Social Inclusion (ISSN: 2183–2803) 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 56–62 DOI: 10.17645/si.v9i1.3561 Article Multilingual Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Problems and Prospects Nurmira Zhumay 1,*, Saule Tazhibayeva 1, Azhar Shaldarbekova 2, Botagoz Jabasheva 1, Ainur Naimanbay 3 and Aigul Sandybayeva 4 1 Department of Translation Theory and Practice, Faculty of Philology, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 010000 Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; E-Mails: [email protected] (N.Z.), [email protected] (S.T.), [email protected] (B.J.) 2 Department of Turkic Studies, Faculty of International Relations, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 010000 Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; E-Mail: [email protected] 3 Department of Practical Kazakh language, Faculty of Philology, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 010000 Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; E-Mail: [email protected] 4 The Eurasian Humanities Institute, 010000 Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; E-Mail: [email protected] * Corresponding author Submitted: 10 August 2020 | Accepted: 19 November 2020 | Published: 14 January 2021 Abstract The article is devoted to the problem of multilingual education in modern Kazakhstan. Currently, Kazakhstan is fully mod- ernising the education system and introducing a multilingualism policy in the educational process. Experimental sites for multilingual education have been created in several Kazakh universities and secondary schools. The young Kazakhstani gen- eration brought up in independent Kazakhstan is involved in the process of multilingual education. By 2020 it is expected that 100% of the population will speak Kazakh, 95% will also speak Russian and 25% will also speak English. The research results are based on sociolinguistic data that were collected in all regions of the country using sociolinguistic data collec- tion methods. Keywords education system; educational institutions; educational process; Kazakhstan; multilingual education; multilingualism policy; youth Issue This article is part of the issue “Social Inclusion and Multilingualism: The Impact of Linguistic Justice, Economy of Language and Language Policy” edited by László Marácz (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands / L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan) and Zsombor Csata (Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania / Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary). © 2021 by the authors; licensee Cogitatio (Lisbon, Portugal). This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribu- tion 4.0 International License (CC BY). 1. Introduction language policy towards monolingualism. In Kazakhstan, multilingualism is developing at the state level in accor- The Republic of Kazakhstan is carrying out a radical dance with the tasks set by the Governmental pro- modernisation of the education system and actively gramme of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The initiative of introducing a multilingualism policy in the educational the Head of State is being implemented via the “The process. Not many countries from the Commonwealth Trinity of Languages” project (Aliyasova, & Kovtunenko, of Independent States develop multilingualism at the 2012). Multilingualism, as a strategically important task state level. Most post-Soviet republics from the category of education, is also set in the State Program for the of countries with pronounced bilingualism turned their Development of Education for 2011–2020. By 2020, Social Inclusion, 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 56–62 56 100% of the population of Kazakhstan should speak the An experience in the implementation of multilingual Kazakh language, 95% should also speak Russian and 25% education in the system of secondary and higher edu- should also speak English (Republic of Kazakhstan, 2010). cation has also accumulated in the Kazakh education- However, there are also intermediate points of the prob- al space. This is the experience of multilingual educa- lem in Kazakhstan. tion in Nazarbayev intellectual schools, in Kazakh-Turkish Now we can state that the formation of Kazakhstan’s lyceums, in schools for gifted children like the Daryn statehood and civil society is at the beginning of a Centre, among others. new stage of development, which is qualitatively dif- In 2019 there were more than 30 schools with instruc- ferent from the previous one: On the one hand, there tions in three languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan. is every reason to assert that in the first two decades It is planned that 476 schools will switch to a multi- of independence in Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan model lingual education system and nine universities of the of interethnic and interfaith tolerance was successful- Republic will train specialists in special disciplines in ly formed. Largely due to this, such strategically impor- English. Work has begun on preparing English-language tant tasks as preserving the independence and territori- pedagogical staff for secondary, technical and vocational al integrity of the country, achieving a lasting intereth- education as part of the Bolashak international scholar- nic and interfaith peace, economic and political stability ship (Zhetpisbayeva & Arinova, 2012). were successfully solved. On the other hand, at present, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, like oth- the Kazakhstani public and the expert community are er universities in the country, is working to increase their realising that interethnic and interfaith peace and harmo- responsibility and identify key tasks for modernizing the ny as such are only a necessary starting condition for the higher education system—an important key to modern- successful consolidation of society into a single political izing the system is the training of multilingual staff for nation; this awareness of the strategically important task the country. of the new stage of development of the country is reflect- In order to achieve a developed multilingual educa- ed in Kazakhstan’s doctrine of national unity. Different tion and integrate Kazakhstan’s national education sys- approaches can be found in the works of Kazakhstani tem into the global economic and educational space, it researchers, expressing the main problems of the edu- is necessary to involve a wide range of students in multi- cation system and issues with multilingualism (Aktanov, lingual education, as well as to train multilingual special- 2015; Aliyasova & Kovtunenko, 2012; Amalbekova, 2009). ists, teachers of secondary schools and universities. This European and West-world practice of studying issues of is especially important in connection with the upcoming multilingualism has been divulged in the works of García transition to a 12-year education system. and Náñez (2011), McLeod and Goldstein (2011), Meyer The study we carried out to define the present state (2010), Stern (1995) and Trisnawati (2017), among others. of multilingual education in Kazakhstan showed that The strategic goal at a new stage of the country’s some sequential measures should be taken by the gov- development is not simply to further maintain what has ernment. These are: been achieved but to transform the Kazakhstani soci- ety into a prosperous new state that can be achieved 1. To study the real situation with multilingual educa- through knowledge of the original culture and language tion in the Republic of Kazakhstan. of the Kazakh people and all other people living in the 2. To explore the best international practices in the territory of modern Kazakhstan. implementation of multilingual education. 3. To develop a model for the implementation of mul- 2. Multilingualism in the Education System tilingual education in the aspect of the require- ments of the State Program for the Development There are already reasonable results in the development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for of multilingualism in the education system. In world prac- 2011–2020. tice, research on issues related to the problems of multi- 4. To develop a model of multilingual specialists by lingualism and multilingual education is studied compre- the government for rural secondary schools. hensively. Multilingual education is under the scrutiny of UNESCO. The American Association of Psychologists The search for effective ways to train multilingual staff conducts special studies on the cognitive abilities of mul- indicates the need to solve the following problems: tilingualism in pedagogy and politics. The problems of inconsistency of qualification requirements and charac- multilingualism, education and culture have been con- teristics for multilingual specialists; lack of normative sidered annually at the meetings of the Commission and programmatic support for multilingual education; of the European Community since 2007. Moreover, lack of a unified concept for the training of multilin- the European Commission provides grants for multi- gual specialists based on a competency-based approach; lingualism research using e-learning tools such as the insufficient knowledge of the experience of foreign coun- Babylon & Ontology project “Multilingual and Cognitive tries concerning the introduction of multilingual educa- e-Learning Management System via PDA Phone” (Kubeev tion and lack of development of a mechanism for assess- & Zhetpisbaeva, 2008). ing the productivity of a multilingual specialist. Social Inclusion, 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 56–62 57 Multilingual education is inextricably linked with the well-known foreign scientists to L. N. Gumilyov implementation of the basic parameters of the Bologna Eurasian National University. In just one academic process (a process
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