THIS WEEK Wednesday, August 14, 2013 ROUNDING THE SQUARE .........Page 3 The Issue 4 • 1 Section • 16 pages LARGE DIAMOND FOUND .......Page 5 DISTRICT COURT ......................Page 6 BACK TO SCHOOL .............Pages 7-11 CURT BEAN MILL ....................Page 12 WEATHER .................................Page 16 Murfreesboro Diamond Serving South Pike County -- Murfreesboro, Delight, Antoine 75¢ Home of the Crater USPC 103-230 ESTABLISHED 1975 of Diamonds State Park City grants police force retirement By P.J. Tracy IV Branch denoted that is cost the City between $11,000 and MHS Red-White game Murfreesboro Diamond Editor $12,000 to send a trainee to the Arkansas Police Academy, stating that city has had to send a new trainee to the school in the last “10 MURFREESBORO -- After a several months of discussion, the scheduled for August 19 in the last 11 or 11 in the last 12” years. Murfreesboro City Council ratified the long contested measure The cost will reportedly be between $700-$800 per month into MURFREESBORO -- Murfreesboro High of providing the full-time City Police Department staff retirement the Arkansas Local Police and Fire Retirement System (LOPFI) School Head Football Coach Jeff Jones benefits. system, which is based upon the salary of the officers. has announced the annual Red-White “I see no reason in the world we don’t give these people re- “We’re spending more than that a month on a firetruck for a scrimmage game will be held on August tirement,” said Mayor Travis Branch, after denoting he had done volunteer fire department,” stated Branch. 19 at 6 p.m. at Rattler Stadium. more homework on this issue than any other in his mayoral term. The price of admission will be either “When you think about it, we really owe it to them, they way I laundry detergent or a towel that will be see it ... it’s just hard for me to see why we don’t,” said Branch, used throughout the year in the various reasoning that the city pays monthly in excess of $700 for “less Rattler athletics. important things,” citing the streetlights that cost three times that amount. “I had a job that didn’t offer me retirement, I would quit and go to one if somebody offered it to me ... our priorities are mixed up,” Branch continued. Rattler Club elects oficers, “Those of you that have retirement,” he queried the Board, announces t-shirt sales “would you stay at the job if the took it way from you?” “It’s a big step committing to that money every month, but what MURFREESBORO -- The Rattler Club is these guys do is a big step too,” Branch said of the local police currently selling t-shirts as one of their force. “I’ve looked at the amounts we’re paying ever day ... and it’s several planned fundraisers to benefit chicken feed money.” Rattler athletics and the end of the year Councilpersons Dana Stone and Betty O’Neal spoke in favor of althetic awards banquet. the measure before the vote was taken. Shirts will be sold at $15 each for sizes Chris Sharp, however, again refused to approve any measure in youth through adult extra large. 2XL is $2 which the city was forced to financially remain regardless of their more, while 3XL is $3 extra. financial situation. At their last meeting the group elected “There just has to be another way,” Sharp said. Branch replied officers for the 2013-2014 school year, that to his knowledge, there was not. which include president Denise Steuard, “It’s a monopoly, and there are lawns against monopolies,” said vice-president Gena Corson, treasurer Sharp. Christy Terrell and secretary Cindy Hill. Branch stated that Glenwood was a member of LOPFI and in a To volunteer to help the group or to or- recent costs cutting search looked for any way out of the system der t-shirts either contact Hill at 870-285- and could find none. 5414 or attend the next meeting on August Stone rationalized that if the City truly went broke, and would 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the MHS Activity Room, be unable to make the payments, they wouldn’t be employing a when the group will put the final plans to- police force anyway, alleviating any need for worry. gether for pork BBQ sandwich sales at the “Life happens,” said Sharp, “and then you don’t get any turn- red-white game. back money, and can’t pay your bills even more, and you’re in the same boat Glenwood was in.” Making it clear he was completely in favor of the police depart- SUBMITTED PHOTO men, Sharp stated simply, “I cannot support something when MCCARTER AWARDED ... Mike McCarter, received the “County somebody from Little Rock says when you get in it, there is no Diamond Fest Pageant Extension Agent of the Year” award, presented by Kim Harrison, way you’re going to get out of it.” President of the Arkansas 4-H Adult Volunteer Leader’s Association The final vote approved the measure 3-1, with Sharp being lone set for October 19 during the recent State O-Rama in Fayetteville. Mike has been an Uni- versity of Arkansas Department of Agriculture Cooperative Exten- lone dissenter. Debbie Shukers and Karen Hopper were not at the MURFREESBORO -- The 2013 Diamond sion Service employee for 34 years. He has been the County Exten- meeting. Festival date has been set. sion Agent in Pike County for 24 years. He has won numerous state Mayor Branch also updated the council on the still ongoing The pageant will be held October 19, and national awards for his work with the farmers and ranchers in sidewalk project, denoting that almost all the handrails were up, 2013 at 3 p.m. at the Murfreesboro High the county. His accomplishments are exhibited in the great number but yet to be painted. There would still be some asphalt work in School Activity Center. of Purple Circle Club memberships, “his kids” have won at the State the gaps between the sidewalks and the existing road, some seal- The cost will be $40 to enter all divi- Fair, the number of members who have exhibited at the State, Dis- ant work to be done in front of Moonshine Trading Post and a sions of the pageant except the Miss divi- trict, and County Fair. Often it is the members who only show at the “punch list” or minor repairs that will have to be completed upon sion which is $50. County Fair that Mike impacts the most with leadership and encour- final inspection by the engineer and the highway department. Photogenic (optional): $10 for the first agement. “He is deeply committed to making sure the members re- Branch also noted that the project had again fallen into the de- photo & $5 for each picture after that. ceive guidance they will need in their careers,” said Avon Petty. “He linquent phase after July 26, and that date had been agreed upon (Maximum of 3 photos allowed) is always there to teach, advise and guide. He works hard to make when a new work order was submitted by the Murfreesboro City Admission to the pageantis as follows: sure the kids succeed in their project work and other activities and Council to the Arkansas Highway Department. The city will be col- Under the age of 5: Free 4-H and the future,” she finished. lecting any charged late fees at the end of the project in the form 6-12 years of age: $3 of withholding them from the final payment. 13 & up: $5 Dave Holloway was again approved by the council to serve as a The winners of the Diamond Pageant PCSO reapproved for 309 program board member on the Murfreesboro Water Commission. His new will be asked to ride in the Diamond Festi- term will go through August 13, 2016. Holloway has served at least val parade which will be during the festi- By Danielle Brown two previous terms on the commission. val the following weekend. Glenwood Herald Sharp brought discussion on two campers that he stated were Age Divisions for the pageant include: illegally hooked up to the city’s sewage system, with Branch ask- Tiny Baby Miss: Birth-12 Months MURFREESBORO -- Last month, the Pike County Sheriff’s Depart- ing that past minutes be researched for previous conversation too Baby Miss: 13-23 Months ment was approved reinstatement of the Arkansas Department of see what could be done. Tiny Miss: 2-4 Years Corrections (ADC) work-release program, commonly referred to “The deal is that if we let this go, we’re going to have little camp- Petite Miss: 5-7 Years as the 309 program. This program is a joint venture between the er trailers popping up all over in this town, and if we ever want Junior Miss: 8-10 Years ADC and local jails that allow inmates of ADC to be housed at local some businsess to come in here at all, you can forget it when they Junior Teen Miss: 11-13 Years facilities to assist in daily jail operations. 309 inmates serve in a see that ... it’s going to look like a shanty town.” Teen: 14-17 Years trustee type position and conduct various day-to-day duties such Miss: 18-25 Years as cooking, cleaning and maintenance. Boy Age Divisions: On August 7, Roy Agee, the ADC program coordinator for the Tiny Baby Mr.: Birth-12 Months 309 program held a meeting with Sheriff Charlie Caldwell, jail ad- Baby Mr.: 13-23 Months ministrator Sarah Haney and employees of the department about Tiny Mr.: 2-4 Years the reinstated program.
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