June 28, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1171 time to congratulate the individuals who will IN HONOR OF CLEVELAND CITY er Identification Credential, TWIC, to require, take their oath of citizenship on July 4, 2012. COUNCILWOMAN DONA BRADY in total, not more than one in-person visit to a In true patriotic fashion, on the day of our designated enrollment center. great nation’s celebration of independence, a HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH The TWIC program was established to en- naturalization ceremony will take place, wel- OF OHIO sure all individuals who require admittance coming new citizens of the United States of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES into secure areas of regulated maritime facili- America. This memorable occasion, coordi- ties and vessels are properly vetted and do Thursday, June 28, 2012 nated by the Hammond Public Library and not pose a threat to maritime and supply chain presided over by Magistrate Judge Andrew Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in security. Current TWIC requirements require Rodovich, will be held at The Pavilion at Wolf honor of Cleveland City Councilwoman Dona that applicants go to an enrollment center Lake in Hammond, Indiana. Brady, who has admirably served the resi- twice to complete the application and confirm dents of Ward 17 since 1997. the biometric information embedded into the America is a country founded by immi- Born and raised in Cleveland, Council- card. grants. From its beginning, settlers have come woman Brady has been a leader in the Great- Mr. Speaker, I believe that this is an oner- from countries around the globe to the United er Cleveland community for years. She at- ous burden for workers in the maritime indus- States in search of better lives for their fami- tended Cleveland State University Levin Col- try, such as merchant vessel operators and lies. The upcoming oath ceremony will be a lege of Urban Affairs where she earned her truck drivers, who must obtain the credential shining example of what is so great about the Bachelor of Arts degree, Cum Laude, in Urban for employment. Individuals in need of a TWIC United States of America—that people from all Studies with a major in neighborhood revital- card often work long hours with little down over the world can come together and unite as ization. She is also a graduate of CSU’s Lead- time. Many cannot afford to take extended pe- members of a free, democratic nation. These ership Academy. riods of time off to go to an enrollment center, individuals realize that nowhere else in the Before she was elected to Cleveland City in some cases located hundreds of miles world offers a better opportunity for success Council, Brady worked for the Office of Cuya- away, on two different occasions. than here in America. hoga County Prosecutor William D. Mason, I believe that the Secretary of Homeland On July 4, 2012, the following people, rep- Judge Raymond L. Pianka and for the Cleve- Security should reform the TWIC process be- resenting many nations throughout the world, land Board of Zoning Appeals. fore the end of 2012, when the TWICs first will take their oath of citizenship in Hammond, Throughout the past 15 years, Council- issued in 2007 will need to be renewed allow- Indiana: Edina Anita Szabo, Jonathan woman Brady has worked tirelessly to improve ing applicants to complete the process with Carmona Garcia, Alaa Alzayed, Oliva Chavez, the quality of life in Ward 17 of Cleveland, only one in-person visit. I urge Members of Guolan Lu, Jaime Oseguera Cardenas, Dejan which includes the West Boulevard and Clifton Congress to support H.R. 3173, to direct the Kitevski, Jelica Dobrijevic, Karla Elizabeth historic districts. She has worked toward pro- Secretary of Homeland Security to reform the Arreguin Farias, Ahmad Abdelrahim Almaaya, moting economic development, improving pub- process for the enrollment, activation, Huda Dali, Ljubica Vignjevic, Kefaa Nahed lic safety, maintaining the ward’s housing issuance, and renewal of the TWIC program. Omar Shuaibi, Rea Agulto Clarito, Senka stock and developing additional recreational f Pamucar, Tanja Vignjevic, Liljana Josevski, opportunities for families. Brady serves as the Omiyosoye Adebowale Ololade, Mopelola Chair of the Public Service Committee, Vice- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Eniola Ololade, Blessing Obong Dennis, An Chair of Public Safety, and as a member of Boo Min, Amanjot Kaur, Jingli Crain, Caroline the Council’s Finance and Community and HON. SUE WILKINS MYRICK Elizabeth Nyamweru Kamau, Halrun Luppes, Economic Development Committees. OF NORTH CAROLINA Senija Crnkic, Siraneth Sem, Lenna Sabina Councilwoman Brady is also involved in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wade, Sanel Puzic, Jose Alberto Galicia Cleveland’s Albanian-American community Thursday, June 28, 2012 Talabera, Tobias Florian Boes, Faneromeni and has been named Cleveland’s Ambassador Talia, James Murei Mumbura Karanja, Stella to Albania. She has been a constant in revital- Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to Gathoni Waithaka, Bacilia Avila, Mireya izing the Albanian Cultural Garden in Rocke- participate in the following votes. If I had been Jaquelin Aguilar, Gifty Debo Barlue, Esther feller Park and instrumental in building an present, I would have voted as follows: June Joo Young Chun, Patricia Contreras, Salvador international trade relationship with Fier, Alba- 26, 2012—rollcall vote 416, On agreeing to Cruz, Nathaniel Tuason David, Luis Alberto nia. the Connolly Amendment—I would have voted Garcia, Njeri Mary Karumbo, Juliana Santos Throughout the years and her career, Coun- ‘‘nay’’, rollcall vote 417, On agreeing to the Kladis, Lenka Mitic, Innocent Ngenga, Eliza- cilwomen Brady has been honored by numer- McClintock Amendment—I would have voted beth Procyk, Jose Gustavo Suarez, Nour ous organizations. She is the recipient of the ‘‘aye’’, rollcall vote 418, On agreeing to the Alghnimi Ulayyet, and Jovita Zurita. 2005 Outstanding Elected Official’s Award Garrett Amendment—I would have voted ‘‘aye’’, rollcall vote 419, On agreeing to the Though each individual has sought to be- from CSU Leadership Academy’s David C. Capps Amendment—I would have voted come a citizen of the United States for his or Sweet Alumni Society. Additionally, she has ‘‘nay’’, rollcall vote 420, On agreeing to the her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- been inducted into the Golden Key National Gosar Amendment—I would have voted tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, Honor Society, and recognized by Jobs with ‘‘aye’’, rollcall vote 421, On agreeing to the each is inspired by the fact that the United Justice, the International Services Center and Broun Amendment—I would have voted ‘‘aye’’, States of America is, as Abraham Lincoln de- American Nationalities Movement. Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me rollcall vote 422, On agreeing to the Broun scribed it, a country ‘‘. .of the people, by the in honoring Councilwoman Dona Brady for her Amendment—I would have voted ‘‘aye’’, roll- people, and for the people.’’ They realize that years of service and commitment to the Great- call vote 423, On agreeing to the Broun the United States is truly a free nation. By er Cleveland area. Amendment—I would have voted ‘‘aye’’. seeking American citizenship, they have made the decision to live in a place where, as guar- f f anteed by the First Amendment of the Bill of TRANSPORTATION WORKER IDEN- RECOGNIZING THE NATIONAL Rights, they can practice religion as they TIFICATION PROCESS REFORM COUNCIL OF LA RAZA DURING choose, speak their minds without fear of pun- ACT ITS 2012 ANNUAL CONFERENCE ishment, and assemble in peaceful protest IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA should they choose to do so. SPEECH OF Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my other distin- HON. LAURA RICHARDSON HON. SHELLEY BERKLEY guished colleagues to join me in congratu- OF CALIFORNIA OF NEVADA lating these individuals, who will become citi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES zens of the United States of America on July 4, 2012, the day of our nation’s independence. Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Thursday, June 28, 2012 They, too, will be American citizens, and they, Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise Ms. BERKLEY. Mr. Speaker, today I urge too, will be guaranteed the inalienable rights to today in support of H.R. 3173, which directs my colleagues to join me in recognizing the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We, the Secretary of Homeland Security to reform National Council of La Raza (NCLR) during its as a free and democratic nation, congratulate the process for the enrollment, activation, 2012 annual conference in Las Vegas, Ne- and welcome them. issuance of renewal of a Transportation Work- vada. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:50 Jun 29, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K28JN8.008 E28JNPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 28, 2012 The National Council of La Raza became a INTRODUCTION OF THE TAXPAYER with the IRS. The Act also provides for over- national organization in 1972. NCLR has BILL OF RIGHTS ACT OF 2012 sight over facilitators of high cost tax refund grown and evolved over the course of its his- anticipation loans and other tax refund delivery tory to become the most authoritative voice on HON. XAVIER BECERRA products, and significantly increases penalties Hispanic issues today. Latinos are strength- OF CALIFORNIA on preparers of fraudulent tax returns. ened through participation in NCLR and in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Finally, this bill includes several provisions that would improve IRS taxpayer services. political process through its various civic en- Thursday, June 28, 2012 One important provision provides greater pro- gagement projects. NCLR also works to Mr. BECERRA. Mr.
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