THE CITY RECORD Vol.. LXXII NUMBER 21658 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1944 PRIcE 10 CENTS THE CITY RECORD MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 4600 155 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service Commis- Published Under Authority of Section 8724 of the New York City Charter sion for the following positions : STEPHEN G. KELLEY, Streuvisoz PROMOTION TO- WILLIAM VIERTEL, Euro' ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR-DEPARTMENT OF WELFARE 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan, N. Y. 7. WO rth 2-1800 CHIEF DIETITIAN-DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITALS FOREMAN OF MAINTENANCE PAINTERS-NEW YORK CITY Published daily, at 9 & m., except Sundays and legal holidays. HOUSING AUTHORITY Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six montlu; $5 three months. Daily issue, INSPECTOR OF CARPENTRY AND MASONRY, GRADE 4- 10 cents a copy (by mail, 15 cents). DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND BU1LDJNGS SUPPLEMENTS: Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail, 81.15); List of Registered Voters, SENIOR ACTUARY-NEW YORK CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIRE- 25 cents each assembly district (by mail, 30 ants). OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, prices vary; Building MENT SYSTEM; TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND Laws (in four volumes), complete, $4 ($4.10 by mail); separate volumes, each containing a certain BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION part of the building laws, $1 (by mail, $1.10). Cumulative Supplement to the New York City Charter TRACTOR OPERATOR-DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION and the Administrative Code, to July 1, 1941, $1 (by mail, $1.10); also Annual Supplements to the Detailed information regarding applications for above positions may be found New York City Charter and the Administrative Code, from July 1, 1941 to July 1, 1942, and from 3391. July 1, 1942 to July 1, 1943 (two volumes), 50 cents each (by mail, 60 cents); Detailed List of Exempt on page Properties, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Digest of Election Law Decisions, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Electrical Code, 50 cents (by mail, 60 cents); Fire Department Specifications, 15 cents (by mail, 18 cents); Applications are being received continuously for the following license qamina- Land Value Maps, complete for the City in one volume, $3 (by mail, $3.15); New York City tions : Master and Special Electrician; Master Plumber; Master Rigger; Motion Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Picture Operator; Portable Engineer (any motive power except steam) ; Portable Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 55 cents). Annul Compilation of the Rules and Regulation, of Engineer (steam) ; Refrigerating Machine Operator (ten ton capacity) ; Refriger- the New York City Agencies: 1942 (front Dec. 1, 1941 through Nov. 30, 1942), $1 (by mail, $1.10); 1942.1943 (from Dec. 1, 1942 through Dec. 31, 1943), $1 (by mail, $1.10). Cumulative Compilation ating Machine Operator (unlimited capacity) ; Special Rigger; Stationary Engi- of Rules and Regulations of New York City Agencies, through Nov. 30, 1941, $2 (by mail, $2.10); neer,‘ First, Second and Third Grades; Stationary Fireman; Structural Welder; Sanitary Code of The City of New York, 75 cents (by mail, 85 cents). Oil Burning Equipment Installation. Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Supervisor of Tat CITY Racoon." License applications and detailed information may be obtained at the Applica- ADVERTISING: Copy mist be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the tion Bureau of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, 96 Duane Street, Man- but insertion; when proof is required for eutectics before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date bed for the first insertion. hattan, N. Y. 7. Entered as Second.Ow Matter, Post Me at New York City. TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN No. 3 (CP-3169) Assessors, Board of-Notice to Pre- _ Municipal Civil Service Commission- Resolution, adopted November 17, 1943, by the Local Improvement Board of the sent Claims for Damages 3398 Notice to Applicants 3381 Ocean Front District, initiating proceedings for acquiring 'tide to East 16th Street 3391 Board Meetings 3389 Notices of Examinations from Avenues I to J, Borough of Brooklyn. City Planning Commission-Minutes New York City Housing Authority- (On January 6, 1944, Cal. No. 62-D, the Board of Estimate referred this matter of Meeting Held September 13, 1944 3381 Proposals 3390 to the Commission.) Comptroller, Office of the- Official Directory 3389 On motion, the following favorable report was unanimously adopted: Interest on City Bonds and Stock 3398 Police Department-Owners Wanted Report No. 3143. September 13, 1944. Vouchers Received September 18, for Unclaimed Property 3389 Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUAliDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: 1944 3386 Public Works, Department of- Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on January 6; 1944, Cal. No. Education, Board of-Proposals 3390 Proposals 3398 62-D, there was referred to the City Planning Commission a resolution adopted on Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 3398 November 17, 1943, by the Local Board of the Ocean Front District, Borough of Estimate, Board of- Brooklyn, initiating proceedings for acquiring Notices of Public Hearings- Purchase, Department of- title to East 16th Street from Avenues I to J. Franchise Matters 3392 Notice to Bidders • 3397 Public Improvement Matters 3392 Proposals 3397 The Master Plan so far as adopted is not affected by this project. Sale of Passenger Automobiles 3397 The City Planning Commission recommends that the street acquisition under Estimate, Board of-Bureau of Real consideration be approved. Estate- Queens, President Borough of-Pro- Respectfully, Corporation Sales of Certain Real posals 3390 EDWIN A. SALMON, Chairman, City Planning Commission. Estate 3397 Regulations Relating to Contracts 3398 Requests for Offers to Sell Real Richmond, President Borough of- BOROUGH OF QUEENS Property to The City of New Proposals 3397 York 3397 Supreme Court, Second Department- No. 4 (CP-3335) Finance, Department of-Confirmation Filing Tentative Decree-Notice to Communication, dated June 2, 1944, from the Commissioner of Public Works, of Assessments-Notices to Property File Objections 3398 requesting the institution of condemnation proceedings for the land required for Owners 3390 Transportation, Board of- the expansion of the Jamaica Sewage Treatment Plant, located between 150th Health, Department of-Amendment Notices of Public Hearings 3390 Avenue and 155th Avenue and between 130th Street and 131st Street, Borough of to Sanitary Code 3391 Proposals 3390 Queens. Hospitals, Department of-Proposals 3390 Proposals-Notice to Bidders 3390 (On June 8, 1944, Cal. No. 116-B, the Board of Estimate referred this matter Housing and Buildings, Department Sale of Ferrous Scrap Material 3390 to the "commission.) 3390 Sale of Surplus Used Equipment 3390 of-Proposals . On motion, the following favorable report was unanimously Marine and Aviation, Department of- Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, adopted: Proposals 3390 Department of-Proposals 3397 Report No. 3153. September 13, 1944. Hon. FIORELLO H. Ls GUARDIA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on June 8, 1944, Cal. No. 116-B, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION there was referred to the City Planning Commission a communication dated June 2, 1944, from the Commissioner of Public Works, requesting the institution of condemnatiop Minutes of Meeting of the City Planning Commission, Held in Room 16, City Hall, proceedings for the land located between 150th Avenue and 155th Avenue and between Wednesday, September 13, 11944, at 2.30 P. M. 130th Street and 131st Street, Borough of Queens, and required for the extension of the Jamaica Sewage Treatment Works. The land to be acquired is a rectangular area of about 14 acres west of the existing The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. plant site. It is assessed at about $69,800. The site map for the extension of the Jamaica Sewage Treatment Works was approved by the City Planning Commission on July 12, 1944 (Report No. 312, CP-3334), and by the Board of Estimate on August Huie, Robert Moses, Present-Edwin A. Salmon, Chairman; Irving V. A. 17, 1944, Cal. No. 30. Lawrence M. Orton, Cleveland Rodgers, Commissioners; Berthold Scheiman, Acting This extension is designed to provide sufficient area for the contemplated post-war Commissioner. expansion of existing plant facilities and its acquisition appears to be timely in view of the current authorization for the acquisition of adjoining areas for airport purposes. (Roll Call at 2.40 P. M.) The Jamaica Sewage Treatment Works with its tributary area is included in the Master Plan of Sewage Treatmem Plant Sites and Tributary Areas adopted by the City Acting Commissioner Scheiman refrained from voting on all items. Planning Commission on April 16, 1941. The acquisition proceeding under consideration conforms with the Master Plan and No. 1 its approval is recommended. Approval of minutes of meeting of August 9, 1944, as printed in THE CITY RECORD Respectfully, of August 15, 1944; and special meeting of August 30, 1944, as printed in THE CITY EDWIN A. SALMON, Chairman, City Planning Commission. RECORD of September 5, 1944. No. 5 (CP-3356) On motion, these minutes were unanimously approved. Communication, dated June -6, 1944, from the President of the Borough of Queens, requesting amendment of the resolution adopted February 3, 1944, authoriz- REPORTS ing a proceeding for acquiring title to the public park in four sections, in the area bounded by Lawrence Street, Blossom Avenue, etc., Borough of Queens. Master Plan (On June 29, 1944, Cal. No. 182, the Board of Estimate referred this matter to Acquisitions the Commission.) On motion, the following favorable report was unanimously adopted: BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN Report No. 3147. September 13, 1944. Hon. FIORELLO H. LA GUARDLA, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate: No. 2 (CP-3381) Sir-At the meeting of the Board of Estimate held on June 29, 1944, Cal.
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