STATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY “UZBEKENERGO” Electric power industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan: a current situation and development prospects About the Company • The Power Industry of Uzbekistan operates in the framework of the State Joint Stock Company ”Uzbekenergo”, established in the form of open joint stock company including the Coal Industry enterprises since 2001. • The company structure includes 53 enterprises and organizations, including 39 open joint-stock companies, 11 unitary enterprises, 2 societies with limited liability and company branch-“Energosotish”. • As for now, the company performs the centralized electric power supply of national economy and population, and also sale of thermal energy to industrial and domestic consumers in distinct cities of the Republic. • The installed capacity of Power Plants of Uzbekistan exceeds 12,3 GW equal to 50% of all generating capacities of the Interconnected Power System of Central Asia • The Power Industry’s enterprises annually generate up to 48 TW/h of electric and more than 10 mln. Gcal of thermal power. 2 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICES Structure of installed capacities of power plants of Uzbekistan Structure of Electrical networks 3 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICES Structure of fuel consumption by power plants Structure of installed capacity of power transformers 4 The program of measures on realization of the major projects on modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of electric power industry for 2009-2014 years N The energy sector Quantity of Entered capacity Cost o name realized ( mln. projects, dollars) piece 1 Thermal power 8 2255 MW 2309,6 stations 2 Hydro power 15 440 MW 512,9 stations 3 Nonconventional 1 0,75 MW 1,85 power (wind) 4 Electric networks 12 1418,2 km, 1754 МVА 681,4 5 The other 2 ATE (1 stage), 70,7 ash-and-slad removal – 7,5 million in cubic m Total 38 2695,7 MW generating capacities 3575,1 1418,2 km of transmission lines 1754 МVА transformer capacities 4 3 gas turbine units construction at Tashkent Heat and Power Plant Equipment in operation Capacity commission Capacity: 81 MW (3x27 MW) Name MW ing Power generation: Steam turbine 30 1954 450 mln. kWh per year Construction period: 2009-2012 Before modernization Cost estimate: 142,0 mln.USD Capacity: 30 MW Generation: 165 GWh per year Finance sources: SJSC “Uzbekenergo”means – 47,8 mln.USD foreign loan – 94,2 mln.USD After modernization Pay-off period: 9 years Capacity: 111 MW Generation: 450 GWh per year 5 2 CCPP construction at Talimardjan TPP Equipment in operation Capacity: 2х400 MW Power generation : Capacity, Comiss Name MW ioning 4,8 bln. kWh per year Construction period: 2010-2014 Power Unit №1 800 2004 Commissioning Unit №1 – 2013 Commissioning Unit № 2 – 2014 Before extension Capacity: 800 MW Cost estimate: 710 mln.USD Generation: 4,7 TWh per year Specific fuel consumption: 314 gr/kWh Pay-off period: 13 years Finance sources: SJSC “Uzbekenergo” means – 200 mln. USD. After extension UzFRD credit – 230 mln.USD Capacity: 1600 MW foreign loan – 280 mln. USD Generation: 10.5 TWh per year Specific fuel consumption: 256,5 gr/kWh 6 Turbine unit installation at Angren TPP Project goal: using coal with 45% ash content in a volume 800-1000 thousand Before modernization tons per year Capacity: 484 MW Cost estimate:150,0 mln.USD Generation: 530 GWh Capacity: 2*75 MW Specific fuel consumption:440,5 gr/kWh Construction period: 2012-2014 years Financing source: loan - 150 mln.USD Equipment in operation Name capacity, commi ssionin MW After modernization g Power unit №1 52,5 1957 Capacity: 422 MW(taking into account dismantling of 212 MW capacity ) turbine №2 54,5 1958 Generation: 700 GWh turbine №3 53 1958 Specific fuel consumption: turbine №4 52 1958 turbine №5 68 1960 390,0 gr/kWh turbine №6 68 1961 turbine №7 68 1962 turbine №8 68 1963 7 Hydro Power Plants are planned for construction till 2015 year № HPP name Capacity to be Estimate п/ commissioned, cost п MW mln. USD Tashkent region 211,6 239,1 1. Nizhnechatkal HPP at Chatkal river 100 105,5 2. Akbulak HPP at Akbulak river 60 62,8 3. Kamchik HPP at Akhangaran river 30 34,5 4. Irgayliksayskaya HPP at Ugam river 13,6 25,0 5 HPP “Kamolot” at Chirchik- Bozsu 8 11.3 canal Syrkhandarya region 120 148,9 5. Zarchobskaya HPP at Tupalangdarya 90 115,6 river 6. HPP Niluy-II at Sangardakdarya river 30 33,3 Total 331,6 388,0 8 «Cascade Kadiria HPP» • Consist of 4 HPP (HPP- 3,11,12,15), located at Chirchik– Bozsuy river. • Installed capacity– 44,6 MW. • Commissioning periods 1933-1946. • «Modernization of Cascade Kadiria HPP UE» (HPP-15,11,3,12). Increasing the efficiency of equipment. • Expected cost of the project is 19,5 mln US dollars. • Implementation period 2011-2013. 9 «Cascade Tashkent HPP» • Consist of 4 HPP (HPP-3,11,12,15), located at Chirchik– Bozsuv river. • Installed capacity – 29 МW. • Commissioning periods 1926-1954. • «Modernization of Cascade Kadiria HPP UE» (HPP- 1,21,4,9). Increasing the efficiency of equipment. • Expected cost of the project is 10 mln US dollars. • Implementation period 2011-2013. 10 «Cascade Samarkand HPP» Branch • Consist of 4 HPP (HPP-1B,2B,3B,5B), located at Dargom-Taligul river. • Installed capacity – 40,1 MW. • Commissioning periods 1945- 1962. • «Modernization of Cascade Samarkand HPP» (HPP-2B, HPP-5B). Increasing the efficiency of equipment. • Expected cost of the project is 13,1 mln. US dollars. • Implementation period 2011- 2013. 11 «Cascade Shakhrihan HPP» Branch • Consist of 4 HPP (HPP-5А, 6А ,UFK-1,UFK-2), located on channels of Shakhrihansay and UFK. • Installed capacity – 27,9 МW. • Commissioning periods 1943-1965. • «Modernization Cascade Shakhrihan HPP» (HPP UFK-1, HPP UFK-2). Increasing the efficiency of equipment. • Expected cost of the project is 5,8 mln US dollars. • Implementation period 2012-2014. 12 «Cascade Nije-Buzsuz HPP» UE • Consist of 5 HPP (HPP- 14,18,19,22,23), located on Chirchik– Bozsuv river. • Installed capacity – 50,8 МW. • Commissioning periods 1943-1953. • «Modernization of Cascade Quyi-Buzsuz HPP» UE » (HPP-14,18,19,23,22). Increasing the efficiency of equipment. • Expected cost of the project is 20,8 mln US dollars. • Implementation period 2011-2013. 13 «Farkhad HPP» UE • Located at Syrdarya river. • Installed capacity – 126 МW. • Commissioning in 1943. • «Modernization of Farkhad HPP UE» (HPP-16). Increasing the efficiency of equipment. • Expected cost of the project is 5,8 mln US dollars. • Implementation period 2011-2013. 14 Construction of pilot wind-driven power plant Project goal: increasing of share of renewable power resources in fuel-energy balance Capacity: 0,75 MW Construction period: 2010 year Power generation : 2,3 GWh per year Fuel saving: 0,7 mln.m3 of natural gas per year Project cost :1,85 mln.USD Financing source: own means – 1,85 mln. USD 15 Monthly and annual medium wind speed(m/s) locations and possible wind power stations at Uzbekistan (1976 -2005) Station I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII year Navoi region Ayakagitma 3,6 4,0 4,3 4,2 4,1 4,4 4,4 4,5 4,1 3,5 3,7 3,5 4,0 Mashikuduk 4,0 4,4 4,6 4,4 4,3 4,6 5,0 4,9 4,4 3,8 3,9 3,8 4,3 Kulkuduk 4,4 4,8 5,5 5,7 5,4 5,6 5,7 6,0 5,5 4,8 4,6 4,1 5,2 Bukhara region Djangeldi 3,6 4,1 4,3 4,3 4,0 4,2 4,4 4,4 4,0 3,7 3,8 3,5 4,1 Republic of Karakalpakistan Jaslik 3,6 4,0 4,5 4,5 4,0 3,8 3,5 3,4 3,4 3,3 3,6 3,5 3,8 Aktumsuk 6,0 6,6 6,1 5,6 4,6 5,1 4,4 3,7 3,6 4,7 4,9 6,1 5,0 Muynak 3,7 4,1 4,5 4,6 4,3 4,1 3,9 3,8 3,8 3,7 3,8 3,6 4,0 Tashkent region Yangier 4,3 4,1 3,2 2,8 2,6 2,4 2,1 1,9 1,7 2,3 3,4 4,4 3,0 Charvak 7,1 6,6 5,3 3,6 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,0 2,8 2,9 5,1 7,0 4,3 Chirchik 4,0 4,2 3,6 3,5 3,4 3,6 3,2 2,8 2,7 2,6 3,3 3,6 3,7 Bekabad 7,7 6,9 5,1 4,4 3,9 3,6 2,6 2,1 2,2 3,6 5,8 8,1 4,7 Kashkadarya region Karshi 3,1 3,3 3,4 3,3 3,4 3,7 4,3 3,5 3,0 2,8 2,8 2,8 3,3 16 List of prospective investment projects, intended to implement after 2015 № Name of projects project costs Realization period SJSC Uzbekenergo 1 624,51 New construciton 1 051,32 1 Construction of power generating block №8 363,32 2015-2017 and cooling tower №4 at New Angren TPP (3 stage) 2 Construction of Gas turbine unit at 250,00 2015-2019 Takhiatash TPP 3 Construction of VL 500 kV «New-Angren TPP- 91,50 2016-2018 S/S Namangan-500» 4 Construction of Cooling tower at Syrdarya 80,00 2014-2016 TPP with backup infrastructure for working 6 power blocks 5 Construction of Cooling tower at Navoi TPP 65,50 2013-201 for transferring power blocks 3,4,8,9 to circulate scheme of water supplying.
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