τσ KYTHERA ISSUE Summer Edition 2014 FOUNDERρΙΔΡΥΤΗΣό ©METAXIA POULOS • PUBLISHERό DIMITRIS KYRIAKOPOULOS • EDITORό DEBORAH PARSONS • WRITERSό ELIAS ANAGNOSTOUν DIMITRIS BALTZISν MICHAEL BREETν ANNA COMINOSν MARIA DEFTEREVOSν ANNA GIABANIDISν FRED HILLIERν KATHY KEPREOTISν GEORGE LAMPOGLOUν MELINA MALLOSν MARKOS MEGALOIKONOMOSν PIA PANARETOSν APOSTOLIA PAPADAMAKIν IPPOLYTOS PREKASν TINA SAMIOSν JOHN STATHATOSν ARIS TSARAVOPOULOSν PHOEBUS TSARAVOPOULOSν HELEN TZORTZOPOULOSν GEORGE VARDASν KALIE ZERVOS • ARTWORKό MARIA MARKOUIZOUν ASPASIA PATTY • PHOTOGRAPHYό PHOEBUS TSARAVOPOULOSν VAGELIS TSIGARIDAS • PROOF READξ INGό JOY TATARAKIν PAULA CASSIMATIS • LAYOUT ζ DESIGNό MYRTO BOLOTA • EDITORIALρADVERTISINGξΣΥΝΤΑΞΗρΔΙΑΦΗΜΙΣΕΙΣό ψ9φφξχχσωτςν eξmailό kseοσ99υ@yahooοgr FREE COMMUNITY PAPER • ΕΛΛΗΝΟξΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ • ΑΝΕΞ ΑΡΤΗΤΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ • ΔΙΑΝΕΜΕΤΑΙ ΔΩΡΕΑΝ George & Viola Haros and family wish everyone a Happy Summer in Kythera Distributors of quality smallgoods, cheeses, poultry, fresh meats, frozen, GOLD CASTLE JEWELLERY grocery, cleaning, beverage & Unbeatable prices for gold and silver A large selection of jewellery in ττK, σ8K & σ4K gold packaging products Traditional hand-made Byzantine icons wwwοstgeorgefoodserviceοcomοau Αναλαμβάνοσμε ειδικέπ παοαγγελίεπ καςαρκεσήπ κορμημάςων και εικόνων All the right ingredients CHORA Kythera: 2736-0-31954, 6945-014857 With a view of the Mediterranean that would make Enjoy resting in an idyllic environment the gods jealous ΝιόρςεΝιώστε ρςιγμέπστιγμές πολύτιμηςπξλϋςιμεπ ξεκούρασης νεκξϋοαρηπ Nowhere but Porto Delfino σερε ένα έμα ειδυλλιακό ιδαμικϊ πεοιβάλλξμ περιβάλλον KAPSALI, t. +30 27360 31940, +30 210.6645304, AGIA PELAGIA email: [email protected] t: +30 27360-39150, 39170, f.: +30 27360-39180 www.portodelfino.gr e-mail: [email protected], www.kythearesort.gr και όλα μέλι-γάλα pure Kytherian thyme honey photo by DIMITRIS BALTZIS θυμαρίσιο μέλι Κυθήρων Panos N. Kalligeros ΜΗΤΑΤΑ, Κύθηρα Livadi and Chora, Kythera, tel. 27360 37077 αωορίαε! welcome! τηλ.: 2736-0-33010, 6978-350952, 6977-692745 Welcomeίtoίourίbeautifulίisland!ίLetίtheίSummerίEditionίbeίyourίperν sonalίguideίtoίaίtreasureίtroveίofίsightsλίsoundsίandίexperiencesίasίwellί asίprovidingίinformationίaboutίcurrentίeventsίaffectingίourίislandξί Immerseίyourselfίinίourίhistoryίandίexploreίtheίsilentίwitnessesίofίtheί pastξίEnjoyίstressνfreeίdaysίonίourίsunνdrenchedίbeachesξίIndulgeίinί Ανοιχτά από τις 9.00 π.μ. theίfamedίGreekίcuisineίatίanyίofίtheίisland’sίtavernasξίIfίyourίneedsί έως αργά το βράδυ areίmoreίspiritualλίKytheraίhasίaίnumberίofίquaintίchurchesλίthatί για καφέ, Friendly service haveίpaidίhomageίtoίthousandsίofίparishionersίforίgenerationsξίSoίtheί μεζέ και φαγητό Island wide service • Airport pickξup choiceίisίyoursόίenjoyίtheίadventureξίKytheraίawaitsξίKytheraίSummerί John Defterevos & Σια Editionίwishesίallίourίreadersίaίthoroughlyίenjoyableίholidayξί ΜΥΛΟΠΟΤΑΜΟΣ tel.-fax: 2736-0-31363, 31030 Καλλιόπη Καρύδη Mobile: 6946-710342/6944-770161 ΤΗΣ ΞΑΝΘΗΣ τηλ.: 2736-0-33397 www.greektourism.gr ΟίΈλίπίίίΔίίΣμπίλίίί ίΠίίίΠξίΦλίπίίίί πί ίίμίίμίίξίΗίίίΑίμί ίίίίίίίμίμίπίί PLUMBING ίμίίΔίίίμίίί ί ί ΥΔΡΑΥΛΙΚΕΣ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΕΙΣ ίίξίΑπίππλίλίίπίί HEATING INSTALLATIONS ίΘλίίΦίΑπξίΟίίίίί ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΚΑΛΟΡΙΦΕΡ Απί μί μί ί ί ί πξί Έί ί ίίμπίίίίμίπξίΤίΑπί GAS SUPPLY & GAS RESERVOIRS ίίΔίίίπίμίίΕίί ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΙΑ ΥΓΡΑΕΡΙΟΥ & ΔΕΞΑΜΕΝΩΝ ίΚίίΔμίίίΧξίΔίλί ίμλίπίίίίπίί ί ν THANASIS STRATIGOS ίίξίί ηΗξίΑξθί Mylopotamosν tοό τ736ςξ3σ554ν fοό τ736ςξ34σς6 ψ9υψ ψφ σφ σφν eξmailό tstratigos@yahooοgr ENGLISH PAGES τξτς • ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΕΣ ΣΕΛΙΔΕΣ τσξυσ A GOOD NAME IS FOR EVER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR KYTHERA AIRPORT ABOUT US THANK YOU ξ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΗΡΙΟ ANDREAS Mο KALOKERINOS RENAMED Founding Publisher ξ Metaxia θSiaι Poulos is a bigξpicture personο Having worked in Australia as a Press Secretary and Local identityν Mr Andreas Kalokerinos of Alexandradesν recently returned Advisor to Government ministers and parliamentariansν her reξ from a threeξmonth Australian sojournο He covered thousands of kilomeξ turn to her parental homeland gave birth to Kythera Summer tres travelling from Sydney to country New South Wales and Queensland Editionο With a passion for justice and enormous experience in enjoying several celebrations of his ϊϊth birthday along the wayο One of community politics both in Australia and Greeceν Sia is the powξ the highlights was watching his nameξsake grandson win a gold medal as erhouse that brings Kythera Summer Edition to annual fruitionο Age champion at the Northern District Zone Athletics Carnival in Sydneyο A Sia is married to Dimitris Kyriakopoulos and they have a fourteen postξwar migrantν Andreas Kalokerinos took φς days to travel from Pireaus year old sonν Alexandrosο to Sydney in σϋχςο He then returned to Kythera in σϋωω after an illustrious Editor ξ Deborah Parsons lives most of the year in Melbourneν career in fine diningο He visits Australia regularlyν marvelling that his Australiaύ the rest she spends on Kytheraο After dropping out of recent return journey from Sydney to Alexandradesν Kytheraν took a THE OFFICIAL renaming numerous university coursesν she discovered a passion for Greek mere τχ hoursα Mr Kalokerinos was overwhelmed by the welcome and of Kythera Airport has music and joined a bandο Then she started doodling and became hospitality that he and his carer received in Australia and sent Kythera finally been approved a graphic artistο Then she started writing and it all made senseο Summer Edition the following letter of appreciationο and published in the Govξ Deborah writes scripts for film and televisionο She loves DlYο Returning from a three month visit to the faraway but hospitable ernment Gazetteο The Feature Writer ξ Anna Cominos is a seasoned Festival continent of Australiaν I feel the need to extend my thanks not only airport’s official name is Organiserο She has worked for the Sydney Comedy Festivalν the for the wonderful hospitality but also for the acclamation I received now ‘Alexandros Aristotle Greek Festival of Sydney and the Antipodes Festival in Melbourne from familyν relatives and friends wherever I wentο I do not attribute Onassis’ο as well as the iconic Enmore Theatreο Anna studied dramatic this welcome to my personal worth but rather to their infinite kindξ The Mayor of Kytheraν art and has performed in television and theatre productions in ness and unlimited courtesy and considerationο Theodore Koukoulisν Australia and Greeceο Anna’s Kytherian ancestry has inspired her I extend my sincere thanks to all of those who made my stay in wrote to the Alexandros writings for KSE for the last twenty one yearsο Australia such a memorable experienceο Onassis Foundation asking Writer ξ Anna Giabanidis is a happily elusive GreekρEnglish if they had any objection Επιρςοέτξμςαπ ϋρςεοα απϊ ςοιμημη επίρκεφη ρςη μακοιμή ήπειοξ ςηπ Ασρςοαξ hybrid who finds profound comfort in Kythera’s natural beauty to this proposed name for λίαπ μξιόθχ ςημ επιθσμία μα εσυαοιρςήρχ ϊυι μϊμξ για ςη τιλξνεμία αλλά και and isolationο A graduate of British and European Lawsν Anna the airportο The Foundaξ ςημ απξθέχρη πξσ μξσ επετϋλαναμ ξι πλείρςξι ςχμ ρσγγεμόμ και τίλχμ ϊπξσ has shunned life as a lawyer and is now a freelance academic tion’s reply paved the way και αμ πήγαο Και πξσ ειλικοιμά δεμ ςημ απξδίδχ ςϊρξ ρςημ ποξρχπική μξσ ανία writer of lawν politics and philosophyο Yet she is unable to shun for negotiations between αλλά ρςη δική ςξσπ απέοαμςη καλξρϋμη και εσγέμειαο her restless nature and artistic flair and also indulges in art as the Kythera Council and Τξσπ εσυαοιρςό θεομά ϊλξσπο Αμδοέαπ Μο Καλξκαιοιμϊπ well as her flowerν fruit and vegetable gardensο Inspired by its the Department of Civil natural beautyν Anna constantly seeks new ways to spread the Aviation with Air Force beauty of Kytheraο Commander Dimitirios Writer ξ Melina Mallos draws much of her inspiration from OUR ETERNAL THANKS IS NOT ENOUGH Koukis playing a vital role the Kytherian landscapeο Her professional interests focus on in the negotiationsο examining childrenηs engagement with artο Melina has been KYTHERA SUMMER EDITION is indebted to the Nicholas Anthony Aroney By naming the airport employed by the Queensland Art Gallery since τςςσο Trustν Peter ζ Chryssa Vlandisν Victor ζ Kathy Kepreotisν Minas ζ Jenny Souris after Alexandros Onassisν θM ζ J Chickensι and George ζ Viola Haros ζ family θSt George Foodserviceι Artist ξ Aspasia Patty was born in Australia and studied art Kythera recognizes his in Brisbane where she teaches and paints fullξtimeο She has for their generous supportο Without their support you would not be reading valuable contribution to this τςσφ Kythera Summer Editionο taken part in workshops and tutorials under several master the islandο In the autumn painters and has participated in solo and joint exhibitions both In times of crisis it is good to know there are still people and organisations of σϋωσ it was Alexandros willing to help the communityο in Australia and internationallyο Her commissioned portrait of Onassisν in his own private the much loved Kytherian identityν the late Father Efthimioν aircraftν who was the first hangs in the monastery of Agia Moniο Kythera has profoundly to land on the yet to be influenced her artistic journey and continues to do soο It remains developed runwayο Alexξ forever her favourite painting subjectο MANOLIS KALLIGEROS andros Onassis wanted his Tina Samios is a language teacher trainer who was born in Perthν father’s Olympic airline to There are earthξshaking days in Kythera where the hearts of
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