\ I ' r .. - . I I 'V POSTAGE SURFACE PAID MAIL AUSTRALIA THE OFFI C IAL JOURNAL OF THE RETURNED & S ERVICES LEAGUE WA BRANCH (INCORPORATED) SPRING,r---------------------- 1991 Registered by Australia Po s~ Publication No. WAS 1158 Vol. 14, No. 3- Price $1 WAMirtister visits . BengP.azi War Cemetery, ERNIE BRIDGE, JP, MLA, the Minister for Agriculture, Wster Resources snd the North West. during s recent offlclsl visit to Libya took time out to visit the Benghszl Wsr Cemetery - his report is Inside this Issue. \. \ \\' LEST WE FOllGET NOVEMBER ·11 ... Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs Can we help you? You could be eligible for benefits if • you are a veteran • a widow, wife or dependent child of a veteran, or • your spouse, parent or guardian is, or was,~ veteran, or member of the Au.stralian Defence or Peacekeeping forces. • you have completed qualifying peacetime service in the case of Defence Service Homes benefits. V~terans' benefits include: ' • Pensions and allowances • Health-care benefits • Counselling services • Pharmaceutical benefits • Defence Service Homes - housing loan subsidy - homeowners' insurance • Funeral benefits · • Commemoration FIND OUT WHETHER YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR BE_NEFITS BY CONTACTING THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS'·AFFAIRS ON 425 8222 . ,/ , ...~ ' Country Callers Free Line: 008 113304 : Remember .... "We're only a 'phone call away" Veterans' Affairs Cares LISTENING POST Contents P~e Publishers Returned & Services teague W.A. Branch (lnco.,,rated) Anzac l"!ouse G.P.O. Box Cl28, 28 St. Georges Terrace · Perth, W.A. 6001. Perth, W.A. 6000 Tel: 325 9799 Editorial Committee Mrs. H.P. Balfe, J.J. Babbage, Mrs D.J. Dowson, . Messrs P. Horrobin, R. Mercer, W.J. Surridge, !>:'White, Mrs B. Clinton (Co-opted) Messrs J. Harper-Nelson, E. Hinchliffe, L.J. Owens. Sub-Editor Mrs Pat Elphinstone Advertisers Wcstralian Publishers, 263 Stirling Highway, Clarcmont, W.A. 6010 Tel: 383 4966 · Typesetting/Composing Deadlines .Action Press, for Listening Post Contributions 10 l Catherine Str~t, Morley. W.A. 6062 1 31 -January for Autumn Edition 1 el: 276 5266 30 April for Winter Edition 31 July for Spring Edition Printer 31 October for Summer Edition Bell Group Press, If possible submissions should be-typed, double spaced 7 Briggs Street, Photographs must be black and white glossy. East Victoria Park 6101 Tel: 361 5401 This. is your journal and contributions are welcome. Post to: Ustenlng Po§t R.&S.L. G.t•.o. Box Cl28, Opinion ex pressed by contributors in articles and reproduced aniclcs are ihe individual o p l ~i o n s of such contributors or the authors of such reproduced an ides (as l~e..U.6001 the case mav be) and not necessarily 1hose of the R. & S.L. Reproduction of articles (or extraels) contained in Listening Post is Cover Story: . welcomed provided the source is acknowledged. See page 7 Listening Post- Spring 1991 - Pege1 "YOU. SHOULD- KNOW BETTA'' § INSULATION & WINDOW TINTING I§ SINCE 1971 ~ ~ CALL US NOW FOR A QUOTE AND YOU WILL ENTER OUR DRAW FOR A TRIP FOR TWo" TO QUEENSLAND STAYING I AT A FIRST CLASS HOTEL FOR 7 NIGHTS PLUS SPENDING MONEY I~ I ~ *Terms Available. § I § * Pensioner Rates § * Environmentally Friendly ~ * Non Allergenic ~ 33981331, I SUM_MER WINTER I Up to 11 o cooler Save up to 40°/o heat loss . i / ~ · ~ I ·§ I Australian AUSTR~LIAN Standard WEST OWNED & OPERATED AS 2' 62 I IC 8)2 ~ l ..lllrt.llfl\ " ' ""--"" . ~oooco~ooocccooocoocoaooocoooooo~~~~~~~~~~~ Pege 2 - Llltenlng Post - Spring 1t91 , State Executive STATE PRESIDENT J.P. Hall, AM, BEM, JP. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT L.C. Keynes, BA. JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT P.C. Firkins, OAM. STATE SECRETARY O.H. Gibbs, AFC, JP. .COMMITTEE J.J. Babbqge, Mrs H.P. Balfe, BEe, Mrs B. Clinton, A.A. Oacre,.OBE, MBE, Mrs O,J. Oowson, MBE, M.C. Hall, JP, J.L. Holman, P. Horobin, MBE Mrs A. Keynes, Or A.J. King, BSc, MBBS, FCCP FRACMA FACRM, Z. Kwiecinski, BEe, R.o : Mercer, A'M, RFO, EO, K.J. M~hison, E.R. Reid, P. Simpson, W.J. Surrrdge, F.G. Verdi, P. White, OCM . REGIONAL COUNTRY VICE PRESIDENTS Messrs R. Barber (Coolgardie Sub-Branch) P.J. Blenkinsopp (Port Hedland Sub-Bra~ch) C. Mills (Bunbury Sub-Branch), S.G. Robmson (Merredin Sub-Branch), A.J. Spendlove (Geraldton Sub-Branch), R.E. Stanley (Aibany FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Sub-Branch) TRUSTEES DUIY(FID) Messrs K. Broadhurst, FRAIA, ARABA, I am pleased to be able to inform you that the State P. Pearson, CMG, OBE, JP, R.N . Stone, AM, JP. Government has recently legislated to exempt all LISTENING POST COMMITTEE Defence Service Homes (OSH) loan accounts from Mrs H.P. Balfe, BEe, J.J. Babbage, . the payment of FID. MBE, Messrs P: Horrobm, Mrs D.J. Oowson, is effective from 10 May 1991 . R. Mercer, W.J. Surridge, P. Whtte, OCM The legislation Mrs B. Clinton I am sure you will agree that the change will be CO-OPTED MEMBERS well received by all DSH borrowers in this Stat ~. Messrs J. Harper-Nelson, E. Hinchliffe, PAUL DUDUMAS L.J. Owens State Manager, Defence Service H~mes Listening Post- Spring 1991- Page 3 PAINTING? tall the professionals! I· • .BRICK HOMES FROM What value! And we paint gutters, fascias, downpipes. windows, door!!. even the meter box. Price naturally excludes brickwork. _$665 • WEATHERBOAR.D HOMES FROM We will paint over a 12 square with two coats of sparkling quality paint after basic preparation. s957 • FASCIAS/GUTTERS. FROM A smart trim finish: Price includes spot prime undercoat and final· coat of quality paint. S29S· ~IRON ROOFS FROM lt will look brand new. sgss • LOUNGE OR .FAMILY ROOMS FROM The busiest rooms need regular revitalising. 'Large choice of colours too. S275 • B.EDROOMS/I(ITCHENS Dull walls and ceilings will be transformed into a fresh new room FROM to enjoy. Two coats of quality paint pver basic preparation. S275 I I HEAD· OFFICE: 17 PEMBURY CRESCE.NT, FERNDALE PHONE & FAX: 451 2106 • A/H ·451. 2524 . ... l ''PreparatJon Js your guarantee of perfecti.on'' NEW OPPORTUN11Y FO~ RSL MEMBERS Thousands . of RSL members have protected the 10-year term of your policy, 100% of your the~selves w1th the Cash Accident Programme, premiums will be returned to you! and 1t's no wonder! · This popular programme is guaranteed to you as More and ':"~re RSL members are becoming an RSL member, and also to your spouse; and, 'if aware of the nsmg costs of coping with accidental both of you decide to apply, you will each receive a injuries. They are looking for the best way to protect premium discount ~ - each and every month! themselves and their families from this potential Thousands of RSL wives are·currently protected by burden. the Cash Accident Programme as more and more appreciate the value of full eover With this in mind, we are delighted to announce members come to for both husband and wife. · that you now have a new," low-cost opportunity to e~r o l in the Cash ·Accident Programme, with RSL members under age 50 also ·qualify for benP. fits that provide cash payments for ove·r 40 extensive benefits under their own exclusive plan. types of injuries from broken bones and burns to Thousands of dollars in benefits are paid to RSL permanently disabling and fatal accidents. members each year under this programme; and, of The programme·s· popularity among members is the many RSL members who have taken advantage due to the secure benefits and guarantees it of this protection, those who have had the need to provides: make a c laim will attest to the easy and efficient claim service. 1) As an RSL member under age 75, you are guaranteed automatic acceptance, without Please note that enrolment is open for a limited health questions or a medical examination. time only. To apply, members need only complete the enrolment form which they will receive in the 2) You are guaranteed cash payments for over 40 post and return it before the enrolment deadline. specified injuries plus fatal or permanently Note that there is no need to send money with your disabling accidents. , enrolment. The RSL has arranged for a period of 3) You are guaranteed low premiums that cannot free cover, allowing members to carefully examine be increased for any reason throughout the full their policy before committing any payment at all. 1 0-year term of your policy. This service has been o1 enormous value to RSL 4) You are guaranteed a 100% refund of your · members, and we urge you all to consider it premiums after 10 years of claim-free cover. carefully. If you have any questions regarding this This unique return of premium guarantee adds official RSL Insurance Programme, please call the special value to this programme for RSl members. lt RSL Member Service Line at Oceanic Life on guarantees that. if you have not made a claim during Freecall 008 022 566. Anzac Day 1991 When I woke up this morning I looked out the passed the official dais. Eyes right! I saw some window. lt promised to be a perfect day. Just right familiar faces amongst the distinguished guests. for marching. No1 that I looked forward to marching, They applauded and smiled .. I couldn't raise a smile, . for my legs aren't-.what they us~d to.b.e. lt is not 0!11Y I could hardly raise my arm trying to hold up our the marching that makes you t1re~ . 1t1s the ~ tan _ dmg banner. We turned left into Barrack Street. Thank around waiting to march off wh1ch takes 1t out of God, only about 200 metres .to go.
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