®® TTHEHE W WESTONESTON A. A. P PRICERICE F FOUNDATIONOUNDATION ® THE WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDATION Wise Traditions Wise Traditions Wise Traditions fo fo r rWiseTraditionsWiseTraditions NonNon Profit Profit Org.Org. fo r WiseTraditions Non Profit Org. IN IN F OODFOOD, F, ARMINGFARMING AND AND THE THE H HEALINGEALING A ARTSRTS IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS U.S.U.S. Postage Postage Education Education Education Research Research Research Activism Activism Activism PAIDPAID PMBPMB 106-380, 106-380, 4200 4200 W WISCONSINISCONSIN A AVENUEVENUE, NW, NW PMB 106-380, 4200 WISCONSIN AVENUE, NW Suburban,Suburban, MD MD $12$12 US US WWASHINGTONASHINGTON, DC, DC 20016 20016 WASHINGTON, DC 20016 PermitPermit 4889 4889 WiseWiseWise TraditionsTraditionsTraditions INININ F FFOODOODOOD,, ,FF FARMINGARMINGARMING ANDAND AND THETHE THE HH HEALINGEALING A ARTSRTS ® ® AAPUBLICATIONPUBLICATIONOFOF ® A PUBLICATION OF T THEHE W WESTONESTON A. A. P PRICERICE F FOUNDATIONOUNDATION HE ESTON RICE OUNDATION T W A. P F EducationEducation R Researchesearch A Activismctivism Education Research Activism www.westonaprice.orgwww.westonaprice.orgwww.westonaprice.org VolumeVolumeVolume 20 2020 Number Number Number 22 2 Summer Summer 2019 2019 FEATURESFEATURESFEATURES FERMENTEDFERMENTEDFERMENTED CODCOD COD LIVERLIVER LIVER OILOIL OIL PagePage 18 18 SallySallySally Fallon FallonFallon Morell MorellMorell discussesdiscusses discusses thethe the latestlatest latest lablab lab resultsresults results forfor for fermentedfermented fermented cod cod liver liver oil oil Summer Summer Summer GETTINGGETTINGGETTING INFORMED INFORMEDINFORMED ABOUTABOUT ABOUT 5G5G 5G PagePage 29 29 KatieKatieKatie Singer SingerSinger outlines outlinesoutlines constructiveconstructive constructive actionsactions actions forfor for citizenscitizens citizens concernedconcerned concerned about about 5G 5G KETONESKETONESKETONES AND ANDAND THETHE THE KETOGENICKETOGENIC KETOGENIC DIETDIET DIET PagePage 36 36 JackJackJack Williamson WilliamsonWilliamson CameronCameron Cameron reviewsreviews reviews thethe the healthhealth health benefitsbenefits benefits 2019 2019 2019 ®® UKRAINEUKRAINEUKRAINE’’S’S STRADITIONAL TRADITIONAL TRADITIONAL FOODSFOODS FOODS PagePage 41 41 TTTHEHEHE W WWESTONESTONESTON A. A.A. P PPRICERICERICE FFFOUNDATIONOUNDATIONOUNDATION MichaelMichaelMichael Merrill MerrillMerrill describesdescribes describes thethe the UkrainianUkrainian Ukrainian dietdiet diet ofof of traditionaltraditional traditional andand and newfangled newfangled foods foods KETONESKETONESKETONES AND ANDAND THETHE THE KETOGENICKETOGENIC KETOGENIC DIETDIET DIET PagePage 36 36 JackJackJack Williamson WilliamsonWilliamson Cameron CameronCameron reviewsreviews reviews thethe the healthhealth health benefitsbenefits benefits forforfor WiseTraditionsWiseTraditionsWiseTraditions IN OOD ARMING AND THE EALING RTS ININ F F OODFOOD, ,F ,F ARMINGFARMING AND AND THE THE H HHEALINGEALING A AARTSRTS DEPARTMENTSDEPARTMENTSDEPARTMENTS Education Research Activism EducationEducation Research Research Activism Activism PRESIDENTPRESIDENTPRESIDENT’’S’S SMESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE PagePagePage 22 2 VACCINATIONVACCINATIONVACCINATION UPDATESUPDATES UPDATES PagePage 77 77 LETTERSLETTERSLETTERS PagePagePage 33 3 LEGISLATIVELEGISLATIVELEGISLATIVE UPDATESUPDATES UPDATES PagePage 88 88 CAUSTIC COMMENTARY Page 11 A CAMPAIGN FOR REAL MILK Page 93 CAUSTICCAUSTIC COMMENTARY COMMENTARY PagePage 11 11 AA CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN FOR FOR REAL REAL MILK MILK PagePage 93 93 NUTRIENT-DENSE FOODS TRADITIONAL FATS NUTRIENT-DENSENUTRIENT-DENSE FOODS FOODS TRADITIONALTRADITIONAL FATS FATS LACTO-FERMENTATION LACTO-FERMENTATIONLACTO-FERMENTATION READINGREADINGREADING BETWEEN BETWEEN BETWEEN THETHE THE LINESLINES LINES PagePagePage 4545 45 RAWRAWRAW MILKMILK MILK UPDATESUPDATES UPDATES PagePage 95 95 Volume BROTHBROTHBROTH IS IS ISBEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL AA ACAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN FOR FORFOR REAL REALREAL MILK MILKMILK TRUTH IN LABELING Volume Volume TRUTHTRUTH IN IN LABELING LABELING THETHETHE WISE WISEWISE TRADITIONS TRADITIONS TRADITIONS PANTRYPANTRY PANTRY PagePagePage 5050 50 HEALTHYHEALTHYHEALTHY BABYBABY BABY GALLERYGALLERY GALLERY PagePage 98 98 PREPAREDPREPAREDPREPARED PARENTING PARENTING PARENTING SOY SOYSOY ALERT! ALERT!ALERT! LIFE-GIVINGLIFE-GIVINGLIFE-GIVING WATER WATERWATER HOMEOPATHYHOMEOPATHYHOMEOPATHY JOURNAL JOURNAL JOURNAL PagePagePage 5353 53 LOCALLOCALLOCAL CHAPTERSCHAPTERS CHAPTERS PagePage 99 99 NON-TOXICNON-TOXICNON-TOXIC FARMING FARMING FARMING PASTURE-FEDPASTURE-FEDPASTURE-FED LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCKLIVESTOCK NURTURING THERAPIES NURTURINGNURTURING THERAPIES THERAPIES 20 20 20 TECHNOLOGY AS SERVANT Page 56 COMMUNITYCOMMUNITYCOMMUNITY SUPPORTED SUPPORTED SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE AGRICULTUREAGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGYTECHNOLOGY AS AS SERVANT SERVANT PagePage 56 56 SHOPSHOPSHOP HEARDHEARD HEARD ‘ROUND‘ROUND ‘ROUND THE THE WORLD WORLD PagePage 109 109 Number Number Number WAPFWAPFWAPF PODCAST PODCASTPODCAST INTERVIEW INTERVIEW INTERVIEW PagePagePage 6060 60 MEMBERSHIPMEMBERSHIPMEMBERSHIP PagePage 128 128 ALLALLALL THUMBS THUMBSTHUMBS BOOK BOOK BOOK REVIEWSREVIEWS REVIEWS PagePagePage 6767 67 UPCOMINGUPCOMINGUPCOMING EVENTSEVENTS EVENTS PagePage 129 129 2 TIM S DVD REVIEWS Page 74 2 2 TIMTIM’S’’ SDVD DVD REVIEWS REVIEWS PagePage 74 74 YouYouYou teach,teach,teach, youyouyou teach,teach,teach, youyouyou teach!teach!teach! LastLastLast words words words of of of Dr. Dr.Dr. Weston Weston Weston A. A. A. Price, Price,Price, January JanuaryJanuary 23, 23,23, 1948 19481948 PrintedPrinted on onon Recycled Recycled Offset Offset PrintedPrintedPrinted with withwith soy soysoy ink inkink - --an anan appropriate appropriateappropriate use use of of soy soy 233674_Cvr.indd 1 7/3/19 1:23 PM WiseTraditionsWiseTraditions TTHEHE WWESTONESTON A.A. PPRICERICE UpcomingUpcoming EventsEvents ININ F FOODOOD, ,F FARMINGARMING AND AND THE THE H HEALINGEALING A ARTSRTS ®® VolumeVolume 2020 NumberNumber 22 FFOUNDATIONOUNDATION SummerSummer 20192019 20192019 EducationEducation RResearchesearch AActivismctivism OctOct 11-1311-13 Hendersonville,Hendersonville, NC:NC: SoutheastSoutheast WiseWise WomanWoman HerbalHerbal ConferenceConference featuringfeaturing SallySally FallonFallon Morell,Morell, EDITORSEDITORS GinaGina BreedloveBreedlove andand Dr.Dr. JodyJody Noe.Noe. Contact:Contact: sewisewomen.comsewisewomen.com SallySally Fallon Fallon Morell, Morell, MA MA TheThe WestonWeston A.A. PricePrice FoundationFoundation isis aa nonprofit,nonprofit, KathyKathy Kramer Kramer tax-exempttax-exempt charitycharity foundedfounded inin 19991999 toto disseminatedisseminate thethe researchresearch of of nutrition nutrition pioneer pioneer Weston Weston A. A. Price, Price, DDS, DDS, whose whose NovNov 2-32-3 WashingtonWashington DC:DC: TakeTake BackBack YourYour HealthHealth ConferenceConference featuringfeaturing SallySally FallonFallon Morell,Morell, TyTy Bollinger,Bollinger, ARTISTICARTISTIC EDITOR EDITOR LyndaLynda Smith Smith Cowan Cowan studiesstudies ofof isolatedisolated nonindustrializednonindustrialized peoplespeoples establishedestablished RobynRobyn Shirley,Shirley, VaniVani HariHari andand SylvieSylvie Beljanski.Beljanski. Contact:Contact: takebackyourhealthdc.comtakebackyourhealthdc.com thethe parametersparameters ofof humanhuman healthhealth andand determineddetermined thethe COVERCOVER DESIGN DESIGN optimumoptimum characteristicscharacteristics ofof humanhuman diets.diets. Dr.Dr. Price’sPrice’s NovNov 20-2420-24 LakeLake George,George, NY:NY: BiodynamicBiodynamic ConferenceConference featuringfeaturing SallySally FallonFallon Morell,Morell, StephanieStephanie Morningstar,Morningstar, AngelaAngela Eisenbart Eisenbart researchresearch demonstrateddemonstrated thatthat menmen andand womenwomen achieveachieve ÇacaÇaca YvaireYvaire andand manymany others.others. Contact:Contact: biodynamics.com/conferencebiodynamics.com/conference COPYCOPY EDITORS EDITORS perfectperfect physicalphysical formform andand perfectperfect health,health, generationgeneration MerindaMerinda Teller Teller afterafter generation, generation, only only when when they they consume consume nutrient-dense nutrient-dense KirkKirk Kramer Kramer wholewhole foodsfoods andand thethe vitalvital fat-solublefat-soluble activatorsactivators foundfound AnitaAnita Schubert Schubert exclusivelyexclusively inin animalanimal fats.fats. LAYOUT/DESIGNLAYOUT/DESIGN TheThe FoundationFoundation isis dedicateddedicated toto restoringrestoring nutrient-nutrient- MichelleMichelle Bielovitz Bielovitz densedense foodsfoods toto thethe AmericanAmerican dietdiet throughthrough education,education, researchresearch andand activismactivism andand supportssupports aa numbernumber ofof move-move- WiseTraditionsWiseTraditions is is mailed mailed mentsments that that contribute contribute to to this this objective, objective, including including accurate accurate quarterlyquarterly to to members members of of the the WestonWeston A. A. Price Price Foundation Foundation nutritionnutrition instruction,instruction, organicorganic andand biodynamicbiodynamic farming,farming, PMBPMB 106-380 106-380 pasture-feedingpasture-feeding of of livestock, livestock, community-supported community-supported farms, farms, Wise Traditions 2019 42004200 Wisconsin Wisconsin Avenue, Avenue, NW NW honesthonest andand informativeinformative labeling,labeling, preparedprepared parentingparenting andand US!US! Wise Traditions 2019 Washington,Washington, DC DC 20016 20016 nurturingnurturing therapies.therapies. SpecificSpecific goalsgoals includeinclude
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