The Houghton Star -9 -L The Houghton Star Pr 7 December 1964 Volume 77. Number & E tl AIumna Leaves $$$ by by Jonothan Robords Lightfoot 'I'hanks t A former Houghton resident and missionaries to Sierra Leone. erous dona Mary's father. Louis Churchill, member of the class of 1925 has left Charity Dri, a sizeable bequest to her alma mater. moved the family to Houghton- They ticipated 11 Mary A. Churchill of Philadelphia, lived on Centerville Road at what ber 29, and PA has bequested $51.995 to Hough- used to be known as the Clark Farm and their 1 ton College. The bequest undesignated. and now belongs to the Camp Meeting donations will go into the unrestricted gifts Association Ethiopia" 1 fund in accordance with college poli- Presumably Mary went to the dis- towards thi CY. trict school and Houghton Seminary, Thgh bom and raised in Haighton. seeing there was no other school for Mna-Whe C;hurchill has been gone from the area ber to attend She did go to Hwghton ject Ethiop for so long and returned so infre- College, and was a member of the ptual The quently that few people now in Haigh- first class to get degrees, the Class Al's will Ina A novelty to most. the seatbelt will take getting used to by many New Yorkers. ton know who she was. Frieda Gil- of 1925. During this time she was often charity driv But by January 1, the law says all of us. including Craig Henry, will have to lette, former head of the Division of known as Mamie. Candy Gn be wearing one. History and Social Science, sup- Soon after graduation, Mary left canes with plied the folow,ng information about Houghton and went to Philadelphia Belt Your Family- Mary Churchill. where she found employment. On The Churchill family has a long occasion she returned to Bee her aunt. Save Their Lives! connection with Houghton. Mary's Ma Abby Bowen. who ren the Bciwen grandparents once hosted Willard J. House, but other than these visits. Sk Albq. NY-Imal state ard federal with the law. Occupants age 16 and Houghton for dinner and confided to Churchill's contact with the college grivernment agencies. citizen groups, older may be ticketed themselves if him their problem of educating their was limited. businesses and professional organi- they are not complying. daughter Anna. Houghton suggested Gillette said the gift demonstrates b, zations are pitching in to help New Diring December, law enforrm,091 that she should go to what was then the impact Houghton College can "Where E York State's landmark safety belt law officers will issue warnings about Houghton Seminary. When they said have on its students. Their contact the great so succeed. It is the first mandatory using safety belts or restraint devices they didn't have enough money. he with the college after graduation asked Tom S adult safety belt law in the nation. As of Ianuary 1,1985, violators are told them he would supply the funds The law-effective January 1. with sul}jed to a fine of up to $50 for each may be small tijt Haighton has made for Anna's education at tbe seminary. a contribution to their lives great f Wednesday, an information legal warning period offense. This aunt of Mary's became Anna Emugh to lead them to remember the Skijmr's 1 that began December 1-will poten- Although safety belt use is advisa- Boardman Smith. one of the early college years later. tially save 300 to 400 lives, reduce ble for the overwhelming majority of meeting, Wei or prevent more than 70,000 injuries. auto occupants. physicians will be ings with vE and save as much as $250 million authorized to give Borne ms¥liml exemp- also attende each year for New Yorkers. It is ex- lions from the law. The exemptions, The Star Staff Skinner s pected to serve as a model for safety carefully delineated by the NYS Med bility by poi belt laws in other states. ical Society. should be given before Such diverse groups as the State persons are stopped for violations, Editor Thea R. Hurd and be its lii Police, the NYS Medical Society. the not after. Managing Editor Sally L Parker makes sense New York Public Interest Research In 1983, 741 reportable accidents News Editor Bryan A. Vosseler to Skinner, C Gruip, the NYS Society of Professional occurred everyday in New York State. Photo Editor Eric Moyer of going int Eingirxers. the Professional Insurance Of those. 64 percent resulted in death Sports Editor Vincent Coniglio Agents of New York, the New York or injury. Research shows that 50 to Fine Arts Editor Gerry A. Szymanski lose their test State Coalition for Safety Belt Use 65 percent of these deaths and in- Production Manager Sharon L Regal "How can u and the New York State Automobile juries could have been prevented Business Manager Ken Baldes giving it awa Dealers, Inc. have announced their with safety belts. Advertising Manager David Staples ians Skinner support of thelaw. "The non-use of safety belts im- Ciruculation Managers Susan Winter children." Spmsored by State Senator Norman pacts negatively cm society as a whole, Julaine B. Swithers Tom Skim 1. lEvy {R-Nassau} and Assemblyman not just the person Wed or injured," Paul D. Young Vient I. Graber, Sr. {D-West Senecal said Motor Vehicle Commissioner Business Advisor David Frasier faind Tom S the law requires that all front seat Repollers john Passidomo. replying to safety Jonathan Lightfoot Photographers An interdeno occupants use the safety belts pro. belt law critics. -Government man- Lorry Armold Jeff Kushkowski Jim Logan vincent Coniglio Brian Chltton Dave Mee ization. TS/ vided in the automobile. add that all dates safety devices such as brakes Jeff Crocker Jim Logan Jeff Crocker Jon Merrill Bill Mirota of the US a dlildren under age 10 be hickled up, and brake lights, safety glass. turn Joan Aobertsen Craig Denison Lynne Ross Beth Sperry countries. TI Iio matter where they sit in the vehicle. signals. mirrors and headlights. It Ned Farnswonh Glenn Autiand Dave Strand Production York City-bl Children under age four must ride in regulates when, where and how fast Noel Fleming Patty Ryan Julaine B. Swithers Lorry Armold Cheryl Freeman Laurie Spinetti raise Chris68 federally-approved child safety re- traffic flows. Requiring the use of Dorls·Ann Iradi Dave Horton Joel Steindel who are "te straint devices. safety belts is just another step in Lorena P. Keety Doris-Ann tradi Heather Toth excellent." Drivers may be issued summonses making New York State's highways if they or any of their passengers safe for everyone. It improves the can make in under age 16 are not in compliance public health wilhout added cost." 2 be sold for 50¢ each during lunch Ethiopians Are and dinner on December 7, 8, 10. and 11. Rummage Sale-"Rummage" can People, Too! Project be donated for the rummage sale by Bill Wichterman The students also defended their tobeheld on Monday, December to "We can't just sit back and do noth· desire to help the poor of a Marxist in the campus center lounge. Dorm ing. We have to try." nation. "They're still people." Henry residents can leave any articles at Ethiopia atristians must attend to the rmiR pointed out. He referred to the biblical designated areas in each dorm. of the world no matter how small their taachings against prejudice to justify Ask RAs for the areas' location. effects maybe. sing aid to Ethiopia. "Mus. most of by Doris-Ann trodi Those who live off-campus can Even Marxist nations like Ethiopia the people are removed from the po- Thanks to those who gave gen- contact Bob Miller to pick-up any merit Christians' help. litical scena Our responsibility is not erous donations during the Senate "rummAge." So mid Holly Winters, Craig Henry. dmited by nakcal bodaries." said Charity Drive chapel, those whopar- Inve Loaves-Filled ' Love Loaves" ard Bob Miller, members of the steer Miller. The magnitude of the Ethiopian ticipated in the fast on Novern- can be sent to Senate intra-campus. ing committee of the local chapter crisis is far more grave than problems ber 29, and faculty. staff, students, Please leave the Love Leaves at the of Evangelicals for Social Action {ESA) of the US. he added. Henry said that and their families who have sent mailroom window. Extra Love which is msponsible for coordinating the nationality of needy people sha,0 donations intra-campus, "Project Leaves will be distributed during the the Ethiopian relief fund for the Senate be "irrelevant" to Christian ry„w.¥rn. Ethiopia" has received $1,841.24 candy gram sales. All are reminded Charity Drive. The drive brrmght in $543 during the towards the goal of $5,000. Other to bring their Love Loaves home The committee members admitted abarity Drive chapel and has received activities include the following: during Christmas break, and to re- that the drive's effect will be relatively about $1100 since then. said Miller. Pizza-When one mentions -Pro- turn them after vacation. Any ques- mimite compared to the problem "But Ncme of the ESA committee members ject Ethiopia" while ordering a tions should be directed to Mary we have to make an effort" said Miller. anticipate collecting less than $5000 pizza, The Brass Unicorn and Big Beekley or Iane Miller. Winters cited Jesus' commands to at- by the end of the drive. Al's will make donations toward the Film-Proceeds from the movie tend to humans' physical needs.
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