402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE January 31, 2006 S. CON. RES. 77 reconciliation pursuant to section Scott King, I ask all Members to stand Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- 202(a) of the concurrent resolution on and observe a moment of silence. resentatives concurring), That the two Houses the budget for fiscal year 2006 (H. Con. f of Congress assemble in the Hall of the Res. 95), which was referred to the HONORING THE LIFE AND ACCOM- House of Representatives on Tuesday, Janu- House Calendar and ordered to be PLISHMENTS OF MRS. CORETTA ary 31, 2006, at 9 p.m., for purpose of receiv- printed. ing such communication as the President of SCOTT KING the United States shall be pleased to make f to them. Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speak- REPORT ON RESOLUTION WAIVING er, I offer a resolution (H. Res. 655) The Senate concurrent resolution REQUIREMENT OF CLAUSE 6(a) honoring the life and accomplishments was concurred in. OF RULE XIII WITH RESPECT TO of Mrs. Coretta Scott King and her con- A motion to reconsider was laid on CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN tributions as a leader in the struggle the table. RESOLUTIONS for civil rights, and expressing condo- f Mr. DREIER, from the Committee on lences to the King family on her pass- MAKING IN ORDER MORNING HOUR Rules, submitted a privileged report ing, and ask unanimous consent for its DEBATE (Rept. No. 109–367) on the resolution (H. immediate consideration in the House Res. 654) waiving a requirement of pursuant to the following order: the Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I ask clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to resolution shall be considered as read; unanimous consent that the order of consideration of certain resolutions re- the previous question shall be consid- the House of January 4, 2005, providing ported from the Committee on Rules, ered as ordered on the resolution and for morning hour debate be extended which was referred to the House Cal- the preamble to its adoption without for the remainder of the 109th Congress endar and ordered to be printed. intervening motion except 1 hour of de- except that the date of May 15, 2006, f bate equally divided and controlled by shall be used in lieu of May 16, 2005. the chairman and ranking minority The SPEAKER. Is there objection to REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER member of the Committee on the Judi- the request of the gentleman from AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 3855 ciary; and notwithstanding the oper- California? Mrs. CUBIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask ation of the previous question, the There was no objection. unanimous consent to have my name Chair may postpone further consider- f removed as a cosponsor of H.R. 3855. ation of the resolution to a time des- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ignated by the Speaker. GRANTING MEMBERS OF THE the request of the gentlewoman from The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. HOUSE PRIVILEGE TO EXTEND Wyoming? LAHOOD). Is there objection to the re- REMARKS AND INCLUDE EXTRA- There was no objection. quest of the gentleman from Wis- NEOUS MATERIAL IN THE CON- f consin? GRESSIONAL RECORD FOR THE There was no objection. SECOND SESSION OF THE 109TH REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER The Clerk read the title of the resolu- CONGRESS AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 4354 tion. Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I The text of the resolution is as fol- unanimous consent that for the re- ask unanimous consent to have my lows: mainder of the 109th Congress, all name removed as a cosponsor of H.R. H. RES. 655 Members be permitted to extend their 4354. Whereas Coretta Scott King was an inspi- remarks and to include extraneous ma- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to rational figure and a woman of great terial within the permitted limit in the request of the gentlewoman from strength, grace, and dignity who came to that section of the RECORD entitled Florida? personify the ideals of the Civil Rights ‘‘Extensions of Remarks.’’ There was no objection. Movement, for which she and her husband The SPEAKER. Is there objection to fought. f Whereas Coretta Scott was born on April the request of the gentleman from 27, 1927, to parents Obadiah and Bernice California? REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER AS COSPONSOR OF HOUSE RESO- Scott, was raised in rural Alabama, grad- There was no objection. uated valedictorian from Lincoln High LUTIONS 635, 636 AND 637 f School, and received a B.A. from Antioch Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. College in Yellow Springs, Ohio; DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Whereas Coretta Scott came of age in the WEDNESDAY BUSINESS ON TO- have my name removed as a cosponsor segregated South, took an active interest in MORROW of House Resolutions 635, 636 and 637. the emerging Civil Rights Movement as an undergraduate, and joined the Antioch chap- Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I ask The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ter of the NAACP, and the Race Relations unanimous consent that the business the request of the gentlewoman from and Civil Liberties Committees of Antioch in order under the Calendar Wednesday California? College; rule be dispensed with tomorrow. There was no objection. Whereas Coretta Scott won a scholarship The SPEAKER. Is there objection to f to study concert singing at Boston’s New the request of the gentleman from England Conservatory of Music; REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Whereas while in Boston, Coretta Scott California? AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 3855 met Martin Luther King, Jr., who was a There was no objection. graduate student studying for his doctorate Mr. OTTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- f at Boston University; imous consent to have my name re- Whereas after Coretta Scott and Martin b 1600 moved as a cosponsor of H.R. 3855. Luther King, Jr. were married on June 18, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to 1953, Mrs. Coretta Scott King completed her REPORT ON RESOLUTION RELAT- the request of the gentleman from degree in voice and violin at the New Eng- ING TO CONSIDERATION OF S. Idaho? land Conservatory of Music, and the young 1932, DEFICIT REDUCTION ACT OF There was no objection. couple moved in September 1954 to Mont- 2005 gomery, Alabama, where Martin Luther f Mr. DREIER, from the Committee on King, Jr. had accepted an appointment as Pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. Rules, submitted a privileged report MOMENT OF SILENCE IN MEMORY OF MRS. CORETTA SCOTT KING Whereas their first child, Yolanda, was (Rept. No. 109–366) on the resolution (H. born in 1955, just two weeks before the begin- Res. 653) relating to consideration of The SPEAKER. In memoriam to the ning of the Montgomery bus boycott, during the Senate bill (S. 1932) to provide for death this morning of Mrs. Coretta which the King house was bombed; VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:20 Mar 08, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK1\BR31JA06.DAT BR31JA06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 31, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 403 Whereas the Kings had four children: Yo- (Mr. HASTERT), the distinguished This is an unusual phrase I am going landa Denise, Martin Luther, III, Dexter Speaker of the House. to use today, but I wish to associate Scott, and Bernice Albertine; Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Speaker, I was myself with the eloquent remarks of Whereas during Dr. King’s lifetime, Mrs. truly saddened this morning when I the Speaker of the House, Mr. King served as an equal partner in the Civil learned of the death of Coretta Scott Rights Movement, balancing the demands of HASTERT, in praise of the life and lead- raising their four children, serving as a pas- King. ership of Coretta Scott King. tor’s wife, and speaking before church, civic, My experience with the Kings goes Mr. Speaker, I am proud to rise here college, fraternal, and peace groups; back to 1960 as a freshman student of today to also join the Speaker in hon- Whereas Mrs. King established and per- North Central College, wide-eyed from oring Coretta Scott King. She was not formed in more than 30 successful ‘‘Freedom the country, not really knowing all of only the keeper of the flame; she was Concerts’’ that combined prose and poetry the new social issues that were before one of our Nation’s greatest civil rights narration with musical selections to increase us. But yet Dr. Martin Luther King leaders in her own right. For all of her awareness and understanding of the Move- came to that little town, came to that ment and the Southern Christian Leadership life, Coretta Scott King was her own college accompanied by his wife. It woman. She grew up in rural and seg- Conference, of which Dr. King served as the made a great impression on a college first president; regated Alabama in a hardworking and Whereas Mrs. King stood side-by-side with freshman. ambitious Scott family. She followed her husband during many civil rights The word that comes to my mind as her sister, who was the first African marches and on other notable occasions, in- I think about this great woman is American ever to attend Antioch Col- ″ cluding a 1957 trip to Ghana to mark that ‘‘devotion : devotion to her husband, lege in Ohio; and after, Coretta moved country’s independence, a 1959 trip to India devotion to her family, and devotion to to Boston to pursue a music career. It to visit sites associated with Mahatma Gan- the cause of civil rights.
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