Open jeajonj fir Hunting 1017 Canada. Maine, Newfoundland 6 Alaska CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MONTREAL DEER—Nov. 1st to Nov. 30th—Androscoggin, Kennebec, QUEBEC The hunting laws herein set forth are compiled from latest Waldo, Lincoln, Knox, Sagadahoc, Cumberland and York. MOOSE—North of St. Lawrence River, Sept. 10th to Dec. Government advices. As changes are frequently made, 31st. however, they cannot be absolutely guaranteed, and in­ Oct. 16th to Nov. 30th in counties of Aroostook, Penob­ scot, Piscataquis, Somerset, Franklin and Oxford. South of St. Lawrence River, Sept. 20th to Dec. 31st. tending sportsmen are recommended to consult the DEER—Sept. 1st to Nov. 30th. sources of information mentioned to be on safe side. Nov. 1st to Dec. 15th in counties of Washington and CARIBOU—Sept. 20th to Dec. 31st. Hancock. Limit—one male or female deer. Limits—One Moose, two Deer and two Caribou. Caribou, cow and calf moose protected at all times. The young of Deer, Moose or Caribou, under the age of BEAR—No closed season in territory open to hunting. one year, must not be hunted or killed. NEWFOUNDLAND RABBITS—October 1st to March 31st (except in counties Cow Moose must not be killed at any time. CARIBOU—Closed season for three years from January 1st, of Androscoggin, Sagadahoc and York where season BEAR—August 20th to June 30th. 1925. is Oct. 1st to Feb. 28th). OTHER GAME—Mink, Marten, Fisher, or Raccoon- MOOSE AND ELK—Protected indefinitely. GAME BIRDS—Partridge and Woodcock, Oct. 1st to Nov. November 1st to March 31st. OTHER GAME—Beaver—Protected. 30th, inclusive. Beaver and Otter—Dec. 15th to April 1st. WILD RABBIT OR HARE—Guns, September 20th to De­ DUCKS, BRANT, GEESE, COOTS, GALLINULES AND FOX—November 1st to February 28th. cember 31st. Traps or Snares, September 20th to JACKSNIPE OR WILSON SNIPE—Sept. 16th to Dec. HARE—October 15th to January 31st. February 28th. 31st inclusive. MUSKRAT—March 15th to May 1st. OTTER, MARTEN, LYNX—October 1st to March 31st. RAILS—(except Coots and Gallinules), Sept. 16th to Nov. North of 50th parallel, November 1st to May 31st. FOXES—October 15th to March 14th. 30th,. GAME BIRDS—Woodcock, Curlew, Snipe, Plover and GAME BIRDS- Yellow-legs—September 1st to December 15th. Daily limit on game birds.—No person can kill, have in possession WILD GEESE—All year. or transport in any one day more than 5 Partridges (season limit Geese, Widgeon, Teal or Wild Duck of any kind (except PTARMIGAN, WILLOW GROUSE (commonly called Part­ on Partridge, 25); 4 Woodcock; 10 Ducks; 10 Snipe, and 5 Plover. Eider Duck, Wood Duck, Wild Swan, Sea Parrot, ridge), CURLEW, PLOVER, SNIPE, or other wild (Federal law limit, 8 Geese, 8 Brant, 25 Rails, Coots and Gal­ Gannet, Guillemot and Sea Pigeon)—Sept. 1st to or migratory birds. Sept. 20th to Dec. 31st. linules, Plover and Yellow-legs 15 in all). Dec. 15th. NOTE—hunting or shooting on Sundays illegal. NOTE—If guide is employed, the combined bag of sportsman and BIRCH OR SPRUCE PARTRIDGE—Sept. 1st to Dec. 15th. (For further information, apply to Game and Inland Fisheries Board guide must not exceed these limits. WHITE PARTRIDGE (ptarmigan)—November 1st to Jan­ St. John's, Newfoundland). Game birds cannot be sold or purchased at any time. Motor boats cannot be used for hunting sea birds, ducks and water­ uary 31st. fowl in any Inland Waters of Maine. LICENSE—Non-resident's license fee for general hunting (entire prov­ NOVA SCOTIA Dogs must not be used in hunting Deer. ince), $25.00. M00SE (bull)—October 1st to Oct. 31st, except on Island All Sunday and Night hunting prohibited. Non-residents who are active members of duly incorporated Fish Unlawful to use silencers on firearms. and Game Clubs of the Province, $10.00. of Cape Breton, where they are protected. Cow moose GUIDES—All non-residents, while hunting in unorganized territory NOTE—For the convenience of sportsmen the General Tourist protected, and it is not permitted to kill or hunt calf must be in charge of a registered guide—not more than five Department of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Montreal, is moose under the age of two years. hunters with one guide. authorized to issue resident and non-resident hunting licenses for Limit—One bull moose. LICENSE—As license fees, hunting territories and conditions vary the Province of Quebec. according to districts hunted, and changes are continually being (For further information, apply to Superintendent, Fish and Game CARIBOU—Closed season. made, hunters should apply to local sources for this information. Branch, Dept. Colonization, Mines and Fisheries, Quebec, Que.) DEER (except in Counties of Cape Breton, Inverness, and Victoria), Oct. 1st to Oct. 31st. NOTE—Hunting of deer prohibited in Counties of Cape Breton, NEW BRUNSWICK ONTARIO Inverness and Victoria. MOOSE—Oct. 1st to Nov. 30th. MOOSE, DEER, REINDEER OR CARIBOU—South of Limit—One deer. Cow and Calf Moose must not be killed at any time. French and Mattawa Rivers, Nov. 1st to Nov. 30th Sale of game meat prohibited. Bulls under age of three years or bulls having than less inclusive (except on St. Joseph Island where open BEAR AND WILD CAT—All year. ten points, protected. season is Nov. 15th to Nov. 30th). North and West OTHER GAME—Beaver, Fisher, Marten—Protected in­ Bag Limit—1 Bull Moose and two Deer. of French and Mattawa Rivers, Oct. 10th to Nov. 30th inclusive. definitely. DEER—Sept. 15th to Nov. 30th. Mink, Otter, Fox, Raccoon and Muskrat—Nov. 1st to Female Moose protected. Moose, Reindeer or Caribou Jan. 31st. CARIBOU—Protected. under age of one year, protected. HARE OR RABBIT—Nov. 1st to March 1st. BEAR—All year. Limits—One Deer, one Bull Moose, or one Reindeer or GAME BIRDS—Woodcock, Wilson or Jack Snipe, Oct. 1st OTHER GAME—Beaver—protected. Caribou. to Nov. 30th. Mink, Otter, Fisher—Nov. 1st to March 31st. Special Camp license may be obtained by organized resident hunting DUCKS AND RAILS—Except Yarmouth and Shelburne Muskrat—March 25th to May 1st and in certain coun­ parties to kill one deer to be eaten in camp. One such license to every six persons. Deer killed under authority of this permit Counties, Sept. 15th to Dec. 31st. ties to May 25th. will not affect limit under Hunting license. Yarmouth and Shelburne Counties, Oct. 15th to Jan. 31st. GAME BIRDS—Geese, Brant, Duck or Rails—Sept. 15th GEESE AND BRANT—Except Shelburne and Queens Coun­ to Dec. 31st. Except the islands in the Grand Manan BEAR—All year. ties, Sept. 15th to Dec. 31st. Group. OTHER GAME: Shelburne and Queens Counties, Nov. 1st to Feb. 14th. Islands in the Grand Manan Group, Oct. 15th to Jan. BEAVER AND OTTER—(By resident Indians only)—South (Special License.) 31st. of French and Mattawa Rivers, protected. North Plover, Yellow-Legs—Aug. 15th to Nov. 30th. Woodcock and Snipe—Oct. 1st to November 30th. of French and Mattawa Rivers, including Manitoulin All other migratory game birds protected. Plover, Yellow-Legs—August 15th to November 30th. Island—Jan. 10th to Feb. 20th. Subject to change. Partridge (ruffed grouse)—Closed season. MUSKRAT—March 1st to April 21st in that part of the LICENSE—Non-resident license fee for all game, $50.00. For small Other migratory birds protected. Partridges—Subject to order in council. Province lying south of the French and Mattawa game (excepting woodcock and snipe), $15.00. Rivers, and April 1st to May 21st in that part of (For further information apply to Minister of Lands and Forests, Non-resident hunters must be accompanied by licensed guides. Halifax, N.S.) Sunday hunting and shooting prohibited. Province lying north of the French and Mattawa Non-resident hunters are allowed under special permit from the Rivers. MAINE Minister of Lands and Mines to ship game they kill to their FISHER, MARTEN, MINK, Nov. 1st to March 31st. Summary of General Game Laws. homes. RACCOON—Nov. 1st to Dec. 31st. MOOSE (bulls only)—Nov. 21st to Nov. 26th in counties of LICENSE—(non-resident)— SQUIRRELS (Black and Grey), protected. Washington, Hancock, Aroostook, Penobscot, Piscata­ One moose and two deer $50.00 No person shall hunt, take, trap, shoot, kill or molest any quis, Somerset, Waldo and Lincoln. Limit—one bull Two deer 25 .00 fur-bearing animal without a special trapping license (For further information, apply to Deputy Minister, Department moose. of Lands and Mines, Fredericton, N.B.) or permit. [3] [4] 2] GAME BIRDS—Partridge—an open season may be author­ GAME BIRDS—Ducks, Geese, Rails, Coots, Snipe, Plover ized by an Order-in-Council where conditions will —September 15th to December 31st. warrant. RUFFED GROUSE (PARTRIDGE) and PRAIRIE Plover, Pheasant, Prairie Fowl, Quail and Wild Turkey, CHICKEN—Sharp Tailed Grouse, Pinnated Grouse, protected. Canadian Grouse (commonly known as Spruce Grouse), WOODCOCK—Sept. 15th to Nov. 30th. Hungarian Partridge—Oct. 1st to Oct. 31st. Plover, Snipe, and Yellow-legs—Sept. 1st to Dec. 15th. Sage Grouse, protected at all times. Ducks, Geese, Brant and Rails—Sept. 1st to Dec. 15th. Duck Limit—25 per day—200 per season. LICENSE—Non-residents, Big Game, $50.00; Game Birds, for season, $25.00; if domiciled in Canada, $10.00. Eider Duck, and all other migratory birds not specified (For further information, apply to Game Commissioner, Regina, above, protected. Sask.) Sale of moose, deer, caribou, wild ducks, geese or other waterfowl, snipe, quail, woodcock, ruffed grouse, or partridge, is prohibited. ALBERTA LICENSE—Non-resident license fee (general shooting), $41.00. Non-resident hunting license for Game Birds and Rabbits, $21.00. MOUNTAIN SHEEP, MOUNTAIN GOAT—September 1st Special Camp license (residents only, see above), $4.00.
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