. ; 1 Poge 12 • THE VILLANOVAN • Mofch 20, 1968 James^ Patrick^ Relay Teqms Pace Cats To NCA^ Indoor Track Title In Detroit Jcl|pf3SJ^0'Haiifoii (14), Pace NIT Win VlttAMGVAM Scoring a meet record 35 1/2 points, Villanova's By MIKE GORNIOWSKY Vol. No. 19 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, VILLANOVA, PA. MAKCH 27. 1968 amazing track team crushed all challengers last 43, Villanova took its first major weekend In Detroit's the Wildcats challenge in stride as they out- Cobo Arena as 77- ran away with the NCAA Indoor championships to gunned a taller Wyoming Arlen Specter William F. Buckley^ Jr, 66, in the first round of the NIT, give the school its first NCAA track title since the Speaks last Friday night in the new Mad- 1957 aggregation led by the incomparable RonDelany. ison Square Garden. The eleven Earlier this year, many of the same runners who were Speaks Here Monday point differential far from tells Tonight At Law instrumental in the title led the School the true story of the game which copping Cats* cross- saw the 'Cats ahead by as country squad to its consecutive NCAA title. By BERNIE AUCHTER much Philadelphia District Attorney, His service at tliis position was as 27. As with all the 'Cats' Destroys 1950 he began writing GOD Old Mark Arlen Specter, will speak at Villan- higtillghted by his handling of the On Monday evening, April 1st, ^ previous victories, Kraft's famed AND MAN AT YALE, an attack If anyone can be singled out in the victory which ova Law School tonight at 8:30 p.m. now famous Magisterial Inves- the archconservatlve polemicist ball defense was the major * against his alma mater "for its displayed the tremendous cameraderle which exists The topic of his address is 'Keep- tigations of 1964-65. The import- William F. Buckley Jr. will de- factor in limiting aimless liberalism and lack of a Wyoming at- ing The Police Informed" and Mr. ance of these investigations is at- liver an address on "The Re- tack which prior to this on the team, it is sensational sophomore Larry a sense of mission." He is pres- game Spector's qualifications to speak on tested to by recent political and sponsibility of the Student." The averaged 86.4. James from White Plains, N.Y. Friday evening, ently a candidate for the Yale such a subject are numerous and legislative developments in Penn- lecture will be held in the Field Jones Individual High Corporation, the university's James sped to a new world record for the 440 Impressive. sylvania in the area of magistrate House at 8 p.m. Johnny Jones gained the board of trustees, as a protest yard dash on an 11 lap track as he turned In a ^' Qualifications reform. Mr, Buckley is an author, edi- against Individual scoring honors by tally- Warren Commission tor, columnist, lecturer, and host this "aimless liberal- 47 flat clocking to clip 8 tenths of a second In the field of law and legally re- ing a career high of 38 from ism" and the unfair admissions lated areas Mr. Specter has During the same period Mr. of his television program "Firing points, 20 of which came in the the former world mark held by Theron Lewis of policies. MCCARTHY AND HIS compiled a distinguished record of Specter also served as Assistant Line." After graduating ffom Yale first half. ** Jones hurt us more Philadelphia and Southern University. After the race WILLIAM ENEMIES, written by Mr. Buckley public service. Before undertaking Counsel for the Warren Com- than anything in the first half . and his brother-in-law, L. Brent as Larry was telephoning his mother In White Plains his present position mission, wiiich conducted the in- of public ser- Bozell, found Senator Joe McCar- we just couldn't match up against assassination of to tell her of his feat, coach Jumbo Elliott told vice as Philadelphia District At- vestigation cf the him," replied the Wyoming coach. Junior Week Officers thy's accusations against pro- torney, Mr. Specter served as President Kennedy in 1964. Complementing Jones brilliant reporters:* **I never thought Pd have a better quarter Communists largely warranted. , Special Assistant Attorney General From 1959 to 1963, Mr. Specter performance was soph guard Fran miler than Charley Jenkins." Jenkins won the Olympic Other books by William Buck- for the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- was grooming himseU for the Dis- O'Hanlon, who relieved Frank Gil- 400 meter run In the ley are: UP FROM LIBERALISM, 1956 games, and James seems vania. trict Attorney's Office by com- Plan Week's Activities len following reinjury THE UNMAKING OF A MAYOR, a to a cinch to take his place In the long list of Vlllanovans piling an impressive record as an his left leg. O'Hanlon, in what By DONNA TAYLOR a behind tiie scenes view of New who have competed In the most respected of all Assistant District Attorney in be a cocktail reception from 11 had to be great weekend for The schedule of activities to be York City's mayoral race; and his a Student Elections 'til 2 at the Covered Wagon Inn track and field events. Neither Elliott nor James during the traditional most recent, a sequel to the Irish, poured in 14 points f conducted in Strafford. Entertainment will Ortega Junior Week has been announced Gasset's "The Revolt of the mostly on jumpers from outside has decided which event to concentrate on in an attempt be provided and admission will be y Take Charlie Scheldt, President of Masses," THE REVOLT AGAINST ttie key. Bob Melchionni added to qualify for the Olympics, The soph speedster Place Tomorrow by free to concert goers upon present- further punch to the 'Cat the Class of '69 and by Art Hall- THE MASSES, in which he fore- is also considered one of the nation's best in the By DENNIS STRAYHEN ation of their ticket stub. Ad- backcourt by dropping in 10 points. eran. General Chairman. The sees a movement toward a con- 440-yard intermediate hurdles. mission for couples not attending Joe Crews and both According to the constituuon activities, however, are far from servative society. Sam Sims *. the concert will be $1.00. 'i of the Student Government Asso- played steadily and combined with James' victory on Friday was matched by senior I being tptallv traditional. Mr. Buckley's journalistic tal- Saturday evening, April 6, the ciaticxi, CHily two men can be nom- ents are also evident in his syn- Jones to grab 23 of the Dave Patrick who scored an 880 triumph In a rather On Monday, April 1, the Junior annual Junior Class Dinner I^ance inated to run for president of the class will sponsor a Mother's dicated column "On the Right," team's 32 rebounds. leisurely 1:52.0 to edge teammate Frank Murphy Day. will be held in the Grand Ballroom SGA and the student body. There The day will begin with which is published by 205 news- The Cowboys led once, 2-1, Mass in of the Sheraton Hotel in Phila- by one tenth of a second. The Cats thus totaled were three bids for the va- but that was it as Melchionni, two the Grotto, andfollowedby a Lunch- papers, and his fortnightly maga- points delphia. Cocktails wUl be served familiar in the garden, 16 on the first night of competition with cant spots this year. The nomina- eon in the Field House and a Fash- zine of conservative opinion "Na- a name at 7, dinner at 8, and there hit back to back jumpers Patrick and James accounting for six each and tion and acceptance speeches and ion Show in Vasey Auditorium. tional Review" which has atxwt and Jones will be dancing 'til 3. En- tiie voting by ttie congress for Father Welsh is expected to 100,000 readers. ran off six of the 'Cats next eight Murphy's second place finish being good for four give tertainment will be provided candidates held in Men- two were the welcoming Ita points. Behind 22-17 coupled with points In the meet which was scored on a 6-4-3-2-1 address. the by Lester Lanin's Dance "Firing Line" del Hall, Tuesday night a week ago. an offense that was grinding to evening William F. Buckley will Band, The Chambers Brothers, who basis. The nomination and second speech- As host of "Firing Line," Bill a halt, the Cowboy's switched de- address a Field House Audience will be just finishing at the Electric Miller and Simpson finished third and fifth re- es for Mike Chappelle were given Buckley is, according to Time fenses only to see the lead on the subject of "The Respon- Factory, The Fat City and The by John Carey and Tod Clonan. magazhie, armed witii a "poly- stretched to 45-27 at halftime. spectively In the 60-yard dash won by freshman sibility of the Student". The lecture Impalas. The Chambers Brothers Tom Grant and Greg Fusco nom- syllabic vocabulary and an arsenal It was obvious at this time that Jim Green of Kentucky. Meanwhile, Richmond Flowers begins at 8:00 p.m. and is free to have entertained at Brandeis and inated Jay Walsh and Bob Ross of intimidating grimaces." He the constant harrassment was of Tennessee edged McCullouch and IC4 champion Erv anyone. at Harvard for standing room only A and Nick Gibbone did the honors Tuesday evening at 7:30, Dick has also appeared on David Suss- taking its effect on Wyoming, crowds. Their latest album is Hall of Villanova in the 60-yard high hurdles in for Joe Mayberry.
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