University of Central Florida STARS Text Materials of Central Florida Central Florida Memory 1-1-1892 Winter Park scrapbook, 1881-1906: Loring Chase scrapbooks Vol 02, 1892 Loring Augustus Chase Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-texts University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Manuscript is brought to you for free and open access by the Central Florida Memory at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Text Materials of Central Florida by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Chase, Loring Augustus, "Winter Park scrapbook, 1881-1906: Loring Chase scrapbooks Vol 02, 1892" (1892). Text Materials of Central Florida. 931. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-texts/931 Couceruiuff Winter Park. ^_—-".foncenimjr Winter Park. / & - 3 - ')I A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. xiss Kate Sherwood, of Rome, New. 39/ Andrew Ahik on Saturday evening. York, is visiting Mr. E. L. Maxson and family. She will probably remain dur­ Rev.'Pyne.of Elisabeth,"Tew Jersey, ing the winter season, and recuperate Concernins: Winter Park. has been called to accept the rectorship under the beneficial effects of Florida's Miss A. F. Dalrymple, art teacher at of All Saints Memorial church (P. E.) of unsurpassed atmosphere. /£-/^- 9/ Rollins College, will give an exhibition this town. He is spoken of very highly Mr. and Mrs. Denny are once more in the studio on Saturday, 19th inst., be­ by Bishop Weed, and it is understood "with us, as satisfied as ev^r to seek our tween the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. that Mr. Pyne is desirous of coming to balmy climate and escape the New Eng­ All those interested are cordially invited Winter Park as a permanent resident. J land severe winter. to attend. a After a test of eight months, the Sem­ 05 0) — Mr. Campbell, manager of the Semi­ At 3 p. m. Miss Kate Peck and her 0) >- V inole mule once more wendeth his way nole Hotel, is here, completing the pupils will give a musicale in Knowles' * a hack and forth over the track from the •:t c arrangements for an early opening of hall, to which their friends have been in­ vo «—o .2 hotel to the depot, and the sound of the tc „ as that popular tourists' resort. Extensive vited. / n^ .2 a car attached to th- aforesaid mule re­ improvements are being perfected, and The fall term of Rolfins College ends minds us of the near approach of the every indication points to a prosperous on Wednesday evening, 29th inst., and >- — C« « festive tourist. 2 o £ .£ season. the holiday vacation begins. The winter •~ w *•" o Mrs. C. C. Hall has been quite ill since ^. ® c s Rev. Carpenter, archdeacon of this term commences January 5tb, 1892, and S« jS rt her arrival. the prospects are that an unusual number a — c >>r diocese, will officiate as rector of All u n t The ladies of the Indian Missionary of new pupils will enter this justly po|- i e Saints' Memorial church (P. E.) until e yo society met with Mrs. S. E. Burke on Christmas. ular institution of learning, for the bal­ e litera don valu es d Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of A meeting of the citizens of Winter ance of the college year. •e, * - & making articles for a Christmas box to Mr. F. W.Lyman and family are the t <* « Park was held on Tuesday afternoon at o«a be sent to the Seminole tribe in South latest to return to their sunny Florida .2 * - T5 1 Mr. F. W. Lyman's residence, to devise Florida. The gentlemen met the ladies some immediate means whereby the borne. / *7 at tea time, and a social evening was charitable work of sustaining the hospi­ Dr. J. E. Brecht, who for some time — -. i ~ . • CO c« orj CD o •a "O passed together, much to the delight of has been stationed about 30 miles south a) • — tal at Orlando could be accomplished. .2 a * «i s e c all present. There was a large attendance, a'nd much of Fort Myers, in'the capacity of Indian h 0—3 d mu Messrs. Coan Bros, and Alloott are po sympathy was expressed in behalf of the missionary to the Seminole tribe, has l gisti a di 1] • .2 .2 <c s» 0) clearing ground preparatory to building enterprise and substantial aid was pro­ been making Winter Park, his former IBS § •73 0 a carpenter shop and lumber yard at the vided therefor. home, a visit for the past two weeks. a i. -o >> OS C junction of the South Florida railroad The Free Library Association held While here, he has on several occasions •e a «• __ o "aj ob and New England avenue. given narratives of his Indian exper­ CD -C -» o3 their annual meeting on Thursday, and * •" _ a is The town council met in adjourned appointed solicitors to collect subscrip­ iences, portraying their customs, cos­ >> a) 3a °. —« "J session on Friday evening and deter­ tions for its maintenance during the en­ tumes and manners. He returned to his cu 2 • - on J3 i: I mined to make extensive improvements field of labor on Tuesday evening, having T3 9 >- c o 9 'J: suing year. This institution is very c O y , a during his visit here awakened a decided SO by laying clay sidewalks on several of essential to our residents, and should f o '5 interest among his many friends, who o XI the principal streets. Work will he com­ meet with generous support as has been orati g latel lical 1 'A ., c •*•* ^> *J menced as soon as arrangements can be done in the past. have sent with him substantial pecuniary a> •- a a <- S S3 £ * 58 > aid, to assist him-in furthering his un­ a perfected to obtain the material at mini­ Mr, Edward Hotchkiss, of Naugatuck, .1 t3 5H <* X dertaking. Q / •** a o >i i 73 mum rates. Conn., who, four years ago made Winter C t. -O x XI •— Mayor Turner and Dr. Haskell, of Park a winter visit, is again a visitor, Mr. C. Denny is quite iiljat his home • Maitland, were in town on Saturday in being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. A. H. on New England avenue. ' =0 03 73 oa CD «3 conference with the street committee of Paul. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King lost their ft as 08 C . B a S * oureouncil, relative to improving a road Mr. C. R. Switzer is back from his little one by death on Monday night, of * -r —: between their town and Winter Park. northern trip. He contracted la grippe cerebro-spinal meningitis. p£ s O 33 Mr. Ronan and ff 'y.are again with while away, and is now confined to the Mrs. Spring and daughter, after visit­ co a; fe ing relatives in New England and the ] s a us. house from the effects of the same. A small cottage occupied by J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Collins arrived Sunday r S « s .iddle States during the summer, . / 5 « Q *< Williams and family, a. d Prof. Williams evening. ffl f8 O oo returned to their winter home. FT* *1 0> S? a and assistant, was burned to the ground, Miss A. F. Dalrymple, art teacher in ^ 5J0 The council met in adjourned session o ss a CD £.2 on Saturday. Mr. Williams lost all his Rollins' Colloge,,«-ill hold an art exhibi­ CD 03 X! Tuesday evening to pass ordinances rel­ CO household goods and $260 in cash. S 2 tion of her own work at the college studio, ative to sidewalks, at which meeting the CD .— H « 08 U 01 Capt. Butterfleld, wife and daughter, on Saturday, Dec. 19, from 10 to 3 ; T3 - citizens were particularly requested to CD o'clock. She extends a cordial invitation 5 o arrived Monday evening. They willjsw attend and express their views on the .a en side at the Rogers House during the to all who mav be interested, to attend. subject. It was the evident desire of all 03 "13 co .*— '—• •— CO winter. that good, permanent sidewalks should s §° xi a Frederick Tolly. ' a; Rollins College Notes. gA>e laid on the principal thoroughfares, 2 X! C * 3 WINTER PARK, Dec. 23d, 1891. The winter term opened Monday, Jan. pmd, after discussion, the council passed EDITOR REPORTER : 2nd, with prospects for good attendance. ! an ordinance reguiring the property Among the new students are James Her- DEAR SIR:—Thinking that the death ! owners to constinct suitable walks of rick, a son of Rev. E. P. Herrick of Tam­ of Fred Tolly, which occurred at the material conforming to the requirements Cottage Hospital Dec. 22nd, is worthy pa, MissMetcalfof Melbourne, and Miss of the town ordinances. Walks will be of more than a passing notice, I take Francis H. Cnooks/f Gilman, 111. laid within the next thirty days, from the occasion to say a few things of him tH Miss Cordfelia yPaine, who attended Canal Bridge to South Florida railroad, H that will be of interest to his friends last year, i/exp^bted to return to Rol­ from Rollins College to Prof. Austin's 3Pt , here and of consolation to his family in lins in a f^W dafys. residence, from O. & W. P. railroad to <U England and Germany. W Seminole Hotel, from the Boulevard to 1-3 Miss May Sfewton, w attended Beye- ral years ago^ is agai stuatent/in Rol- Mr.
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