\U f I )1 1' The 1 ' Royal Engineers 11 P.4 . r Journal. z ,a 1 0 04 iO\ rl The Quartermaster-General and the Royal Engineers in War Lt.-Gen. Sir Hastings Anderson 1 i i % I The Bridge Problem of the British Army . Capt. C. P. Worsfold 13 Fortifications in 1914-18 . Bt.-Maj. G. I. Thomas 30 1 L.O.X. (The Modern High Explosive) . Col. R. E. M. Russell 43 An Atlantic Liner from the Inside .Lieuts. F. M. Hill and H. E. M. Cotton 59 The Permanent Defences of Shanghai Lieut.-Col. L. E. Barnes 70 A Twentieth-Century Sport . Capt. C. A. de Linde The Forcing of the Save at Schabaz by the Austro-Hungarian Army, August 12th-24th, 1914 . Lt.-Col. Dr. Oskar Regele 78 Suggestions on Preparation for Promotion Examination-Subject (f) ii ,i F. C. C. Bradshaw 90 o1 Lient. Airships and the Empire . Capt. G. MacLeod Ross 99 i;.·9 i- " lex " in the First Plymouth-Santander Race, August, 1929 i Capt. W. G. Fryer 112 The Elizabethan Chronicle Play as War Propaganda . Col. B. R. Ward 122 A Visit to Orakau Battlefield . Lt.-Col. J. E. Duigan 127 iiP Corrections . 131 Memoirs.-Brigadier-General Edward Rowland Bennett Stokes-Roberts, C.B., and Colonel Ralph Pudsay Littledale . 132 Professional Note. Books. Magazines. Correspondence . 142 w I i VOL. XLIV. MARCH, 1930. CHATHAM: THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. I TELEPHONE: CHATHAM, 2669. AGENTS AND PRINTEJIS: M_ACKAYS LTD. i. :· I LONDON: W HIUG REES, LTD., 5, REGENT STREET, S.W.I. i 5 \i: All S.. i j _'' ' _ .. ,.- 9 __ ______ _· _·) I I 99 EXPAMET EXPANDED METAL Specialities "EXPAMET" STEEL SHEET REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE. "EXPAMET" and " BB " LATHINGS FOR PLASTERWORK. "EXMET" REINFORCEMENT FOR BRICKWORK. "EXPAMET" STEEL SHEETS, for Fencing, Openwork Partitions, Machinery Guards, Switchboard Enclosures, Etc. l "RIBMET" FOR CONCRETE AND PLASTERWORK. MILD STEEL WALL-TIES. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE. The EXPANDED METAL Co.,Ltd. __4 Patentees and Manufacturers of Expanded Metal, Engineers for all forms of Reinforced Concrete Work. Burwood House, Caxton Street, London, S.W.1. I Works: West Hartlepool. Established over 30 years. l - I , ADVERTISEMENTS. i. I _ · _I I F]7;·; :* ;: ' Victaulic joints being assembled in a flooded trench-\-ecymouth Section of Victaulic joint- Corporation (Electricity Department). grooved type. Victaulic lines can be laid with rapidity over broken ground The flexibility of the Victaulic self-sealing joint enables it to be laid over all kinds of irregularities, and also allows a line to follow any movement of the ground. Victaulic pipe lines can be laid with extraordinary rapidity, with- out being dependent upon skilled labour for their leak-tightness. Joints, tubing, fittings, valves, etc., for emergency and temporary lines, supplied from stock. Victaulic has for a long time been accepted by the War Depart- ment. THE VICTAULIC COMPANY LIMITED, KINGS BUILDINGS, DEAN STANLEY ST. WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W.1. - - -- - { ii. ADVERTISEMENTS. AV E 'Phone : Gerrard 2740. Tclegran.s : " Regimlenta's, London." ' Orf 5"O 'By appointment to 'By appointment to II.M. the King H.Ml. the King. of Spain. ROGERS & COMPANY (MILITARY OUTFITTERS) LTD. Military and Civilian Tailors. 8, NEW BURLING ON STREET, SAVILE ROW, LONDON, W.1. APPOINTED OUTFITTERS TO THE ROYAL ENGINEERS TRAINING BATTALION, CHATHAM. II----- -- - -------- --- - ---- · MOTOR CARS FOR OFFICERS MAJOR 1). C. G. SIAIIRP, R.A. (Retired), is l'roprietor of the United Service Garages, 6,, ligh Street, l'ortsmouth, and Palmerston Road, Southsea ('phone 2235). Any make of new or used car (ioo in stock) can be purchased on confidential extended terms. A repurchase voucher will be given guarantee- ing to repurchase a new or used car at a definite figure after any given period (minimum, 2 months). A generous allowance will be given for any car in part exchange, valued on the owner's description. An ingenious Free Service scheme for twelve months has been arranged to operate in any part of the U.K. Cars sold at over £50 are guaranteed for one year after purchase. There is a specially-organized " Hire and Drive Yourself" Service at moderate rates. Daily, weekly, or monthly. Send for 32-page brochure, " About a Car." London Office (A. 1.. Houghton, Esq.), 32, Regent House, Regent Street, \V.i. 'I'hone : May£air 4504. - -·1 CARLISLE & GREGSON 5, LEXHAM GARDENS, KENSINGTON, W.8. S'AFF COLLEGES, PROMOTION, ARMY, NAVY AND ROYAL AIR FORCE ENTRANCE EXAMIS. CIVIL SERVICE AND UNIVERSITIES, TERRI- TORIAL ARMY AND SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVE. Tele,-ra77is : - Lexjam, ].-',ns, London.`" Pholle : Western, 1287. Telegrams Lcxjam, J{cns, London. Phone Western, 1257. ADVERTISEMENTS. iii. Ihe Three Essentials A NOTE I. Quality of Cloth TO THOSE II. Skilful Craftsmanship III. Character ABROAD M R. MORRIS claims that his large clientele has been achieved by 30 years' adherence to the factors enumerated above, which, when com- bined, give a result as nearly perfect as is humanly possible. He specially caters for officers requiring dress clothes and mufti. In fact he specializes in these things. Mr. Morris has an attractive offer to place before past and present officers of the R.E. Write to him. Tweed Suitings from 9 Gns. The"CORSTAY" Figure Belt (Reg.) Angola Suirings from ic Gns. Recommended ny the Medical Profes- Worsted Suitings from Ir Gns. sion. Prevents rheumatism, lumbago Dinner Suits from 12 Gns. nd kindred ailments. Reduces the Overcoats from 8 Gns. figure. WVornby the naval and military Riding Breeches from 4i Gns men all over the world. Price 25/- If you arc not coming home, write for patterls. By a special system peculiar to ourselves, and very easy for the client, we are able to obtain a complete out- line of the figure, and this, with the data of measurement, ensures Td2ho: REGENT 0728. Cable : A.B.C Cod a perfect fit. Tolephont: REGENT 0728. Cables: A.B.C. Code. Military Tailors and Outfitters Appointed Tailors to the Royal Engineers Training Battalion, Chatham. LONDON: 4 New Burlington Street, W.i. ALDERSHOT: CAMBERLEY: 29 High Street 1 High Street WOOLWICH: 22A The Common , iv. AD VERTISEMENTS. Work of the Royal Engineers in the European War, 1914-1919. of Royal Engineers, Chatham. For sale in the office of the Secretary, Institution COMPRISING THE FOI.LOWING VOLUMES:- plates. Price i2s. (to members, Bridging.-With 3 maps, 59 photographs and 31 6s.) Price 12s. 6d. (to members, Military Mining.-With 25 photographs and 62 plates 7s. 6d.) and 9 photographs. Work on the Western Front.--Witlh 9 plates Geological los.) Limited to 500 copies. Price 15s. (to members, War, 1914 to 1918, The.-(By special arrangement Signal Service in the European R.E.). With Association) R. E. Priestley, M.c., B.A. (late Major, with the Signals los. 6d.). 2 photos and 20 plates. Price i2s. 6d. (to members, 7s. (to members, 3s. 6d.). Supply of Engineer Stores and Equipment.-F-rice 6 photos, lo plates, and 20 Water Supply (Egypt and Palestine).-WVith 7 maps, sketches in the text. Price 8s. (to members, 5s.). and 41 plates. Price Water Supply (France).--'ith io maps, 37 photographs compendium of the work done in I6s. (to members, Ios.). " A simply invaluable this vital respect on the Western Front."-Spectator. 6 maps and 71 plates. Price Work under the Director of Works (France).-With 21s. (to members, 14s. 6d.). of the Corps, 1914-1918. "Miscellaneous," comprising :-(I) The Organization (4) Concrete Defences and Factories. (2) Engineer Intelligence. (3) Camouflage. (6) Mlachinery, Vorkshops and Electricity. (7) (5) Forward Communications. 0o5 Plates and (8) Anti-Aircraft Searchlights. (9) Schools. With Inundations. plus gd. postage). "A mine of Photographs. Price 20s. (to members, 12s. 6d., interest and value."--The Daily Telegraph. have been Accounts of Foreign Stations.-Tlhe following pamphlets Descriptive is. each:- revised and reprinted and are available, price to members, MIalta, Maouitius, Singapore Bermnuda, Ceylon, Egypt, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, and Sierra Leone. Jamaica (Typescript only). 6d. Notes for Officers Proceeding to India (2s. each). of copies of this Report of German Defences near Lille.-A limited number Studies photos) are available B. T. Wilson, D.s.o. (with 35 maps and plans and 24 by :Major to the Secretary. The price of for free issue to those members who apply for them the Report to the general public is five shillings. to 1918.-By Major- Outline of the Egyptian and Palestine Campaigns, 1914 An C.B1., C.M.G., D.S.O., p.S.C., late R.E. Sir M. G. E. BIowman-Manifold, K:B.E., s General Price 4 . 6d. Sixth Edition, 1928. With 17 ma,s and sketches. Whit- Corps of Royal Engineers.-\Vcls. I and II, by Major-General History of the X.C.MIG.., C.., M.A., Porter, R.E. Vol. IIT, by Colonel Sir CharlesM1. Watson, worth 6d.). late R.E. Three Vols. £I los. (to members, i2s. Brig.-General W. Baker History of Submarine Mining in the British Army.-By Brown, c.B. Price 5s. (to members, 3s. 4 d.). Kerr, D.S.O., I.C., R.E. (with A History of R.E. Cricket.-By Captain R. S. Rait 8 plates). Price 3s. 4 d. post free. M1.R. Caldwell, R.E. of the 12th Company, Royal Engineers.-By Lieut. History free. (Illustrated). Price 7s. Sd. (to R.E.s 3s. 2d.) post Royal Engineers.-Price 5s. (post " 65 R.E." History of the 65th Company, free 55. d.). 4 and Miners.-By of the 20th (Field) Company, Royal Bombay Sappers History 2s., post free. MSajor H. W. R. Hamilton, I.s.o., ni.c., R.E. Price Sir Charles Close, :.B.E., The Early Years of the Ordnance Survey.-By Colonel 6s.
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