.r Planning^ Building Ends School Chiefs To Answer MCC Nine Winner Tuba SoloisCs Return With Center Dedication Parent Petition on Drugs In Weekend Twinbills Enhances Civic Concert P a g e 3 P a g e 4 P a g e 1 1 P a g e 1 4 L---------------------------------- Hanrhpfikr Rain and Snow Ending Tonight Dtlailt on page 2 Drinking Age Vol. XCVIII, No. 160 — Manchester, Gonn., Monday, April 0, 1979 » A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • ZOt Single Copy • 154 Home Delivered HARTFORD (UPI) - The Legislature's General Law Com­ mittee today voted to raise Connecticut's drinking age from 18 to 19. The measure now goes to the House. The bill to raise the drinking MCC Rebounds from Fire age was approved on a 9-6 vote with one abstention, .. ngg Venable. j Rep. Robert Jaekle. R- Bv SII.SAN VAIKHIN Stratford, led an unsuccessful And (;KK(; IMvAHSON m I Franklin fight by Fairfield County law­ lleriild ReporlerK makers to amend the bill. MANCHESTER - Manchester ivie "A Man Called Jaekle proposed raising the Community College was bouncing ' (1966) Sammy Davis Jr., I drinking age for the purchase of back quickly this morning with tem­ .awford. , liquor to 19. But his amendment porary facilities found for all thd ac­ would have allowed 18-year-olds to tivities housed in the Student Center continue to buy alcohol in which burned to the ground early restaurants and bars. Saturday morning. k Benny The college is already planning to ask the State Legislature for J800.000 vie "Dam es" (1934) Joan ill, Dick Powell. More Executions to $1 million for what college Presi­ dent Ronald H. Denison called a TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) — Secret "lowcost, quick-build" structure to Islamic tribunals today executed replace the burned building in the the former commander of Iran's center of the main campus off I air force and three other men, ig­ Bidwell Street. Denison said this noring international criticism of morning the new structure could be the execution of former Prime up by the fall semester. Minister Amir Abbas Hoveyda, d ^ "I "The rebuilding of the Student Tehran radio said Amir Hossein Center is of paramount importance," Rabii, air force commander up to Denison said, but the biggest the last day of the turmoil that problem logistically today was overthrew the Premier Shahpour feeding all the students. All of the Bakhtiar, confessed to his crimes college's eating facilities. Including a and was shot by a firing squad, the snack bar and vending machines, radio said. kitchen and dining room used by the Others sentenced and executed F f , Food Service Management classes in Tehran were Manouchehr Az- were housed In the Student Center. 9L moun, former minister of Also In the building were the student religious endowments: Gen. Ali activities office, student press and Mohammed Khajenoori, and a student seate offices, nurse's office S 1 * H H ? l police officer identified only as .■jMKjH and veterans' administration offices, "Belali." student lounge and eating area and the college book store. Risk Reduced Denison placed the value on the building at $720,000, with an ad­ HARRISBURG, Pa. (UPI) - ditional $200,000 in equipment, all The risk of cancer-causing iodine This is what was left Saturday afternoon of the Student facilities for the food management program, was destroyed destroyed in about a half-hour by the contamination in the, aftermath of Center building at Manchester Community College. The by an early morning fire. (Herald photo by Strempfer) raging fire which was fanned by 40- the Three Mile Island nuclqar center, which also housed offices, the book store, and mlle-per-hour winds. power plant accident has been The college auditorium will serve greatly reduced, federal officials as cafeteria and student lounge. Free say. coffee and doughnuts were given nut But for the 11th consecutive to students today. Generis Caterers day, Gov. Dick Thornburgh today Flames, Wind-Blown Smoke will provide the food service on cam­ warned pregnant women and little pus starting Tuesday, Denison said. children to stay clear of a five- There was no disruption in claescs mile radius of the stricken for the Hotel and Food Service and nuclear power plant as a precau­ the cook and baker classes. All the tion. Erased Building from View classroom instruction for those In a brief statement Sunday courses will be in the Hartford Road night, the NRC said, "ponditions By SrSAN VAlJ(;ilN center and recently bought by the ski Town Manager Robert Weiss and used and there was sufficient water building and the "on-hands" instruc­ at the reactor continue to im­ Herald Kepiirlrr club, some of which had never been Mayor Stephen Penny. Police Chief available at the campus to handle the tion will most likely be moved to the prove.” Thornburgh has said he u.sed, and "they were not insured" Robert Lannan and Patrol Captain fire, according to 'Pown Fire Chief Regional Occupational Center will not lift the advisory for preg­ MANCHESTER - The low gray he added. However, he said he was Henry Minor were also on hand lor .lohn Rivosa. kitchen, located on a corner of the nant premh^cl- pinT-Fnnra-iypcbut I jLkA-type —fHudont—f'or.iarnnier rnnrernederned about ththe food .ser- the fire. The faimp fit fhn fir n -lirir nnt hm.n - childi eiruntll the danger has com­ building, normally seen from the vices proviaea in tne Stildeiit Center — Fii e ufficial.s said the extreme heal determined, Rivosa said. The stale other po.ssibilities loi' (he COUklng- pletely passed. mam road into Manchester Com­ from the fire prevent!^ them from fire marshal's office which was facilities mentioned have been the munity College was enveloped in a College president Ronald H. entering the building when they called in to investigate indicated it Senior Citizens Center in Manchester Closer Look huge cloud of smoke and mist during Deni.son and Dean of AdministraHve arrived. Upon arrival, the alarm may have begun from overloaded and the High Street School in the hour just before dawn Saturday. Affairs Herbert Bandes al.so sur­ calling in all off-duty and volunteer electrical wiring. Glastonbury. A .spokeswoman for the MILLIGAN, Fla. (UPI) - Safe­ The 13,000-square-foot temporary veyed the dismal scene at 5 a m., firefighters was sounded. The alarm Rivo.sa said today he will be in­ Glastonbury school system, ty experts said they would ven­ structure which was the center of trying to contemplate what it would was sounded again once grass fires vestigating the reason for a 5- to 10- however, laughed at the idea of the ture into a northwest Florida many college activities was con­ mean for the already overcrowded started as tar away as a half mile minute delay in the fire department use of the empty .school because swamp today for their first close sumed by a raging fire in about a half campus. They were able to give an from the flying embers. getting a call. He said the heat detec­ there is no furniture in the building up examination of a freight train hour. Flames soared 30 feet in the air estimate of the damages at that early All available lirefighting equip­ tors in the building .should have in­ and the school is geared foi wreck that exploded in fire and and were fanned by 40- ,to 50-mile- moment, however. Bandes said it ment from companies I. 2, 4 and 5 dicated to the guard that there was kindergarten through Grade 3 noxious fumes Sunday and sent at per-hour winds which kept 65 would cost about $1 million to replace was used at the scene. Co. 3 and the something wrong. The clocks in the students. least 5,000 rural residents to firefighters from all five Town of the .Student Center, which is the service vehicle were used to fight the building stopped at 4:12 a m. and the stock fleeing their homes. Despite the Manchester Fire Department com­ amount the college will ask from the small grass fires. The Eighth Dist- alarm was not called in until 4:23 Fred A. Ramey Jr., director of the havoc, only one minor injury was panies battling hard State l4?gislature for another tem­ sict Fie Deparatment was on standby am Business Careers Division of the rued. reported in the accident. The call to the fire department porary structure. at the town's cenral firehouse. There was no sprinkler system in college, s M that faculty members The cause of the latest derail­ from campus security guard Donald Other town officials, including Two-and-a-hall inch ho.ses were the Student Center building. met both ^tu rd ay and .Sunday after­ ment on the ill-fated Louisville & Price was received at 4:23 a.m. By 5 noons to SM-schedulc and re-locate Nashville Railroad — described a.m., the flames were all but dis­ classes to arcommodate the food ser­ 1979 by a federal official last year as sipated. and all that was left standing vice group, "the worst railroad we know of" were segments of the four walls — will not be determined until which firefighters had to keep pulling Ramey said it is likely that some of lethal gases leaking from the down and soaking with high power the lunches and dinners that the Food jumbled tank cars can be shut off. hoses. Service students had planned for the Besides battling the high winds and remainder of the school year can still Strike Ending the extreme heat from the fire, the be held in the ROTC building, thanks firefighters had to contend with near to the cooperation of Norman WASHINGTON (UPI) - A four freezing temperatures.
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