Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 8-30-1978 Arbiter, August 30 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. The University· , Volume11; Number 1 Boise, 'Idaho 'Wednesdav AUmJst30. 1978 - by Sally Thomas \/\/hat could possibly spur Dean William Keppler and Dr. DavldTaylor however, as each-team also Intoa feverish exchangeof cryptic memosContaining things like "I've got strives to out-dress the others. hlrnl" "No, you don't. He's mine! "? Is there any truth to the rumor that 'Keppler's "Misfits," for exam- the ASBSU Perezldente has openly challenged .the faculty and pIe, will be lead by an imitation administration of BSU?'On what basis could such a challenge be made! Teddy' Roosevelt -ln rough And why would the faculty . regalia while Taylor's "Amari- wives openly declare themselves - can Graffim" group goes ln for 2nd Or~~Fair to be witches? The answer to bobby sox, greased-back hair, these questions lies in the fact and chewing gum. The "Bell, Full Blast that the artsy and crafty Fred Book,and Candle" coven, At SUB Norman is up to' it again. sometimes referred to as the In an unprecedented move faculty wives, and the "Greek Free watermelon, free tickets / . t' III I f I Tycoons," shipping In members to the movie "Young Franken- mtegra 109 a eve s 0 un ver- .. fronrwhere else?-the sorori- stein.. and a livtl band are some sity life, the ASBSU Programs ties and fraternities, will vie for of' the features of the BSU Board will present, the first the best dressed spot along with Organl:!ational Faire, going on special event of the year-The ASBSU's own three-piece poly_ today and tomorrow outside the Golden' Age of Hollywood- The ester "All the President's Men" Student Union Building (or Last 50 Years: an unique evening of dinner theatre and the rollicking, rowdy "Our Inside the Bolsean Lounge if the featuring song, dance, and a Gang" from the residence halls weather is foul). Many of the . h' d if and dorms. Not to be outdone, _student organizations at Boise quiz to dehg t an myst y Asslstent SUB Director, Mike State will be giving out everyone. Divlded-or united, Henthorne, talks of gold-leafing' informatiQn and selling refresh- as it were-into six teams, - ments to passersby. adrnlnlstrators, faculty, and the entire SUB Ballroom and The purpose of the Falre; students of BSU will be SAGA Food Service plans on ~' -" competing for glory as they serving up a prime rib dinner according to Christa Bax,· Even with the advent of pre-registration, thellnes formed Inside BSU's strive to outdo one another in with all the trimmings. assistant director for student gym during open registration, August 28 and 29. Carol,Christensen '. affairs, Is to encourage partie- fielding movie trivia qllestlons holds out a registration packet to yet another student who is trying to lpatlon in student organizations , under the gaze of Norman's legally attend the first day of classes. , and events. This is the second honest, impartial eye. annual Faire,she noted, Competition knows no limit, Ian . by' Tf?rry McGuire Keiser said that the proposed Plans for a single bsccalaur- elementary and secondary "In my opinion, Introducing. omous departments," iniffi' multl-purpose pavilion .was a eate and its four-point fr~ schools to perform this task this element into the curriculum plementing his proposals. Add key issue he would.ttke to be work highlighted ·the initial welL" . would broaden the scope.,; (of) to that, a system of overall realized during his term. In a speech Boise State University's Keiser recommended, as an each student, as well as expand evaluation where a full twenty recent interview with the new president gave before' his ongoing evaluation process, the theopportunltlesfor creating an . per cent. of. the university'S Arbiter, the president said that faculty and administrators Aug. insertion of a box on final and Institutional environment sup- courses would be reviewed each his office, with consultation 21. mid-term grade reports, for the portlve of ongoing public affairs year,' as part' of a five-year Dr. John Keiser, who ran his instructor to mark off if, the dialogue. " process. from ASBSU officials, had Introductory speech under the \ student was progressing well In The third of Keiser's points He said that such an devised a .package for the banner that students are over- written and oral presentation. - called for the ~ulring' of undertaking would meet Boise project, and that It wOuld likely . optioned, owing one-third of The student's progress would Iife-19nglearnlng skills, OD- State's' broader- goals,and be presented to.the State Board , their academic careers to then be monitored throughout ,talned as an undergraduate, as should not be viewed as "a electives, included in his prop- the semester, and private _a process of sound education. power struggle betwoon boards osals a single, all-encompasslng consultation with the advisor "llie Informaiton explosion is and universities, (or) inad- degree, the BacherOr'of Arts and would be seen as a way of obviously just beginning.;. and equate attempts by non-ed- Sciences.The new degree would enhancing Improvement. mastery of methods to deal with ucators to establish even more be the. consummation of, the it are necessary... (I) think that centralized control .....' He called BachfJlor of Arts and Bachelor of our first obligation is to~ffow upon the faculty to meet these ScIences programs, es eccord- students how to learn on their requests. Ing to the president, little own, rather than at state difference currently exists bet- expense, and that there would ween the twO. -be less need for ' continuing WHITE W~RFflRE: ;Page 3 .. (It) would help assure education if we did our job in tna debate on what Is common"and first place." importanttoall student," said Keiser's final point, mastery OPINION Page 6 Keiser of his proposal, as he of discipline, ,is seen as . lmportsnt, but' SUbordinate in "Anybody who'sthe conservatives' radical and the expanded on' his educational liberals' conservative can't be all wrong." philosophy, , built around a total scopeto his call to heed the four-point framework of "get- three previous points. He said, tough" basics. "Majors should traln people to N€WFOLI(AT B)U · Page 8 The Initial suggestion of the find a place in society.. : and four-point plan called for a basic should also producea familiarity literacy among university grad- with the disciplines which allow LA)TVEflR))OUR Page 10 uates for a "broader under- The president's second prop- for thsconttnuat Updating and standing.... (of) what is possible osal, owing to the university's contlnuedIearntnq throughout to acquire through the stimul- location In the state capital, - life." He added, "The bac- CALENDAR FOR ation and opportunity of spend- . caneq tor the Installation of' a. calaureate curriculum is the )EPTEMBER ;~ Page 14- Ing an equivalent of. four years "core" unit of six hours in primary statement Boise State ina properly focused college or public affairs, as partofthe new makes about itself,what it ' university environment. 8achelor of Arts and Sciences· intends to contribute to the PROGNO)T1CATIONFOR THE "Resppnsibllltyfor teaching degree. Keiser said the six-hour development of its students, these skills," said Keiser, block woilld "bring an inter- and ' what it beHeves to be ·~IG S\(y ;: ~ Page 16 !'exists at all levels of eduo- disciplinarY focus upon current Significant in its serVice to ation, beginning In grade public problems and policy society." school, and continuing ,in high issues,"In which students Keiser, also asked for. the schooL The university Is oblig- become "more informed citiz- "cooperative cohesion" of the ated to assist (rather than ensand pollQY-consciousprofes- university's schools, rather than, • self-righteously criticize) the slonals. what he term~ "serni~ aulon- Keiser Cont. From Page 1 literacy, learning, public affairs, of Education this fall. The and mastery of academic discip- pavilion, to be supported with student funds if given the line." go-ahead from the board, has yet to be fully drawn up, but Keiser, nonetheless, reiterated his support for it before. the ...~!~on«!.i~~_!!!~~~~ro!t!.'~I!°r!~i2!!~~assemblage, calling it "in to society and religious conflict problems. to Honors students. Possible agreement" with his education- in India <l[ethe highlight of this "Religious Strife in India" Is topics Include: thinking and the al philosophies. semester s Honors. Program. an examination of traditional Idea Process, Ho~ to Get Into Keiser, in. summation, said, Conducted by Dr. Masao South Asian culture in terms of Grad SChool, SCience Fiction, "the university .... (should) be Sugiyama and Dr. Peter Buhler Its religious bases in Hinduism, BSU: A Closer Look - Part. II, based ona baccalaureate respectively, these two colloquia Islam . Sikhism . Jainlsm and Food, Thoughts on Language, program of true excellence, are available to upper division other'systems of belief. Special Creative Drearn~ng, and Philo- delivered from a tightly man- ;:[;1·'\\ students of all majors. attention will be paid to the role sophy of Buddhism. aged structure increasingly ac- Dr. Wm countable to the public, espec- meaning of the "The Computer Threat to of religion in traditional politics Information on the Honors ially In those areascentral to the Society" will analyze the ways and seclety and the evolution of Program is available at the BSU meaning of (the university), in which computers have affect- the modern state.
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