CORBY HUNDRED Ashley 52 Middleton 48 Blatherwycke 20 Newton 9 Brampton Ash 13 Great Oakley 31 Brigstock 83 Little Oakley 15 Bulwick 40 Rockingham 17 East Carlton 6 Stanion 22 Corby 73 Stoke Albany 40 Cottingham 57 Sutton Bassett 24 Deene 31 Wakerley 14 Deenethorpe 23 Weekley 26 Dingley 16 Great Weldon 38 Fineshade 4 Little Weldon 40 Geddington 83 Weston by Welland 34 Gretton 57 Wilbarston 98 Harringworth 43 Laxton 21 1,078 Baker 13 lCeeper 5 Blacksmith 11 lCeeper's servant 1 Breeches-maker 2 lCeeper's son 4 Bricklayer 1 Jobber 1 Butcher 17 Joiner 3 Butler 2 Labourer 138 Carpenter 32 Landlord 1 Carrier 1 Maltster 2 Chandler 1 Mason 16 Coachman 1 Miller 7 Collar-maker 3 Miller's servant 1 Cooper 2 Millwright 2 Curate 1 Mole-catcher 1 Esquire 1 Mole-catcher's son 1 Farmer 56 No trade given 291 Farmer's servant 7 Plasterer 1 Farmer's son 27 Publican 2 Fish-man 1 Ragman 1 Gamekeeper 3 Rake-maker 1 Gardener 7 Serge-maker 2 Garden-man 2 Servant 123 Gentleman 1 Servant in husbandry 5 Gentleman's service 3 Shepherd 12 Glover 3 Shoemaker 24 Glover's son 1 Shopkeeper 1 Grazier 9 Skinner 1 Grazier's son 2 Slater 4 Grocer 2 Smith 1 Groom 1 Stay-maker 2 Horse-dealer 1 Steward 1 Husbandman 4 Stone-cutter 1 Innholder 1 Tailor 26 Innkeeper 2 Tanner 3 16 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE MILITIA LISTS, 1777 Tawer 1 Wool-comber 16 Victualler 2 Wool-comber's Victualler's son 2 apprentice Waggoner 2 Wool-stapler Weaver 143 Wheelwright 4 1,078 ASHLEY Ashley. Deer. ye 10th 1777. A list of the names of all men usually and at this time dwelling within ye parish of Ashley between ye ages of eighteen and forty five years. George Corolishaw, gent. Thomas Kirby, weaver Edwd. Kemp, farmer John Kirby, weaver John Munton, servt. Joseph Fryar, wooll comber Robt. Wilford, farmer Thomas King, mason John Spencer, farmer Thomas Timson, weaver Leonard Clow, servt. James Timson, weaver Henry Bent, servt. Robert Colman, farmer Joseph Clifton, weaver George Colman, farmer John Clifton, weaver Thomas Colman, farmers son Daniel Clifton, weaver John Goodman, farmers son John Clifton, mason John Fox, servt. William Ward, shoemaker Samuel Thorp, weaver John Ward, weaver Thomas Frewton, labourer Edmund Berry, farmer William Crain, farmers son James Stiles, servt. Thomas Crain, farmers son William Warm sly, servt. Zachary Stafford, weaver Thos. Stafford, shoemaker Samuel King, labourer William Harrison, weaver William Bates, weaver Richard Noon, weaver Joseph Bates, servt. James Kendall, blacksmith John Edgley, farmers son William Timson, weaver Edwd. Edgley, farmers son Thos. Scott, farmers son Thomas Noon, weaver John Scott, carpenter William Noon, weaver Thomas Berry, farmers son John Skellon, labourer Thomas Tebbatt, servt. Thomas Taylor, labourer Joseph Wilford, servt. Thomas Edgley, weaver Wm. Whiteman, constable. BLATHERWYCKE Northamptonshire, Blatherwick, Corby Hundred. December the 10th 1777. A just and true list of the men's names in our said parish of Blather­ wick, who is able to serve in the militia which is as follows. Men's names and their occupations. Lucius O'Brien, esq. Joseph Whyman, servant Lawrence Gilbert, butler Thomas Ludgate, servant Luke Holmes, gardener William Dewey, servant John Pickurin, servant Daniel Nichols, shopkeeper CORBY HUNDRED 17 Thomas Stretton, servant Thomas Nichols, masoner William Sculthorpe, miller Thomas Hodges, farmer Robert Sculthorpe, labourer Robert Hercock, carpenter John Sculthorpe, labourer Tilley Littles, labourer Francis Berry, labourer John Cooke, wool comber William Burress, labourer Thomas Lambson, servant Thomas Hodges, consabl. BRAMPTON ASH Brampton a list of the names of parsons. Mr. Stepen West, grazier George Neal, sheppard Ricd. Marshal, grazier John Wiles, carppenter John Horspool, grazier <Willm. Hast, labour) Willm. Bugby, sarvant John Pain, sarvant Joseph Hackney, sarvant Nichalas Cannon, sheppard John Clenant, sheppeard Joseph Neal, sarvant Robt. Warmsley, sarvant his Richard X Neal, constable. mark BRIGSTOCK A list of those men dwelling in the parish of Brigstock between the age of eighteen and fortyfive years liable to serve in the militia. John Slater, malster John Spiply, labourer Wiliam Abbot, jobber SamlI. BeIIamy, co}:,dwainer <George Iset, tanner> Thos. Lovel, weaver Thomas Hall, tanner Richd. Colyer, labourer Robert Stanson, labourer Frank Horn, labourer John Beeby, farmer John Ansby, labourer Daniel Beeby, mason John Willson, cordwainer Robert Colyer, farmer John Lovel, taylour John Adkins, farmer <William Leigh, staymaker) John Robison, labourer George Leigh, staymaker John Rawson, labourer Edward Barns, tailour William Goodby, innkeeper Charles White, malster William Rowlatt, cordwainer John Presson, cordwainer Thomas Rowlatt, cordwainer John Dobbs, baker John RowelI, taylour John Bellamy, butcher Thomas Gillbe, servant John Allington, glover Thomas Leigh, tail our Anthony Allington, glover son John Almond, blacksmith James BeIIamy, butcher Samuell Wills, labourer Corns. Beeby, servant William Richards, weelright Thomas Chambers, farmer William Wade, mason Robert Braybrook, mason Lewis Wills, farmer John Braybrook, mason Adam Cunnington, taylour John Caps, butcher John Findon, butcher J oseph Goodman, labourer John BeIIamy, carpenter William Goodman, labourer Benjn. Bellamy, carpenter Sam1l. Brown, miller James Rawson, labourer WiIliam Lucas, servant Joseph Robison, labourer William Mace, servant carpenter 18 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE MILITIA LISTS, 1777 John Hill, labourer Barton Eeel, farmer Thos. Bird, labourer Richard Right, carpenter Edward Bird, labourer Robt. York, keeper John Wise, farmer Watson York, keepers son Thos. Chown, gardener John York, keepers son lohn Tebbutt, servant Daniel York, keepers son John Chown, weaver George Medows, servant J onas Tebbutt, molecachers son Thomas Presson, cordwainer Robert Tebbutt, molecatcher Samuell Lee, shepard Charles Embery, servant Edmund Lee, shepard David Presson, labourer lonas loans, labourer Benjn. Palmer, cordwainer Samll. Stimson, shepard Samll. Ears, carpenter Ed. Smith, shepard Wm. Hanwell, corner 10 December 1777. Given in by William Viccars, constable. BULWICK 1777. Northamptonshire, Corby Hundred. A list of the mens names io Bullwick fiting to serve in the militia. Thos. Sodeo lno. Lenton loseph Messom Richd. Sturdgous loo. Waldiog Tho. Offield Joo. Arnal Tho. Hopkins Saml. Iresoo Henry Eate Wm. Hemsoo Robt. Offield Wm. Topper Tho. Sculthorp Tho. Whyman lno. Taylor lno. Adcock lno. Stanger Joo. Dysoo lno. Speodlove Jas. lohnson loo. Goodacre loo. Lamson Wm. Cave Robt. Adcock Wm. Pain Wm. Atterton Wm. Uoderwood Thos. Cunnington Frans. Waiter Henry Barratt Tho.Barratt Edwd. Preston Edwd. Barratt Wm.Offield loo. Barratt lose Cave Thos. Ward Wm. Cunoington Fraos. Sculthorp <illegible) constable. All persons who shall think themselves aggrievd may then appeal & that no appeal will be afterwards recd. ye 10th Decemr. at the White Hart in Kettering. EAST CARLTON Carltoo, Decem. ye 9 1777. Willm. Weest, weaver Richard Burbridge, sarvant George Baker, sarvant Charls Tomkings, joiner Richard Wooding, sarvant John Turrall, labour lames Ingram, constable. CORBY HUNDRED 19 CORBY Corby militia list. John Bullivant Mark Plumb, junr., weaver Jno. Bailey, junr., carpenter Benj. Plumb, do. Thos. White, grocer Jno. Rice, farmer Jno. Johnson, weaver (Wm. Bailey, carpenter) Thos. Riddle, do. Thos. How, shoemaker Saml. Burgess, cooper Jno. Osbond, coller-maker Wm. Norwood, farmer Wm. Slater, sarvant man David Bailey, weaver Jno. Ames, do. Nathan White, do. Wm. Edis, blacksmith Wm. Chambers, labourer Wm. Langham, weaver Wm. Streader, mason (Jaspr. Rice, junr.) 7 children (Jno. Dunmer, weaver) Wm. Mason, labourer Thos. Dye, do. Zachariah White, farmer Danl. Dye, do. Wm. Osbond, landlord Nathal. Dye., do. Henry Brockwell Francs. Lattemor, do. Jams. Hammond Saml. Langley, labor (Thos. Watson, weaver) Thos. Lattemor, weaver Jno. Bailey, do. (John Slawson, labor) Danl. Wade, do. (John Dixon, weaver) Robt. Meakins, do. Saml. Rowledge, labor Jas. Row, do. Wm. Bradshaw, baker Wm. Lattemor, do. Wm. Bradshaw, taylor Jerh. Robinson, do. Edwd. Reesby, baker Wm. Bailey, junr., do. Jno. Rowlett, servant man John Sturges, labor. Jno. Boyer, do. Jno. Dixon, weaver Jno. Dixon, junr., coller-maker Arther Chambers, laborr. (Wm. Bullock, weaver) 3 children Jno. Marshall, junr. Eusebus Beal, butcher Adam Bailey, junr. Jno. Meadows, junr. (Saml. Howley) Richd. Bullivant, junr. Jams. Clifford, labr. Jno. Hooke, weaver Wm. Mears, do. Thos. Hooke, do. Jno. Reesby, baker Wm. Rowlett, farmer Jno. Feary, comber Saml. Taylor, weaver Thos. Wade, butcher Josh. Bailey, weaver Jno. Arnsby, do. Edwd. Bradshaw Richard Colyer. COTTINGHAM Cottingham list. George Hales, weaver WilIm. Peake, farmer Robt. Sumpter, weaver James Ingram, tayler Robt. Spriggs, weaver Willm. Warwick, weaver Bryan Smith, searvent Thos. Stanger, mason WilIm. Perkins, labourer Josepth Luck, searvent Richard Cooper, labourer Willm. Dalbin, searvent Willm. Spriggs, shoemaker Thos. Sculthorp, farmer John Vickers, searvent John Sculthorp, farmer Willm. Smith, searvent (John Adkins, gardner) 3 ch. 20 NORTHAMPTONSlllRE MILITIA LISTS, 1777 Thos. Bull, weaver WilIm. Glitherow, weaver Willm. Tansley, weaver Willm. Bamford, weaver Thos. Lees, weaver Thos. Ingram, taylor (John Coles, blacksmith) lame John Ball, carpenter Willm. Thompson, weaver John Viv, taylor John Plat, weaver (John Brown, carpenter) Joseph Stevenson, labourer John Jinks, carpenter John Grookcock, commer Henry Lee, mason Edward Warmsley, weaver Thos. Reynols, weaver Thos. Richer,
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