US 2005O238639A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0238639 A1 Conrad et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 27, 2005 (54) USE OF RELAXIN TO INCREASE ARTERIAL Related U.S. Application Data COMPLIANCE (60) Provisional application No. 60/554,716, filed on Mar. (75) Inventors: Kirk P. Conrad, Cranberry TWP, PA 19, 2004. Provisional application No. 60/554,116, (US); Sanjeev G. Shroff, Pittsburgh, PA filed on Mar. 18, 2004. (US) Publication Classification Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl. ................................................ A61K 39/395 TOWNSEND AND TOWNSEND AND CREW, (52) U.S. Cl. .......................................................... 424/130.1 LLP (57) ABSTRACT TWO EMBARCADERO CENTER The present invention provides methods for increasing arte EIGHTH FLOOR rial compliance. The methods generally involve administer SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3834 (US) ing to an individual in need thereof an effective amount of relaxin. The present invention further provides methods of increasing arterial compliance in individuals who have Type (73) Assignee: BAS Medical, Inc., San Mateo, CA 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The present invention further provides methods of increasing arterial compliance in perimeno (21) Appl. No.: 11/084,670 pausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal women. The present invention further provides methods of increasing arterial compliance in individuals who have or who are at (22) Filed: Mar. 18, 2005 risk of developing age-associated arterial Stiffness. 13S 135 B 135 C E. f* or ; o 100 5 100 1 O O SS S- -- Low Dose rhrLX (n=6) S. -H Low Dose rhRLX (n=6) -H Low Dose rhrux (n-6) -O- Vehicle (n=6) -O-Vehicle (n-6) f -O- vehicle (n=6 - -A- High Dose rhrLX (n=7) ? - A- High Dose rhrLX (n=7) ? -A- High Dose rhRLX (n=7) O O 3 6 8 10 O 3 6 8 10 O 3 s 8 O Days of rhrLX or Vehicle Administration Days of rhrLX or Wehicle Administration days of thrLX or vehicle Administration Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 1 of 11 US 2005/0238639 A1 00, 0 (auese go 96) eunio/Aeous (euese Jo 96) ele Jee 0!,999.00),899.0 89€ 0 (euese Jo 96) ind no be peo Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 2 of 11 US 2005/0238639 A1 Elg?, 0499£0 enssel elue JW ueeN 0nssel esnfeunio/A exoS u-1 0 (euese Jo 96) (euese jo') euesse Jenose A oue SAS eoueduod elev eqos) Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 3 of 11 US 2005/0238639 A1 d N C S;O E o 3 5 s p to es C is was 9 e 3 52 e Vr we o o 2 CY E F S. m t g es d C o o O Y O se v. ver s s s (6Huu) enssed Ieuev (5Hulu) enssed eeuw Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 5 of 11 US 2005/0238639 A1 O n ve 00}, (eueSego 96 enssed IeueuvueeW O vm ve (euese JO %) (euriases O%) ee JeeH indino oeputeo Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 6 of 11 US 2005/0238639 A1 se s 9. o s so to 9 E ts 5 - 5 33 3 E to is d s O s s s s C g SN p es v- s w y (euese JO %) (dd/MS) bouleIIduo elueuw eqois Se s S. s s s s N t s w s v r (aulase JO %) (eele oW) enueduo leew ecos) se e s s v (auese O %) eouesse Jenosen ouesAs Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 7 of 11 02), s 08 Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 8 of 11 US 2005/0238639 A1 (euastegjo 9.) (ddiAS) esoue duo ejey eqo) kA (eueSego 9) ("ov) eoueiduoojeev eqois s s t vs. (eueSego) aouesseuenosewoguesAS Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 9 of 11 US 2005/0238639 A1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 10 of 11 US 2005/0238639 A1 s O (aueSego) did INS "eoueduoo Ieually eqolso d 5 e (euese Jo 94) se3W 'eoueduoso elievedo) 5 5 es s s es (s n va s r v w (euese go ') eouesse JenoseAgueSAS Patent Application Publication Oct. 27, 2005 Sheet 11 of 11 US 2005/0238639 A1 S E s s se SC S as s S; 3 3 s as a is is s v (eueSeguous efueuo effeueoue) (dd.INS) bouleIduoso Ieua IV eqois) w v s w o s a. c s s 5 f 3. s vs s Vs S S. : l a 3 Oil s es es s w N c (eueSeguo effuelo efieueoued) ("ov) aoueduooeueuw eqois e un us s o v. N. ce as V c. E is E d a as " YeaE N. SCs 6 E 3 3 g is is - - es ver Se s s w N (aueSeguouy afuelo efieueola) eouesse JenosewolueSAS US 2005/0238639 A1 Oct. 27, 2005 USE OF RELAXIN TO INCREASE ARTERIAL preSSure waveform using the area method. In another COMPLIANCE embodiment, global arterial compliance may be calculated as the Stroke Volume-to-pulse pressure ratio, where the CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED Stroke Volume is defined as the ratio of cardiac output to APPLICATIONS heart rate. 0001. The present application claims priority to U.S. 0008. In related embodiments, the local arterial compli Patent Application No. 60/554,716, filed Mar. 19, 2004, the ance or the regional arterial compliance of a Subject may be teachings of which are hereby incorporated by reference in measured in addition to or as an alternative to the global their entirety. arterial compliance measurement and, if the local or regional arterial compliance is diminished relative to the local or STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY regional arterial compliance expected for a similarly situated SPONSORED RESEARCH healthy individual, relaxin may be administered to increase 0002 The U.S. government may have certain rights in arterial compliance in that individual. this invention, pursuant to Grant No. RO 1 HL67937 0009. In further embodiments, the subject to whom awarded by the National Institutes of Health. relaxin is administered Suffers from one or more of the following disorders: atherosclerosis, Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 FIELD OF THE INVENTION diabetes, coronary artery disease, Scleroderma, Stroke, dias 0003. The present invention is in the field of arterial tolic dysfunction, familial hypercholesterolemia, isolated compliance, and in particular, the use of relaxin to increase Systolic hypertension, primary hypertension, Secondary arterial compliance. hypertension, left Ventricular hypertrophy, arterial StiffneSS asSociated with long-term tobacco Smoking, arterial Stiffness BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION asSociated with obesity, arterial Stiffness associated with age, Systemic lupus erythematosus, preeclampsia, and hypercho 0004 Arterial compliance declines with age even in lesterolemia. In related embodiments, the invention provides healthy individuals with no overt cardiovascular disease. methods of increasing arterial compliance in perimeno With age, a decrease is seen in the ability of the large and pausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal women and in Small arteries to distend in response to an increase in individuals who are at risk of one of the aforementioned preSSure. The age-associated reduction in arterial compli disorders. ance is an independent risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, and is associated with a number of 0010. In an additional embodiment of the invention, other pathological conditions. For example, reduced arterial administration of relaxin increases arterial compliance by at compliance is also associated with both Type 1 diabetes least 10%, 15%, 20% or more, relative to the measured mellitus and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. It has been reported arterial compliance before administration. In Still further that diabetic arteries appear to age at an accelerated rate embodiments, the invention provide for the administration compared to arteries of non-diabetic individuals. See, e.g., of relaxin to individuals with diminished arterial compliance Arnett et al. (1994) Am J Epidemiol. 140:669-682; Rowe at a predetermined rate So as to maintain a Serum concen (1987) Am J Cardiol. 60:68G-71G; Cameron et al. (2003) tration of relaxin from 0.5 to 80 ng/ml. In one embodiment, Diabetes Car. 26(7):2133-8; Kass et al. (2001) Circulation the relaxin is recombinant human relaxin. In yet another 104: 1464-1470; Avolio et al. (1983) Circulation 68:50-58; embodiment, the relaxin is recombinant H2 relaxin. In U.S. Pat. No. 6,251,863; U.S. Pat. No. 6,211,147. related embodiments, the relaxin may be administered daily, in an injectable formulation, as a Sustained release formu 0005 There is a need in the art for methods of increasing lation, or as a contiuous infusion. arterial compliance, and for treating disorders associated with or resulting from reduced arterial compliance. The present invention addresses these needs. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 0011 FIGS. 1A-C depict the percent change from base SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION line for cardiac output (FIG. 1A), heart rate (FIG. 1B), and 0006 The present invention provides methods of treating stroke volume (FIG. 1C) in female rats administered low individuals with diminished arterial compliance an effective dose recombinant human relaxin (rhRLX; 4 ug/h), high dose amount of a formulation comprising a relaxin receptor rhRLX (25 ug/h), or vehicle. agonist. In a preferred embodiment the relaxin receptor 0012 FIGS. 2A-D depict percent change from baseline agonist is a recombinant human relaxin, e.g., human H2 for Systemic vascular resistance (FIG. 2A), mean arterial relaxin. pressure (FIG. 2B), global arterial compliance (FIG. 2C), 0007. In one embodiment of the invention, the invention and ratio of Stroke Volume-to-pulse pressure in female rats provides a method of increasing arterial compliance in a administered low dose rhRLX, high dose rhRLX, or vehicle.
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