that Ne­ Irvin was originally convicted in jacket. 1 groes were excluded from the Cas­ 1949 along with -Samuel o’Bhep- Beale Street Richardson was charged by police I well County Jury since the Caswell herd and Charles Greenlee for with shooting inside the city limits, j County jury list had been com­ the raping of a white farmwife. disorderly conduct and assault and piled from the registration books Irvin and1 Shepherd were given Is My battery. Randle, who did not shoot of qualified voters which was in death sentences and Greenlee, a gun, was only charged with dis­ violation of North Carolina law. then 19. given life imprison­ orderly-conduct and assault and AT THE INAUGURAL BALL - Flanked by Mr. and Mrs. Moss Ken­ The State Supreme Court ruled ment. Shepherd was... shot to By Jimmie Cooper battery. dricks, Mrs. W. A. Scott, Sr. Is shown enjoying the Inaugural Ball, years ago that the pnly qualifica­ death and Irvin, seriously Injur­ ed by the Sheriff enroute’ to a These other persons were senten­ given last week in the National Guard Armory on the occasion of tion for jury service was the pay­ General . Eisenhower's inauguration as President of the United ment of taxes, good character and new trial on November 6, 1961. ced as follows: intelligence. Thomas D. Shorty.33, 617 N. Fifth States. They were among the many Negro notables who’ attended At 'this second trial Irvin was Boss here is my report of happ»« The Chief Counsel for the NA­ again sentenced to death. NAACP Assault and battery; fined $11; Wal­ the three-day Inaugural events. ELK LEADERS CONFER IN ATLANTA — Pictured chatting while In Ings on BEALE STREET MY HEAT' ter L. Hunt, 28, 336 Webster, For- ACP, Thurgood Marshall pointed lawyers cited twenty-two, errors 1 committed by the court In the the Gate City attending a mid-winter conference of national Elk Over protest I stopped by the HBB* •i- felted $11, Ed Jeff,-48,-Millington, —----- ~i~ ' ■ ' ■ ~ out that in all of the years in PODROME and found BILL'FORT Tenn., fined $21. which the NAACP has fought for ' second trial official, three Republican big-wigs Perry Howard, George Lee, and his orchestra at their best Geraldine Greene, 24, 41 W. Wal­ and Hobson Reynolds. Howard heads the GOP in Mississippi, Lee, What do you think? As I strfdted Committee Resumes Work dorf, disorderly conduct, case dis­ of Memphis, seconded thé nomination of Sen. Taft, and Reynolds further I wds soon at the heâdqiüÿ* missed. blinder Hoskins, 24, 927 of Phila., seconded the nomination of Eisenhower at the GOP ters of the MARCH. OF DIMESiat Knight Place, violating Taxi Cab ACROSS THE EDITOR’S DESK 378;.0eald;yiVd ptogram Was iii'fii ordinance fined $11. On Gov. Browning Probe convention last summer. — (Perry Photo) swing, despite the steady, downpouir Willie Mae Grayson, 17, 590 Edith By JAMES H. PURDY, JR. of the rain. The ugliest, man ,«n and Joseph Higgins, 29, 622 N. Front,- NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The Slate has decided to call before the com­ Beale Street, excusing your >Be& both charged with disorderly con­ Legislative committee investigating mittee. However, he has released the Street reporter, was none'othèib'thffn duct. assault and . battery case was former governor Gordon Browning's names of a group of Knoxville mer­ FINED $500 FOR 5c LOTTERY TICKET Ama Bontemps Speaker For RUFUS THOMAS You should dismissed. administration-apparently was set chants who are under Subpoena. NASHVILLE, Tenn.—William J. Hears, 33, has been sentenced have seen the ‘airwaves' guy push­ David Tiplett, 50, 125 Lucy, was to go back to work yesterday. These Knoxville residents include ing a dime with his nose down Beile fined $26 on a drunk charge. The committee has been hi recess Charles H. Moore Junior, Mrs. Mary to 30 days in the workhouse and fined five-hundred dollars. A Street in the lnterest-of Polio. A,’0. Phil Stewart, 43, 299 Jefferson, for a week while its attorneys, Bay­ G. Moore, Charles Ray Robertson, jury convicted him after deliberating 20 minutes on a charge of LeMoyne History Week WILLIAMS had a gun on hlittlto aqd Booker T. Deener, 43, 2178 ard Tarpley and Ralph -Vineyard, Dave McGoldrick, Paul .Kelly, H. E. sejlingjs fiy^cent Mrs Area Wendell Bon temps :Head He IS also a contributor to numerous sec. tiiat. RUFUS followed ■ 'throûglf :... ;. Down at FESS HULBERT; Brown-.-each .was fined $18 .on a lined up - more ■ wltnegw’s. And Tar­ Bolin, A. L. Nicely and K. O. Walk­ Librarian at Fisk University since learned journals and magazines. He .. drunk charge. Brown was fined an pley says more than'50 witnesses er. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — Arkan­ charges he has accepted a state job is-afflllated with many learned So­ ...... That’s the H.’and.H2,t«tet - >- additional $26 on an Indecent con- 1935, will be the principal speaker to you, there were a galaxy of beàu- have been lined up — including 33 It is reported most of these will sas leaders nave bec.i told of a plan created for him as investment, di­ for the culminating program for the cieties and organizations: Authors | duct charge. who have been subpéonaed and more be questioned about state furniture to put more than one million idle rector of the state teacher’s retire 28th Observance of .Negro History League of America, Dramatists Guild tiful, charming young ladies' that James Robinson, 21, 2849 Prince­ than 15 others, mostly state em­ purchases for hotels and cabins at acres of farm land Into production. ment system. triade me feel like turning in xnyWe Week, at LeMoyne College this year American Library Association and signation as your reporter. I toofeif ton, Sam. Coleman, 84, 574 Scott, ployees, who will not have to be state parks. C. Hamilton Moses, of the Arkan 4 It had been reported Estes was — Friday, February 13, 1953 — 10:30 many others. " ' and Emmett Carnes, 26, 838 Wash­ subpeonaed. sas Power and Light Company, pro given the Job before the Browning second look at Mrs.
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