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VOLUME 22, NUMBER 43 DEC. 27, 1996 - JAN. 2, 1997 16 LOOKING BACK The Apartment on Verdi Square: A Christmas Story, Part 2 by Phil Johnson 29 MOVIES Evita Brings the Story of the Argentine Legend to Musical Life Reviewed by David Parnell 41 FRESH BEATS Looking Back on the Year in Dance Music by Jimmy Smith 53 CURRENT EVENTS 57 LETTERSTO THE EDITOR 65 ON OUR COVER Hunky Single Taurus Tom Ryan photos by Exposure Prints/Tio 69 BACKSTAGE The Fantasticks Plays Theatre Three In Dallas 73 STARSCOPE The Zodiac Feels the Volcanic Power of Pluto As the New Year Begins 83 SPORTS Rainbow Fishing Club Plans Spring Trips 84 TEXAS NEWS Houston Activist Joins Crowded Race for City Council Seat 86 Top NEWS STORIES OF 1996 89 TEXAS TEA Annual End-of-Year Trivia Quiz 98 CLASSIFIEDS 106 IN MEMORIAM A Tribute to Gay and Lesbian People Lost in 1996 109 GUIDE TWT (This Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co., at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer In Houston, Texas 770CJ6.Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of Its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising In TWTIs not to be construed as any indication of the sex- ual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $79 per year, $40 per half year. Back Issues available at 52 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1997 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWTIs specifically prohibited by federal statute. I THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 DALLAS OFFICE PUBLISHER HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street ALAN GELLMAN 811 Westheimer, Suite 111 Dallas, Texas 75219 EDITOR Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214) 520-8948 RICHARD HEBERT Houston Fax (713) 527-8948 (214) 521-0622 COMPTROLLER (713) 527-9111 E-mail: [email protected] STEVE MILES E-mail: [email protected] ART DEPARTMENT Richard Bang, Chris Solzo. Victor Perea CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Donnie Angelle, Don Baker, Robert Bois, Mark Deaton, Phil Johnson, MOlY Gary Laird, C. Lichtenstein, Steven c. Lindsey, Susan McDonald, David Parnell, Jimmy Smith, Bruce Williams STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS James Franklin, Robert Miller, Jerry Stevens, Tio, Albert Tovar NATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622. FAX 520-TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin - Bruce Williams (512) 473-7180 • Dallas / Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 Houston / Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527-9111 • San Antonio / Corpus Christi - Steve Miles (210) 754-5837 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Dallas Chase Gutierrez. Houston David Parnell TWT © 1997 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANE RUFF,PRESIDENT / CEO / DIRECTOR DOCK ROY KLAUS / CO-DIRECTOR ALL·AS We.re (jonna Turn You Upside Down! 115 $£RP£II HORNS &\.\.00 'TI/I£ ffArlPASNf 8" '/0••••5 1c m~~~:JT1> L£I$ Sbelley Winters Look-Alike Contest at 12:30 vr~~orge5I~, SUNDAY MALE STRIP Start the Ne wfear CONTEST with Black. l'e/~ett witDfour ofdfriends at iti¢r at Ilpm Da//asHest Donee C/UD \~' Wednesday Male Strip Returns On January 8 NCHAMPAGNE AT MIDNIGHTN BOY TOY ""1996 Top TEN COUNTDOWN•..• DANCERS SEVEN NllJlITS lJfednesda! //1/91 21" upONlf I A WEEK 3911Cedar Sprints, Dallaj' f9ii) 38(}-38(}8 eareIJ@airmai/'net c ~ / I I 3923 Cedar Springs, Dallas, Texas (972) 380-3808 [email protected] EAGLE MOUNTAIN SALOON 1902 McCullough Avenue> San Antonio, TX • 210-733-1516 GET READY, SAN ANTONIO! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BLAST OF A PARTY ON NEW YEAR'S EVE ~Y--r~~TUESDAY,- DECEMBER_ .- ---31 ~------ \' g:. d If ~1.7~,: LLSILONGNECKS), ~d \ • ' SCHNAPPS • I • ) + ALL DAYINIGHT , FREE ~+ ~. MIDNIGHT +'/ eWAMPAGNE TOAST AND ., PARTY FAVORS \ \ , PLUS , DRAWING AT 1:00 A~Htro = ~OO IN CASH PRIZE~' " ABSOLUTELY NO COVER AT YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY HEADQUARTERS. · Tne A pttrtntent bt VerAi b'!uttre A eltri.)tlUil.) St~r~ e~ndu~i~n BY PHIL JOHNSON "This above al/: to thine own self be true, Dallas Gay and Lesbian And it must fol/ow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." Historic Archives - Hamlet/Shakespeare A fter the war, David was given an honor- grief? He prayed hard: "God, let me put the '"' able discharge and returned to his past behind me. I only did it one time. Hav- hometown in Oklahoma looking sharp in en't I been tormented enough? Why must I his skin-hugging Navy blues. When he always think of him? I'm sure he doesn't walked down Main St., heads turned. think of me. Yet I can't help but wonder Jacob and Beth were mighty proud. The whatever happened to that dancer .... " townfolks were mighty proud. "Our World Whatever happened to him? Pavel War II hero!" But the hero was no longer a stayed with the Ballet Russe a couple of kid. In combat he had grown up and grown seasons, but tired of touring constantly, apart from the farming community. He went "living out of a suitcase" and performing in to college under the G.!. Bill for a couple of the same old moneymaking ballets the years, got a girl in trouble and, being dancers called "bread and butter," like Southern Baptist, did right by her. Yes, he Swan Lake, Nutcracker, Scheherazade. was happy, he told himself. But why did he He longed to appear in a smash Broadway have to keep telling himself that? Maybe if musical so he could settle down in that he and his wife moved to a big city like bohemian apartment on Verdi Square, the Tulsa. one filled with singers, dancers, actors, With a good, well-paying job, he was set writers, decorators, painters - his crowd. for a happy-ever-after life. But try as he With his youth, good looks, talent and might, he couldn't run away from himself. performing experience, Pavel easily landed The devoted Lois never complained, but in Carousel and followed that with Bloomer deep in his heart David knew she felt left Girl and Brigadoon. Obviously, the choreo- out. Should he tell her? Could he? She grapher for all three, Agnes De Mille, liked loved him so. How could he cause her him. She had choreographed Rodeo for PAGE 16 TWf DECEMBER 27 1996 - JANUARY 21997 Ballet Russe and knew that Pavel was spinning and his heart was leaping. Oh, show-must-go-on dependable. When one the Cole Porter music was lovely and all show closed, he moved on to another, not that, but he impatiently waited for it to end. all of them successful. But he was seldom "Should I go to the stage door after the "between engagements," as they say. Then show? Why not? But then, why dig up the came the demanding Kiss Me Kate. past? He wouldn't remember me, one of The breezy Pavel, unlike the married- many men in his life. Suppose he has a but-lonely David, was happy. He was danc- lover. Surely he has. Could I take the pain ing better than ever, had a good income of seeing him with another man? Perhaps and never lacked for attractive sexual part- I should just quietly disappear and he'd ners, one after another. Even so, he often never know. Besides, things are different wondered what had happened to the now. I'm a married man." strong sailor, the quiet one with the broad, Yet there was that longing, that aching in supportive shoulders. Neither man knew his heart that couldn't be stilled by mar- how to get in touch with the other, or that riage. "Oh God, what should I do?" God each still cared. was silent. Instead, He picked up the ex- With seven million people milling around sailor's feet, first one, then the other ... right, left, right, left ... until the man with the aching heart had joined the other stage- David found his seat in door Johnnies. God can be so dramatic! the balcony. Suddenly, Pavel stepped outside the stage door and immediately saw his friend standing on stage, in the colorful there, shy, a little apart from the drooling admirers. "David!" he yelled. Dropping his lights of the opening dance bag, he raced into the open, eager arms of his long-ago love. The men held scene, there was his each other for a long while. Even passing dancer, spinning and New Yorkers, who were usually so blase to such things - especially among show leaping as if time had people - began to smile. "Can we have dinner, like we did a long stood still! time ago? There's so much to talk about. I've often thought of.. .oh, I forgot. I have a the tiny island of Manhattan, one seldom date." David's heart sank. He had to leave bumps into someone he knows, and never in the morning if he was to spend someone from the past. But maybe God Christmas with his wife. wanted to mend a severed romance .... His heart breaking, he hardly heard A few days before Christmas, David's Pavel rattling on, "Had I only known you company sent him to New York on a three- were in town. Why didn't we keep in day business trip. On his last night in town, touch ..
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