llONDAt, AFBIL 20,1941 A veiaco Dally CirenlatioB *r?*' ■be the Iteta et Manh, IMA ; m V .' a ' T X. The ruU lar maattaf of Myatle Y te RuaUera i I South have an Revtow, w£kA will ta^e, .place to- Methodtot W.8.( Sugkr Status Mile Tr^. Weekly- yLbontTown morrow araBlnc at eight .o’cloclc all<d»<^meetlng rrow ^at the 1,000 Meaaber a f tha A p « t in Odd Fellowp l^all. when chnreh from 0:3^^ on. Work will HALE'S SELF SERVE Baraan a< UlraaiaHeae will be made for the atate be on aalting peanuta. The hoet- Is Explained X. ____ Ick CautflM lUUh, tow of Uon in H ay. A t aevea o ’clpOk the eaaea will be,Mra. gtoarett McKin­ T& See His FaitMy Here Tlie Orifinsl In Ntw EoRlaRdl City of Villago 0 a m uid Kra. rrod Koiah of C ^- final leaaoB in the Red Cpna Firat ney and Mr8. kUttm Nelaon,. Aid CDuree will be glvi ii^tnat, wlio onliatod ta tlie PrlvaU James Saltern of the^ Private Salters\eould not,' of Aeme|Wjlg W Fags IS) tiTE PAGES) Oort* at A minting <>f the Board of Edu­ NoHe to > Be Sold /1 ^ .VOL. L X L .n o . 172 MANCHES' TUESDAY, A ^ R IL 2I, INI PRICE THREE U. S. Marlnea aon of Mrs. Robert | course, afford to ^end the large / \ I s tw fm tew ort at 8.J0 Mr. and Mra. John Wabrek and cation wiU be held thto evening in tween A|tril 27\ and amount of money eari) weekend And. HEALTH MARKET *y laorntaiB iAn, ^ a r ita j aon Alau bf AtlahU, Georgia, are the office of the acbool auperln- Salters|8l Hasel street, spent .thai fo r t i ^ faire but that to where hla VMd. Oallfotaia.\ He to a tending two weeka with Mra. tcndent. The Board Will open bide M idnight Blay 8. ^ weekend at hla home, coming hU| abtak’a parenta, Mr. and Mra. y o u n ^ ^ brother Robert cbmes In. -.—-Jwte of lUncheater Hi^ for the tranaporting of children to the way from his station hi <)uati-1 Alliodl4»«fa| iig^l^arm i PaS5«uid attanded Um Ualvanir John Mroaek of SS Pearl atreet. the achoole from the Hllletown and He told James that if he MUld With sugar rationing only a tlco, Virginia, by train. The r ^ d manage to come home, he wthild TUESDAY SPECIALS oomwcUcut, X ^ m WabrOk waa the' form er Miaa Oakland aections of the town. short time away now, local grocers Mroaek. Her huaband ia trip is about 1,000 miles. pay all the expenSea. Robert to«tor itative of the Fitagerald are emphasising the fact and want ployiid at the Unit^ Aircraft Double Green Stomps Given With Cash Sales The American Legion auxUiary their customeia to get a clear un­ He has come home for /:tbree Con., in Bast Hartford. ' . Mabutacturing company of Tor- X ABDayTueadayl " ilngton in the SoaUieaatern atatea. will hpve a aocial meeting thto derstanding of it that no sugar consecutive'^ weekends/in a rbw rabr to hla entry mto the Ma- Tliey came up to attmd the Stav- evening at the Legion home on will be sold in the period from now, and will, probabj^ continue rinesi SaltAs was employed as a Leonard atreet. A good turnout <pf midrnght Monday, April 27 to mld\ clerk in Hartford. ena-Mroaek wedding Saturday. the member* ia hoped for, / night May 8. This interim period itll he to placed oU active duty, Ich he expects very soon now. irst Burma Vi cornea before actual rationing goes le present time Private Sal­ Qliqker Floor .15 Mra. U dyd V. Wilaon o f gadridge A aiirprtoe party waa given in into effect Saturday, May Oj atreet u u received word that her ters ta m rookie training at the HaWe Freki^ Roasted \. father Jamea P. Hynea haa auc- honor of Michael R. GinotC Jr., of It is generally imderstood that Marine ' oiBaafuUy undergone an eye ^ ra < 77 Bird) afreet Satur^y evening. m.oat local grdeera have ample su­ HEALTH REST tion in New York City. Mr. Hynea It waa attended by ^enda from gar at the'present time and It has Lb. 23c who entered the hoemtal on Jan. Mancheater, Hamord and been auggeated that people antici­ ThompaonviUe. /•'Gamea were pate their needs for the Jnterim n5 MATtfel 28 to a local Spantob American Onaraateed for ^ TaUOaa N *>44 War Veteran and aerved under the played and a buifet lunch waa en- period when no sugar will be sold. ITS EFfBGTIVE preaent General McArthur’a fath* Joyl^ later in the night Iir conncefion with rationing knd WELDON’S OWN jM acArthur Issues i First Chinese Drive Three er. He wae for many yeara Top kindred^bjecta it la the report of 3 Cans 2 7 c Hinman Guts Gonmiik* ibi^ most /Stores handling shaving NEW FOIiMULA $19^5 Sergeant of the local National Sunaet Oounctl, Degree of Poca- Highlights Given United States D R il y Commanique Forde S ^s M iles South o f Yenang* GnanL hontaa, will hold an important cr e ^ and toothpaste that the pub- flatO $1.00 Per sioner Off withj Four TOOTH Pf reek. la r g e 18 Oeucc Oaa.Wegaer bualnesa meeting in Tinker hall llo/is not yet conscious of the fact Of 16 Pages Unread In Cox Defense Coyering Operations in yaung After Resell­ General W elfare Center No. 41 thia e'^enlng and all roembera are ,tnat the' return of your md tooth­ u n ie Bit Oees.l Planes to Fly A lli^D rive will meet tomorrow evening at 8 urged to be preaent. The meeting/ paste or shaving cream tube m or­ Get A TtoteM uy'' Can 1 9 c O f Lengthy Doeument Philippines, Dutch In* ing Trapped British; w|ll be caUed at eight o'clock, atui der to get a new tube of either to At Our fWouHciyl KfMP'S, INC. Hartford, April SI—(FI—High- o’clock at the Eaat Side Rec. At Flae Beddlag! dies and Australia; Severe Fighting Still thU time regular monthly buain^ a aocial With refreshment*/b'l*' a government order and not Just a Prepared as Part of Ughta 'oC Highway Oommtoaloner Against Naa^ Affair volunteer salvage movement. iwrtiinm w*wwww Nestle Seml-Sfrcet William J.'Oox’s atatamant defend­ will be traneacted. mllow. /^ / l^ense Against Re> Staff Is Composed Is in Progress; Move ing hlmaelf agalnat removal GOO charges filed by the attorney gen- Largely- . ol Former Aiutrtdian Army Minu- Into British Sector Chocolate 2 pkn. 25c movalv Qashes Re> «a > ; . ______ ■'irst Unit* o f StoUitiig veal Nature of Matter. Force Being Ferried Aides in lslaY|d Post. | pigf. Declares Conflict Result of Request*. Na. SH Oaa V ■■ -k ■ \ ■ When he took office In 108S be found the department like a "ma­ To British Operation-: U. S. Army Headquart^s *Hat Turned in Our Hartford, April 21.— chine that haa been In conatant um Chungking, April 21.—^ Volvita Apricots Caih-H19c Referee Grorge E. Hiniiton for a long time carrying a heavy al Base* at tVesent* in Australis, A p ^ 21.-^;0iP)— F a v o r ,* in Speech, —Chinese forces which Te^ today refused to permit State overload.” (Annual program 50 Gen. Douglas MacArt)i1dr aig- eaptured the oil center' of Highway Commissioner WU>- per cent larger without oorre- London, April . tl.—(P)—Firat nalized the establishment of Brisbane, Australia, April 31. Yenangyaung saved 7,000 3*Lb. Peck apondlng ekpamston o f top peraon- unite of a United States aerial his new Southw e^rn PacifiU' Fresh r Hfim J. Cox to tell in detail nel.) \ (4V-Army Minister Francto M. encircled British troops and' the story of internal depart- strking force which will fiy aide headquarters am completion Fqrde declared today that "the war 100 supply trucks in the first by aide with the R. A. F. are al­ « a iik s n ^ d c o a l /. Jaley, Sweet mental troubles which Cox Found in admlhlatratkai poal' of his staff ^ a y by issuing has .turned In our favor" and that Allied victory in Burma, an tlona a "group of boaaat. con- ready being ferried to British Aided by British tanks, Chtneia forces now operating oh the Irra­ his first i^ y communique the approachmg Allied offensive prepared as part of his acientloua and, for tha moat part, operational bases, reliable aources waddy front, launched a eountw-offenalva frpm Kyaukpadaung xnd Army spokeaman said today. \ ^ So which emoraced operations agalnat/tte Axis "will be a stag­ After rescuing the British, ido Oranges 2 D.i. 43c efense against removal. Hin- capable men," workfiig under reiortcd today. recaptured Yensngyaung (1) in the Hunna oil area. This,was the gering spMtacle. /^ ^ cut the .commtoakmer off load "that made (t Impoaalbie for Weeka ago Prime Minister first Joint victory of British and Oiinase arau in Burma. Other Chi­ in the PI)lUpplnes, Dutch Etost In­ the Chinese fought wifit their Al­ dies and Auatralia. With a staff "We will not rest until we arc lies under British coitimand and wlOf-.four of 16/pagea unread of them to get the moat deairabla re> Cjurchin and President Roosevelt nese forces were forced, to srlthdraw iri the vicinity of Ela (3) at full war rirength and our forces a lenity document which Cox aulta." . no time to "tune up'' said the Yunka were coining. Last from Myohto. ' , / comppSed largely of hto aidea Who drove three miles south' of in the Philippines, he also are fully equippi^,” be said In a WE HAVE SUGAR! bad preytorod aa a general de- their unite.
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