THE HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER FOR MENLO PARK, ATHERTON, PORTOLA VALLEY AND WOODSIDE FEBRUARY 5, 2020 | VOL. 55 NO. 22 WWW.ALMANACNEWS.COM STRIVING Meet the seven state Senate candidates who want to represent you in Sacramento Page 14 FOR THE SENATE Belle Haven center project fast-tracked | Page 5 Woodside affirms equestrian tradition | Page 5 Viewpoint | Page 23 COVER STORY Meet the seven state Senate candidates Striving for the Senate who want to represent you in Sacramento By Kate Bradshaw These are among the top priorities of get out of the way and let the free market live in San Mateo County, though the Photos by Magali Gauthier each candidate: dictate community outcomes. district’s most populated city — Sunny- Josh Becker, a Democrat from Menlo Under California’s “top-two” primary vale, with about 153,000 residents — is in n March 3, and in the weeks lead- Park, wants to help California become system, the two candidates with the most Santa Clara County. ing up to it, the voters of Cali- a national and international leader in votes, regardless of party, will advance to One of the most significant tensions Ofornia’s 13th Senate district will environmental innovation. the general election on Nov. 3. between Peninsula communities and have a tough task. With seven candidates Michael Brownrigg, a Democrat from The voter registration deadline for the their elected representatives in Sacra- vying to become the district’s next Senate Burlingame, wants to take up the fight for primary election is Feb. 18. Register to mento has been over Senate Bill 50, a lawmaker, voters will decide which two an inclusive brand of local control that vote at registertovote.ca.gov. proposed law that would have required will move on to the November general permits community growth. There are 40 state Senate districts, and cities to have relaxed zoning standards election ballot. Alex Glew, a Republican from Los District 13 is particularly diverse and for housing development near transit and And that election will determine who Altos, wants to push the government to multifaceted. It covers 23 cities and 13 in jobs-rich areas. Although the bill died will represent an area that has a vibrant invest in infrastructure and get back to unincorporated areas from South San on the Senate floor last week, it raised population of nearly 1 million and is home the basics of doing things people can’t do Francisco to Sunnyvale and along the deep questions about governance and to many of Silicon Valley’s largest compa- for themselves. coast between north of Pacifica and Ano what should be done to fix the problems nies. The Senate seat is now held by former Sally Lieber, a Democrat from Moun- Nuevo State Park. It’s home to some that have come with the explosive job San Mateo County Supervisor Jerry Hill, tain View, wants to dig into anti-poverty of the world’s largest tech companies, growth and stunted housing production who is being termed out of office. policymaking in support of society’s venture capital firms and billionaires on the Peninsula. The candidate pool offers voters five underdogs. but also to coastside farmworkers and a Should the state intervene in local com- Democrats, a Republican and a Lib- Shelly Masur, a Democrat from Red- growing number of residents struggling munities’ governance to ensure housing ertarian, though their perspectives, wood City, wants to tackle school fund- to make ends meet. growth? To tackle homelessness? To when it comes to how they would tackle ing problems and expand affordable Politically, it’s a Democratic strong- reduce greenhouse gas emissions? If so, the issues facing the region, are more health care access. hold. As of last October, 50.48% of the how, and how forcefully? nuanced than party lines might suggest. Annie Oliva, a Democrat from Mill- district’s voters were registered Demo- Those questions aren’t going anywhere. They have unique areas of expertise brae, spurred by a family member’s crats, 15.05% were registered Republi- They remain at the heart of the District and policy goals that they aim to take experiences on the streets, wants to end cans, and 30.44% declared “No party 13 race this year and ripple across the with them to Sacramento, based on past homelessness in California. preference,” according to the California unique and varied priorities and policy- career, civic, nonprofit or philanthropic And John Webster, a Libertarian from Secretary of State Office. making goals each candidate hopes to efforts. Mountain View, wants the government to About 82% of the district’s residents take to Sacramento. A Josh Becker state he thinks should be a leader not Key issue: Environment only in the nation but the world. osh Becker, a venture capitalist for Age: 50 “I think what we do here has an Jgreen businesses, a former CEO of City: Menlo Park impact well beyond our borders, if we the legal analytics firm Lex Machina Education: Williams College, B.A.; get people like me up there who have and a philanthropist, has had a varied Stanford University, J.D., M.B.A. been part of innovative technologies career path. He said it’s that very path and innovative policy in this area,” he he’s covered, one that marries experi- Career: former CEO at Lex Machi- said. ences in the nonprofit, for-profit and na; founder of the Full Circle Fund; He’s crafted a detailed environmental government sectors, that’s led him to co-founder of New Cycle Capital policy plan, saying he would push to run for office. Years in district: 20 make state agencies carbon neutral by After college, he went into consulting Family: wife, two children 2030; propose incentives for people to before he left to work on the ground in Key endorsements: Gov. Gavin buy the cleanest electric vehicles and war-torn Guatemala and El Salvador. Newsom, U.S. Senator Ed Markey, disincentives to discourage people’s There, he helped rebuild homes, open a Congressman Ro Khanna. purchase of the worst polluting vehicles; market and build a school. Campaign funds raised: $932,379 support more bike lanes; protect “com- “That experience, for me, made me Independent spending: $500,000 munity choice” energy programs; sup- want to make my life about service,” he from Reid Hoffman through the port annual reporting of greenhouse said. Committee for a Positive Change in gas emissions by cities of more than He later returned to the U.S., where he Support of Josh Becker for Senate 75,000 people; and promote cleaner worked in the Washington, D.C., politi- 2020. alternatives to freight transportation, cal world as a press secretary before “I’m running to be not just a good vote which he said is the single largest con- heading to Stanford, where he com- tributor to diesel particulate matter and pleted a joint law and business schools on climate change, but to be He said he’s a collaborator and an nitrogen oxide emissions in California. program. While there, he helped create the environmental climate leader innovator who, over the years, has taken He said he favors prizes and incentive the “Board of Fellows” program, which in the state Senate.” on a number of varied challenges facing programs to spur innovation. trains MBA students to serve on non- the state. He is a founding trustee at His first policymaking priority as a profit boards. Becker’s not new to local politics. He the University of California at Merced, senator would be to create incentives In 2000, he created the Full Circle ran unsuccessfully for the state Assem- serves on the San Mateo County County for the development of new technology Fund. The fund focuses on mak- bly in 2010, then started campaigning Child Care Partnership Council, is to remove carbon from the atmosphere, ing grants to innovative nonprofits again in 2016 for the District 24 Assem- an appointee to the California State such as awarding contracts to inno- throughout the Bay Area working on bly seat. He dropped out of the race Workforce Development Board, and is a vative businesses, he said. One idea: housing affordability, economic oppor- after his father fell ill. His father later board member of the local environmen- Cement production generates about 7% tunity, education and technology and died of brain cancer, and afterward, tal nonprofit Menlo Spark. of the world’s carbon emissions. The which now also supports health and the Becker helped to start a biotech com- Becker said he wants to be the envi- environmental programs. pany to research cancer cures. ronmental leader in the Senate, in a See JOSH BECKER, page 18 14QThe AlmanacQAlmanacNews.comQFebruary 5, 2020 COVER STORY Michael Brownrigg “I think local officials are not unfairly Key issue: Local control demonized, but we are made to be the ike Brownrigg is a former diplomat Age: 58 only scapegoat of the housing crisis, and Mand venture capitalist who now City: Burlingame that’s not right.” works in social impact investing and sits Education: Williams College, B.A. “If we don’t get more help to invest in on the Burlingame City Council. Occupation: Burlingame City Coun- quality-of-life investments, like transit, He’s running, he said, because as a cil member, former diplomat, man- like housing, like child care, then I worry 30-year resident of the district, “I love aging director at Total Impact Advi- that the Peninsula that I grew up on, this place, and I don’t think we’re on a sors (on hiatus during the campaign) that’s been this home of innovation and good trajectory.” prosperity, will erode,” he said.
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