962 THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 8, 1901. lost several wounded, six horses killed or Corps Troops. captured. No. 16 Company, Southern Division, Royal August 14th.—The mounted troops entered Garrison Artillery (2—5-inch guns). Carolina, driving out about 40 Boers who offered No. 6 Company, Western Division, Royal some resistance. The remainder of the enemy Garrison Artillery (2—4.7-inch guns.) had retired down the Komati Kiver. No. 2 Company, Western Division, Royal The 2nd Cavalry Brigade advanced to Twy- Garrison Artillery (2—12-pr. guns). felaar and the main column halted at Kranspan. No. 10 Mountain Battery (2—12-pr. guns). Communication by heliograph was opened 61st Howitzer Battery, Royal Field Artillery with General French's force, of which the Innis- (6—5-inch howitzers). killing Dragoons were at Goedehoop. Nos. 3 and 4 pom poms. August 15th.—Advanced to Twyfelaar and Corps Troops Ammunition Column. halted on the north bank of the Komati River. Movable Remount Depot. The 3rd Mounted Brigade found the enemy in Supply Park. some strength about 5 miles north-east of Twy- Indian Mule Train. felaar with whom they were engaged. They had two men severely wounded. The enemy retired No. 11. to a strong position from which they fell back From Field-Marshal Lord Roberts to the during the night. Secretary of State for War. I here received your instructions to halt until SIR, Pretoria, 15th October, 1900. ; the 22nd. I have the honour to submit herewith a despatch I have, &c., from General the Rt. Honble. Sir Redvers Buller, REDVERS BULLER, General. C.C.3., V.C., &c., dated 13th September,' 1900. /-' I have, &c., APPENDIX A. ROBERTS, Field-Marshal, • Commanding-in-Chief, South Afric*. Head-Quarter Staff. 2nd Cavalry Brigade. From the General Commanding the Natal Army Brigade Head-quarters (Major-General J. F. to the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-chief the Brocklehurst, M.V.O.). Forces in South Africa, Machadodorp 5th Lancers (2 Squadrons). Headquarters, Natal Army, 18th Hussars (2£ Squadrons). Spitzkop, Transvaal, 19th Hussars (3 Squadrons). SIR, 13th September, 1900. Supply Column. As I have already reported, the troops under 2nd Cavalry Brigade Field Hospital. my command were concentrated on the night of 3rd Mounted Brigade. the 26th August at Vogelstruispoort Farm, about Brigade Head-quarters (Major-General Lord 5 miles due south of Bergendal, which occupies Dundonald, C.B., M.V.O.). a prominent position on the Belfast—Dalman- . "A" Battery, Royal Horse Artillery. utha ridge. This latter is the watershed of the - No. 2 Field Troop, Royal Engineers. Crocodile and Koinati Rivers, and is the highest South African Light Horse. point of the high veldt. Strathcona's Horse. Bergendal Farm itself is situated at the junc- Supply Column. tion of the Carolina and Dalmanutha—Belfast 3rd Mounted Brigade Field Hospital. roads, at almost the highest point of the ridge. Colt Gun Detachment. About 300 yards to the west of the farm a 4th Division. peculiar kopje, formed of a conglomeration <SE Divisional Head-quarters (Lieut.-General Hon. immense stones covering about 3 acres in extent, N. G. Lyttelton, C.B.). rises suddenly from the smooth grassy slopes 4th Division Mounted Infantry Battalion. which prevail over the rest of the ridge. The- Brigade Division, Royal Field Artillery. 21st formation is an unusual one, as, except at the . Field Battery, 42nd Field Battery, :>3rd kopje itself, which, with its immense stones and Field Battery, and Ammunition Column. rocky crevices, forms a sort of natural fortress, 23rd Field Company, Royal Engineers. the ground for 2,000 yards round affords no shelter of any sort to advancing troops. The 7th Brigade. slopes within 500 yards of the kopje being gentle Brigade Head-quarters (Brigadier-General F. W. and easy. We could see that the kopje was Kitchener). occupied in some force; we were able to locate 1st Bn. Devonshire Regiment. 2 guns posted on the ridge to the east of it, and 1st Bn. Manchester Regiment. it was evident that several trenches had been 2nd Bn. Gordon Highlanders. dug, and that the ridge itself was held in con- 2nd Bn. Rifle Brigade. siderable force. Supply Column. Early in the morning of the 27th August, the. 7th Brigade Bearer Company. 2nd Cavalry Brigade, under Colonel (local Major- 7th Brigade Field Hospital. General) J. F. Brocklehurst, M.V.O, "A" 8th Brigade. Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, under Major Brigade Head-quarters (Major-General F. Howard. E. A. Burrows, the 53rd Battery, R.F.A., under C.B., C.M.G.). Major L. G. F. Gordon, two pompoms, and the 1st Bn. Liverpool Regiment. 4th Division Mounted Infantry, under Captain 1st Bn. Leicestershire Regiment. (local Major) H. K. Stewart (Reserve of Officers), 1st Bn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. were sent forward with directions to cover the 1st Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. front of the advance, and at the same time -to Supply Column. throw their left forward across the Belfasi^- 8th Brigade Bearer Company. Dalmanutha ridge, and obtain Artillery positions 8th Brigade Field Hospital. whence they could shell from the north Bergen- 4th Divisional Supply Column. dal and the northern slopes of the ridge, thus 4th Divisional Field Hospital. attacking in reverse any of the enemy who might Section.No. 6 Field .Veterinary Hospital. attempt to reinforce"1 B6fgen~dal and the ridge.
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