1924 OONG:aESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE 5 lie was for yean1 the foremost figure in the dominant po­ [Roll No.1) litical party "Of Mas achnsetts, and in recent years h~ was, if ALABAMA not indeed the foremost figure, one of the foremost figures in John McDuffie. Miles C. Allgood. the Congress of the United States. Lister Hill. Edward B. Almon. Henry B. Steagall. George Huddleston. When death came he was the majority party leader in this Wllliam B. Bowling. Chamber, the senior Senator in years of continuous service, W.illiam B. Bankhead. and one of the ablest and best known, nationally and inter­ A111ZONA nationally, of any Member of the United States Congress. Carl Hayden Truly an exalted position has been made vacant by his death. .A.BK AN SA S The life of one of ,!he great leaders and statesmen of our day William J. Driver. Otis Wingo. William A. Oldfield. J. B. Reed. in America has .en{led. .John N. Tillman. This, however, is not the .()CCftSion to undertake to review Tilman B. Parke. tlle career of this statesman and scholar. At the proper time CALiliX>RNIA. Clarence F. Lea. Henry E. Barbour. I shall ask the Senate to set .aside a day upon which proper John E. Raker. Arthur M. Free. tribute may be paid to his memory. Charles F. Curry. Walter F. Lineberger. I now submit the resoluti-on which I send to the desk, and Mae E. Nolan. John D. Frederlcks. af:k unanimous consent for its immediate consideration. James H. MacLalferty. Philip D. Swing. The resolution ( S. Res. 264} was read, considered by -unani­ COLORADO mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, a · follows : William N. Vaile. Guy U. Hardy. Charles B. Timberlake. Edward T. Taylor. R csolr ed, That the Senate has heard with deep regret and pro­ CONNECTICUT found sorrow the announcement of the death of the Hon. HENRY E. Hart Fenn. John Q. Tilson. CABOT LODGE, late a Senator ft·om :l.he State of Massachusetts. Richard P. Freeman. Resolv ed, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the DELAWARE House of Representatives .and transmit a copy thereof to the family William H. Boyce of the deceased. FLORIDA ~DJ{JURNMENT Herbert J. Drane. Jobn H. Smithwick. Mr. WALSH of Massachusetts. M1·. President, as a further GEORGIA mark of re ·pect -to the memory of our three deceased colleagues, R. Lee l\loore. Gordon Lee. Frank Park. Charles H. Brand. Senator LonGE, of 1\lassaehusetts, Senator BRA.:.-nEGEE, of Con­ harle R. Crisp. Carl ,.inson. necticut, and Senator CoLT, of Rhode Island, I move that the William C. Wright. William C. Lankford. Senate do now adjourn. William D. Upshaw. William W. Larsen. Tlle motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock IDAHO and 21 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Burton L. French. Addison T. Smith. Tue:;;day, December 2, 1924, at 12 o'elock meridian. ILLINOIS Morton D. II-n1l. William E. IIull. Elliott W. Sproul. Frank H. Funk. Thomas A. Doyle. William P. Holaday. Adolph J. Sabatb. Allen F. Moore. IIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES l\1. Alfred Michaelson. Henry T. Rainey. Stanley IT. Kunz. J. Earl 1\Iajor. ~ioNDAY, Decetnbe'r 1, 19B4 Fred A. Britten. William W. Arnold. Carl R. Chindblom. Thomas S. Williams. This being the day fi1.:ed by the Constitution for tile annual !f rank R. Reid. Edward E. Denison. Charles E. J;'ulier. Richard Yates. meeting of the Congress of the United States, the Ilouse of Edward J. King. Henry H. Hath bone. Repre entatives of the Sixty-eighth Congre s met in its Hall JXDIAN.A at 12 o'clock noon for its second session and ~as called to William E. ·wilson. .\ lbert H. Ye tal. Ol'Cler by the Speaker, lion. FREDERICK 11. GILLET'!', a llepTe­ Arthur II. Greenwood. Fr('d S. Purnell. Frank Gardner. William R. Wood. scntative from the State of Massachusetts. Harry C. Canfield. l:;amuel E. Cook. The Cll.aplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered Elvet·ett Sanders. Louis W. Fairfi,eld. the following prayer : Richard N. Elli-ott. Andrew J. Hickey. Merrill Moores. Almighty Go~ Thy mercy is from ev-el"lasting to everlasting IOWA and Thy goodness endureth fr.om generation to generation. "-e William F. Kopp. C. Willism Ramseyer. wait upon Thee at the threshold of this Congress. We offer Hu1-ry E. Hull. Cassius C. Dowell. T. J. B. Robinson. William R. Green. Thee tl1e expressions of our grateful hearts for Thy pro-vi­ Cyrenus Cole. William D. Boies. dential care, for the fruitage of field and orchard, and for KANSAS tlle peace and prosperity of our land. "Bless and be gracious Daniel R. Anthony, jr. James G. Str<>ng. and merciful unto our President and his household ; the W. H. Sproul. Hays B. White. Speaker, the Members, the officers, and the pages, and all Homer lloch. J. N. Tincher. who serve. 0 Lord, our Lord, th~se days, so momentous, KENTUCKY Thy Alben W. Barkley. Arthur B. Rouse. do Tllou make· us strong by the sense of strength, wise David H. Kincheloe. Joseph W. :Morris. by the sense .of Thy wisdom and good by the sense of Thy Hobert Y. Thomas, jr. Ralph Gilbert. goodness. In the solution of all problems 0 let the in"SJ)ira­ Ben Johnson. Fred M. Vinson. tion of Thy truth never fail us. Suffer not our hearts to Maurice H. Thatcher. John !f· Robsion. J:anguisll, nor our souls to fear, but undismayed may :we always LOUISIA.."A James O'Connor. Riley J. Wilson. seek to do our whol-e duty to our country and to the institu­ J. Zach Spearing. Ladislas Lazaro. tions which were founded to perpetuate our :qational great­ Whitmell P. Martin. James B. Aswell. ne . Come, Heavenly Father of us all, and manifest Thy John N. Sandlin. fa-vor in the form of enlightened understanding and thus shall MAINE Can·oll L. Beedy. John El. Nelson. great contentment, equal justice, and deeper righteousness Wallace H. White, jr. Ira G. Hersey. bless every section an~ comfort every fireside. Day by day MARYL.A.:II"D with sweet, obedient, and unmurmuring toil may we do our T. Alan Goldsborough. J. Charles Linthicum. whole duty. Millard E. 'l'ydings. Frederick N. Zihlman. We breathe to Thee, 0 God, "Thy will be done.'" There John Philip Hill. are those of us who have passed beyond the veil that hides MA.SSACHGSETTS mortality from immortality. Some dear ones are looking out Allen •r. Treadway. F rederick W. Dallinger. Frederick H. Gillett. Charles L. UnderhilL upon the world to-day with saddened hearts and wondering Calvin D. Paige. James A. Gallivan. eyes. Come, blessed Lord, unta them and give them great :5amuel El. Winslow. Robert Luce. A. Piatt Andrew. Louis A. Frothingham. peace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. William P. Connery, jr. Charles L. Gi.ffm·d. OALL -QF THE 'ROLL 1111CHIGAN Robert II. Clancy. Louis C. Cramton. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will call the roll of Members Earl C. Michener. Bird J. Vincent. by States. Arthur B. Williams. James C. McLaughlin. The roll was called and the following Meml>ers .answer~d John C. Ketcham. Roy 0. Woodruff. Carl E. Mapes. l•'rank D. &ott. to their names : Grant l\1. lludson. W. Frank James. 6 ·co.r:rGRESSION AL RECORD-ROUSE DECE1\IBER 1 MINKESOTA SOUTH CAIWLIN.A Sydney Anderson: Harold Knutson. James F. Byrnes. William F. Stevenson. Frank Clague. 0. J. Kvale. Fred H. Dominick. Allard H. Gasque. Charles R. Davis. Oscar J. Larson. John J. McSwain. Hampton P. IJ'ulr.ner. Oscar E. Keller. Knud Wefald. SOUTH DAKOTA Walter H. Newton. Charles A. Christopherson. William Williamson. MISSISSIPPI Royal C. Johnson. John E. Rankin. Ro~s A. Collins. TENNESSEE Bill G. Lowrey. T. Webbee Wilson. William Y. llumphreys. Percy E. Quin. B. Carroll Reece. Joseph W. Byrns. Jeff Busby. James W. Collier. .T. Will Taylor. W. C. Salmon. S. D. McReynolds. Gordon Browning. MISSOURI Cordell Hull. Finis J . Garre~t. Ralph F. Lo.zier. Samuel C. Major. Ewin L. Davis. Hubert F. Fisher. Jacob L. Milligan. Clarence Cannon. TEXAS Charles L. Faust. Cleveland A. Newton. Henry L. J ost. Harry B. Hawes. Eugene Black. James P. Buchanan. C. C. Dickin on. Leonidas C. Dyer. John C. Box. Tom Connally. MOKTA 'A Morgan G. Sanders. Fritz G. Lanham. Sam Rn;rbn.rn. Harry M. Wurzbach. John M. Evans. Scott Leavitt. Hatton ·w. Sumners. John N. Garner. NEBRASKA Luther A. Johnson. C. B. Hudspeth. Thomas L. Blanton. John II. Morehead. Melvin 0. McLaughlin. Clay Stone Briggs. Willi G: Sears. Robert G. Simmons. Daniel E. Garrett. Marvin Jones. Joseph J. Mansfield. Edgar Howard. UTAH NEVADA Elmer 0. Leatherwood Charles L. Richards TER~IONT NEW HAIIIPSHJRE Frederick G. F:!_~etwood. Ernest W. Gibson. Edward H. Wason TIRGINIA.. NDW JERSEY Schuyler Otis Bland. Thomas W. Harrison. Francis F. Patterson, jr. Randolph Perkins. Joseph T . Deal. R. Walton M;oore. Isaac Bacharach. George N. Seger. Andrew J. Montague. Henry St. George Tucker. Elmer ll. Gerau. l<'rank J. McNulty. Clifton A. Woodrum. Charles Browne. Daniel F. Minahan. WASHJNG'.fON Ernest R. Ackerman. Prederick R . Lehlbuch. •John F. Miller. John W. Summers. "EW MEXICO Lindley H. Hadley. Sam B. Hill. Albert Johnson. John Morrow. WEST VIRGI:NIA NEW YORK Benjamin L . Ilosenbloom. George W. Johnson. Robert L. Bacon. Royal H. Weller. R. E. L. Allen. J. Alfred '.raylor. John J. Kindred. Anthony J. GrUlin. Stuart F. Reed. George W. Lind ay. Benjamin L. Fairchild. WISCOXSI:N Tllomas H. Cullen. J. Mayhew Wainwright. Loring 1\1. Black, jr.
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