6000 MORNING, IOWA CITY! ward, Was Showers moving in from the west will reach here e. J OhnSOn In session • late tonight and will continue through tomorrow. May tel'll\ OWOJll Skies will be mostly cloudy today and tomorrow. Wit~ 0/ Established 1868 Vol. 78, No. 195 AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, May 9--Five Cents overnmenf rges ationa imouf * .. * * * * * * Byrnes Hits Breakdown BEFORE AND AFTER SOFT COAL WALKOUT (oal Walkoul Of A/Heel- Peace Group Parley Reports 'No Progress' -.I Says' Stop­ Wanls Europe , Tru~an 2 Incumbents CPA Asks Electrical Companies to Institute Peace Treaties HIghway Voted Down Rationing Program W ASHING1'O (AP) - A far flung dimout wa nrged by Before (ouncil Mvrders In Primaries the governmrnt 1a. t night, and step wt're in pl'cparation for WASHINGTON* * (AP)-Pesldent* nation-wide rationing of manu- Truman, taking up the cudgels for Alabama Congressmen factur d ga as the coal strike Bevin, Bidault Okay a cause he once championed in Only House Members crisis moved I'fipidly toward Proposal to Settle Congress, called upon the nation's perhaps the mo t momentou8 Differences June traffic eWefs yesterday to halt Losing in Elections showdown in thc COlmtry's 15 "murder" on the highway by bar- pea ('time bi tory. ring "nuts and morons" from the By THE AS SOCIATED PRESS The TWo PA1~IS (AP )-United Rtates d · , t VIEWS TAKEN from the same angle. of the Petty Island re- I sent basis of curtailed power consumption plus additional coal at steam clvtJIan production ad- l'Iver s sea.· f t·' 1 War veterans defeated a pair serve'<" coal supplies ot the Philadelphia Electric company. The picture "eneratln" plants, and use or fuel 011 and outside electrIcal power, ministration caUed on electric Th e ch Ie erecu Ive s appea of congressmen in Tuesday's pri- & & In Secretary of State Jumps F. for action to curb the nation's road I f tl th at left. shows a normal 258.000 ton reserve stock while the photo at Vice-President George Conover estimates the coal stooks will last at companiu more than a ICOn! Byrnes proposed abruptly last death toll-now mounting to the ' malry .e ec IObns t- aPtPdaredn Y ,e right shows the stocks down to 46,000 tons as of yesterday. On the pre- least three weekS and maybe four. (AP WIREPHOTO) ot eastem and midwestern i on y mcum en s vo e own ln "t to', 10 put lnto effect a ra- night tath the conference of equivalent of three army divisions contests involving 49 house seats. £01'- , I, UJ ~ign miniflters ,'ecognize itR fail- a year-was laid before the open- Rep, Luther Patrick (D., Ala.), tlo~~1' IYI~,~. ~rtlng W: 11re to agree on tel1n8 for Eur- ~~~::~~~:e~yt~~~!~~c~~tiOnal servi~g his fourth term, lost to Co' · T t I $ 3 82 8 :, .r;.::koo~t O~nall P::::::'t: ope's peace tr·"alies and refer' The president struck the key- WLaurllde WBattleI'I W ho ckamehiout · Oft' mOlt vital services, t f pOI 0 0 5 I · d·ff' t 21· t f th th h· h or ar 0 ma e s IrS m n • CPA prepared another order e 9 th en· I el'ences 0 a -natIOn no t .a de .eme w IC afPp.ears I 1 r a(' ~" in the ninth (Bir- , f J 15 cer am to ommate the con erence authorizing the rationing of manu- peace• Th conmini' ercncc , • linef ,. I th e nee d f or UnI·f orml ·t· y rn s t a t e rningham) district. ___________ ,--_ factured gas where necessary. Ex- e s.ers con erence ap- - t t' . d ., ]n Florida, anot~r four-ter- .. .. ... ' peared to be breakln/\" up in au om? Ive reqUlremendts an in "" r. Rep. Pat Cannon of r . ... ... • Pl'l'tl'd to be IEsued today, it pro- discord between the Soviet campaIgns to curb acel ents. Mi ltd f th 01 CLUB vides that companies making sucb 200 0 ffl I I T I $6 700 K F S h union and the western powers 1 "It is not intended," he said at D am, tWI en . owtin or e -/( Goa, Fa may at their discretion, cur-, n d ICla s erm orean ree peec and a member of the Amerlc;~ one point, "that the federal gov- I emds°lcldra cfno~l_na °i un er , Dormitory tmits and {r.ternltle~ nnd I· " tall service to consumers. '" ernment shall roach on the an e 0 VOKS g ven a 32- sororities which conlrlbute 200 percent . I D dl k US delegation said that while it enc up Id fiGormer ($2 pcr Teslae",) '0 'no ":.mpu. "nest ssue ea oc s V I. h paralyzing Effects of probably would last into -next rights and responsibilities of the year-o h mar ne, eorge I.U'~"'.lIcallY necome members of "TM D I "' the fuel shortage spreadinlt rapld- t t At th " A. smat ers. 200 Percent Club.'· • week, there seemed little hope s a es. e same tlme we can- ". Prod".s ~lernb.r. rlye S t" ly throughout the economic s ys~ of resolving the major dllfer- not expect the congress and the , b .R. p . Albert Ralns . C?, AI~ .), Alpha Chi Omega Kappa Kappa . uccess Russlan "Nt" ego la Ions tern, It became app31ent that som~ ences. federal government to stand idly aCk~t~y t~e CIO-PO~ltl~~1 act~on ~mh.~;;::~a Om"~a Phi G~:::::,. Delta $6,000 sort of "break" would have to B ' 0 1 t by If the toll of disaster continues comm! ee or renomma lon, e- Delta Della Della Phi Kappa Psi . come soon. yrnes pr posa won promp unchecked" feated J oe Starnes former vice- Della Gamma Sigma Delta Tau SEOUL (AP) Am I an S et support from both Foreign Secre-· h . f h' . Della Upsilon Sigma Nu With final day collections for - er c - OVI I No Change · f B ·t . d "The challenge must and will be c all'man 0 t e house commJttee Gamma Phi Beta Zeta Tau Alpha C p Ch t .' lh d" negotiations for establishment ' of rut th~r - II>8S YE't no change t ary Ernes t. B. evm 0 n a~ an met" he asserted on un-American activities. Kappa Alpha Theta Alpha Delta PI am us es ralsmg e rIVe Foreign Mimster GEorges Bldault "'fh t" . Senator James W. Huffman total to $3,828.02, campaign oW- a provisional Korean govtrnment in the stalemated negotiations be- of France. Bl1t Soviet Foreign e na Ion cannot afford and, ... " Mil S N d ciala last night said they consJd- collapsed last ni~ht over the issue tween John L. Lewis and mine _l,. V hiM M will not tolerate this tragic waste renommated handily m OhiO S h d t liN ) h MInIster yac es av . ololov Iof human resource." Democratic primalf', said last I es tresses ee 1 ered t e rive a success and would of free speech for Koreans. opera orl. 0 progress' was t e demurred. ni"lht in a statement from his recommend to the new Student $4,000 ! he Russian-American com- report on the day'& talks. "At Moscow," B?"Tnes was quo- Washington office: "I shall wage Of Good Government Council that Campus Chest be es- Total To Date mission which had been meet- A I'roup of congres. memben ted by an Amencan source as R . D d a vigorous campalin The issue t~rltshed as an annual campus ing here for seven weeks ad- moved lor quick action on saying, "there was a promise to USSl8 0 ges this .all is going to be sound lib- 0 P t P I" I ,drive. $3 82802 journed without Ullinr a date strike control leg! latlon. Sen- the world that we will have a eralism against unsound reaction- ver ar y 0 lilts ."Despite the fact, that .t~ e drive ' , for resumption of negotiations ator Eastland (D., )1158.) an- peace conference. We must carry I arism." did not succeed m ralsmg the and the Russian delegation Dounced to the lenate that he out that promis~. That will be I I I His Republican opponent Nov. SHENANDOAH CAP) _ Frank amount originally set as a goal, Packed Its bags for departure. and others would seek todaY the best celebratlo~ the world can ran Ian ssue 5 will be John W. Bricker, who Miles, the only candidate for the " . Iieve the drive should be con- A United States army press to put aside the British loan havAe onrlV-E day. .d B won the senatorial nomination ID emocratir nomination for gov- sldered a success when regarded release blamfti the breakdown on legislation to take up the sen- me can soUrces sal yrnes without opposition. ernor, declared last night he is i? th~ lighL of the inevit~bl~ ~if- Russian refusal to deal with Kor- ate ,Ierslon of the Case bUl cited as the Amerloan posiUon Bricker's friends say his elec- muc~ more interested in good gov- flcultles attached to the lllltlatlOn can groups and parties opposed passed by the house. Eastl\uld a pledre by the Moscow con- NEW YORK (AP)- Soviet Rus- Hon would be the first step in ernment for Iowa than he is in of any new campus life program," to allied trusteeship over the lib- described the senate labor com- terence last December by the sia snubbed the United Nations another try for the presidential either pOlitical party or the three said Gordon Christensen, L3 of crated country and said the Rus- miitee's version of the bUi as bll three to the French-that security council yesterday on two nomination in 1948.
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