Fasting Can Change Your Life Jerry Falwell and Elmer Towns Editors The story of many who fast, including: Jerry Falwell Bill Bright Jack Hayford Cindy Jacobs D. James Kennedy Jimmy Draper Jane Hansen Bill Greig Jr. Evelyn Christenson Ronnie Floyd Elmer Towns Regal A Division of Gospel Light Ventura, California, U.S.A. Published by Regal Books A Division of Gospel Light Ventura, California, U.S.A. Printed in U.S.A. Regal Books is a ministry of Gospel Light, an evangelical Christian publisher dedicated to serving the local church. We believe God’s vision for Gospel Light is to provide church leaders with biblical, user-friendly materials that will help them evangelize, disciple and minister to children, youth and families. It is our prayer that this Regal book will help you discover biblical truth for your own life and help you meet the needs of others. May God richly bless you. For a free catalog of resources from Regal Books and Gospel Light please call your Christian supplier, or contact us at 1-800-4-GOSPEL or at www.gospellight.com. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the King James Version. Authorized King James Version. Other versions used are: NIV—Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. NKJV—Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. TLB—Verses marked (TLB) are taken from The Living Bible © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189. All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998 by Elmer Towns and Jerry Falwell Liberty University All rights reserved. Cover Design by Barbara LeVan Fisher Interior Design by Britt Rocchio Edited by Virginia Woodard Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data What happens when people fast / Jerry Falwell and Elmer Towns. editors. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-8307-2197-5 (pbk.) 1. Fasting. I. Falwell, Jerry. II. Towns, Elmer L. BV5055.W47 1998 248.4'7—dc21 98-34361 CIP Rights for publishing this book in other languages are contracted by Gospel Literature International (GLINT). GLINT also provides technical help for the adaptation, translation and publishing of Bible study resources and books in scores of languages worldwide. For further information, contact GLINT, P.O. Box 4060, Ontario, CA 91761-1003, U.S.A., or the publisher. You may also send e-mail to [email protected], or visit their web site at www.glint.org. Warning: The fasts suggested in this book are not for everyone. Consult your physician before beginning. Expectant mothers, diabetics and others who have a history of medical problems can enter the spirit of fasting while remaining on essential diets. Although fasting is healthful to many, the nature of God would not command a physical exercise that would harm people physically or emotionally. Liberty University has established a Founder’s Chair for the School of Religion. We are pleased that funds to begin the endowment have been pledged from a number of sources, including Jerry Falwell and Elmer Towns. They have assigned the copyright, royalties and other compensation coming from their book to endow the Founder’s Chair. Chapter 1 Jerry Falwell Pastor, Thomas Road Baptist Church Lynchburg, Virginia Chancellor, Liberty University Founder, Moral Majority Inc. Lynchburg, Virginia Of all the organizations Jerry Falwell has founded, he wants to be introduced as pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church, a 22,000-member church he began in 1956 and has pastored for 42 years. Although some have gone on to other pursuits, Jerry, as most of his members call him, still makes hospital calls, performs weddings and funerals, and preaches most of the sermons. The vast influence of Jerry Falwell springs from his church, which gave birth to the “Old Time Gospel Hour.” He also founded Liberty University, which has 14,000 students in attendance, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, Liberty Bible Institute, Elim Home for alcoholic men, the Godparent Home for pregnant single girls, and Moral Majority, the platform from which he gathers political reputation. The awards are many for Falwell, from honorary doctorate degrees to the Good Housekeeping magazine’s “10 Most Admired Men in America” to being featured on the covers of Time and Newsweek magazines. He has counseled privately Presidents Nixon, Reagan and Bush, as well as other world leaders. Perhaps his greatest influence is that more than 2,000 graduates of Liberty University pastor churches, of which approximately 600 have planted churches. More than 800 graduates serve as foreign missionaries. The greatness of Falwell is seen in his love for Christ as evidenced in two 40-day fasts within 105 days, which brought more than $52 million and renewed accreditation to Liberty University. Getting 50 Million Dollars Fasting Interview with Jerry Falwell Favorite Verse About Fasting: I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.—Psalm 81:10 Question: Tell me the first time you ever fasted. Falwell: I was converted at age 18. In those days there was not much preaching on fasting and prayer, but I heard enough to know that in a time of crisis, fasting with prayer could be helpful to get answers from God. So with my limited understanding as a new convert, I did go on a few one-day fasts. I would always fast after dinner the first day until dinner the following day. I would abstain from breakfast and lunch, a practice I learned then and have done from time to time to the present day. Usually these one-day fasts are based on personal challenges or needs in the lives of people who are close to me. Question: You began calling your church to fast about the time you began Liberty University. Describe those events. Falwell: In the early days of Liberty, it was a common thing for our church to fast for the University. We were building three or four buildings a year during the late ’70s and early ’80s. We were paying cash as we built. We never borrowed long-term money until many years after that. Yet it was not uncommon for me to ask the University and church families to fast and pray for an entire day for the provision of large sums of money: a million dollars, five million dollars, whatever was needed for construction at that time. We always fasted from solid food, except for nonnutrient liquids. We would begin after an evening meal of literally eating nothing with nutrient value until dinner the next day. Question: You usually called a fast on Monday, beginning sundown after the evening church services. Why did you do that? Falwell: I would usually ask the people to fast after church on Sunday until before dinner on Monday because I had the entire Lord’s Day, morning and night, to challenge and encourage the people to unite in a corporate fast. Human beings are very busy today and are entangled with personal and business affairs. When I have challenged them to fast on days other than Monday, they have good intentions to fast, but because there is no one on Wednesday or Thursday night saying, “OK, let’s do it,” the percentage of involvement is not very high. Question: Did you fast for the healing of Charles Hughes? Falwell: Yes, the whole University and church family fasted for Charles’s healing in 1978. I was in Holland, Michigan, preaching when the accident happened. Charles was unconscious for 14 days. His father, Dr. Robert Hughes, came and asked me to call a day of fasting and prayer throughout the entire ministry. We did do that. Charles was an upperclassman at Liberty University with great potential. God had called Charles to preach and serve Him. Charles was so gifted that we used him in the “I Love America” crusades. This was a crusade where I preached on the capitol steps of almost every state capitol building in America. As a student, in each crusade Charles gave a patriotic reading that was powerfully used by God. On the way to an evangelistic crusade in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where he was scheduled to preach, the van in which he was riding was mangled in an accident with an 18-wheel truck. Charles’s head was crushed, and they removed the top of his skull because of swelling. The doctors told us Charles would die and asked if the family would sign papers to donate some of his body organs to living recipients. The medical community felt Charles was as good as dead. Question: Describe the statement of faith you made. Falwell: I told everyone Charles would live if we deeply fasted and prayed from the depths of our hearts. I was so sure that God would answer our prayers that I announced Charles was going to speak at Liberty’s graduation that year. Charles lived and was restored enough to bring a powerful message at the 1978 graduation. Liberty had previously had well-known speakers such as Dr. W. A. Criswell of First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, and Dr. Charles Stanley, pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, but to me the greatness of that message was not what Charles said, but the testimony of his healing as he stood before the audience that day. Question: Describe the fast for Vernon Brewer on April 25, 1985. Falwell: I was at the hospital when the doctor approached Patty Brewer and the family to advise them that the tumor was very large and his condition was very grave.
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